After Civil War, What would the 2 Americas Look Like?

Theoretical, for sure, but geographically what would a divided America look like? Slivers on the Northeastern seaboard on the left coast are a given, but what of isolated cities/shitholes that dot the vast expanses in between?

What of citizenship or exchange of populations? Would a perforated country be sustainable and could the rural and urban areas function independently?

It may seem alarmist, but there cannot be much doubt that with the persecution of the leader of a great deal of the country, this could come to pass.
It would pretty much look like what it looks like right now. Cuck whites on the right don't have enough political or physical support to manage division. That requires a little more mental capability. The most they can manage is subtraction and by that I mean they can either trot out to attack the FBI one by one and get put down like the cosplayers they are. Or, they can get rounded up and sent to prison when the FBI inevitably infiltrates their illiberal plots. 😄
Show us where of the US had titled to that property. Otherwise go fuck yourself.

Occupying it was an act of war.
"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.

Suck this, loser...

Yeah, read the last paragraph, fucktard.

There would be 4 Variations ( One like Redding Ca. or Laramie ) ( One like a variation of Portland or Seattle and Austin Texas) ( One like Camden NJ ) ( One like Oakland or Tampa )
Urban areas have the ports, they have the airports, they have the rail hubs, they have the banks

Rural areas would starve

But where does the food that ships through those cities come from? Food may not ever show up to those ports and rail hubs
Theoretical, for sure, but geographically what would a divided America look like? Slivers on the Northeastern seaboard on the left coast are a given, but what of isolated cities/shitholes that dot the vast expanses in between?

What of citizenship or exchange of populations? Would a perforated country be sustainable and could the rural and urban areas function independently?

It may seem alarmist, but there cannot be much doubt that with the persecution of the leader of a great deal of the country, this could come to pass.
A traditional "civil war" with boundaries such as the North and South just isn't a reality. The fact is, we are already in a civil war and have been for a while. Both sides declare after winning elections 50.1% to 49.9% that they have a mandate to cram their values down the 100% and have tried everything they can to further their power so they can never lose again.

It is politicians who are on the front lines fighting this war and they will use their legitimate powers from winning elections to achieve complete and total power over everything and everyone, using the democratic process. We aren't too awfully far away from either party controlling the presidency, the Senate, and the House to such a degree that they can, democratically, claim total power and pass laws making it impossible for the minority party to ever have power again.

The left accuse the right of this and the right accuse the left of this but the truth is, both parties are trying to do this because they have already determined that working together and compromising with the other side just isn't possible. To the winner goes the spoils. It is a race to finish line to see which party can get enough control to democratically turn our country into a dictatorship.
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Playing at refighting the last war guarantees you won't recognize when you are in the next one. The alarm bells should be ringing off the wall at symptoms of dissolution become more and more apparent. The idiots are waiting for Ft. Sumpter to be fired upon.
Why? Could you expand on that thought, rationally? 😄

Also, I'm Black and Asian. 😝
Are you trying to say that because you're part "Asian" you are not part of the stupidest demographic in the world?

There is a world of difference in Asia itself. Not only people of sub-Saharan African origin have low-IQ people, although they are indeed the lowest.
A traditional "civil war" with boundaries such as the North and South just isn't a reality. The fact is, we are already in a civil war and have been for a while. Both sides declare after winning elections 50.1% to 49.9% that they have a mandate to cram their values down the 100% and have tried everything they can to further their power so they can never lose again.

It is politicians who are on the front lines fighting this war and they will use their legitimate powers from winning elections to achieve complete and total power over everything and everyone, using the democratic process. We aren't too awfully far away from either party controlling the presidency, the Senate, and the House to such a degree that they can, democratically, claim total power and pass laws making it impossible for the minority party to ever have power again.

The left accuse the right of this and the right accuse the left of this but the truth is, both parties are trying to do this because they have already determined that working together and compromising with the other side just isn't possible. To the winner goes the spoils. It is a race to finish line to see which party can get enough control to democratically turn our country into a dictatorship.
It is really more than a civil war. This is the dissolution of our civilization. The breakdown of civil society should be a clue. Not just the amount of crime but the increasing cruelty and wantonness of that crime, and the lack of penalty.
Are you trying to say that because you're part "Asian" you are not part of the stupidest demographic in the world?

There is a world of difference in Asia itself. Not only people of sub-Saharan African origin have low-IQ people, although they are indeed the lowest.
Those are averages you dip shit. It doesn't mean every white is smarter than every black person nor does it mean intelligence is inate to race rather than being largely environmental. Of course you're not smart enough to sus that out. 😄
Those are averages you dip shit. It doesn't mean every white is smarter than every black person nor does it mean intelligence is inate to race rather than being largely environmental. Of course you're not smart enough to sus that out. 😄
No, we're talking about standards here, By any objective standard, blacks are socio-economically at the bottom rung anywhere they are to be found.

Claiming that you are part Asian is like Pocahontas claiming to be American Indian and thus entitled to minority special treatment, as you claim to be more intelligent than average sub-Saharans.

Stupid is as stupid does.
No, we're talking about standards here, By any objective standard, blacks are socio-economically at the bottom rung anywhere they are to be found.

Claiming that you are part Asian is like Pocahontas claiming to be American Indian and thus entitled to minority special treatment, as you claim to be more intelligent than average sub-Saharans.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Aren't you a foreign devil posting from a crappy European country? What is it about 9.00 PM there? Another person with no girlfriend.
No, we're talking about standards here, By any objective standard, blacks are socio-economically at the bottom rung anywhere they are to be found.
Which doesn't mean you, by virtue of being white, are any smarter or better off than every black person. 😄

There are wealthy and intelligent black people and poor and stupid white ones.
Claiming that you are part Asian is like Pocahontas claiming to be American Indian and thus entitled to minority special treatment, as you claim to be more intelligent than average sub-Saharans.
No, it's me relaying to you a fact. It's a fact that I'm part Asian. I'm not saying being Asian makes me inherently smarter than anyone. That would be stupid. 😉
Stupid is as stupid does.
It certainly is. 😄
Which doesn't mean you, by virtue of being white, are any smarter or better off than every black person. 😄

There are wealthy and intelligent black people and poor and stupid white ones.

No, it's me relaying to you a fact. It's a fact that I'm part Asian. I'm not saying being Asian makes me inherently smarter than anyone. That would be stupid. 😉

It certainly is. 😄
Certainly. It's covered in "The Bell Curve". As I said, we're talking about standards here and why blacks are failures globally. That they are so collectively is not something I thought needed to be pointed out.
Certainly. It's covered in "The Bell Curve". As I said, we're talking about standards here and why blacks are failures globally. That they are so collectively is not something I thought needed to be pointed out.
And the Flynn affect and the closing of IQ gaps between blacks and whites between the 1970s to 2002 points towards this difference being environmental. The socio-economic position most black people and black nations are in are vestiges of white brutality, not black inadequacy.
And the Flynn affect and the closing of IQ gaps between blacks and whites between the 1970s to 2002 points towards this difference being environmental. The socio-economic position most black people and black nations are in are vestiges of white brutality, not black inadequacy.
We're probably both to old for this tired shit. If you wish, whites made blacks stupid, whatever that means.

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