Alex Jones caught with Transgender pornography on his phone!

If you had reading comprehension over a first grader I said I could care less about Alex Jones' sex life.
Ummmmmmmm....but you started a thread about it.......:45:
Yep, Over his concern on Alex Jones’s phone content.
I think he may have a bit of a crush on Alex Jones
Why are you so unhinged? You seem to be taking this very personally. I can only guess why. LOL Hey, whatever rocks your boat, Hoss.
If you had reading comprehension over a first grader I said I could care less about Alex Jones' sex life.
Ummmmmmmm....but you started a thread about it.......:45:
Yep, Over his concern on Alex Jones’s phone content.
I think he may have a bit of a crush on Alex Jones
Why are you so unhinged? You seem to be taking this very personally. I can only guess why. LOL Hey, whatever rocks your boat, Hoss.
Like I said, you’re the OP...
I think it’s best if you progressive stay out of other peoples personal lives… Being a control freak looks bad on anybody
I did expect the resident trannies to come out in his defense, but I did not think it would be so swift...

As usual you make false assumptions and then present them as ‘truth’.....Just like A good little Marxist.
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He had it on his phone! Yes, only a Republican will believe the denial, "It was on my phone, but I didn't watch it!"
You said appears.....not me....and so what?.....I bet transgender porn is all the rage in the democrat party....when they aren't molesting children....
You all are the party of Roy Moore and Denny Hastert. A bunch of perverted hypocrites. As I said I could care less what consenting adults do or watch, but you do and then go engage in the conduct you condemn.

Those two can’t hold a candle to bill Clinton and

“Anthony look at my Weiner”
I remember when bed wetters like you promoted Alex Jones 9/11 Truthtard rants. He was a hero in the anti-war at any cost moonbat sewer because he ranted and raved about Bush belonging in prison.

Did that all disappear down the left's Orwell Hole?

Listen Peter Pecker I have no idea what you are talking about because I am sure it is something pulled out a dark crevasse located on your backside. But there has never been a time when anyone I know except Trump and Trumpian monkeys followed or listened to Alex Jones.

Face it, your hero is a hypocrite like most the right and Trumplicans are when it comes to sex.
Ridiculous. Alex Jones made his career off of pushing the conspiracy theory that Bush was behind 9/11. He had MILLIONS of followers. Those people werent fucking republicans, thats for god damn sure.
Ridiculous. Alex Jones made his career off of pushing the conspiracy theory that Bush was behind 9/11. He had MILLIONS of followers. Those people werent fucking republicans, thats for god damn sure.

Bed wetting leftist filth have to alter history all the time. As far back as the DNC using guys in white hoods to terrorize and marginalize their opposition, and now use kids in black masks for the same operations while pretending ANTIFA and the KKK have no affiliation with the very democrooks who created them. Now they want to pretend they had no connection to Jones' effort to undermine the war effort, that their thug vandal "protester" agents weren't destroying shit every time the G20 showed up in Seattle, and that moonbat twits weren't promoting the 9/11 truthtard theory.

Never mind bed wetters will insist to your face that The German National Socialist Workers Party was a "right wing" movement, even though right wingers promote MINIMAL government, non-centralized federal authority, free markets, private property, free speech and religious worship, the right to keep guns and a non-interventionist, and certainly not expansionist foreign policy.

Bed wetters would also like to forget other notable leftist sociopaths like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Mugabee Et Al. who murdered millions of people in the name of "the people".

So fuck them.

Conspiracy theorist peddler Alex Jones whose at times transphobic broadcasts have been removed from YouTube, appears to watch transgender pornography on his phone, as seen in a clip promoting his brand.

The host behind InfoWars was hocking his 'personal wellness' products on an affiliate's site and when he clicked away from the page one of the open tabs revealed a page titled 'Naughty tbabe Marissa Mi…'

The term 'tbabe' is used in transgender pornography, and the star that appears on Jones' phone is believed to be Marissa Minx who is described as 'Australia's #1 Trans Companion/XXXAdult Model'.

The hosts phone was in his hands while recording the commercial for his 'wellness products.'
Infowars Alex Jones 'caught with trans porn on his phone' | Daily Mail Online

You can't make this up! I can't stop laughing.

Personally, I could care less what adults watch what other adults do, but it is the share hypocrisy that is astounding. Hypocrisy from the right on sex especially.
I'm sure he looked at it for research purposes only.....
Fake news....he was clearly doing research to keep tabs on the Jewish Transgender Nazi government take-over

Soldier on Alex, soldier on
He had it on his phone! Yes, only a Republican will believe the denial, "It was on my phone, but I didn't watch it!"
You said appears.....not me....and so what?.....I bet transgender porn is all the rage in the democrat party....when they aren't molesting children....
You all are the party of Roy Moore and Denny Hastert. A bunch of perverted hypocrites. As I said I could care less what consenting adults do or watch, but you do and then go engage in the conduct you condemn.
Are you saying tgirls are perverted hypocrites, or those who watch them are?

Not very tolerant of you.
Another person who should learn to read. .
Tell us, is there something wrong with transsexuals?
It's obviously something wrong with them being in the military --
Trump's transgender military ban 'worse than don't ask, don't tell,' advocates say

something wrong with them to the point that it is still legal to discriminate against them, especially if you say God made you do it
Slew of state and local bills are targeting LGBTQ people

So yea, to some... there is something wrong with transgendered people..
Haha, Alex Jones is a closet transexual lover. That has to be embarrassing for a guy who is pretending to the opposite.
You said appears.....not me....and so what?.....I bet transgender porn is all the rage in the democrat party....when they aren't molesting children....
You all are the party of Roy Moore and Denny Hastert. A bunch of perverted hypocrites. As I said I could care less what consenting adults do or watch, but you do and then go engage in the conduct you condemn.
Are you saying tgirls are perverted hypocrites, or those who watch them are?

Not very tolerant of you.
Another person who should learn to read. .
Tell us, is there something wrong with transsexuals?
It's obviously something wrong with them being in the military --
Trump's transgender military ban 'worse than don't ask, don't tell,' advocates say

something wrong with them to the point that it is still legal to discriminate against them, especially if you say God made you do it
Slew of state and local bills are targeting LGBTQ people

So yea, to some... there is something wrong with transgendered people..
Then they should say so rather than support them yet slander others for doing the same.

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