After Trump, Then Who??

Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

As much as it may be fun to believe Trump can declare himself dictator and be president for life like he praised the communist guy in China for doing -- the truth is, the republicans will have to pick someone else after Trump if he loses or finishes a second term....but who will it be?
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"As you can see, Vice President Mike Pence tops the list, followed by the guy who just posted this picture, featuring an apparent line drawing of Hillary Clinton behind bars and other controversial symbology — “I honestly think Don Jr. or Ivanka will be the nominee in 2024,” Wilson said in the interview. 'Because the party doesn’t care about any of the issues that used to drive the party. Now they care about Trump' a republican strategist said."

Let's remember, the only reason Trump began to pick up any real relevance as a presidential candidate was the minute he hopped on the racist birther conspiracy; including lying and saying he hired investigators and they had found explosive evidence -- and then nothing else was said about it...ever.. -- something that you would think would end any normal candidates career....but not Trump...

Then Trump solidified his cult leader status when he called Mexicans mostly rapists and murderers (and some I assume, are not rapist and murderers) -- and also claiming a Hispanic judge couldn't do his job properly, because of course, he is Hispanic.. something even Paul Ryan called a textbook definition of racism...again, that would sink a normal candidates career -- but not Trump...

Trump showed himself willing to blow the dog whistles of racism, xenophobia and bigotry -- in a way that republican voters hated McCain and Romney for not doing enough of....When that woman at McCain's townhall called Obama a muslim, McCain corrected her -- that level of pushback will NEVER HAPPEN with a republican candidate now...These Trump voters didn't appear out of thin air -- the last 30 years of republican politics enabled a Trump -- but after Trump, you can't go back -- you would need someone who can come in and be Trump-like or hit the same dog whistle frequencies that base republican voters crave -- but who will it be?? Trump Jr? Ivanka? Pence? Ted Nugent?

Notice that not one time did I have to mention policy because majority of Trumpers could care less about policies -- just make sure you demonize the people they hate and they will overlook any policy decision you make -- most of Trump's policies are the same ole same ole policies that Bush passed, McCain would have passed and Romney would have passed -- just without the blatantly trying to appease racists part....
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.

You live in a really strange world.
Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

As much as it may be fun to believe Trump can declare himself dictator and be president for life like he praised the communist guy in China for doing -- the truth is, the republicans will have to pick someone else after Trump if he loses or finishes a second term....but who will it be?
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"As you can see, Vice President Mike Pence tops the list, followed by the guy who just posted this picture, featuring an apparent line drawing of Hillary Clinton behind bars and other controversial symbology — “I honestly think Don Jr. or Ivanka will be the nominee in 2024,” Wilson said in the interview. 'Because the party doesn’t care about any of the issues that used to drive the party. Now they care about Trump' a republican strategist said."

Let's remember, the only reason Trump began to pick up any real relevance as a presidential candidate was the minute he hopped on the racist birther conspiracy; including lying and saying he hired investigators and they had found explosive evidence -- and then nothing else was said about it...ever.. -- something that you would think would end any normal candidates career....but not Trump...

Then Trump solidified his cult leader status when he called Mexicans mostly rapists and murderers (and some I assume, are not rapist and murderers) -- and also claiming a Hispanic judge couldn't do his job properly, because of course, he is Hispanic.. something even Paul Ryan called a textbook definition of racism...again, that would sink a normal candidates career -- but not Trump...

Trump showed himself willing to blow the dog whistles of racism, xenophobia and bigotry -- in a way that republican voters hated McCain and Romney for not doing enough of....When that woman at McCain's townhall called Obama a muslim, McCain corrected her -- that level of pushback will NEVER HAPPEN with a republican candidate now...These Trump voters didn't appear out of thin air -- the last 30 years of republican politics enabled a Trump -- but after Trump, you can't go back -- you would need someone who can come in and be Trump-like or hit the same dog whistle frequencies that base republican voters crave -- but who will it be?? Trump Jr? Ivanka? Pence? Ted Nugent?

Notice that not one time did I have to mention policy because majority of Trumpers could care less about policies -- just make sure you demonize the people they hate and they will overlook any policy decision you make -- most of Trump's policies are the same ole same ole policies that Bush passed, McCain would have passed and Romney would have passed -- just without the blatantly trying to appease racists part....
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.
And THIS stupidity and elitism is why you'll continue to lose

When it comes to elite racist homophobic religious nuts, you can't get much more elite than the altRight. They publicly declare that they are proud to be a key part of his core constituency. Very fine people according to Trump.
Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

As much as it may be fun to believe Trump can declare himself dictator and be president for life like he praised the communist guy in China for doing -- the truth is, the republicans will have to pick someone else after Trump if he loses or finishes a second term....but who will it be?
View attachment 303649

"As you can see, Vice President Mike Pence tops the list, followed by the guy who just posted this picture, featuring an apparent line drawing of Hillary Clinton behind bars and other controversial symbology — “I honestly think Don Jr. or Ivanka will be the nominee in 2024,” Wilson said in the interview. 'Because the party doesn’t care about any of the issues that used to drive the party. Now they care about Trump' a republican strategist said."

Let's remember, the only reason Trump began to pick up any real relevance as a presidential candidate was the minute he hopped on the racist birther conspiracy; including lying and saying he hired investigators and they had found explosive evidence -- and then nothing else was said about it...ever.. -- something that you would think would end any normal candidates career....but not Trump...

Then Trump solidified his cult leader status when he called Mexicans mostly rapists and murderers (and some I assume, are not rapist and murderers) -- and also claiming a Hispanic judge couldn't do his job properly, because of course, he is Hispanic.. something even Paul Ryan called a textbook definition of racism...again, that would sink a normal candidates career -- but not Trump...

Trump showed himself willing to blow the dog whistles of racism, xenophobia and bigotry -- in a way that republican voters hated McCain and Romney for not doing enough of....When that woman at McCain's townhall called Obama a muslim, McCain corrected her -- that level of pushback will NEVER HAPPEN with a republican candidate now...These Trump voters didn't appear out of thin air -- the last 30 years of republican politics enabled a Trump -- but after Trump, you can't go back -- you would need someone who can come in and be Trump-like or hit the same dog whistle frequencies that base republican voters crave -- but who will it be?? Trump Jr? Ivanka? Pence? Ted Nugent?

Notice that not one time did I have to mention policy because majority of Trumpers could care less about policies -- just make sure you demonize the people they hate and they will overlook any policy decision you make -- most of Trump's policies are the same ole same ole policies that Bush passed, McCain would have passed and Romney would have passed -- just without the blatantly trying to appease racists part....
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.

You live in a really strange world.

Much stranger since that obese orange fool became president.
1. The "dictator" thing was a joke. It is sad you are still hung up on it. Try to be less pathetic.

2. Kind of early to pick the next one. When the time comes we will see what they have to say. Assuming a second Trump term, the VP is almost always the front runner at that point.

3. Your race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole. The Birther Movement was not racist. YOu are an asshole. Did I mention you are an asshole?
Trump's defense team basically said that you can't impeach any president.

So Trump is a dictator with term limits. He can do what he wants & Congress no longert can stop him..

Sorry but birtherism is racist.
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.

You live in a really strange world.

Much stranger since that obese orange fool became president.

The freakishness was always present in the left's minds. Trump just forced them to rip off their masks and expose what they really are.
Republicans pick favorite candidates for 2024 election: more Trumps

As much as it may be fun to believe Trump can declare himself dictator and be president for life like he praised the communist guy in China for doing -- the truth is, the republicans will have to pick someone else after Trump if he loses or finishes a second term....but who will it be?
View attachment 303649

"As you can see, Vice President Mike Pence tops the list, followed by the guy who just posted this picture, featuring an apparent line drawing of Hillary Clinton behind bars and other controversial symbology — “I honestly think Don Jr. or Ivanka will be the nominee in 2024,” Wilson said in the interview. 'Because the party doesn’t care about any of the issues that used to drive the party. Now they care about Trump' a republican strategist said."

Let's remember, the only reason Trump began to pick up any real relevance as a presidential candidate was the minute he hopped on the racist birther conspiracy; including lying and saying he hired investigators and they had found explosive evidence -- and then nothing else was said about it...ever.. -- something that you would think would end any normal candidates career....but not Trump...

Then Trump solidified his cult leader status when he called Mexicans mostly rapists and murderers (and some I assume, are not rapist and murderers) -- and also claiming a Hispanic judge couldn't do his job properly, because of course, he is Hispanic.. something even Paul Ryan called a textbook definition of racism...again, that would sink a normal candidates career -- but not Trump...

Trump showed himself willing to blow the dog whistles of racism, xenophobia and bigotry -- in a way that republican voters hated McCain and Romney for not doing enough of....When that woman at McCain's townhall called Obama a muslim, McCain corrected her -- that level of pushback will NEVER HAPPEN with a republican candidate now...These Trump voters didn't appear out of thin air -- the last 30 years of republican politics enabled a Trump -- but after Trump, you can't go back -- you would need someone who can come in and be Trump-like or hit the same dog whistle frequencies that base republican voters crave -- but who will it be?? Trump Jr? Ivanka? Pence? Ted Nugent?

Notice that not one time did I have to mention policy because majority of Trumpers could care less about policies -- just make sure you demonize the people they hate and they will overlook any policy decision you make -- most of Trump's policies are the same ole same ole policies that Bush passed, McCain would have passed and Romney would have passed -- just without the blatantly trying to appease racists part....
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.
You should cling to that illusion cause its all you have to keep going
Trump's defense team basically said that you can't impeach any president.

So Trump is a dictator with term limits. He can do what he wants & Congress no longert can stop him..

Sorry but birtherism is racist.
No, Trump's team did not say any such of a thing.

That's why you won't post a link and quote proving me wrong. Because you can't.

Game, Set, Match.
1. The "dictator" thing was a joke. It is sad you are still hung up on it. Try to be less pathetic.

2. Kind of early to pick the next one. When the time comes we will see what they have to say. Assuming a second Trump term, the VP is almost always the front runner at that point.

3. Your race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole. The Birther Movement was not racist. YOu are an asshole. Did I mention you are an asshole?
Yes, the birther movement was racist...…

Funny how the main candidates that ran for office who WERE NOT BORN IN THE US were republican candidates....McCain...Ted Cruz....and I don't think anyone demanded to see Trump's birth certificate...his whiteness was proof enough..

Even tho Trump is the same moron who lied and said his father was born in Germany...multiple times...and you dic suckers didn't say a fuk you...

Donald Trump wrongly claims his father was born in Germany – again
Libs typically play the race card against anyone who disagrees with them on any subject

and biff is no exception

the next republican candidate for president is going to look like a boring wall flower compared to trump

he will have to be a very exceptional person

Exactly. How could anyone top what Trump has accomplished?
We dont know how the next repub will govern

If he is not an establishment swamp rat there is hope that he will continue trump policies

but first he has to get elected

and trump has raised the bar pretty high when it comes to connecting with voters and getting them excited

Yes. Before Trump, the racist homophobic religious nuts were a mostly underutilized constituency. Trump changed all that.
And THIS stupidity and elitism is why you'll continue to lose

When it comes to elite racist homophobic religious nuts, you can't get much more elite than the altRight. They publicly declare that they are proud to be a key part of his core constituency. Very fine people according to Trump.
As I told the angry black guy on another thread, liberals are only comfortable with other guilt-ridden white libs that make excuses for minority failure

Trump conservatives get along fine with their fellow black conservatives because we only care about merit instead of the liberal fixation on skin color
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1. The "dictator" thing was a joke. It is sad you are still hung up on it. Try to be less pathetic.

2. Kind of early to pick the next one. When the time comes we will see what they have to say. Assuming a second Trump term, the VP is almost always the front runner at that point.

3. Your race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole. The Birther Movement was not racist. YOu are an asshole. Did I mention you are an asshole?
Yes, the birther movement was racist...…

Funny how the main candidates that ran for office who WERE NOT BORN IN THE US were republican candidates....McCain...Ted Cruz....and I don't think anyone demanded to see Trump's birth certificate...his whiteness was proof enough..

Even tho Trump is the same moron who lied and said his father was born in Germany...multiple times...and you dic suckers didn't say a fuk you...

Donald Trump wrongly claims his father was born in Germany – again
Libs are lazy and expect special treatment for their democrat minority voters
Another post from
'Bell Curve Biff'
Look around 'BCB'. There might be other places you'd feel more at home.

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