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All 7 deaths were Brutal, right?

Actually i do see the correlation. White cops have long preyed on Black people despite your claim that its just "a few". If you are a cop and you are scared then you have two options that will garner my respect. Either you start outing the racist cops or you get a new profession. Cops shouldnt be timid and feel disrespected. They should be pillars of the community. The problem with racist cops is that they do not cultivate the respect they desire so they try and create it by inducing fear. More of them will be ventilated until that changes. I would bet my home on it..
See? Closed caption? He didn't say some cops. He said white cops. And no, white cops do not prey on black people. They come in contact with black people who break the law. Rarely do you hear a law abiding citizen who is black complain that a cop was mean to them.

And, he outright stated that more of them will be ventilated.

I rest my case. Gavel down.
You must not know a lot of Black people. I do. White cops were brought into Black communities after Civil Rights in order to control them. Thats the primary reason the first BPP was formed. To protect our communities from racist feral white boy cops. Yes more of racist white cops will be ventilated. You have some very angry young brothas out there willing to give their lives.

I used to live in the Dorchester section of Boston and the majority of my neighbors were black. The Boston Police who patrolled our neighborhood were white, black, Asian and Hispanic and they were there to "control" things all right...because that's what the Police DO! They have the unenviable task of enforcing the laws that they don't write.

Let's take the case of Freddie Gray...shall we? You've got a black District Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, who pressured the Baltimore Police Department to increase patrols in that neighborhood because her husband (a City Commissioner) was getting irate calls from his constituents about drug trafficking that was taking place there. So a black City Commissioner asks a black District Attorney to ask a black Police Chief to basically harass drug dealers on that corner and so you've got Baltimore Police officers...some white and some black there doing what they were ORDERED to do!

So what does Marilyn Mosby do when Freddie Gray dies in custody? She indicts the officers that SHE sent there to do exactly what they did! Suddenly this isn't a problem of a black City Commissioner, a black District Attorney and a black Police Chief! Oh no...somehow it becomes a symbol for how white Police are killing young black men! It borders on farce!

You couldn't make this shit up...
Cops should never control any community. How have you become so brainwashed? They should only have a presence and that presence should be based on respect.

Increasing patrols have nothing to do with snapping a persons spine not secured by a seat belt. what kind of retarded correlation are you attempting to draw here? Have you lost your fucking mind?

What correlation was drawn by Marilyn Mosby? Did she NOT send the Baltimore Police down to that area to roust the local criminal element? Black Mayor, Black Councilman, Black District Attorney, Black Police Chief and half the officers there were black as well...but YOU see this as a problem with "feral" white police? What's wrong with you?
Show me where Mosby encouraged the cops to snap suspects spines and you would have a point. You arent smart enough to deflect and me not drag you kicking and screaming back to the point.
Here's the problem CC.. There IS MASSIVE compassion for those 2 victims. And ANGER for the cops who did it.
They were about to become front page news for a WEEK ---- until some black activist animal came into the picture and STOLE the story.

You're blaming the wrong people if you don't KNOW -- that reasonable folks are miffed and embarrassed by those 2 LE shootings. ALMOST put the momentum over the top for shining a light and getting action..

The guy who STOLE all that from the victims -- IS the one to blame. Don't be busting other people for being racist and heartless because you can't hear them over the noise..

You know this dude's name who ruined public attention and justice for those 2 victims? Or do I have to tell you?
That was rich Flac. :laugh:

"We were just about to feel sorry but then this Black guy messed it up for yall"

Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:
I asked this one question and received push back. Driving home and watching the news there is wide spread sympathy and prayer for the officers whole lost their lives and their loved ones.

There is almost no mention of the 4 year old who witnessed someone shot and slowly died right in front of them. No mention of the 4 kids losing their dad. No sympathy. Actually just the opposite. Indifference.

I know, you probably didn't think about it because it was implied? Maybe? Or because the children aren't yanno, really effected? Meh, who knows.

On the drive home I heard people talk about the poor families (of the cops). The trauma and brutality of the deaths (of the cops). And when the deaths in the other 2 cases that involved cops they say they are waiting for an investigation. Not for the 5 cops, they instinctively know how to feel about that. Black lives?..ehhh, if you can give me a reason why it's ok and I'll defend it.

I'm disturbed by all the deaths. I even think the bigger tragedy is the Chicago deaths everyday, however many don't care about the daily deaths of Chicago, just the high profile killings. A guy in Tucson was shot, not sure of the date but it didn't get any publicity. BLM had nothing to do with the nut that shot the officers in Dallas.

All deaths have victims and effect lives of others beyond what we know. Not sure how the four year old will handle seeing the shooting. We are all becoming numb to violence.

We have a culture of violence and rebelling. It is an attitude that is in our music, games, TV shows and movies. Families are not the strong fabric it used to be, everyone wants everything on their terms. We see elected officials that are above the law. The respect for authority has eroded. It is our culture. It isn't a gun problem, it's a culture problem.
See? Closed caption? He didn't say some cops. He said white cops. And no, white cops do not prey on black people. They come in contact with black people who break the law. Rarely do you hear a law abiding citizen who is black complain that a cop was mean to them.

And, he outright stated that more of them will be ventilated.

I rest my case. Gavel down.
You must not know a lot of Black people. I do. White cops were brought into Black communities after Civil Rights in order to control them. Thats the primary reason the first BPP was formed. To protect our communities from racist feral white boy cops. Yes more of racist white cops will be ventilated. You have some very angry young brothas out there willing to give their lives.

I used to live in the Dorchester section of Boston and the majority of my neighbors were black. The Boston Police who patrolled our neighborhood were white, black, Asian and Hispanic and they were there to "control" things all right...because that's what the Police DO! They have the unenviable task of enforcing the laws that they don't write.

Let's take the case of Freddie Gray...shall we? You've got a black District Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, who pressured the Baltimore Police Department to increase patrols in that neighborhood because her husband (a City Commissioner) was getting irate calls from his constituents about drug trafficking that was taking place there. So a black City Commissioner asks a black District Attorney to ask a black Police Chief to basically harass drug dealers on that corner and so you've got Baltimore Police officers...some white and some black there doing what they were ORDERED to do!

So what does Marilyn Mosby do when Freddie Gray dies in custody? She indicts the officers that SHE sent there to do exactly what they did! Suddenly this isn't a problem of a black City Commissioner, a black District Attorney and a black Police Chief! Oh no...somehow it becomes a symbol for how white Police are killing young black men! It borders on farce!

You couldn't make this shit up...
Cops should never control any community. How have you become so brainwashed? They should only have a presence and that presence should be based on respect.

Increasing patrols have nothing to do with snapping a persons spine not secured by a seat belt. what kind of retarded correlation are you attempting to draw here? Have you lost your fucking mind?

What correlation was drawn by Marilyn Mosby? Did she NOT send the Baltimore Police down to that area to roust the local criminal element? Black Mayor, Black Councilman, Black District Attorney, Black Police Chief and half the officers there were black as well...but YOU see this as a problem with "feral" white police? What's wrong with you?
Show me where Mosby encouraged the cops to snap suspects spines and you would have a point. You arent smart enough to deflect and me not drag you kicking and screaming back to the point.
The cops did not snap his spine. Dude.
You must not know a lot of Black people. I do. White cops were brought into Black communities after Civil Rights in order to control them. Thats the primary reason the first BPP was formed. To protect our communities from racist feral white boy cops. Yes more of racist white cops will be ventilated. You have some very angry young brothas out there willing to give their lives.

I used to live in the Dorchester section of Boston and the majority of my neighbors were black. The Boston Police who patrolled our neighborhood were white, black, Asian and Hispanic and they were there to "control" things all right...because that's what the Police DO! They have the unenviable task of enforcing the laws that they don't write.

Let's take the case of Freddie Gray...shall we? You've got a black District Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, who pressured the Baltimore Police Department to increase patrols in that neighborhood because her husband (a City Commissioner) was getting irate calls from his constituents about drug trafficking that was taking place there. So a black City Commissioner asks a black District Attorney to ask a black Police Chief to basically harass drug dealers on that corner and so you've got Baltimore Police officers...some white and some black there doing what they were ORDERED to do!

So what does Marilyn Mosby do when Freddie Gray dies in custody? She indicts the officers that SHE sent there to do exactly what they did! Suddenly this isn't a problem of a black City Commissioner, a black District Attorney and a black Police Chief! Oh no...somehow it becomes a symbol for how white Police are killing young black men! It borders on farce!

You couldn't make this shit up...
Cops should never control any community. How have you become so brainwashed? They should only have a presence and that presence should be based on respect.

Increasing patrols have nothing to do with snapping a persons spine not secured by a seat belt. what kind of retarded correlation are you attempting to draw here? Have you lost your fucking mind?

What correlation was drawn by Marilyn Mosby? Did she NOT send the Baltimore Police down to that area to roust the local criminal element? Black Mayor, Black Councilman, Black District Attorney, Black Police Chief and half the officers there were black as well...but YOU see this as a problem with "feral" white police? What's wrong with you?
Show me where Mosby encouraged the cops to snap suspects spines and you would have a point. You arent smart enough to deflect and me not drag you kicking and screaming back to the point.
The cops did not snap his spine. Dude.
Of course they did. Its impossible to snap your own spine with both hands free let alone handcuffed.
Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

Heard the actual numbers yesterday and on the face --- it APPEARS everything is proportional to crime rate. So it's a "clean" exculpatory explanation. But the INDIVIDUAL ACTS that we saw last week don't appear to be clean in any way. If something like that traffic stop happens regularly (and I'm sure it does) whether it's black or white --- it would be a failure of justice. It APPEARED to be anything but "justice"..

What statistics are there on "justified" police killings? And how accurate are those really? At this point, they ALL ought to get reviewed to make CERTAIN the justification isn't just a judgment call.. I don't want to treated like a crime statistic when a gun is pulled on me. I want the cop to evaluate whether I am a THREAT or not. Regardless of my race.

Every time a policeman uses his gun, there is an investigation. SOP

No shooting is taken for granted.

Maybe it's time to review all those "justified" shootings and take a look at training and procedures..

Anybody know how many of the 990 shootings last year were "UNjustified"?? I don't..
And start from there..
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

Heard the actual numbers yesterday and on the face --- it APPEARS everything is proportional to crime rate. So it's a "clean" exculpatory explanation. But the INDIVIDUAL ACTS that we saw last week don't appear to be clean in any way. If something like that traffic stop happens regularly (and I'm sure it does) whether it's black or white --- it would be a failure of justice. It APPEARED to be anything but "justice"..

What statistics are there on "justified" police killings? And how accurate are those really? At this point, they ALL ought to get reviewed to make CERTAIN the justification isn't just a judgment call.. I don't want to treated like a crime statistic when a gun is pulled on me. I want the cop to evaluate whether I am a THREAT or not. Regardless of my race.

Every time a policeman uses his gun, there is an investigation. SOP

No shooting is taken for granted.

Maybe it's time to review all those "justified" shootings and take a look at training and procedures..

Anybody know how many of the 990 shootings last year were "UNjustified"?? I don't..
And start from there..
Who determines if they are unjustified or not? Thats subjective. What you should be looking at is the difference in the way it was handled when different races were involved.
That was rich Flac. :laugh:

"We were just about to feel sorry but then this Black guy messed it up for yall"

Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:

Yeah EVERY white deserves it. And that's not funny.. Betcha I could find dozens of questionable police shootings in the past couple years. In fact, every time the SWAT team does a warrant drug raid on the wrong house --- Granny and PawPaw stand an excellent chance of ending up dead...And their dog. What were THEY doing wrong??

And Granny and Pawpaw weren't high on drugs or tried to reach into a cop car for an officer's gun.

If you just want to wing this based solely on YOUR prejudices -- you're really no better than the OTHER pure hate - pure emotion side. All you're doing is keeping reform from occurring. OR -- being accepted. The latter being MORE IMPORTANT for real change. .
Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:

Yeah EVERY white deserves it. And that's not funny.. Betcha I could find dozens of questionable police shootings in the past couple years. In fact, every time the SWAT team does a warrant drug raid on the wrong house --- Granny and PawPaw stand an excellent chance of ending up dead...And their dog. What were THEY doing wrong??

And Granny and Pawpaw weren't high on drugs or tried to reach into a cop car for an officer's gun.

If you just want to wing this based solely on YOUR prejudices -- you're really no better than the OTHER pure hate - pure emotion side. All you're doing is keeping reform from occurring. OR -- being accepted. The latter being MORE IMPORTANT for real change. .
Who said every white deserves it? I know I didnt say that. Are you deflecting or is that what you really got out of my post? So your claim is that white people get shot for the same reasons Black people do? It has nothing to do with racism? I ask because I have an ex police chief that would disagree with you.
I used to live in the Dorchester section of Boston and the majority of my neighbors were black. The Boston Police who patrolled our neighborhood were white, black, Asian and Hispanic and they were there to "control" things all right...because that's what the Police DO! They have the unenviable task of enforcing the laws that they don't write.

Let's take the case of Freddie Gray...shall we? You've got a black District Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, who pressured the Baltimore Police Department to increase patrols in that neighborhood because her husband (a City Commissioner) was getting irate calls from his constituents about drug trafficking that was taking place there. So a black City Commissioner asks a black District Attorney to ask a black Police Chief to basically harass drug dealers on that corner and so you've got Baltimore Police officers...some white and some black there doing what they were ORDERED to do!

So what does Marilyn Mosby do when Freddie Gray dies in custody? She indicts the officers that SHE sent there to do exactly what they did! Suddenly this isn't a problem of a black City Commissioner, a black District Attorney and a black Police Chief! Oh no...somehow it becomes a symbol for how white Police are killing young black men! It borders on farce!

You couldn't make this shit up...
Cops should never control any community. How have you become so brainwashed? They should only have a presence and that presence should be based on respect.

Increasing patrols have nothing to do with snapping a persons spine not secured by a seat belt. what kind of retarded correlation are you attempting to draw here? Have you lost your fucking mind?

What correlation was drawn by Marilyn Mosby? Did she NOT send the Baltimore Police down to that area to roust the local criminal element? Black Mayor, Black Councilman, Black District Attorney, Black Police Chief and half the officers there were black as well...but YOU see this as a problem with "feral" white police? What's wrong with you?
Show me where Mosby encouraged the cops to snap suspects spines and you would have a point. You arent smart enough to deflect and me not drag you kicking and screaming back to the point.
The cops did not snap his spine. Dude.
Of course they did. Its impossible to snap your own spine with both hands free let alone handcuffed.
Sorry. He snapped his own spine by throwing himself around like a deranged idiot.
That was rich Flac. :laugh:

"We were just about to feel sorry but then this Black guy messed it up for yall"

Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:
That's exactly what you said.
Cops should never control any community. How have you become so brainwashed? They should only have a presence and that presence should be based on respect.

Increasing patrols have nothing to do with snapping a persons spine not secured by a seat belt. what kind of retarded correlation are you attempting to draw here? Have you lost your fucking mind?

What correlation was drawn by Marilyn Mosby? Did she NOT send the Baltimore Police down to that area to roust the local criminal element? Black Mayor, Black Councilman, Black District Attorney, Black Police Chief and half the officers there were black as well...but YOU see this as a problem with "feral" white police? What's wrong with you?
Show me where Mosby encouraged the cops to snap suspects spines and you would have a point. You arent smart enough to deflect and me not drag you kicking and screaming back to the point.
The cops did not snap his spine. Dude.
Of course they did. Its impossible to snap your own spine with both hands free let alone handcuffed.
Sorry. He snapped his own spine by throwing himself around like a deranged idiot.
So you think he generated enough force to snap his own spine instead of the driver doing it? You see? This is why I dont take you very seriously.
There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

Heard the actual numbers yesterday and on the face --- it APPEARS everything is proportional to crime rate. So it's a "clean" exculpatory explanation. But the INDIVIDUAL ACTS that we saw last week don't appear to be clean in any way. If something like that traffic stop happens regularly (and I'm sure it does) whether it's black or white --- it would be a failure of justice. It APPEARED to be anything but "justice"..

What statistics are there on "justified" police killings? And how accurate are those really? At this point, they ALL ought to get reviewed to make CERTAIN the justification isn't just a judgment call.. I don't want to treated like a crime statistic when a gun is pulled on me. I want the cop to evaluate whether I am a THREAT or not. Regardless of my race.

Every time a policeman uses his gun, there is an investigation. SOP

No shooting is taken for granted.

Maybe it's time to review all those "justified" shootings and take a look at training and procedures..

Anybody know how many of the 990 shootings last year were "UNjustified"?? I don't..
And start from there..
Who determines if they are unjustified or not? Thats subjective. What you should be looking at is the difference in the way it was handled when different races were involved.

Every one of those 990 were reviewed and a determination was made. Sometimes at local and federal level. I'll bet you find a handful of those 990 that determined "racial bias".. You're not even curious HOW they determined racial bias?

Honestly --- we need RELIABLE psychological tools very badly.. The kind where you can legally and accurately STRESS TEST a person to uncover shit like racial bias. Then once you and me are fully stress tested -- we'll see what kind of jobs and privileges we still qualified for.. YOU would be in deep kimchee..
Thought you needed to be cheered up.. It's the truth. Going radical burned BLM big time. Suck all the attention right off of the demonstrations and the outrage.

Maybe YOU couldn't feel it. Being as much of a hard ass as you pretend you are. But this time WAS different. Those killings WERE seemingly senseless from what we peons know. And I was feeling a LOT different til the "main event" happened. STILL want justice and a fulll accounting. But the guerrilla with the plan knock the shit out of a full National wake and memorial.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:
That's exactly what you said.
Yes that is what I said. Its pretty obvious thats what I said since you quoted me right? Did you have some point?
I asked this one question and received push back. Driving home and watching the news there is wide spread sympathy and prayer for the officers whole lost their lives and their loved ones.

There is almost no mention of the 4 year old who witnessed someone shot and slowly died right in front of them. No mention of the 4 kids losing their dad. No sympathy. Actually just the opposite. Indifference.

I know, you probably didn't think about it because it was implied? Maybe? Or because the children aren't yanno, really effected? Meh, who knows.

On the drive home I heard people talk about the poor families (of the cops). The trauma and brutality of the deaths (of the cops). And when the deaths in the other 2 cases that involved cops they say they are waiting for an investigation. Not for the 5 cops, they instinctively know how to feel about that. Black lives?..ehhh, if you can give me a reason why it's ok and I'll defend it.
What is with the clown faces? When Police Officers exceed their authority or when they commit negligent homicide or freaking murder they are subject to the same criminal prosecution as any other person. In the upside down inside out world of clown faced liberals it seems that murder and assassination rather than working within the system is justified when they think they are getting a raw deal. It's insanity times ten.
Mysteriously working inside the system doesnt seem to work for Black people. We have been doing that since reconstruction and it hasnt worked.

I guess that's why you refer to yourselves as AFRICAN-americans.
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage

Heard the actual numbers yesterday and on the face --- it APPEARS everything is proportional to crime rate. So it's a "clean" exculpatory explanation. But the INDIVIDUAL ACTS that we saw last week don't appear to be clean in any way. If something like that traffic stop happens regularly (and I'm sure it does) whether it's black or white --- it would be a failure of justice. It APPEARED to be anything but "justice"..

What statistics are there on "justified" police killings? And how accurate are those really? At this point, they ALL ought to get reviewed to make CERTAIN the justification isn't just a judgment call.. I don't want to treated like a crime statistic when a gun is pulled on me. I want the cop to evaluate whether I am a THREAT or not. Regardless of my race.

Every time a policeman uses his gun, there is an investigation. SOP

No shooting is taken for granted.

Maybe it's time to review all those "justified" shootings and take a look at training and procedures..

Anybody know how many of the 990 shootings last year were "UNjustified"?? I don't..
And start from there..
Who determines if they are unjustified or not? Thats subjective. What you should be looking at is the difference in the way it was handled when different races were involved.

Every one of those 990 were reviewed and a determination was made. Sometimes at local and federal level. I'll bet you find a handful of those 990 that determined "racial bias".. You're not even curious HOW they determined racial bias?

Honestly --- we need RELIABLE psychological tools very badly.. The kind where you can legally and accurately STRESS TEST a person to uncover shit like racial bias. Then once you and me are fully stress tested -- we'll see what kind of jobs and privileges we still qualified for.. YOU would be in deep kimchee..
I would agree and would be curious about the methods used to determine it was a racial bias. I would bet that it wasnt determined by looking at the reactions of cops in similar scenarios with members of different races. Then you throw in the inherent bias of the people doing the determinations. I would love to know their racial makeups.
Your words cant help but prove my point. You dont need but a moment of attention to feel sorrow for the victims of police brutality. There is no building of the emotion of sorrow. It is instant and doesnt die out because another event occurs. I note you termed the death of the cops "the main event" effectively placing the first shootings as nothing really important in the grand scheme of things. Its ok and nothing I dont expect from white people but it is funny to see you guys try and feign sorrow when your own words belittle the opening act.

There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:

Yeah EVERY white deserves it. And that's not funny.. Betcha I could find dozens of questionable police shootings in the past couple years. In fact, every time the SWAT team does a warrant drug raid on the wrong house --- Granny and PawPaw stand an excellent chance of ending up dead...And their dog. What were THEY doing wrong??

And Granny and Pawpaw weren't high on drugs or tried to reach into a cop car for an officer's gun.

If you just want to wing this based solely on YOUR prejudices -- you're really no better than the OTHER pure hate - pure emotion side. All you're doing is keeping reform from occurring. OR -- being accepted. The latter being MORE IMPORTANT for real change. .
Who said every white deserves it? I know I didnt say that. Are you deflecting or is that what you really got out of my post? So your claim is that white people get shot for the same reasons Black people do? It has nothing to do with racism? I ask because I have an ex police chief that would disagree with you.

Please remain sober while the conversation is moving towards the gate. What was THIS??

I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it.

You;re not gonna start Clinton parsing statements now --- are ya?? Just because I replied with "white person", I think you knew how that was context qualified... I've got about 10 minutes to fix all your problems and I'm typing as fast as I can..
I asked this one question and received push back. Driving home and watching the news there is wide spread sympathy and prayer for the officers whole lost their lives and their loved ones.

There is almost no mention of the 4 year old who witnessed someone shot and slowly died right in front of them. No mention of the 4 kids losing their dad. No sympathy. Actually just the opposite. Indifference.

I know, you probably didn't think about it because it was implied? Maybe? Or because the children aren't yanno, really effected? Meh, who knows.

On the drive home I heard people talk about the poor families (of the cops). The trauma and brutality of the deaths (of the cops). And when the deaths in the other 2 cases that involved cops they say they are waiting for an investigation. Not for the 5 cops, they instinctively know how to feel about that. Black lives?..ehhh, if you can give me a reason why it's ok and I'll defend it.
What is with the clown faces? When Police Officers exceed their authority or when they commit negligent homicide or freaking murder they are subject to the same criminal prosecution as any other person. In the upside down inside out world of clown faced liberals it seems that murder and assassination rather than working within the system is justified when they think they are getting a raw deal. It's insanity times ten.
Mysteriously working inside the system doesnt seem to work for Black people. We have been doing that since reconstruction and it hasnt worked.

I guess that's why you refer to yourselves as AFRICAN-americans.
No thats not why and i refer to myself as Black or African. The only time I use African-
american is to denote where I live when speaking to people outside the country.
There were something like 990 fatalities by cop last year. I (most people) are not gonna investigate every one. These latest 2 and shooting in the back of that man in S.C (?) are enough..

The issue USED to be cops who harbor racism or bias. The issue NOW is gonna be cops who fear for the lives. And THAT is not gonna improve the statistics. I've seen your happiness about Dallas for the past day. Really don't like it because I know -- your analytical side is going to waste with all this hate that YOU harbor. My words are not destructive. Yours probably are..

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it. Now you attempt to insult everyones intelligence by trying to imply that the reasons for white people getting shot are the same as the ones for Black people getting shot. :laugh:

Yeah EVERY white deserves it. And that's not funny.. Betcha I could find dozens of questionable police shootings in the past couple years. In fact, every time the SWAT team does a warrant drug raid on the wrong house --- Granny and PawPaw stand an excellent chance of ending up dead...And their dog. What were THEY doing wrong??

And Granny and Pawpaw weren't high on drugs or tried to reach into a cop car for an officer's gun.

If you just want to wing this based solely on YOUR prejudices -- you're really no better than the OTHER pure hate - pure emotion side. All you're doing is keeping reform from occurring. OR -- being accepted. The latter being MORE IMPORTANT for real change. .
Who said every white deserves it? I know I didnt say that. Are you deflecting or is that what you really got out of my post? So your claim is that white people get shot for the same reasons Black people do? It has nothing to do with racism? I ask because I have an ex police chief that would disagree with you.

Please remain sober while the conversation is moving towards the gate. What was THIS??

I've dont think I have ever seen a white person get shot by the cops that didnt overly deservere it.

You;re not gonna start Clinton parsing statements now --- are ya?? Just because I replied with "white person", I think you knew how that was context qualified... I've got about 10 minutes to fix all your problems and I'm typing as fast as I can..
That was personal experience. I even used the word "I've" to denote that. You replied with "all whites deserve it". I never claimed to have seen all whites getting shot. Now I have seen a white cop get shot for not treating a white guy the same way he would treat a Black guy. He allowed the white guy to go back into a room and get a gun which he was shot with and died.
Heard the actual numbers yesterday and on the face --- it APPEARS everything is proportional to crime rate. So it's a "clean" exculpatory explanation. But the INDIVIDUAL ACTS that we saw last week don't appear to be clean in any way. If something like that traffic stop happens regularly (and I'm sure it does) whether it's black or white --- it would be a failure of justice. It APPEARED to be anything but "justice"..

What statistics are there on "justified" police killings? And how accurate are those really? At this point, they ALL ought to get reviewed to make CERTAIN the justification isn't just a judgment call.. I don't want to treated like a crime statistic when a gun is pulled on me. I want the cop to evaluate whether I am a THREAT or not. Regardless of my race.

Every time a policeman uses his gun, there is an investigation. SOP

No shooting is taken for granted.

Maybe it's time to review all those "justified" shootings and take a look at training and procedures..

Anybody know how many of the 990 shootings last year were "UNjustified"?? I don't..
And start from there..
Who determines if they are unjustified or not? Thats subjective. What you should be looking at is the difference in the way it was handled when different races were involved.

Every one of those 990 were reviewed and a determination was made. Sometimes at local and federal level. I'll bet you find a handful of those 990 that determined "racial bias".. You're not even curious HOW they determined racial bias?

Honestly --- we need RELIABLE psychological tools very badly.. The kind where you can legally and accurately STRESS TEST a person to uncover shit like racial bias. Then once you and me are fully stress tested -- we'll see what kind of jobs and privileges we still qualified for.. YOU would be in deep kimchee..
I would agree and would be curious about the methods used to determine it was a racial bias. I would bet that it wasnt determined by looking at the reactions of cops in similar scenarios with members of different races. Then you throw in the inherent bias of the people doing the determinations. I would love to know their racial makeups.

Wanna get stress tested? I don't know why this isn't a valid Psych eval tool.

You lock folks in a chair -- and subject them to increasingly annoying stimulus. Like "black people" for instance. . :badgrin:..

Just starts out with a homeless black guy telling bad jokes and slapping you on the back. Then 4 having an impromptu barber shop hooting match. And finally a couple with rifles and camo just parading around your chair and shouting BLM marching themes. I'll collect the data --- YOU provide the racist detection metrics and analysis. Sounds like a gubermint grant would be NO PROBLEM...

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