All of you that thanked Obama for low gas prices can now...

Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.
There was no hype around it. Get a fucking clue. If you are trying to sell that the media hyped the good economic conditions under bush, then you can shove it up your ass.

There is a difference between an article here or there and HYPE.

So fuck you and you shit.
Despite a strong economy, the Republicans got their asses whupped in the 2006 mid term elections.
Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.

I found SEVERAL MainStream Media™ outlets reporting the lowest unemployment in five years, "flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near."

You want some more?

You lied. Plain and simple.

And you got caught in your lie. Don't be stupid enough to ever do that again. I really hate that. Maybe you have noticed.
Despite a strong economy, the Republicans got their asses whupped in the 2006 mid term elections.

Yeah we know. That was due to the pretty little liberal hype machine.

Either way, Pelosi and the democrats tooknover in 2007 and the economy took a nose dive.

Despite a strong economy, the Republicans got their asses whupped in the 2006 mid term elections.

Yeah we know. That was due to the pretty little liberal hype machine.

Either way, Pelosi and the democrats tooknover in 2007 and the economy took a nose dive.

You lied. Got caught.


The economy dived because of loans that took three to five years to blow up.


You're an ignorant dumbass.

Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.

I found SEVERAL MainStream Media™ outlets reporting the lowest unemployment in five years, "flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near."

You want some more?

You lied. Plain and simple.

And you got caught in your lie. Don't be stupid enough to ever do that again. I really hate that. Maybe you have noticed.
You are a fucking mindless ignorant moron. You think you are so smart. Your little attempt at trying to tell me the left wing media did not hype a bad economy.

You have no clue between hype and articles. Go ahead and explain to all of us the reasons why the republicans lost.

Fucking idiot. Fucking liar.
Blame him for it going up. Was $1.72 about 3 weeks ago and now it's $2.37 and climbing. Fucking morons

You guys are the fucking morons. You blamed Obama for gas going up to $4 a gallon but you forgot that it went up over $4 on Bush's watch and that helped cause the Great Recession of 2007. And you forgot that it went down under $2 because we were in the recession. It sent the price of crude down. Anyways, no one is crediting Obama for gas prices and no one should be blaming him.

Any Republican who tries is exposing their stupidity.
Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.

I found SEVERAL MainStream Media™ outlets reporting the lowest unemployment in five years, "flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near."

You want some more?

You lied. Plain and simple.

And you got caught in your lie. Don't be stupid enough to ever do that again. I really hate that. Maybe you have noticed.
You are a fucking mindless ignorant moron. You think you are so smart. Your little attempt at trying to tell me the left wing media did not hype a bad economy.

You have no clue between hype and articles. Go ahead and explain to all of us the reasons why the republicans lost.

Fucking idiot. Fucking liar.
Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.

I found SEVERAL MainStream Media™ outlets reporting the lowest unemployment in five years, "flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near."

You want some more?

You lied. Plain and simple.

And you got caught in your lie. Don't be stupid enough to ever do that again. I really hate that. Maybe you have noticed.
You are a fucking mindless ignorant moron. You think you are so smart. Your little attempt at trying to tell me the left wing media did not hype a bad economy.

You have no clue between hype and articles. Go ahead and explain to all of us the reasons why the republicans lost.

Fucking idiot. Fucking liar.


That same media did not say a word.

Need more?

Do you actually think you proved anything? You are such a fucking typical snot nosed piece of utter shit.

Your little articles did not come.close to the hype machine by the left wing media in regards to the economy.

Your fucking jedi mind trick will not work on me. The simple fact is the.economy was doing just fine under republicans.

You even pointed it out. So how did the republicans lose again? You fucking liar.
Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Ow! Fuck! Unemployment rate falls to five year low - NBC News

The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low of 4.4 percent in October as employers added 92,000 new jobs — flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near.
And according to the MessiahRushie of these mindless drones, that is how the "Liberal" media "TALKED DOWN" the super Bush economy into a Bush Depression! :cuckoo:
Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Ow! Fuck! Unemployment rate falls to five year low - NBC News

The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low of 4.4 percent in October as employers added 92,000 new jobs — flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near.
And according to the MessiahRushie of these mindless drones, that is how the "Liberal" media "TALKED DOWN" the super Bush economy into a Bush Depression! :cuckoo:

Lets see. Economy doing well under republicans, according to these liars the liberal media even hyped that the economy was doing great under republicans and the liberals decided to vote in democrats.

Then, only after the democrats took over the purse strings, the economy went into a nose dive. Of course the morons blame the republicans even though they claim the liberal media reported the economy was doing great under republicans.

Wow. Holy shit they are srupid.
Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Ow! Fuck! Unemployment rate falls to five year low - NBC News

The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low of 4.4 percent in October as employers added 92,000 new jobs — flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near.
And according to the MessiahRushie of these mindless drones, that is how the "Liberal" media "TALKED DOWN" the super Bush economy into a Bush Depression! :cuckoo:

Lets see. Economy doing well under republicans, according to these liars the liberal media even hyped that the economy was doing great under republicans and the liberals decided to vote in democrats.

Then, only after the democrats took over the purse strings, the economy went into a nose dive. Of course the morons blame the republicans even though they claim the liberal media reported the economy was doing great under republicans.

Wow. Holy shit they are srupid.
My, are you ever retarded. The economy did so well in 2003-2006 because of the housing bubble. The bulk of the toxic loans were one percent ARMs which were fixed for the first 30 months. In 2003, the federal fund rate dropped to under 2%. It fell to 1% in 2004. Trillions of dollars were flooded into the economy by people who either made huge profits from selling their artificially inflated homes or by taking out see on mortgages. That's what fueled the economy you bragged about.

But 30 months after those loans were written between 2003-2006; between 2005-2008, people began losing their homes in significant numbers when their 30 month term expired and interest rates had gone up to over 5%. That is what crashed the economy.

Idiots on the right, like you, then turn around and credit Republicans for the boom but then blame Democrats for the bust. Some are sooo stupid, they'll blame Barney Frank because he was on the wrong side of the issue, as if one member of the minority party could have stopped the majority party Republicans from creating that mess. Some are even dumber than that and will blame the then 30 year old CRA, even though it was subprime loans which wrecked the economy, not CRA loans.
Wow g5000 found a handful of articles saying the unemployment rate was low.
There was no hype around it. Get a fucking clue. If you are trying to sell that the media hyped the good economic conditions under bush, then you can shove it up your ass.

There is a difference between an article here or there and HYPE.

So fuck you and you shit.
No, fuck you for lying...

"Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word." - a lying rightwingnut
Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Ow! Fuck! Unemployment rate falls to five year low - NBC News

The unemployment rate dropped to a five-year low of 4.4 percent in October as employers added 92,000 new jobs — flashing a picture of a strong labor market as the midterm elections draw near.
And according to the MessiahRushie of these mindless drones, that is how the "Liberal" media "TALKED DOWN" the super Bush economy into a Bush Depression! :cuckoo:

Lets see. Economy doing well under republicans, according to these liars the liberal media even hyped that the economy was doing great under republicans and the liberals decided to vote in democrats.

Then, only after the democrats took over the purse strings, the economy went into a nose dive. Of course the morons blame the republicans even though they claim the liberal media reported the economy was doing great under republicans.

Wow. Holy shit they are srupid.
My, are you ever retarded. The economy did so well in 2003-2006 because of the housing bubble. The bulk of the toxic loans were one percent ARMs which were fixed for the first 30 months. In 2003, the federal fund rate dropped to under 2%. It fell to 1% in 2004. Trillions of dollars were flooded into the economy by people who either made huge profits from selling their artificially inflated homes or by taking out see on mortgages. That's what fueled the economy you bragged about.

But 30 months after those loans were written between 2003-2006; between 2005-2008, people began losing their homes in significant numbers when their 30 month term expired and interest rates had gone up to over 5%. That is what crashed the economy.

Idiots on the right, like you, then turn around and credit Republicans for the boom but then blame Democrats for the bust. Some are sooo stupid, they'll blame Barney Frank because he was on the wrong side of the issue, as if one member of the minority party could have stopped the majority party Republicans from creating that mess. Some are even dumber than that and will blame the then 30 year old CRA, even though it was subprime loans which wrecked the economy, not CRA loans.
Especially since CRA loans adjusted DOWN to prime if you paid on time for 2 years!
Theowl clearly has a different definition of "not a word" that everyone out here in Reality does. :badgrin:
Here is the New York times talking about the 2006 unemployment figures AGAIN:
U.S. midterm campaign enters its homestretch

WASHINGTON — As the campaign for the American midterm elections headed into its final weekend, President George W. Bush was in Missouri on Friday to support the embattled Senator Jim Talent, whose re-election Bush described as vital to the nation's economy, security and values.

The president seized on the unemployment report, released Friday morning, that showed a national unemployment rate of 4.4 percent.

"Tax cuts have led to a strong and growing economy, and this morning we got more proof of that," Bush said. He noted that the economy added 92,000 jobs in October (without mentioning that about 150,000 jobs must be added each month to keep up with the population), and that 470,000 jobs had been created in the past three months.

Need more? :badgrin:

For a Mainstream Media that said "not a word", there sure is a lot of stuff out there.


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