Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

It's only Sunday, pal. His appearence is still roughly 48 hrs away & then watch how close those walls feel on Trump in that courtroom.

Your abject gullibility amuses me.

P.S. You can't even spell "appearance".

Now back to the endless countdown before the walls finally close in.

Always a bride's maid...
Yea, yea, yea. Trump left it up to Biden to get us out of Afghanistan because he was too weak to do it himself.
No US deaths in Afghanistan for the last 18 months of Trump’s term, Simp.

Your Vegetable Messiah fucked it up so bad his bug out cost 13 American lives, gave the Taliban $80 billion in arms, and abandoned thousands of Americans.
He is not wrong. This is going to end in embarrassment for Bragg and the left.

Nah, they'll spin it in their favor for the mentally challenged to believe, who already post here.
Quote that “promise” verbatim, you fully dishonest libturd.
“What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?”
“What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?”

Yep. He warned that there was “POTENTIAL death and COULD BE” .
And that’s not a “promise.”

Leftwhiner, in post # 39 said, “What happened to the Death and Destruction Trump promised if he was indicted?”

I guess that is why YOU thought that answering the request for a “quote” would be a “good idea.” Leftwhiner ran away, instead of answering, because I he knew that the quote would prove he lied.

But thanks for sharing it. Obviously Trump did not “promise” death and destruction.
It's only Sunday, pal. His appearence is still roughly 48 hrs away & then watch how close those walls feel on Trump in that courtroom.

Trump's appearance in a criminal court is looooong overdue. Long overdue.
Just remember one thing, Clipper...every time you on the left bend the rules to go after always comes around to bite you in the ass with one of your own. Joe Biden is FAR dirtier than Trump ever was! Set the precedent for bringing up President's on criminal charges and don't be shocked when it's used on Joe.
He isn’t fully right.

The location matters. A deep left blue part of NY. The Dumbocrap Parody is the only game in NY County. The juror pool will be mostly liberal and so-called “progressive” Democratics. The presiding Justice is most likely to be a Democrat, too.

The proper motions by the Trump lawyers will not be falling on a particularly fertile field. Consequently, although dismissal motions which might properly be granted are likely to be given short shrift.

At trial, the jury is more than likely to be unmoved by the facts, logic or the law. And, if there is a conviction, the appellate process will also be taking place first I. That same deep blue arena. Even the State’s high court is not necessarily going to follow the actual law. Judicial activism is more likely to prevail.

The usual judicial mechanics don’t favor a fair trial of this magnitude. Therefore, minimally, a motion for a change of venue is crucial. But who know if it will be granted?

Change of venue is absolutely essential, as is a rapid trial.

The longer they drag it out the more time the corrupt DA has to manufacture "evidence".
He isn’t fully right.

The location matters. A deep left blue part of NY. The Dumbocrap Parody is the only game in NY County. The juror pool will be mostly liberal and so-called “progressive” Democratics. The presiding Justice is most likely to be a Democrat, too.

The proper motions by the Trump lawyers will not be falling on a particularly fertile field. Consequently, although dismissal motions which might properly be granted are likely to be given short shrift.

At trial, the jury is more than likely to be unmoved by the facts, logic or the law. And, if there is a conviction, the appellate process will also be taking place first I. That same deep blue arena. Even the State’s high court is not necessarily going to follow the actual law. Judicial activism is more likely to prevail.

The usual judicial mechanics don’t favor a fair trial of this magnitude. Therefore, minimally, a motion for a change of venue is crucial. But who know if it will be granted?

Our legal system is a joke
Trump making you proud now that he's earned another first, Jailbird?

Anyone with a brain would wise up & abandon playing follow the leader to a criminal lowlife like Trump. I said with a brain, which leaves you out in the cold.
First year law student is probably what Trump will end up with once the real lawyers figure out they're going to surrender 2 years of their live, destroy their careers, and not get paid.

How's Dershowitz' legal career going?
He’ll say anything, depending on who is paying him. Not unusual for unemployed lawyers.
He isn’t fully right.

The location matters. A deep left blue part of NY. The Dumbocrap Parody is the only game in NY County. The juror pool will be mostly liberal and so-called “progressive” Democratics. The presiding Justice is most likely to be a Democrat, too.

You might have a point. If Trump had this trial in Jesusland, they'd have all been impressed that Stormy wasn't his cousin.
Just remember one thing, Clipper...every time you on the left bend the rules to go after always comes around to bite you in the ass with one of your own. Joe Biden is FAR dirtier than Trump ever was! Set the precedent for bringing up President's on criminal charges and don't be shocked when it's used on Joe.

Um, sure.

All you need is, you know, evidence.

Oh, wait, you've been looking for that for years.

Sorry, a fake Russian Laptop isn't going to do it.

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