Ahem! Who's in a cult?

Fear , Panic produce results that a gun cannot match .
No quick death according to Cultists .
Desolation , remorse , guilt , wet trousers , eternaL torture .
IOW, there isn't any use of proactive force to get me onboard with religious sects.

Your capitulation is accepted.
They also have the Baby Butcher Death Cult.
There is the Anti-2A Cult.
Anti-Biology Cult.
There should be a limit to the number of cults they can belong to

Interesting. You think they are separate cults? Possibly, but they are all members of all the same cults. I just merge them.

And they're all so broke, since they're too lazy to work. Don't Cults require that you pay dues? How can you belong to something if you have no money for your new god to suck from you?


They pay their membership dues by giving away their hearts, souls, and minds. Then they vote for the cult. Which reminds me of addition to my OP: "Vote blue no matter who!" that's how you get totally incompetent leaders like they have.
They pay their membership dues by giving away their hearts, souls, and minds. Then they vote for the cult. Which reminds me of addition to my OP: "Vote blue no matter who!" that's how you get totally incompetent leaders like they have.


Well said.

A cult seems is a closed social organization which perpetuates its beliefs by restricting information available to its members.

Exactly. Censorship, cancel culture, threats of violence, doxing, rioting etc. The tools of the trade for the left cult.
For sure wokeism, progressivism, leftist ideology has become very cultish like but may be too widespread to be identified as an actual 'cult' which usually is a fairly small group of misguided, obsessed, and/or starstruck people.

But the cultish nature is certainly everything you described.

Interesting point. What would we call it then I wonder?
All of them . Proselytisers using the imaginary State somewhere up there in the sky and headed by a miserable and selfish Big One dishing out eternal punishment. All attempted by fear and guilt .
What a charmer !!

You didn't answer his question. Read it again.
Well, I believe it's warming and will continue that trend, despite periods of retreat, until the next ice age as the Earth has always done. The question is how much has human activity accelerated that? And even if it has had some effect on global environment, climate, etc. as all creatures do, humans are here and here to stay, and we might as well accept that and look for practical and efficient and common sense ways to help humankind adapt to an ever changing climate as all creatures do.

The cultish part comes when the 'woke'/'progressive'/'left, instead of thinking critically about that, just attacks or shuts down any voices of those holding any opinion other than what the 'cult' demands be accepted as gospel.

Fair enough.
The standard term I believe is a 'political movement.'

More accurately it is a silent coup of the U.S. government via a gradual but progressive takeover of all of our most influential institutions and the government itself.

Personally, I don't think "Political Movement" adequately describes the insanity of the Leftist Cult. It, IMO, lends it legitimacy.
Exactly. Censorship, cancel culture, threats of violence, doxing, rioting etc. The tools of the trade for the left cult.
The book bans have happened in 32 states with Texas and Floridunce leading the way. Leftists are doing this? :ahole-1:
Name me one book that has been banned.
EVERY SINGLE ONE of them can be bought on Amazon. So none of them are banned. You lose.
Here are things members of a cult believe, do, and say:

1. They believe things that are clearly not true, such as men can have babies, human fetuses are not human, men competing in women's sports is fair and good, and the MSM is unbiased.

2. Whatever the "Issue of the moment" is, they accept and support it without the slightest inquiring as to whether it's even true.

3. They are completely blind to what their side does and will, in the span of mere weeks, condemn the other side for doing the same exact thing.

4. They say "Believe the science" but deny the science that they disagree with.

5. They will insist on eliminating speech that disagrees with their orthodoxy by any means necessary, even violence.

6. They will hold two opposite and often opposing sides of the same belief without a single concern. Such as being feminists and supporting men in advertising and women's sports.

7. They will change the language to fit their agenda and even insist upon the world changing with them.

It's quite clear that the true cult is wokeism, progressivism and leftist ideology.
It is more accurate to say a cult is a collection of followers of a charismatic leader who uses an established organization and co-ops it for their personal ideology or theology. All religions begin as cults.

Trump is clearly the most recent major cult leader with his MAGA following more loyal to him than the Republican party. As for his followers:
  1. They believe things that are clearly not true, such as massive voter fraud in 2016 and 2020 and that Mexico will build the wall.
  2. Whatever the "Issue of the moment" is, they accept and support it without the slightest inquiring as to whether it's even true. Such as immigrants are taking jobs from Americans and Russia is more trustworthy than we are.
  3. They are completely blind to what their side does and will, in the span of mere weeks, condemn the other side for doing the same exact thing. When the media calls them out on their lies they call it 'fake news'
  4. They say "Believe the science" but deny the science that they disagree with. Climate change being a good example
  5. They will insist on eliminating speech that disagrees with their orthodoxy by any means necessary, even violence. Like banning books in libraries or courses of study in schools.
  6. They will hold two opposite and often opposing sides of the same belief without a single concern. Like they believe in democracy and admire Putin.
  7. They will change the language to fit their agenda and even insist upon the world changing with them. More like they refuse to change even though the world is changing without them.
It's quite clear that the true cult is wokeism, progressivism and leftist ideology cultural warfare and extremist ideology.

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