AGW and Model Failures- An Engineers Point of View....

But none were caught committing fraud. Only shameless cult liars try to get away with passing off a whopper like that.

The Stalinists used that tactic too, you know, making up phony crimes to charge scientists with to justify sending them to the gulag.

Basically, if anyone is pretending scientists committed fraud to justify jailing them, they are further confirming their own status as Stalinist thugs.
And yet you come in here without any evidence to support your claims! LoSiNg daily. hahahhahahahhahahaahhaha, Thanks jo!!!!!!
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But none were caught committing fraud. Only shameless cult liars try to get away with passing off a whopper like that.

The Stalinists used that tactic too, you know, making up phony crimes to charge scientists with to justify sending them to the gulag.

Basically, if anyone is pretending scientists committed fraud to justify jailing them, they are further confirming their own status as Stalinist thugs.
I thought it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Gore hockey stick was based on fraudulent data and software.
I thought it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Gore hockey stick was based on fraudulent data and software.

FYI, only the most shamelessly dishonest denier cultists would make such an insane claim. It reveals hopelessly irreversible cult brainwashing on the part of the speaker.

Hence, you probably don't want to claim membership in that group.
I thought it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Gore hockey stick was based on fraudulent data and software.

FYI, only the most shamelessly dishonest denier cultists would make such an insane claim. It reveals hopelessly irreversible cult brainwashing on the part of the speaker.

Hence, you probably don't want to claim membership in that group.
and lab work yet!!!!
I thought it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Gore hockey stick was based on fraudulent data and software.

FYI, only the most shamelessly dishonest denier cultists would make such an insane claim. It reveals hopelessly irreversible cult brainwashing on the part of the speaker.

Hence, you probably don't want to claim membership in that group.
Odd, I remember reading the code and looking at the data, and specifically identifying, for myself the hacks in the code that resulted in generating a hockey stick no matter what the input data set was.
I thought it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Gore hockey stick was based on fraudulent data and software.

FYI, only the most shamelessly dishonest denier cultists would make such an insane claim. It reveals hopelessly irreversible cult brainwashing on the part of the speaker.

Hence, you probably don't want to claim membership in that group.
Odd, I remember reading the code and looking at the data, and specifically identifying, for myself the hacks in the code that resulted in generating a hockey stick no matter what the input data set was.

The Mann Correction vector is quite real and quite a fraud..

Mann Correction Vector.JPG

Even white noise placed into this program results in a hockey stick.. Your dealing with a moron and a liar that will say anything if it thinks it can get away with it.
Both of you kooks never looked at the code. You looked at what a kook denier website said, and blindly parroted the lies. Neither of you has the brains to understand any code. Yes, it is that obvious.

If you didn't lie about it, just tell us where that code is, so we can look at it. It's all public domain, so you should know.

Anyways, you want to use your big cult lies there to justify sending your political opponents to the gulag. That's why Stalin is now looking up upon his denier acolytes and smiling.
Rape of your income? Explain that to us, you silly ass. Electricity from wind is now coming in at about half the cost of diry coal, much less for clean coal. PV solar is now at about parity with dirty coal, and that is without subsidies for either wind or solar, and with the subsidies that coal gets.

The result of the research into renewables is going to give us a more robust grid, and cheaper electricity.
LOL. Another fruitloop non-scientist. No, I will not bother or waste my time reading anything out of WUWT.

That's what I think every time Al Gore opens his mouth on the subject.
OK, dumb fuck. Why then does every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University have policy statements that agree with what Gore is stating? It might be because, as a journalist, Gore does not state that he knows this, he states that this is the evidence that the scientists are presenting us.

Of course, if one wishes to, one can simply bypass Gore, WUWT, and the others, and go to what the scientists are publishing in peer reviewed journals. Easy to find on Google Scholar.
Mamooth is seriously mentally ill.

Mamooth is obviously on the take for this rape of our income.

When the kooks can do nothing but cry about me, it's time to for me to carve another notch and move on. It's starting to feel like what I imagine picking on shortbus kids would feel like.
In short, we hit the nail on the head. You are mentally ill and being paid to promote destruction of our economy.
LOL. Another fruitloop non-scientist. No, I will not bother or waste my time reading anything out of WUWT.

That's what I think every time Al Gore opens his mouth on the subject.
OK, dumb fuck. Why then does every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University have policy statements that agree with what Gore is stating? It might be because, as a journalist, Gore does not state that he knows this, he states that this is the evidence that the scientists are presenting us.

Of course, if one wishes to, one can simply bypass Gore, WUWT, and the others, and go to what the scientists are publishing in peer reviewed journals. Easy to find on Google Scholar.
come on scrocks, you know the answer. Why is it with you lefty losers you always fail with thinking 101? Come on dude, why do you really think? What has been stated in this forum repeatedly for years now? come on big boy think, what is it? Please show us you have some brain! I'll even give you a hint, it rhymes with honey!!!! You k00k.
Mamooth is seriously mentally ill.

Mamooth is obviously on the take for this rape of our income.

When the kooks can do nothing but cry about me, it's time to for me to carve another notch and move on. It's starting to feel like what I imagine picking on shortbus kids would feel like.
Yeah, we can call you Mr. Quicks Draw and use the nickname el-ca-bong. You're such a k00k dude/dudetter.Really you are. Holy crap the things you post are freakin hilarious. Freakin!!!!!
Check it out, I've got a stalker pack.

That's cool. If they're all obsessed with crying about me, it means they can't be playing the thug elsewhere.

Now, what buttons shall I push to make them meltdown further? So many choices ...
Check it out, I've got a stalker pack.

That's cool. If they're all obsessed with crying about me, it means they can't be playing the thug elsewhere.

Now, what buttons shall I push to make them meltdown further? So many choices ...
Didn't you say you were "moving on?" But thanks for admitting you are just a paid Troll.

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