Alan Dershowitz on Trump indictment: "First year law students could get this dismissed”

You don't even know the reason it started and call someone else ignorant LOL

read the real cause.
Even the allied powers weren’t expecting a war over it. It was German expansion which was trying to become a major power long before the assassination.
The we’re looking for any excuse. .

Read it dufus
First year law student is probably what Trump will end up with once the real lawyers figure out they're going to surrender 2 years of their live, destroy their careers, and not get paid.

How's Dershowitz' legal career going?
Dershowitz is retired dumb-shit. Needless to say, his career was a hell of a lot more successful than whatever you're doing that you call a career.
read the real cause.
Even the allied powers weren’t expecting a war over it. It was German expansion which was trying to become a major power long before the assassination.
The we’re looking for any excuse. .

Read it dufus
Plus the chain of alliance treaties....and everyone building up the cool new weapons.
Innocent until PROVEN guilty. Why do you hate the Constitution?
It’s hilarious. The “Lock her up chants “:are slowly swinging around to involve Trump and everyone else who claimed Hillary, Biden, Hunter et al we’re criminals. Yet, slowly they are all being indicted, going on trial or confessing or plea bargaining like the criminals they are.
Trump making you proud now that he's earned another first, Jailbird?

Anyone with a brain would wise up & abandon playing follow the leader to a criminal lowlife like Trump. I said with a brain, which leaves you out in the cold.
read the real cause.
Even the allied powers weren’t expecting a war over it. It was German expansion which was trying to become a major power long before the assassination.
The we’re looking for any excuse. .

Read it dufus
Says nothing about appeasement dumbfuck
Considering the opinions of his own cabinet members who stated Trump could have caused thousands of lives in his mishandling of covid, I hope he’s arrested for literally, anything that works and gets him behind bars, right next to a 300 lb inmate who needs a bitch.
Could have - as distinct from Cuomo who actually did.

But yeah, we can hear you clowns salivating. They have you conditioned, like Pavlov's dogs.
Yes I do. Appeasement. It could have started for any number of reasons. The bullets were starting to fly long before America got into BOTH WARS. We learned our lesson. The front lines in Eastern Europe are under allied intercession with non democracies. Trump, hates democracies.,Trump identifies with dictators. He’s a threat to world peace.
Oh bullshit.

*** FACT ***

Donald J Trump is the first American president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war.

The last one before him, was Herbert Hoover.

You little lemmings are way off base. You're gullible little sheeple, you're incapable of dealing with reality.
Oh bullshit.

*** FACT ***

Donald J Trump is the first American president in EIGHTY YEARS who didn't start a foreign war.

The last one before him, was Herbert Hoover.

You little lemmings are way off base. You're gullible little sheeple, you're incapable of dealing with reality.
Yea, yea, yea. Trump left it up to Biden to get us out of Afghanistan because he was too weak to do it himself.
Or being honest and trying to correct dishonest leftwing propaganda.

I see how a dope like you could get that confused.
The left hates Dershowitz because he won’t just parrot the party’s line. He declares himself a professor first, lawyer second, and liberal comes way down the list. He’ll tell you he voted against Trump twice.
Trump making you proud now that he's earned another first, Jailbird?

Anyone with a brain would wise up & abandon playing follow the leader to a criminal lowlife like Trump. I said with a brain, which leaves you out in the cold.
Did I just hear a Canadian or Brit fart?
You will apologize to Bragg when you find out otherwise, right ? Look up misdemeanor, look up felony. Then, wait for the charges to be read. That’s garbage straight from Fix News. At least be original.
Hey dumbfuck, why has that asshole Bragg let rapists, murderers, and a number of other criminals go free with no bail and no charges? Bragg will need to apologize for brining a meritless case as he faces disbarment.

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