After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

If a civil war starts, and I think that is a big "IF", it will be ugly and bloody.

But the post civil war will look much like it looks now, with a slightly smaller population, and horrific damage to both the physical infrastructure and the mental health of the people.

Plus, and I truly believe this, the 2nd amendment drastically changed to avoid a future civil war.
It's not the guns that are causing this.
The Civil War of the 1860's put the federal government in charge and the federal government has all the guns so there won't be a 2nd civil war. The notion of having to display a passport to get into New York State is intriguing however.
Forget about the blue states starving out the red states. The red states grow the food. Freed of federal restrictions food production would explode. Control over the ports would be balanced by control of the interior rail lines.

Major cities have ports, rail and air ports

They have access to food shipped in from around the world and the money to pay for it
First thing Blue areas would do is freeze the financial assets of the Red areas
This is what will happen

North Carolina town watched live online as a bulldozer pushed down its Confederate monument. Mondale Robinson, the mayor of Enfield, North Carolina, took to Facebook to share a livestream as a Confederate monument in the town’s Randolph Park was demolished by a bulldozer on Sunday, Aug. 21. “Yes, sirs! Death to the Confederacy around here,” Robinson said in the video as a bulldozer knocked the monument over. “Not in my town. Not on my watch.”

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Every one starves idiot. The areas that produce the food will be scorched. Day one bridges are taken out, electric production is taken out. Day two water and sewer is obliterated, cell phone towers are destroyed, broad spectrum radio jammer are deployed Day three rail road tracks are destroyed, concrete box culverts are destroyed. Day four fields are burning. Every one dies. What a bunch of stooges. How long till chemical and biological weapons are deployed. Day five Russia and China are at the front door to Europe nukes fly. Game the fuck over the hairless ape is history except some ultra important gov officials that are hiding in bunkers and they die slow.
Amazing how close we are to Armageddon isn’t it.
That makes us even less reachable. I would prefer the city people not be able to leave. Or die trying to walk out here.
No. YOU will be out of gas. Most functioning refineries are in or near metros. Same for the oilfield service plants. Have fun with that Amish lifestyle.
Amazing how close we are to Armageddon isn’t it.
Yep, I have lived a full life but I want my grandchildren to get a chance to be cool, hang with friends, have first love, have first car, and all that good other stuff. My daughter was supposed to bring my grandchildren up for a week of vacation this week. Then she came down with the covid. I was so looking forward to giving my grandchildren their first ride on a boat. My grandson just turned three. Very likely he would have caught his first perch. Granddaughter isn't walking yet but you can see it in her eyes she is observing everything. The events we go to she can't yet partake in much but throws a fit when it is time to leave. You can tell she is storing all she sees in her mind for when she has the motor skills to actually get involved in the activity. At least I got to take her for her first zoo trip. Sure do hope that boat trip happens. The way things are going not sure it does. Time to wake the fuck up. The US goes down so does the whole world.
No disaster aid, no rebuild loans for Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, the Carolinas.

How are you going to stop all those evilz illegal brown people?

No federal highway money. No privacy rights.

What if Cuba invades? Russia?
No. YOU will be out of gas. Most functioning refineries are in or near metros. Same for the oilfield service plants. Have fun with that Amish lifestyle.
There are very few refineries in big cities. But none of the crude comes from there. Once that runs out…
Every one starves idiot. The areas that produce the food will be scorched. Day one bridges are taken out, electric production is taken out. Day two water and sewer is obliterated, cell phone towers are destroyed, broad spectrum radio jammer are deployed Day three rail road tracks are destroyed, concrete box culverts are destroyed. Day four fields are burning. Every one dies. What a bunch of stooges. How long till chemical and biological weapons are deployed. Day five Russia and China are at the front door to Europe nukes fly. Game the fuck over the hairless ape is history except some ultra important gov officials that are hiding in bunkers and they die slow.
Major cities have ports, rail and air ports

They have access to food shipped in from around the world and the money to pay for it
First thing Blue areas would do is freeze the financial assets of the Red areas
They would nit be able to do that because there would be no federal money. The dollar would be worthless paper. The banking would be under each state. California would have no luck freezing the assets of the bank of Texas.
Our ag areas don't need food shipped in from around the world. They can do quite well living on what they produce.

The mistake the left makes is in imagining the breakup of the United States like some sort of Civil War rerun with an intact federal government in charge. No. No one is in charge. The states would be setting up their own governments, finances, trade and treaty agreements. The United States as a nation would no longer exist.
They would nit be able to do that because there would be no federal money. The dollar would be worthless paper. The banking would be under each state. California would have no luck freezing the assets of the bank of Texas.
Our ag areas don't need food shipped in from around the world. They can do quite well living on what they produce.

The mistake the left makes is in imagining the breakup of the United States like some sort of Civil War rerun with an intact federal government in charge. No. No one is in charge. The states would be setting up their own governments, finances, trade and treaty agreements. The United States as a nation would no longer exist.
Mark my words the world would 🔥. No states left just a scorched earth.

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