Alex Jones caught with Transgender pornography on his phone!

While it wouldn’t shock me if he actually was watching - there could also be very legitimate reasons for that. Since he does speak out so much about those people, he may very well have been “researching” content for his show. It’s also possible someone sent him a link for his show, and he clicked on that.

Being that he is a talk show host, which requires content and research, it’s a stretch to immediately declare that he’s watching transvestites for pleasure. It would be vastly different if he were a pastor, a CEO, or a politician.

That being said, he’s so fuck’n weird, he probably was watching for pleasure.
You said appears.....not me....and so what?.....I bet transgender porn is all the rage in the democrat party....when they aren't molesting children....
You all are the party of Roy Moore and Denny Hastert. A bunch of perverted hypocrites. As I said I could care less what consenting adults do or watch, but you do and then go engage in the conduct you condemn.
Are you saying tgirls are perverted hypocrites, or those who watch them are?

Not very tolerant of you.
Another person who should learn to read. .
Tell us, is there something wrong with transsexuals?
If you had reading comprehension over a first grader you would have read I could care less about Alex Jones' sex life.
Just imagine if it were a member of the main stream press.
You all are the party of Roy Moore and Denny Hastert. A bunch of perverted hypocrites. As I said I could care less what consenting adults do or watch, but you do and then go engage in the conduct you condemn.
Are you saying tgirls are perverted hypocrites, or those who watch them are?

Not very tolerant of you.
Another person who should learn to read. .
Tell us, is there something wrong with transsexuals?
If you had reading comprehension over a first grader you would have read I could care less about Alex Jones' sex life.
Just imagine if it were a member of the main stream press.

No one would report that so we'd never know...
When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.
When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.

Imagine how easy it is to start a rumor filled lie. Why we can say the stupid fk who posted this has pron on his phone tweet it, write an article about it and imagine how oh so true it is.

The left mentality isn't very good.
When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.

Imagine how easy it is to start a rumor filled lie. Why we can say the stupid fk who posted this has pron on his phone tweet it, write an article about it and imagine how oh so true it is.

The left mentality isn't very good.
He had transexual porn on his phone. None of your excuses is going to change that. Alex Jones likes trans porn. You need to come to terms with that FACT.
When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.

Imagine how easy it is to start a rumor filled lie. Why we can say the stupid fk who posted this has pron on his phone tweet it, write an article about it and imagine how oh so true it is.

The left mentality isn't very good.
He had transexual porn on his phone. None of your excuses is going to change that. Alex Jones likes trans porn. You need to come to terms with that FACT.

You know, I MIGHT be able to buy the research thing if he had it on his office computer, but on his phone? Sorry, but people keep things on their phones that they want to have quick access to.
What's most ironic here is that the left has gone full bore with their indoctrinated beliefs - that folks who watch Alex Jones are unmitigated trans-phobics/hate gays - and now they've run face first smack into the brick wall of reality. A lot of righties, even Alex Jones fans, actually don't give a crap about what two adults do in their bedrooms or in the privacy of their relationships. The harder reality for them to understand is that it only becomes a problem for the righties when the lefties force it into the righties life - forcing transgender men into the ladies room, forcing bakers to go against their religion and cater to gay folk (even though there's a fucking nationally acclaimed SSM baker a block away,) forcing schools to teach kids about anal sex, and telling everyone in the country that they're not allowed even talk about it (and, now full circle - one of the ways they shut down honest discussions on the matter, is by hating, and wanting Alex Jones shut down.)
When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.

Imagine how easy it is to start a rumor filled lie. Why we can say the stupid fk who posted this has pron on his phone tweet it, write an article about it and imagine how oh so true it is.

The left mentality isn't very good.
He had transexual porn on his phone. None of your excuses is going to change that. Alex Jones likes trans porn. You need to come to terms with that FACT.

Who cares unless it's illegal ?
Alex hates gays so much he always has one on his shows. WOW that's GAY PHOBIA there

When you consider how much the left hates this guy, I think it's more likely someone hacked his phone and planted this.

Imagine how easy it is to start a rumor filled lie. Why we can say the stupid fk who posted this has pron on his phone tweet it, write an article about it and imagine how oh so true it is.

The left mentality isn't very good.
He had transexual porn on his phone. None of your excuses is going to change that. Alex Jones likes trans porn. You need to come to terms with that FACT.

Who cares unless it's illegal ?
Hes more than welcome to watch any porn he wants without criticism from me, but when he trashes the transgender community while being a closeted transgender lover himself, im going to talk some shit.
Lets have some brass tacks here: Alex Jones is an entertainer, an actor, and that's a matter of fact. The argument of this thread is a kin to saying; "Sean Penn can't have been married to Madonna!" [Because he played a gay person in Milk.]
Lets have some brass tacks here: Alex Jones is an entertainer, an actor, and that's a matter of fact. The argument of this thread is a kin to saying; "Sean Penn can't have been married to Madonna!" [Because he played a gay person in Milk.]
Hes allowed to be into transgender porn, but if hes going to bash transgenders, then im going to bash him for being a closeted transgender lover.
Lets have some brass tacks here: Alex Jones is an entertainer, an actor, and that's a matter of fact. The argument of this thread is a kin to saying; "Sean Penn can't have been married to Madonna!" [Because he played a gay person in Milk.]

He only gets called an actor because when he has had it up to here with idiots as I do on this board you have days when you go off, if the MSM wants to call that acting well then they got you sold., LOL
Lets have some brass tacks here: Alex Jones is an entertainer, an actor, and that's a matter of fact. The argument of this thread is a kin to saying; "Sean Penn can't have been married to Madonna!" [Because he played a gay person in Milk.]

He only gets called an actor because when he has had it up to here with idiots as I do on this board you have days when you go off, if the MSM wants to call that acting well then they got you sold., LOL

Honey, he admitted he was playing a character. You can't just fluff that off.

That said, just because he's acting, doesn't mean he's not bringing up issues that other folks /genuinely/ agree with, take issue with, or want to discuss. If folks enjoy Alex Jones, if they find his methods/research/findings/etc in line with their own beliefs, its fine. There is nothing wrong with accepting truth in saying Alex is an actor because it's actually rather irrelevant to the discussion if you're intellectually honest.
And by the way stupid fk , he never bashes transgenders nor gays. If that were the case MILO would not be on his show. lmao omg this is a trip how hysterical and the stupid fkr to even post it .

Reality who in the fk would even be near his phone to see porn on it.

he deals with gov. officials ARE YOU STUPID FKRS THAT DUMB you can't realize how easy it is to set someone up planting shit on a phone or cmputer.

omfg you really are iditos.

Why would he bash gays and transgenders?

He’s downloading pictures of them for his, er, “research.”
You know, I MIGHT be able to buy the research thing if he had it on his office computer, but on his phone? Sorry, but people keep things on their phones that they want to have quick access to.
That's not true at all. I have tabs open on my phone because I didn't have a laptop or computer with me at the time (driving, shopping, etc.). Nobody keeps something on their phone for "quick access" because a full tablet, laptop, etc. is so much more convenient if they are available. The phone is all about portability and mobility.

That being said - I'm not defending Alex Jones here at all. In fact, after hearing his response, I'm 100% certain he was watching for pleasure. Otherwise he would have said it was "show prep". He panicked and said " just popped up". Sorry Alex, I've never had porn pop up on my phone. Literally never.

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