Alan Dershowitz Reveals One Motion He Believes Trump’s Lawyers Must File ‘Immediately

The history books studying how America became a tyranny.
Susanne Craig
At 10 a.m. Trump blasted out a fund-raising note asking supporters to “chip in” to support his campaign. “They’re just a DEEP STATE plot from RADICAL Democrats to come after you – and I’m the only thing standing in their way!” This is standard operating procedure for Trump when he has a court appearance. :laughing0301:

If that's tyranny, you need a lobotomy
Susanne Craig
At 10 a.m. Trump blasted out a fund-raising note asking supporters to “chip in” to support his campaign. “They’re just a DEEP STATE plot from RADICAL Democrats to come after you – and I’m the only thing standing in their way!” This is standard operating procedure for Trump when he has a court appearance. :laughing0301:

If that's tyranny, you need a lobotomy
You are a democrat. Therefore your comments are laughable.
Yep, it is up to a defendant if he wants to be there daily.

Instead, we have the hack Bragg and the hack judge making a decision that is deliberate attempt to interfere.

PURE election interference. And isn't that the thing they are accusing Trump of having done with the NDA, election interference (Hell, he was the candidate!).

FPOTUS#45 didn't ask to not be present while court continued.

He asked for court to be canceled for the day, in other words he attempted to set the court schedule.

Requesting to be absent while court continues can be done upon request.

Actually two days. Today (which was denied) and for his son's graduation (decision pending) in May.


I’ll go with Dershowitz any day as he is more knowledgeable about the law.
Really ?
A high school kid knows more than to suggest this........

“I would hope Trump’s lawyers bring a mandamus right now, at the very least, let Trump out of the courtroom, let him campaign,” Dershowitz told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. “If he makes a decision that he would like to waive the right to be there, there is nothing in the Constitution which gives the prosecution the right to keep him there. It is only a defendant’s right.”

No, it isn't.

As a citizen, it my right to skip a day or two of my trial?
What about the entire trial?

Dershowitz is a dumbass.
In passing, O. J. Simpson was a murder case, Trump‘s case is election interference.
No it isn't.

Trump is the one who decided to run for president while he was under investigation.
That's on him.

Like trying to get a loan from a bank, then being turned down.
Because, you're being investigated for bank fraud, then you wonder........."What went wrong"?
They need to file some motions. The judge is trying to cause Trump to miss out on Barron's high school graduation at the end of April.

That entire trial is silly.
Bullshit. It's not about Trump's personal life. Judge Merchan said that he would not decide yet on whether to pause the trial in May to allow Trump to attend his son’s graduation. "Trump crosses his arms over his chest." :auiqs.jpg:

Jonah Bromwich noted:
"Merchan’s tone becames sharp as he questions Blanche. “You don’t think you should be here at all right now?” he asks. Blanche says that yes, they don’t believe this trial should happen during campaign season. Merchan reminds him that his client is a criminal defendant and required to be in court."
Really ?
A high school kid knows more than to suggest this........

“I would hope Trump’s lawyers bring a mandamus right now, at the very least, let Trump out of the courtroom, let him campaign,” Dershowitz told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. “If he makes a decision that he would like to waive the right to be there, there is nothing in the Constitution which gives the prosecution the right to keep him there. It is only a defendant’s right.”

No, it isn't.

As a citizen, it my right to skip a day or two of my trial?
What about the entire trial?

Dershowitz is a dumbass.

No it isn't.

Trump is the one who decided to run for president while he was under investigation.
That's on him.

Like trying to get a loan from a bank, then being turned down.
Because, you're being investigated for bank fraud, then you wonder........."What went wrong"?
Dershowitz has EXCELLENT credentials. Plus he is a Democrat. I will put more credence in his opinion than I will in yours.

Obviously one object of the trail is to keep Trump from campaigning. The problem is Trump is still campaigning and doing well at it.

Dershowitz has EXCELLENT credentials. Plus he is a Democrat. I will put more credence in his opinion than I will in yours.

Obviously one object of the trail is to keep Trump from campaigning. The problem is Trump is still campaigning and doing well at it.

Actually, he was a shitball when he got Claus von Bulow off on a technicality
He was a shitball when he helped OJ get away with murder
He was a shitball when he defended Clinton's shenanigans
He was a shitball when he helped keep Epstein out of jail.
And he's a shitball now that he's defending Trump.
Actually, he was a shitball when he got Claus von Bulow off on a technicality
He was a shitball when he helped OJ get away with murder
He was a shitball when he defended Clinton's shenanigans
He was a shitball when he helped keep Epstein out of jail.
And he's a shitball now that he's defending Trump.
Even criminals have the right to get a good attorney to defend themselves. Of course rich people can afford to hire great attorneys like Dershowitz.

Let’s look at the O.J. Simpson trial as an example. There were a LOT of problems with the way evidence was handled. Good defense attorneys point out such evidence And there was a lot of sloppy police work in such a high profile case. Read this entire link not just the excerpted part. (Honestly, If I would have been on the jury I likely would have had some doubts about his guilt.)


A Question of Planted Evidence
Not only were there many claims that the evidence was mishandled in the police lab but there were also claims that evidence was planted at the crime scene. Because the police department did not have proper collection documents regarding Simpson’s blood, it was argued that the police planted Simpson’s missing blood on critical evidence and in critical areas of the murder scene.
The defense team stated that EDTA was found in the samples of blood that were collected at the crime scene. EDTA is a blood fixer (anticoagulant) used in labs and mixed with collected blood. If evidence with Simpson’s blood showed traces of EDTA, the defense claimed, then that blood had to have come from the lab, which meant that it was planted.

However, EDTA is also a chemical found naturally in human blood and chemicals such as paint. At the time, tests were not readily available to differentiate between natural and contaminant EDTA or the differences in the level of EDTA in blood. Some believe that the positive EDTA results may have been due to contamination of the equipment used to run the tests.
Even criminals have the right to get a good attorney to defend themselves. Of course rich people can afford to hire great attorneys like Dershowitz.

Good attorneys I have no problem with. Unethical ones, who know their clients are guilty and try to find tricks to get them off, have nothing but my contempt.

Let’s look at the O.J. Simpson trial as an example. There were a LOT of problems with the way evidence was handled. Good defense attorneys point out such evidence And there was a lot of sloppy police work in such a high profile case. Read this entire link not just the excerpted part. (Honestly, If I would have been on the jury I likely would have had some doubts about his guilt.)

Bullshit, that was jury nullification. The police could have had video of Simpson turning his wife into a Pez Dispenser, and they still would have voted to acquit.
Good attorneys I have no problem with. Unethical ones, who know their clients are guilty and try to find tricks to get them off, have nothing but my contempt.

Bullshit, that was jury nullification. The police could have had video of Simpson turning his wife into a Pez Dispenser, and they still would have voted to acquit.
I am certain jury nullification played a significant role but the police also handled the evidence in a sloppy manner.

As far as an attorney representing a person he knows is guilty …

I am certain jury nullification played a significant role but the police also handled the evidence in a sloppy manner.

As far as an attorney representing a person he knows is guilty …

In the real world, if your lawyer knows your guilty, his first inclination is to get you the best plea deal he can.

Robert Shapiro was the only ethical lawyer OJ had. He knew the fucker was guilty. The rest of them played the race card and played it hard.

It really didn't matter if Fuhrman had blurted out the N-word once or if Dr. Fung let his assistant collect evidence. OJ did it. He should have died in a jail cell, not in a mansion.
The judge threw Dershowitz's nuttery out the window.
Trump can campaign on the weekends and on Wednesday.
Just another delay tactic.
Nope, equal, equals equal, Biden can campaign all day everyday which means they are giving Biden an advantage which of course is the entire scheme

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