Again Nancy Pelosi has no right to launch an impeachment investigation, only the house can do that

She said she did, but she never did it as a formal inquiry requires a vote

Play on, if there is a vote the gop calls Biden


Do it

Above is what passes for Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia".....Trump DOES love the poorly educated....His base.
peLousy is a joke!

a stupid joke....

go bake cookies for your grand children woman!!!!!!!!!!

get out of public life, for Heaven's sake


She is so old, her grandchildren are grandparents by now!

It's not the fact she is old, people can be old and smart

It's a matter of stupidity!

And oh boy! she is stupid.
Let's cut straight to the source. This is from the House Parliamentarians' "House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House" for the 115th Congress (the most recent available), pp. 614-615, available at this link.

B. Procedure in the House

§ 6. In General; Initiation and Referral of Charges


Under the modern practice, an impeachment is normally instituted by the House by the adoption of a resolution calling for a committee investigation of charges against the officer in question. This committee may, after investigation, recommend the dismissal of charges or it may recommend impeachment. Impeachment—Selected Materials, Committee on the Judiciary, H. Doc. No. 93-7, Oct. 1973, p 699. A resolution recommending impeachment is reported to the House simultaneously with the articles of impeachment setting forth the grounds for the proposed action. § 8, infra. Following the adoption of a resolution to impeach, the House appoints managers to conduct the impeachment trial in the Senate. The Senate is then informed of these facts by resolution. Manual § 607; Deschler Ch 14 § 9. When this resolution reaches the Senate, the Senate advises the House as to when the Senate will receive the managers appointed by the House. The managers then present themselves and the impeachment articles to the Senate, the House reserving the right to file additional articles later. Manual § 608a; Deschler Ch 14 §§ 10, 11.

Initiation of Charges

In most cases, impeachment proceedings in the House have been initiated either by introducing a resolution of impeachment through the hopper or by offering a resolution of impeachment on the floor as a question of the privileges of the House. Manual § 603; Deschler Ch 14 § 5.

In the House, various events have been credited with setting an impeachment in motion, including:
- Charges initiated by a petition from one or more citizens and referred to committee. 3 Hinds §§ 2364, 2491, 2494.
- Charges transmitted in a message from the President. 3 Hinds §§ 2294, 2319; 6 Cannon § 498.
- Charges transmitted from the legislature of a state. 3 Hinds § 2469.
- Charges arising from a grand jury investigation. 3 Hinds § 2488.
- Charges arising from an independent counsel investigation under section 595(c) of title 28, United States Code. Manual § 603.

In the 93d Congress, Vice President Agnew used a letter to the Speaker to attempt to initiate an investigation by the House of charges against him of possible impeachable offenses, but the House took no action on the request. Manual § 603.

In the 105th Congress, an independent counsel transmitted to the House under section 593 of title 28, United States Code, a communication containing evidence of alleged impeachable offenses by President William J. Clinton. The House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on Rules referring the communication to the Committee on the Judiciary, immediately releasing portions to the public, restricting Members’ access to the communication, and restricting access to committee meetings and hearings on the communication. Later, the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on the Judiciary authorizing an impeachment inquiry by that committee. Manual § 603.

Referral to Committee

Resolutions introduced through the hopper that directly call for an impeachment are referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, whereas resolutions merely calling for a committee investigation with a view toward impeachment are referred to the Committee on Rules. Deschler Ch 14 §§ 5.10, 5.11. In the 105th Congress the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on Rules referring a communication from an independent counsel alleging certain impeachable offenses against President William J. Clinton to the Committee on the Judiciary. Later, the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on the Judiciary authorizing an impeachment inquiry by that committee. Manual § 603.

All impeachments to reach the Senate since 1900 have been based on resolutions reported by the Committee on the Judiciary. Before that committee’s creation in 1813, impeachments were referred to a special committee for investigation. Manual § 603; 6 Cannon § 657ohasn't impeached; she has only called for the investigation (which was actually already going on). They'll do all of the investigation, and then there will be a House-wide vote on whether to impeach. That comes later.
I suggest you read Ben Franklin's notes on impeachment in the Federalist papers.. they purposely wrote the Constitution so it demanded a vote of the house to even start these proceedings.
Ben Franklin didn't write the Federalist Papers.

But more to the point, it doesn't say that - or at least as far as I know. If you can point me to the passage, I would love to read it.

I mean, I just linked the entire section in the official House rules right above. It's even quoted in this very message. It spells out multiple ways that the proceedings start. You can read the whole thing.
She said she did, but she never did it as a formal inquiry requires a vote

Play on, if there is a vote the gop calls Biden


Do it

Above is what passes for Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia".....Trump DOES love the poorly educated....His base.
Your the one who is poorly educated. The Founding fathers made sure that the power of impeachment rests solely in the House Of Representatives... And without the house voting no one has any authority to begin an inquiry... You people are now totally fucked..
Let's cut straight to the source. This is from the House Parliamentarians' "House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House" for the 115th Congress (the most recent available), pp. 614-615, available at this link.

B. Procedure in the House

§ 6. In General; Initiation and Referral of Charges


Under the modern practice, an impeachment is normally instituted by the House by the adoption of a resolution calling for a committee investigation of charges against the officer in question. This committee may, after investigation, recommend the dismissal of charges or it may recommend impeachment. Impeachment—Selected Materials, Committee on the Judiciary, H. Doc. No. 93-7, Oct. 1973, p 699. A resolution recommending impeachment is reported to the House simultaneously with the articles of impeachment setting forth the grounds for the proposed action. § 8, infra. Following the adoption of a resolution to impeach, the House appoints managers to conduct the impeachment trial in the Senate. The Senate is then informed of these facts by resolution. Manual § 607; Deschler Ch 14 § 9. When this resolution reaches the Senate, the Senate advises the House as to when the Senate will receive the managers appointed by the House. The managers then present themselves and the impeachment articles to the Senate, the House reserving the right to file additional articles later. Manual § 608a; Deschler Ch 14 §§ 10, 11.

Initiation of Charges

In most cases, impeachment proceedings in the House have been initiated either by introducing a resolution of impeachment through the hopper or by offering a resolution of impeachment on the floor as a question of the privileges of the House. Manual § 603; Deschler Ch 14 § 5.

In the House, various events have been credited with setting an impeachment in motion, including:
- Charges initiated by a petition from one or more citizens and referred to committee. 3 Hinds §§ 2364, 2491, 2494.
- Charges transmitted in a message from the President. 3 Hinds §§ 2294, 2319; 6 Cannon § 498.
- Charges transmitted from the legislature of a state. 3 Hinds § 2469.
- Charges arising from a grand jury investigation. 3 Hinds § 2488.
- Charges arising from an independent counsel investigation under section 595(c) of title 28, United States Code. Manual § 603.

In the 93d Congress, Vice President Agnew used a letter to the Speaker to attempt to initiate an investigation by the House of charges against him of possible impeachable offenses, but the House took no action on the request. Manual § 603.

In the 105th Congress, an independent counsel transmitted to the House under section 593 of title 28, United States Code, a communication containing evidence of alleged impeachable offenses by President William J. Clinton. The House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on Rules referring the communication to the Committee on the Judiciary, immediately releasing portions to the public, restricting Members’ access to the communication, and restricting access to committee meetings and hearings on the communication. Later, the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on the Judiciary authorizing an impeachment inquiry by that committee. Manual § 603.

Referral to Committee

Resolutions introduced through the hopper that directly call for an impeachment are referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, whereas resolutions merely calling for a committee investigation with a view toward impeachment are referred to the Committee on Rules. Deschler Ch 14 §§ 5.10, 5.11. In the 105th Congress the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on Rules referring a communication from an independent counsel alleging certain impeachable offenses against President William J. Clinton to the Committee on the Judiciary. Later, the House adopted a privileged resolution reported by the Committee on the Judiciary authorizing an impeachment inquiry by that committee. Manual § 603.

All impeachments to reach the Senate since 1900 have been based on resolutions reported by the Committee on the Judiciary. Before that committee’s creation in 1813, impeachments were referred to a special committee for investigation. Manual § 603; 6 Cannon § 657ohasn't impeached; she has only called for the investigation (which was actually already going on). They'll do all of the investigation, and then there will be a House-wide vote on whether to impeach. That comes later.
I suggest you read Ben Franklin's notes on impeachment in the Federalist papers.. they purposely wrote the Constitution so it demanded a vote of the house to even start these proceedings.
Ben Franklin didn't write the Federalist Papers.

But more to the point, it doesn't say that - or at least as far as I know. If you can point me to the passage, I would love to read it.

I mean, I just linked the entire section in the official House rules right above. It's even quoted in this very message. It spells out multiple ways that the proceedings start. You can read the whole thing.
Ben contributed.. there are several articles explaining this.
Let's cut straight to the source. This is from the House Parliamentarians' "House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents, and Procedures of the House" for the 115th Congress (the most recent available), pp. 614-615, available at this link.
I suggest you read Ben Franklin's notes on impeachment in the Federalist papers.. they purposely wrote the Constitution so it demanded a vote of the house to even start these proceedings.
Ben Franklin didn't write the Federalist Papers.

But more to the point, it doesn't say that - or at least as far as I know. If you can point me to the passage, I would love to read it.

I mean, I just linked the entire section in the official House rules right above. It's even quoted in this very message. It spells out multiple ways that the proceedings start. You can read the whole thing.
Ben contributed.. there are several articles explaining this.
I have never heard that. He was quite sick and old by the time they were written, so I would be interested in reading the articles. Link me?
She said she did, but she never did it as a formal inquiry requires a vote

Play on, if there is a vote the gop calls Biden


Do it

Above is what passes for Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia".....Trump DOES love the poorly educated....His base.
Your the one who is poorly educated. The Founding fathers made sure that the power of impeachment rests solely in the House Of Representatives... And without the house voting no one has any authority to begin an inquiry... You people are now totally fucked..
You realize that we are talking about the House right?

How they begin that impeachment is up to them
She said she did, but she never did it as a formal inquiry requires a vote

Play on, if there is a vote the gop calls Biden


Do it

Above is what passes for Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia".....Trump DOES love the poorly educated....His base.
Your the one who is poorly educated. The Founding fathers made sure that the power of impeachment rests solely in the House Of Representatives... And without the house voting no one has any authority to begin an inquiry... You people are now totally fucked..
You realize that we are talking about the House right?

How they begin that impeachment is up to them
Nope impeachment must follow the law
She said she did, but she never did it as a formal inquiry requires a vote

Play on, if there is a vote the gop calls Biden


Do it

Above is what passes for Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia".....Trump DOES love the poorly educated....His base.
Your the one who is poorly educated. The Founding fathers made sure that the power of impeachment rests solely in the House Of Representatives... And without the house voting no one has any authority to begin an inquiry... You people are now totally fucked..
You realize that we are talking about the House right?

How they begin that impeachment is up to them
No it is not up to Nancy... Read the Constitution. The verbiage is clear. The House must approve the impeachment inquiry by vote of the HOUSE not by fiat of the speaker.

Article 1, Section Two;
"The House of Representatives......... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It was written this way so that no one person could launch an impeachment inquiry or process without the consent of the full house. Note that this is not ambiguous and very clearly written.
Which means there must be a vote.

Source Ken Star Fox news.

Prove me and Ken wrong kiddies
You're wrong. She needs a vote to start an impeachment, not an investigation.
And with out that vote the President can simply REFUSE to cooperate.As can the Executive Branch.
Hang on to your hat.... Trump's leagal team appears to be going after Pelosie for not following the Constitution and depriving him of his right to subpoenas and to prepare a defense in the House. Looks like were going to the SCOTUS in an emergency appeal on constitutional grounds...


The only way she can avoid this is to have a vote in the House....
Which means there must be a vote.

Source Ken Star Fox news.

Prove me and Ken wrong kiddies
You're wrong. She needs a vote to start an impeachment, not an investigation.
And with out that vote the President can simply REFUSE to cooperate.As can the Executive Branch.
Hang on to your hat.... Trump's leagal team appears to be going after Pelosie for not following the Constitution and depriving him of his right to subpoenas and to prepare a defense in the House. Looks like were going to the SCOTUS in an emergency appeal on constitutional grounds...

View attachment 282826

The only way she can avoid this is to have a vote in the House....
She can not have a vote because 2 bidens would be called to testify.

Seriously the whistleblower is Trumps troller as Schiff was already trolled by Russian pranksters

The dems just took the bait

This is fun as flounder would say
Last edited:
Which means there must be a vote.

Source Ken Star Fox news.

Prove me and Ken wrong kiddies
You're wrong. She needs a vote to start an impeachment, not an investigation.

Trumpbots dont know their ass from Alabama ....
Deplorable trumpbot to you

bite me

The House Judiciary Committee is now engaged in a full-blown investigation and legal fight with the goal of deciding whether to recommend articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump by the end of the year, according to Democratic officials involved in the effort …

As additional House Democrats continue to call for the House Judiciary Committee to launch an impeachment inquiry — which more than half the caucus now supports — Democratic sources say the issue is essentially moot since what the panel is doing is basically that: investigating whether Trump should be impeached.

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