Al Sharpton calls republicans Nazis

Cons are fine with calling President Obama a Socialist, a Communist, etc.

Maybe it's because he has socialists in his administration. He also supports the OWS even though many carry signs against capitalism and saying it's time to give socialism a chance. When one gives a nod of approval to a group, isn't it fair to assume they agree with them?
So, you have no problem with name calling.
Yawn..... Another shakedown artist hurls "Nazi" label at Republicans. Guess he had to mix it up a little since he usually goes for the "Racist" pitch. This is all comical to watch as for all of his rants raids on conservatives and Republicans, he has stood in silence and support of Democrats who called a KkK Leader one of their own (Robert Byrd) and fully support an organization set up to limit the growth if not eliminate Blacks in America ( Planned Parenthood, Margaret Singer).

Al, who is more like the Nazis?
well then you are too young to remember Bush.

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Go lie somewhere else troll.

Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?
Bullshit, he and his CON$ervoFascist shills made it clear that any American who was against the Iraq fiasco was with the terrorists. To Fascists there are only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.

As were the bolsheviks, the Maoists, and the Khmer Rogue just to name three off the top of my head that everyone agrees are leftist.

The plain and simple Tuth is that in AMERICAN politics, the side that wants more government is the LEFT, not the right.

Hence, by our standards the Nazis were leftists.

In Europe they still have monarchs and some of those with considerble power even if they dont much use it.
[ame=]A&G The Femi-Nazi-ization of America 12-15-09 - YouTube[/ame]

Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.
As a matter of fact, history tells us that a majority of Democrat judges citing "God's will," kept Dred Scott from the freedom from slavery that he sued for, but radical Republicans of the day were forming a party aka the Republican Party to free all slaves in America for good. Republicans, who suffered Democrat snubbery and hatred for suggesting all men should have liberty, including black men. The Democrats hated that so much, they ceceded from the Union, divided American families from St. Lawrence's river down to Key West over human rights to freedom right after the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was elected.

Democrats use election outcomes against them as a reason to panic and divide the rest of the citizens of America.

Republicans use election outcomes to pay down the spending done when Democrats are in office, spending money like it's going out of style.

Now, Democrats are rewriting history so they can forge forward with spending and nepotistic tendencies to set aside a few billion for their own family members when elected to high office, brainwashing blacks to ignore history and hold fast to the new rewritten history their "history scholars" have schemed to write and bounce to the top of every google and bing page cleverly and mercilessly with malice against Republicans aforethought.

The American people foot the bill. It's an abuse of the Constitution, and the Democrat Party's other cash cow than George Soros and the billionaire boy's club he represents.

It's frightful.
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Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?
Bullshit, he and his CON$ervoFascist shills made it clear that any American who was against the Iraq fiasco was with the terrorists. To Fascists there are only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.

As were the bolsheviks, the Maoists, and the Khmer Rogue just to name three off the top of my head that everyone agrees are leftist.

The plain and simple Tuth is that in AMERICAN politics, the side that wants more government is the LEFT, not the right.

Hence, by our standards the Nazis were leftists.

In Europe they still have monarchs and some of those with considerble power even if they dont much use it.
Oh bullshit! The Right ALWAYS grows the government when they are in power, they just lie about wanting smaller government. CON$ervoFascists want government in your bedroom, doctor's office, etc. everywhere except oversight of corporations, the one and only place where they believe in smaller government.

Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.
As a matter of fact, history tells us that a majority of Democrat judges citing "God's will," kept Dred Scott from the freedom from slavery that he sued for, but radical Republicans of the day were forming a party aka the Republican Party to free all slaves in America for good. Republicans, who suffered Democrat snubbery and hatred for suggesting all men should have liberty, including black men. The Democrats hated that so much, they ceceded from the Union, divided American families from St. Lawrence's river down to Key West over human rights to freedom right after the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was elected.

Democrats use election outcomes against them as a reason to panic and divide the rest of the citizens of America.

Republicans use election outcomes to pay down the spending done when Democrats are in office, spending money like it's going out of style.
Now, Democrats are rewriting history so they can forge forward with spending and nepotistic tendencies to set aside a few billion for their own family members when elected to high office, brainwashing blacks to ignore history and hold fast to the new rewritten history their "history scholars" have schemed to write and bounce to the top of every google and bing page cleverly and mercilessly with malice against Republicans aforethought.

The American people foot the bill. It's an abuse of the Constitution, and the Democrat Party's other cash cow than George Soros and the billionaire boy's club he represents.

It's frightful.

Sorry my lifetime..that just hasn't been the case. In's generally quite the opposite.

Well, if The Moonie Times said it - it must be true.

BTW, did he actually CALL them nazis or did he COMPARE them to nazis?

Dude, that dog dont hunt no more.

Anyone with any objectivity on the subject knows that the Moonies dont have jackshit influence at the Wash Times.

They OWN the Times..


Moon group buys The Washington Times - Washington Times
Yawn..... Another shakedown artist hurls "Nazi" label at Republicans. Guess he had to mix it up a little since he usually goes for the "Racist" pitch. This is all comical to watch as for all of his rants raids on conservatives and Republicans, he has stood in silence and support of Democrats who called a KkK Leader one of their own (Robert Byrd) and fully support an organization set up to limit the growth if not eliminate Blacks in America ( Planned Parenthood, Margaret Singer).

Al, who is more like the Nazis?

He had to do something, after all, since Trayvon, no one has referenced Al's word of weesdom...gotta keep in the limelight. He's like some fading movie diva, desperation rules his every word.

Didn't conservatives say blacks weren't entirely human which is why they weren't protected by the constitution? Just sayin'.
As a matter of fact, history tells us that a majority of Democrat judges citing "God's will," kept Dred Scott from the freedom from slavery that he sued for, but radical Republicans of the day were forming a party aka the Republican Party to free all slaves in America for good. Republicans, who suffered Democrat snubbery and hatred for suggesting all men should have liberty, including black men. The Democrats hated that so much, they ceceded from the Union, divided American families from St. Lawrence's river down to Key West over human rights to freedom right after the first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was elected.

Democrats use election outcomes against them as a reason to panic and divide the rest of the citizens of America.

Republicans use election outcomes to pay down the spending done when Democrats are in office, spending money like it's going out of style.

Now, Democrats are rewriting history so they can forge forward with spending and nepotistic tendencies to set aside a few billion for their own family members when elected to high office, brainwashing blacks to ignore history and hold fast to the new rewritten history their "history scholars" have schemed to write and bounce to the top of every google and bing page cleverly and mercilessly with malice against Republicans aforethought.

The American people foot the bill. It's an abuse of the Constitution, and the Democrat Party's other cash cow than George Soros and the billionaire boy's club he represents.

It's frightful.

What's really sad is, many of the so-called opposition have jumped on that freebie, give-away wagon, while the few who truly do put up some kind of argument are treated as the worst kind of pariah by both the Dems and the Rinos.
Yes, now and forever more the Washington Time community publication condemns anyone who calls the opposition party a Nazi or Nazi well that is until about the 15th paragraph when they say.....

"If any party is like or worse than the Nazi Party it is the Democratic Party, the party of slavery. The Democrats did not consider Blacks human beings but eventually upgraded them to sub-human status."

Hahahahahahahaha.......nevermind about that new rule. As you were.

Except that Bush wasn't talking to or about Americans. It was a threat to our enemies.

Why so disingenuous hack?
Bullshit, he and his CON$ervoFascist shills made it clear that any American who was against the Iraq fiasco was with the terrorists. To Fascists there are only 2 sides, their side and the enemy.

As were the bolsheviks, the Maoists, and the Khmer Rogue just to name three off the top of my head that everyone agrees are leftist.

The plain and simple Tuth is that in AMERICAN politics, the side that wants more government is the LEFT, not the right.

Hence, by our standards the Nazis were leftists.

In Europe they still have monarchs and some of those with considerble power even if they dont much use it.

Anone who compares modern politcal terms like liberal or conservative to the Nazis probably has an agenda and it seems they do not understand what Nazism was.
This Neo-Nazi's mother, who is raising his other kids, says they are being raised as "conservative republicans".

[ame=]Neo-Nazi killed by 10-year-old son - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, now and forever more the Washington Time community publication condemns anyone who calls the opposition party a Nazi or Nazi well that is until about the 15th paragraph when they say.....

"If any party is like or worse than the Nazi Party it is the Democratic Party, the party of slavery. The Democrats did not consider Blacks human beings but eventually upgraded them to sub-human status."

Hahahahahahahaha.......nevermind about that new rule. As you were.
And it's the CON$ervoFascists who, like their Nazi heros, see people as useless eaters!!!

May 25, 2012
RUSH: And I know that 88 million Americans are not working but they're eating, and it's a statistic that worries me.
It's quite telling that 88 million are not working but they're eating.

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