Alexandria.Never Brings Up All Of The Climate Predictions Of The 70's & 80's.Why Not?

And to this day, has anyone ever asked the princess questions regarding all of those doom and gloom predictions of the last 40 to 50 years?
Wasn't Los Angeles and Florida supposed to be under water by 2000/2010?
What about New York and London? Not sure, but weren't they supposed to be under water at some point after 1990/2000?
And what about the coming of the next ice age?
What about the genius Al Gore? what did he predict? Eventually polar bears will be living on sheets of ice,,and that our children will never see snow?
Has any reporter ever brought up these predictions to Princess Alexandria?
And now she is making similar predictions?
:iyfyus.jpg: :CryingCow:
Baring a comet/asteroid impact on or near the ice sheets we are likely to be in another mini ice age before LA or Miami end up submerged.
But science based on climate has constantly been changing.

In the 50s atomic energy was going to mutate life and they knew it for absolute certainty without a doubt. In the 70s we knew for absolute certainty without a doubt nuclear energy was sending us into an ice age. In the 80 it was all about we knew for absolute certainty without a doubt the ozone layer would be destroyed and the planet baked. Now we're certain beyond a shadow of a doubt c02 levels will kill us all.

So it isn't that we that the data is new, it's all together seperate contructs of our demise. They every so often changes what will kill us and how and just completely forget about what was going to kill us before.

Atomic energy, nuclear energy, ozone, c02, politicians always manage to have a new "scientific Boogeyman" exactly what they need it that average people can't see, or prove, or understand completely on their own and we have to just trust them.

And calling people names is also really low and pretty much makes you not worth even considering.
So you think prevailing scientific thought is nothing more than the latest conspiricy theory, as determined by some secret cabal? There is little doubt why so many people consider you to be a leader in the tinfoil hat bregade.
Apparently the Earth is not allowed to evolve? Only a moron believes the earth is not a living organism furthermore believe it is within mans power to control it.
Only a moron believes the earth is not a living organism furthermore believe it is within mans power to control it.

The earth is a big piece of rock with living organisms residing on it.

The earth will always survive, those organisms?
Maybe not

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