All of you that thanked Obama for low gas prices can now...

Does that mean the clowns that blamed Obama for high gas prices before can't blame him again now?

You obviously are very ignorant about "supply and demand" right?
The ONLY way any President has a DIRECT affect is in increasing or decreasing Federal land oil production.
Here are the FACTS as to what Obama HAS to DECREASE Federal land Oil production.
This from the Federal government...

According to EIA, in fiscal year 2011, production on federal lands dropped
13 percent from fiscal year 2010 levels, led by a drop in federal offshore production of 17 percent.[ii]

The majority of oil production on federal lands (around 80 percent) is located in offshore waters.
And the vast majority of federal offshore oil production (generally over 95 percent) is from the 55 percent of the Gulf of Mexico where leasing has been allowed. Thus, an analysis of oil production from the Federal Gulf of Mexico should be a good indicator of where our increased oil production is coming from—federal lands or private and state lands.

According to EIA, federal offshore production peaked in fiscal year 2010 with a total of 618 million barrels produced.
In that year, about 580 million barrels of oil were produced in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

But due mainly to the moratorium placed on offshore drilling by the Obama Administration,
oil production in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico fell by 77 million barrels in fiscal year 2011 (13 percent). EIA is projecting it to fall again in fiscal year 2012 by another 35 million barrels (7 percent).

(Note that these production volumes come from EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook and are a combination of data and projections for fiscal year 2012.)
EIA expects fiscal year 2013 production from the federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico to begin to increase (by 6 percent), but not reach the oil production levels of either fiscal year 2010, when it peaked, nor fiscal year 2011, which had a half year of high production before the Macondo accident occurred and the moratorium on drilling was put in place.

Comparing the loss in federal oil production to production in the oil producing states, we find the decrease expected in oil production from the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico between fiscal years 2010 and 2012 of 112 million barrels is about equal to the oil produced in the state of North Dakota in 2010 (113 million barrels) and it is 50 percent higher than the oil produced in the state of Oklahoma in 2011 (74 million barrels).

U.S. Oil Production Up But On Whose Lands - IER
Just watch this video. It absolutely shows how pathetic, how insidious, how pathetic left wingers are.

Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Watch this.

The main stream media everyone.

What did that same media say about the record gas prices at the pump in 2012?

Go ahead, and watch.
Does that mean the clowns that blamed Obama for high gas prices before can't blame him again now?

You obviously are very ignorant about "supply and demand" right?
The ONLY way any President has a DIRECT affect is in increasing or decreasing Federal land oil production.
Here are the FACTS as to what Obama HAS to DECREASE Federal land Oil production.
This from the Federal government...

According to EIA, in fiscal year 2011, production on federal lands dropped
13 percent from fiscal year 2010 levels, led by a drop in federal offshore production of 17 percent.[ii]

The majority of oil production on federal lands (around 80 percent) is located in offshore waters.
And the vast majority of federal offshore oil production (generally over 95 percent) is from the 55 percent of the Gulf of Mexico where leasing has been allowed. Thus, an analysis of oil production from the Federal Gulf of Mexico should be a good indicator of where our increased oil production is coming from—federal lands or private and state lands.

According to EIA, federal offshore production peaked in fiscal year 2010 with a total of 618 million barrels produced.
In that year, about 580 million barrels of oil were produced in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

But due mainly to the moratorium placed on offshore drilling by the Obama Administration,
oil production in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico fell by 77 million barrels in fiscal year 2011 (13 percent). EIA is projecting it to fall again in fiscal year 2012 by another 35 million barrels (7 percent).

(Note that these production volumes come from EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook and are a combination of data and projections for fiscal year 2012.)
EIA expects fiscal year 2013 production from the federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico to begin to increase (by 6 percent), but not reach the oil production levels of either fiscal year 2010, when it peaked, nor fiscal year 2011, which had a half year of high production before the Macondo accident occurred and the moratorium on drilling was put in place.

Comparing the loss in federal oil production to production in the oil producing states, we find the decrease expected in oil production from the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico between fiscal years 2010 and 2012 of 112 million barrels is about equal to the oil produced in the state of North Dakota in 2010 (113 million barrels) and it is 50 percent higher than the oil produced in the state of Oklahoma in 2011 (74 million barrels).

U.S. Oil Production Up But On Whose Lands - IER
You are wrong. That is not the only way a president can affect supply and demand. What you describe is how a president can affect supply, but they can affect demand too. As Obama has done by requiring auto manufacturers to build more fuel efficient vehicles.
Does that mean the clowns that blamed Obama for high gas prices before can't blame him again now?

You obviously are very ignorant about "supply and demand" right?
The ONLY way any President has a DIRECT affect is in increasing or decreasing Federal land oil production.
Here are the FACTS as to what Obama HAS to DECREASE Federal land Oil production.
This from the Federal government...

According to EIA, in fiscal year 2011, production on federal lands dropped
13 percent from fiscal year 2010 levels, led by a drop in federal offshore production of 17 percent.[ii]

The majority of oil production on federal lands (around 80 percent) is located in offshore waters.
And the vast majority of federal offshore oil production (generally over 95 percent) is from the 55 percent of the Gulf of Mexico where leasing has been allowed. Thus, an analysis of oil production from the Federal Gulf of Mexico should be a good indicator of where our increased oil production is coming from—federal lands or private and state lands.

According to EIA, federal offshore production peaked in fiscal year 2010 with a total of 618 million barrels produced.
In that year, about 580 million barrels of oil were produced in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

But due mainly to the moratorium placed on offshore drilling by the Obama Administration,
oil production in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico fell by 77 million barrels in fiscal year 2011 (13 percent). EIA is projecting it to fall again in fiscal year 2012 by another 35 million barrels (7 percent).

(Note that these production volumes come from EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook and are a combination of data and projections for fiscal year 2012.)
EIA expects fiscal year 2013 production from the federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico to begin to increase (by 6 percent), but not reach the oil production levels of either fiscal year 2010, when it peaked, nor fiscal year 2011, which had a half year of high production before the Macondo accident occurred and the moratorium on drilling was put in place.

Comparing the loss in federal oil production to production in the oil producing states, we find the decrease expected in oil production from the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico between fiscal years 2010 and 2012 of 112 million barrels is about equal to the oil produced in the state of North Dakota in 2010 (113 million barrels) and it is 50 percent higher than the oil produced in the state of Oklahoma in 2011 (74 million barrels).

U.S. Oil Production Up But On Whose Lands - IER

Pointed this out already, but the added detail was needed. Thank you! :)
Does that mean the clowns that blamed Obama for high gas prices before can't blame him again now?

You obviously are very ignorant about "supply and demand" right?
The ONLY way any President has a DIRECT affect is in increasing or decreasing Federal land oil production.
Here are the FACTS as to what Obama HAS to DECREASE Federal land Oil production.
This from the Federal government...

According to EIA, in fiscal year 2011, production on federal lands dropped
13 percent from fiscal year 2010 levels, led by a drop in federal offshore production of 17 percent.[ii]

The majority of oil production on federal lands (around 80 percent) is located in offshore waters.
And the vast majority of federal offshore oil production (generally over 95 percent) is from the 55 percent of the Gulf of Mexico where leasing has been allowed. Thus, an analysis of oil production from the Federal Gulf of Mexico should be a good indicator of where our increased oil production is coming from—federal lands or private and state lands.

According to EIA, federal offshore production peaked in fiscal year 2010 with a total of 618 million barrels produced.
In that year, about 580 million barrels of oil were produced in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

But due mainly to the moratorium placed on offshore drilling by the Obama Administration,
oil production in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico fell by 77 million barrels in fiscal year 2011 (13 percent). EIA is projecting it to fall again in fiscal year 2012 by another 35 million barrels (7 percent).

(Note that these production volumes come from EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook and are a combination of data and projections for fiscal year 2012.)
EIA expects fiscal year 2013 production from the federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico to begin to increase (by 6 percent), but not reach the oil production levels of either fiscal year 2010, when it peaked, nor fiscal year 2011, which had a half year of high production before the Macondo accident occurred and the moratorium on drilling was put in place.

Comparing the loss in federal oil production to production in the oil producing states, we find the decrease expected in oil production from the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico between fiscal years 2010 and 2012 of 112 million barrels is about equal to the oil produced in the state of North Dakota in 2010 (113 million barrels) and it is 50 percent higher than the oil produced in the state of Oklahoma in 2011 (74 million barrels).

U.S. Oil Production Up But On Whose Lands - IER
You are wrong. That is not the only way a president can affect supply and demand. What you describe is how a president can affect supply, but they can affect demand too. As Obama has done by requiring auto manufacturers to build more fuel efficient vehicles.

You know there is international demand for our oil........................ We can literally set the price for our own oil.
Blame him for it going up. Was $1.72 about 3 weeks ago and now it's $2.37 and climbing. Fucking morons
Gee, timed with the GOP takeover of Congress.
Thanks for the high gas prices Republiklans!

"The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress.”
- Mitch McConnell
Blame him for it going up. Was $1.72 about 3 weeks ago and now it's $2.37 and climbing. Fucking morons
Gee, timed with the GOP takeover of Congress.
Thanks for the high gas prices Republiklans!

"The uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress.”
- Mitch McConnell

You know you can see stars, but you can't touch them.
Blame him for it going up. Was $1.72 about 3 weeks ago and now it's $2.37 and climbing. Fucking morons
actually it was only about 29/30% of the population who actually believed that Obama had the power to lower our gas prices, then again, its the same blockheads who also believe that Abe Lincoln met George Washington in the late 1700's.
Just watch this video. It absolutely shows how pathetic, how insidious, how pathetic left wingers are.

Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Watch this.

The main stream media everyone.

What did that same media say about the record gas prices at the pump in 2012?

Go ahead, and watch.

Here's the msm announcing 4.4% unemployment in 2006....

Unemployment rate hits 5-year low jobs growth revised up - Nov. 3 2006
Only people who are ignorant of the petroleum industry seriously blame or thank the president for prices. The reality is so much more horrifying than the president manipulating prices.
Yeah. I'm sure you were saying that when gas prices skyrocketed to 2.50 a gallon under Bush.

I love these people that learn the truth about what the president is responsible for when THEIR man is in the White House.
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Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Here is some more MainStream Media not reporting the 2006 low unemployment rate: Job Market Ends 2006 on Strong Note - New York Times

Tightness in the job market has been driving wages upward, economists say. With unemployment so low — the 4.4 percent reading in October was the lowest in five years — employers have found themselves having to bid up pay a bit to fill vacancies.
Only people who are ignorant of the petroleum industry seriously blame or thank the president for prices. The reality is so much more horrifying than the president manipulating prices.
Yeah. I'm sure you were saying that when gas prices skyrocketed to 2.50 a gallon under Bush.

I love these people that learn the truth about what the president is responsible for when THEIR man is in the White House.
Do you usually assume the worst in people? No wonder you are profoundly unhappy and bitter about the world.
Gosh darn it. It is such a bummer living out here in Reality when I could be manufacturing unadulterated bullshit to "prove" my claims.
Remember, in 2006 the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent. That same media did not say a word.

Wow! I just caught ANOTHER MainStream Media outlet not saying a word about it!

Jobless Rate Is Lowest Since '01 - Washington Post

Unemployment fell last month to the lowest level in more than five years, to 4.4 percent -- a drum-tight labor market that shows the economy remains fundamentally strong despite weak spots such as housing and manufacturing.
Like I keep saying, the retards have the memory retention like that of a goldfish. If it happened more than 30 seconds ago, their manipulators can make up any lie they wish since the rubes won't know the difference, and never fact check.

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