Al Sharpton calls republicans Nazis

The link cited, and others I found on Google, fail to find textual support for the claim that Sharpton's word "they" refers to Republicans. Indeed, the link provided makes it seem as though "they" refers to Sharpton's words "some of the right-wing".

It does sound inappropriate, but I really don't know if that's because Sharpton was saying something mean (certainly possible) or whether it is because some propagandist truncated his words to defame him (which seems all but certain). It's frustrating to find so many websites that haven't bothered to find any support for the claim that "they" refers to Republicans. Even if it did, that does not support the headline, which claims that Sharpton "calls" Republicans Nazis. In fact he analogizes "them" (whoever that is) to Nazis in a certain way.

No one needs to defame Sharpton -he does it himself. A walking disgrace of a human being who should never have been given another public forum again in his life after his involvement with that lying ass Tawana Brawley. The man is indefensible yet you are.

Do I doubt Sharpton referred to Republicans as Nazis? I'm sorry, am I supposed to pretend that would be beneath him or something? ROFL It does reveal more of the ignorance of liberals though given the fact Nazism is LEFTWING extremism. Oh wow, that really stings the right to be called a leftwing extremist term.
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Was your MessiahRushie racial enough for you a few days before Sharpton

May 25, 2012
RUSH: And what's Nazism? Nazism, ultimately, was an attempt to whip up a war between the races...
We have a president who does not mind at all this war between the races.?

First of all, I'm not a Rush fan. I hear him less than most libs. Maybe 20 minutes a week.

Second of all Obama is the most divisive president I can remember in my short life.

The cops acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like treyvon

Go troll somewhere else chump.
well then you are too young to remember Bush.

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Go lie somewhere else troll.

Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?

If you think Nazism is LW, you're a lost soul/Beckbot. Back to school.

On the american political spectrum.. I'd say it'd be left wing since the american right for the most part is for limited government. As for the european political spectrum.. it's fair to call it right wing for them, because they have always been statist on both sides of the aisle there.
First of all, I'm not a Rush fan. I hear him less than most libs. Maybe 20 minutes a week.

Second of all Obama is the most divisive president I can remember in my short life.

The cops acted stupidly
If I had a son he would look like treyvon

Go troll somewhere else chump.
well then you are too young to remember Bush.

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Go lie somewhere else troll.

Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?
Bullshit, he and his CON$ervoFascist shills made it clear that any American who was against the Iraq fiasco was with the terrorists. To Fascists there are only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
well then you are too young to remember Bush.

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Go lie somewhere else troll.

Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?
Bullshit, he and his CON$ervoFascist shills made it clear that any American who was against the Iraq fiasco was with the terrorists. To Fascists there are only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
Adolf Hitler

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

You're a loon. I dunno why you're not on my ignore list already.

from the article in post #1:
Last Thursday Al Sharpton compared Republicans to Nazis and claimed they were out to exterminate Blacks.

Chicago Tribune May 29, 2012

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Ten people were killed and dozens were wounded in shootings in Chicago during the long Memorial Day weekend, police said on Tuesday.

The 96-hour spasm of gun violence added to the toll of what already has been a deadly year on the streets of the third-largest U.S. city.

Through May 13 this year there have been 185 homicides in the city, according to the latest police figures, up from 116 during the comparable period last year. Chicago's murder rate has outpaced New York City, which has more than twice the population.

This weekend's victims included a 7-year-old girl wounded Friday afternoon while playing in front of her house on the city's south side and a 13-year-old boy slain in a pizzeria on the city's north side early Tuesday.

The Revs Al and Jesse are probably too afraid to go to Chicago because they might get shot by a black dude.

If you think Nazism is LW, you're a lost soul/Beckbot. Back to school.

On the american political spectrum.. I'd say it'd be left wing since the american right for the most part is for limited government. As for the european political spectrum.. it's fair to call it right wing for them, because they have always been statist on both sides of the aisle there.

The RW for limited gov't are known as dreamy Pub dupes....seriously misled. Nazis were fascists who were hand in hand with corporations. LW totalitarians are known as communists, LW no gov't types are known as anarchists. Read some Poli Sci- it's all been done. LOL

If you think Nazism is LW, you're a lost soul/Beckbot. Back to school.

On the american political spectrum.. I'd say it'd be left wing since the american right for the most part is for limited government. As for the european political spectrum.. it's fair to call it right wing for them, because they have always been statist on both sides of the aisle there.

The RW for limited gov't are known as dreamy Pub dupes....seriously misled. Nazis were fascists who were hand in hand with corporations. LW totalitarians are known as communists, LW no gov't types are known as anarchists. Read some Poli Sci- it's all been done. LOL

I've read plenty poli-sci books. There are quite few different types of anarchism, it is not strictly leftists. Maybe you ought to read up a bit.:lol:
from the article in post #1:
Last Thursday Al Sharpton compared Republicans to Nazis and claimed they were out to exterminate Blacks.

Chicago Tribune May 29, 2012

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Ten people were killed and dozens were wounded in shootings in Chicago during the long Memorial Day weekend, police said on Tuesday.

The 96-hour spasm of gun violence added to the toll of what already has been a deadly year on the streets of the third-largest U.S. city.

Through May 13 this year there have been 185 homicides in the city, according to the latest police figures, up from 116 during the comparable period last year. Chicago's murder rate has outpaced New York City, which has more than twice the population.

This weekend's victims included a 7-year-old girl wounded Friday afternoon while playing in front of her house on the city's south side and a 13-year-old boy slain in a pizzeria on the city's north side early Tuesday.

The Revs Al and Jesse are probably too afraid to go to Chicago because they might get shot by a black dude.

I wonder why their schools suq- must be the thug teachers. I'm sure the life there is fine- no help needed....
Cons are fine with calling President Obama a Socialist, a Communist, etc.

Maybe it's because he has socialists in his administration. He also supports the OWS even though many carry signs against capitalism and saying it's time to give socialism a chance. When one gives a nod of approval to a group, isn't it fair to assume they agree with them?

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