Alas, Cities Finally Confirm What We Already Knew Regarding the Spike in COVID Cases


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The COVID authoritarians all claimed the riots and protests had nothing to do with the upswing in cases, but it appears government officials disagree.

Several big-city mayors and top officials are acknowledging that weeks of anti-police protests and riots may have contributed to surging coronavirus rates, weeks after Democrats and even some epidemiologists openly encouraged Black Lives Matter allies to demonstrate in the streets.
In public statements and interviews with Fox News this weekend, officials in Los Angeles, Seattle and Miami-Dade County, Fla., have indicated that some link between protests and new cases was at least possible.
…Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti acknowledged that public protests likely were causing a coronavirus spike, just two days after claiming there wasn't "any conclusive evidence" showing a connection between the two. De Blasio, like Garcetti, has defended demonstrators, saying they were participating in a "historical moment."
"I talked again with Dr. Ferrer about that this morning," Garcetti said, referencing Dr. Barbara Ferrer, the L.A. County public-health director. "She does think some of the spread did come from our protests," he added. "It’s not the act of protesting — that’s a great and American thing to do no matter what your opinion is... but protesting without maintaining physical distancing, without wearing your mask, without having sanitizer – we just have to be smart.
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.
The states that opened back up quickly (or never completely shut down) with little or nothing in the way guidelines or restrictions are the ones experiencing the surge right now. They allowed bars and restaurants to be opened back up with people packed and crowded together again. Large gatherings of young people with no precautions taken. Back to normal like nothing ever happened. That's where the spikes came from. Garcetti said she said "some" spread came from protests. Which is only natural when you've got that many people gathered together in one place. But the lion share of the protesters were wearing masks.
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.

Opening state economies is a matter of survival for many people and the damage of staying shut down needs to be balanced against some people getting sick. You cant say the same for large crowds burning, breaking things, attacking police, blocking streets and disrupting the lives of their fellow citizens who may feel differently and did not elect these people to protest on their behalf.
The states that opened back up quickly (or never completely shut down) with little or nothing in the way guidelines or restrictions are the ones experiencing the surge right now. They allowed bars and restaurants to be opened back up with people packed and crowded together again. Large gatherings of young people with no precautions taken. Back to normal like nothing ever happened. That's where the spikes came from. Garcetti said she said "some" spread came from protests. Which is only natural when you've got that many people gathered together in one place. But the lion share of the protesters were wearing masks.
There are people who have spread flus and colds on others on purpose going back in history. You better believe that anyone a victim of that in their lives and is pizzed enough will do the same with this virus. Can you blame them? Or should you? Those who have know who they are. People will die because of people like you.
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.

Opening state economies is a matter of survival for many people and the damage of staying shut down needs to be balanced against some people getting sick. You cant say the same for large crowds burning, breaking things, attacking police, blocking streets and disrupting the lives of their fellow citizens who may feel differently and did not elect these people to protest on their behalf.

The virus is not political. Lock downs don't work without mitigation and\or contact tracing. It will spread just as well in a bar or restaurant, on the beach or large gatherings, like Trumpybears rallies, as it will in a street full of peaceful protesters. Right wing media conflates the small number of violent rioters and those bent on causing destruction with the large number of peaceful protesters for it's own political purpose.
The states that opened back up quickly (or never completely shut down) with little or nothing in the way guidelines or restrictions are the ones experiencing the surge right now. They allowed bars and restaurants to be opened back up with people packed and crowded together again. Large gatherings of young people with no precautions taken. Back to normal like nothing ever happened. That's where the spikes came from. Garcetti said she said "some" spread came from protests. Which is only natural when you've got that many people gathered together in one place. But the lion share of the protesters were wearing masks.
There are people who have spread flus and colds on others on purpose going back in history. You better believe that anyone a victim of that in their lives and is pizzed enough will do the same with this virus. Can you blame them? Or should you? Those who have know who they are. People will die because of people like you.

The cold and flu don't normally kill people at a rate that this virus seems to be doing. That being said, I wear a mask, keep my distance, and am OCD about hygiene when out and about. I've pretty much gone back to the existence I had before for not meeting friends in restaurants and bars. We have virtual happy hours now. If people would just adhere to some basic guidelines and safety considerations, we could all go back to something approaching normal. But for a lot of people, it's easier to parrot conspiracy theories, complain and bitch about freedoms supposedly being restricted, and find scapegoats like the media (who are just doing their job).

Those are the people that will cause other people to die, leave our economy in ruins, and prevent life from going forward. (for the most part).
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.
had to be the masks.
The virus is not political. Lock downs don't work without mitigation and\or contact tracing. It will spread just as well in a bar or restaurant, on the beach or large gatherings,
based on what exactly?
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.
Opening the economy does not cause massive groups to gather closely together...
Trump has done a lot of things to stop the deaths of Covid here. And he has done just that, with US deaths dropping continuously, ever since mid -April. Democrats just lost their last hope issue, they thought they could use against Trump. Instead, it has turned into a big victory for him, which undoubtedly, Americans will reward him for in November. :biggrin:
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.
Opening the economy does not cause massive groups to gather closely together...
that guy doesn't know anything. just regertitating something someone else wrote for him.
The states that opened back up quickly (or never completely shut down) with little or nothing in the way guidelines or restrictions are the ones experiencing the surge right now. They allowed bars and restaurants to be opened back up with people packed and crowded together again. Large gatherings of young people with no precautions taken. Back to normal like nothing ever happened. That's where the spikes came from. Garcetti said she said "some" spread came from protests. Which is only natural when you've got that many people gathered together in one place. But the lion share of the protesters were wearing masks.
There are people who have spread flus and colds on others on purpose going back in history. You better believe that anyone a victim of that in their lives and is pizzed enough will do the same with this virus. Can you blame them? Or should you? Those who have know who they are. People will die because of people like you.

The cold and flu don't normally kill people at a rate that this virus seems to be doing. That being said, I wear a mask, keep my distance, and am OCD about hygiene when out and about. I've pretty much gone back to the existence I had before for not meeting friends in restaurants and bars. We have virtual happy hours now. If people would just adhere to some basic guidelines and safety considerations, we could all go back to something approaching normal. But for a lot of people, it's easier to parrot conspiracy theories, complain and bitch about freedoms supposedly being restricted, and find scapegoats like the media (who are just doing their job).

Those are the people that will cause other people to die, leave our economy in ruins, and prevent life from going forward. (for the most part).
Some places restrictions in place are interrupting economic freedoms, not being allowed to go back to work, even in an office setting where precautions are being taken, or elsewhere.
I gather you live in a state that allowed some of the economy to at least resume.
One has to have half a brain to think that either the rapid opening of the states economies or the demonstrations\protest had no part in the summer surge of infections.
Opening the economy does not cause massive groups to gather closely together...

Correct. Just ask Tulsans.
There had already mean massive protests spreading it around. At least at the rally they were taking temps, etc, before entering.
Protests? Not so much.
The virus is not political. Lock downs don't work without mitigation and\or contact tracing. It will spread just as well in a bar or restaurant, on the beach or large gatherings,
based on what exactly?

That the virus is air born.
We have never had a "lockdown" before, so how would you know what's required to make them work, or if they ever work?

From March to May, much of the United States pressed pause. In the face of a new, highly transmissible coronavirus, widespread lockdowns and social distancing were the only tools available to prevent an overwhelming surge in infections and deaths that threatened to overwhelm healthcare systems.

The strategy largely worked to keep most hospitals functioning. The heavy toll after six months — over 125,000 dead from COVID-19 and more than 2 million Americans infected — almost certainly would have been worse without lockdowns.

But these interrupted months were also supposed to buy time for public health authorities to ready other tools, namely widespread testing and contact tracing, to enable a gradual reopening as we wait for a vaccine (SN: 4/29/20).

Now, many experts worry that the United States has largely squandered the time bought by millions of Americans who stayed home, often at significant personal and financial cost. Despite some progress, especially in testing, most of the country’s local health departments still don’t have the workforce or the infrastructure needed to safely relax social distancing.

Yet most states are forging ahead with reopening anyway. Those that reopened quickly, like Florida and Texas, have already reversed course, reimposing some restrictions in an effort to slow a surge in cases now building across much of the South and West.

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