All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Such an angry, non-thinking, Habib.

From the linked article:

"But these days, even liberal Europe is considering a more muscular approach. The European Union began a push Monday for U.N. authorization to deploy military force in the Mediterranean to stop migrant smuggling ships."

You angry Habib's choose to ignore the reality of migrants choosing to exploit the economies of first-world nations.

I'm surprised you don't request the Imam at your madrassah to provide some data you can cut and paste regarding migrants hoping to exploit the benefits of your third world Islamist paradises.
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?
Let's just discuss the hypocrisy of the racist zionist shitbags pushing the acceptance of refugees on all of the other western nations while they want to simply jail them or deport them.

What is even "funnier" about this whole story is how they could easily pay off the European IMMIGRANTS with $3500 to get the hell out of there and WE COULD FINALLY HAVE PEACE.
Let's just discuss the hypocrisy of the racist zionist shitbags pushing the acceptance of refugees on all of the other western nations while they want to simply jail them or deport them.

What is even "funnier" about this whole story is how they could easily pay off the European IMMIGRANTS with $3500 to get the hell out of there and WE COULD FINALLY HAVE PEACE.
Let's discuss your inability to pay attention. Where has Israel been pushing the acceptance of those economic refugees on western nations?

What is curious is your silence and ignorance regarding various, warring Islamist terror groups operating in Africa and creating the refugee crisis.

African Terrorist Groups - Infographic

"Members of the Islamist group Boko Haram captured more than 300 young girls from a school in northern Nigeria April 15. Though some escaped, the group’s leader claimed he planned to sell some of the rest “at the market place.” Where does Boko Haram fit in with some of Africa’s other key extremist groups?"

There is something really creepy with you Islamics and your fascination with abusing young girls.

Striving in the way of the Arab warlord you worship?

Africa's militant Islamist groups - BBC News
During a recent UN Human Rights Council meeting, Israel was blamed for causing Palestinian men's violence against Palestinian women. It was claimed that there is a "clear linkage between the prolonged occupation and violence against women." However, Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Palestinian Authority TV teaches Palestinian men how to beat their wives according to Islam. At the UN session, UN Watch director Hillel Neuer responded to the claims by citing a PMW video, which exposes a Palestinian religious official describing on PA TV the conditions under which a man may hit his wife. (See below)

However the example that was cited at the UN is not a solitary example of justification of Palestinian male violence against women on official PA TV. The following is a PMW compilation of a repeating message on official PA TV, even by a female TV host, that a Palestinian man has a right to hit his wife under Islamic law, and describing the way he should do so.

(full article online)

When a Palestinian man hits his wife, is Israel responsible? PMW responds to UN report - PMW Bulletins
Yesterday was the Muslim holiday of Eid al Fitr that follows Ramadan.

For the occasion, Binyamin Netanyahu gave his best wishes to the Muslim world.

Arab sites were not happy, claiming that this is not sincere, saying that he regularly massacres Palestinian Muslims so there is no way he could actually want to give holiday greetings to any Muslim anywhere.

IDF Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee also offered his best wishes for Eid on his Facebook page, and included a video showing female IDF soldiers also wishing everyone an Eid Mubarak.

This was too much for some Muslims, who wrote that this video wishing a happy holiday to Muslims is "an attempt to provoke the feelings of Muslims in Palestine in particular and around the world in general."

Well, what else could it possibly be?

Arabs denounce Israeli Eid holiday greetings as "provoking feelings of Muslims" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. There is still no end in sight to their predicament – but this is most certainly not because Hamas enjoys popular support among the local population. In fact, reliable data from a new survey conducted there May 16-25 by a professional, independent Palestinian pollster demonstrate that only 14 percent of Gazans self-identify as Hamas supporters. That is far behind the popularity of Fatah, which runs the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), which garners 41 percent of Gazans’ self-professed affiliation. Indeed, the large majority of Gazans – 77 percent, including 41 percent who feel strongly about it – agree that “the PA should send officials and security officers to Gaza, to take over the administration there.”

(full article online)

What Gazans Really Want: Hard Data About A Hard Problem
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
If you look at real history, not that Israeli bullshit stuff, you would find that to be incorrect. At the time of the supposed coup, Hamas had won the elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. They were the elected government in office.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup? That doesn't make any sense.
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?

It has been explained to you several times why the Palestinians have a separate refugee agency. When the UN voted for partition, giving 55% of the territory to less than a third of the inhabitants of Palestine (the European Jews), those that voted against the resolution warned that what the UN was doing would cause a humanitarian disaster. When the humanitarian disaster did in fact occur, and hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were evicted from their homes and lands by the Europeans, the UN recognized that the institution itself caused the humanitarian crisis. The UN members, including the members that had voted for partition, recognized that this was a unique event, i.e. a UN caused crisis and that it would have to assume the responsibility for their actions. Especially give the fact that the decision to partition Palestine ran counter to the LoN Covenant and the UN Charter which had guaranteed that no harm would befall the native people of Palestine and that their civil rights would be protected.
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. There is still no end in sight to their predicament – but this is most certainly not because Hamas enjoys popular support among the local population. In fact, reliable data from a new survey conducted there May 16-25 by a professional, independent Palestinian pollster demonstrate that only 14 percent of Gazans self-identify as Hamas supporters. That is far behind the popularity of Fatah, which runs the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), which garners 41 percent of Gazans’ self-professed affiliation. Indeed, the large majority of Gazans – 77 percent, including 41 percent who feel strongly about it – agree that “the PA should send officials and security officers to Gaza, to take over the administration there.”

(full article online)

What Gazans Really Want: Hard Data About A Hard Problem
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
If you look at real history, not that Israeli bullshit stuff, you would find that to be incorrect. At the time of the supposed coup, Hamas had won the elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. They were the elected government in office.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup? That doesn't make any sense.

The Hamas party won the Palestinian legislative elections on 25 January 2006, and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated as Prime Minister,[5]establishing a Palestinian national unity government with Fatah, which effectively collapsed when Hamas and Fatah engaged in a violent conflict. After the takeover in Gaza by Hamas on 14 June 2007, Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas dismissed the Hamas-led government and appointed Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister.[6]
Governance of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

In northern Gaza and Gaza City, Hamas military men, many of them in black masks, moved unchallenged through the streets as Fatah fighters ran short of arms and ammunition and abandoned their posts. Hamas controlled all of Gaza City except for the presidential compound of Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and the Suraya headquarters of the National Security Forces, the Palestinian army. Hamas has surrounded Al Suraya, calling on the occupants to surrender.
Hamas Seizes Broad Control in Gaza Strip


In other words, Hamas and Fatah were to run Gaza, with Abbas ruling from Gaza where he lived.
Instead, Hamas staged a coup, with many Gazans being killed and forcing Abbas to find refuge in Ramallah where he still lives.

It is called a coup because Hamas took full control over Gaza when they were not supposed to. They were to share with Fatah/Abbas,
and THEY chose not to do so.

That is what is called a COUP.
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. There is still no end in sight to their predicament – but this is most certainly not because Hamas enjoys popular support among the local population. In fact, reliable data from a new survey conducted there May 16-25 by a professional, independent Palestinian pollster demonstrate that only 14 percent of Gazans self-identify as Hamas supporters. That is far behind the popularity of Fatah, which runs the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), which garners 41 percent of Gazans’ self-professed affiliation. Indeed, the large majority of Gazans – 77 percent, including 41 percent who feel strongly about it – agree that “the PA should send officials and security officers to Gaza, to take over the administration there.”

(full article online)

What Gazans Really Want: Hard Data About A Hard Problem
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
If you look at real history, not that Israeli bullshit stuff, you would find that to be incorrect. At the time of the supposed coup, Hamas had won the elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. They were the elected government in office.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup? That doesn't make any sense.

You should just be honest and admit that you have your usual conspiracy theories locked and loaded.

Here, I'll lend an assist:

"I blame the Jooos"
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?

It has been explained to you several times why the Palestinians have a separate refugee agency. When the UN voted for partition, giving 55% of the territory to less than a third of the inhabitants of Palestine (the European Jews), those that voted against the resolution warned that what the UN was doing would cause a humanitarian disaster. When the humanitarian disaster did in fact occur, and hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were evicted from their homes and lands by the Europeans, the UN recognized that the institution itself caused the humanitarian crisis. The UN members, including the members that had voted for partition, recognized that this was a unique event, i.e. a UN caused crisis and that it would have to assume the responsibility for their actions. Especially give the fact that the decision to partition Palestine ran counter to the LoN Covenant and the UN Charter which had guaranteed that no harm would befall the native people of Palestine and that their civil rights would be protected.

Yada, Yada, Yada and more Yada, Yada, Yada.

A dishonest person explaining the endless existence of a dishonest
UN Resolution 1701, negotiated in 2006 by then Foreign Mnister Tzipi Livni, ended the Second Lebanon War between israel and Hezbollah. It called for disarming armed groups in Lebanon and prohibited the terrorist group from increasing its weapons arsenal. Since then, under the nose of UNIFIL, the number of rockets in its possession has quadrupled to over 150,000 and Lebanon has accepted Hezbollah into its government.

IDF to build security fence on Israel-Lebanon border
Was Hezbollah involved in those negotiations?

It is that old "you get rid of yours and we will keep ours." If I remember correctly, the IRA didn't buy that bullshit either.

Why shouldn't Hezbollah be a part of the government?
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. There is still no end in sight to their predicament – but this is most certainly not because Hamas enjoys popular support among the local population. In fact, reliable data from a new survey conducted there May 16-25 by a professional, independent Palestinian pollster demonstrate that only 14 percent of Gazans self-identify as Hamas supporters. That is far behind the popularity of Fatah, which runs the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), which garners 41 percent of Gazans’ self-professed affiliation. Indeed, the large majority of Gazans – 77 percent, including 41 percent who feel strongly about it – agree that “the PA should send officials and security officers to Gaza, to take over the administration there.”

(full article online)

What Gazans Really Want: Hard Data About A Hard Problem
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
If you look at real history, not that Israeli bullshit stuff, you would find that to be incorrect. At the time of the supposed coup, Hamas had won the elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. They were the elected government in office.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup? That doesn't make any sense.

You should just be honest and admit that you have your usual conspiracy theories locked and loaded.

Here, I'll lend an assist:

"I blame the Jooos"
So again, you duck the question and spew bullshit.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup?
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?

It has been explained to you several times why the Palestinians have a separate refugee agency. When the UN voted for partition, giving 55% of the territory to less than a third of the inhabitants of Palestine (the European Jews), those that voted against the resolution warned that what the UN was doing would cause a humanitarian disaster. When the humanitarian disaster did in fact occur, and hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were evicted from their homes and lands by the Europeans, the UN recognized that the institution itself caused the humanitarian crisis. The UN members, including the members that had voted for partition, recognized that this was a unique event, i.e. a UN caused crisis and that it would have to assume the responsibility for their actions. Especially give the fact that the decision to partition Palestine ran counter to the LoN Covenant and the UN Charter which had guaranteed that no harm would befall the native people of Palestine and that their civil rights would be protected.

Your usual whing is typically misdirected.

When the invading Arab-Moslem armies crossed the frontier in 1948 and attacked Israel while displacing the Arab-Moslem squatters, that was a decision made by the Islamists.

It's been explained to you on multiple occassions that the Arab-Moslem squatters masquerading as 'Pal'istanians" are the only land grabbers who have a dedicated welfare agency that continues the fraud of an invented people with an invented national identity.
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. There is still no end in sight to their predicament – but this is most certainly not because Hamas enjoys popular support among the local population. In fact, reliable data from a new survey conducted there May 16-25 by a professional, independent Palestinian pollster demonstrate that only 14 percent of Gazans self-identify as Hamas supporters. That is far behind the popularity of Fatah, which runs the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA), which garners 41 percent of Gazans’ self-professed affiliation. Indeed, the large majority of Gazans – 77 percent, including 41 percent who feel strongly about it – agree that “the PA should send officials and security officers to Gaza, to take over the administration there.”

(full article online)

What Gazans Really Want: Hard Data About A Hard Problem
This month marks the tenth anniversary of the violent Hamas coup that took control over the 1.9 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
If you look at real history, not that Israeli bullshit stuff, you would find that to be incorrect. At the time of the supposed coup, Hamas had won the elections and was the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. They were the elected government in office.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup? That doesn't make any sense.

You should just be honest and admit that you have your usual conspiracy theories locked and loaded.

Here, I'll lend an assist:

"I blame the Jooos"
So again, you duck the question and spew bullshit.

So, why would the elected government in office have a coup?

So, as usual, you retreat to conspiracy theories as a way to excuse competing tribes still clinging to a tribal mindset.

Follow the trail of the UNRWA welfare fraud. Reason and rationality are not the strong suits of conspiracy theorists but those attributes are much better at explaining motivations.
Yesterday was the Muslim holiday of Eid al Fitr that follows Ramadan.

For the occasion, Binyamin Netanyahu gave his best wishes to the Muslim world.

Arab sites were not happy, claiming that this is not sincere, saying that he regularly massacres Palestinian Muslims so there is no way he could actually want to give holiday greetings to any Muslim anywhere.

IDF Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee also offered his best wishes for Eid on his Facebook page, and included a video showing female IDF soldiers also wishing everyone an Eid Mubarak.

This was too much for some Muslims, who wrote that this video wishing a happy holiday to Muslims is "an attempt to provoke the feelings of Muslims in Palestine in particular and around the world in general."

Well, what else could it possibly be?

Arabs denounce Israeli Eid holiday greetings as "provoking feelings of Muslims" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Today we wish you happy Eid al Fitr. Tomorrow we bulldoze your house.
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?

It has been explained to you several times why the Palestinians have a separate refugee agency. When the UN voted for partition, giving 55% of the territory to less than a third of the inhabitants of Palestine (the European Jews), those that voted against the resolution warned that what the UN was doing would cause a humanitarian disaster. When the humanitarian disaster did in fact occur, and hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were evicted from their homes and lands by the Europeans, the UN recognized that the institution itself caused the humanitarian crisis. The UN members, including the members that had voted for partition, recognized that this was a unique event, i.e. a UN caused crisis and that it would have to assume the responsibility for their actions. Especially give the fact that the decision to partition Palestine ran counter to the LoN Covenant and the UN Charter which had guaranteed that no harm would befall the native people of Palestine and that their civil rights would be protected.

Your usual whing is typically misdirected.

When the invading Arab-Moslem armies crossed the frontier in 1948 and attacked Israel while displacing the Arab-Moslem squatters, that was a decision made by the Islamists.

It's been explained to you on multiple occassions that the Arab-Moslem squatters masquerading as 'Pal'istanians" are the only land grabbers who have a dedicated welfare agency that continues the fraud of an invented people with an invented national identity.

When the invading Arab-Moslem armies crossed the frontier in 1948 and attacked Israel
Are you still pimping that Israeli propaganda crap?
This animated video says it all about refugees. The reason why there are refugees in Israel is completely based on a pan-Arabic plan to defeat the State of Israel and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean.

This was followed by the creation of a massive refugee crisis – a Jewish refugee crisis. The State of Israel – a fledgling country with less than 1 million citizens, absorbed more than 1.5 million Jewish refugees in a span of 3-4 years.

Meanwhile, the Arab refugees – who had left parts of the newly created State of Israel were NOT absorbed by neighboring Arab countries in order to create a powder keg of worldwide pressure on Israel’s borders.

The pressure that the world places on Israel to solve the refugee crisis should be reverted to Israel’s neighbors – Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt. They created the problem and they are the true solution – even if it takes decades to carry through.

We ARE discussing this, brainless one. We have an entire thread on it and you even posted your BS there.


As Europe struggles to stem a spring flood of migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to cross a deadly Mediterranean Sea, Israel has begun to toughen its stance toward refugees, telling unwanted Africans here they must leave now or face an indefinite stay in prison.

Israeli authorities are sending letters to the first of 45,000 Eritrean and Sudanese refugees, informing them they have 30 days to accept Israel’s offer of $3,500 in cash and a one-way ticket home or to an unnamed third country in Africa, or face incarceration at Saharonim prison.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Interesting as this same policy could be applied to the European immigrants and we could finally have peace in the middle east.

Is this policy hypocritical? Sure it is, but the entire zionist mentality is hypocritical.

This is really just one more data point showing the overt racism that defines zionism. And it's this racist mentality that the Palestinian people know all to well.

There is the additional hypocrisy of powerful "jews" pushing multiculturalism elsewhere and telling others to except refugees (from wars that they created), but that I suppose is for another thread.

Israeli government to refugees: Go back to Africa or go to prison

Why are African refugees Israel's problem?

Actually, what in the world do African refugees have to do with the Israel/Arab conflict?

Let us discuss why Palestinians continue to be considered refugees when there are no Jewish refugees today, from Europe or the Arab conquered countries. They have all been taken care of and become citizens of the countries they moved to.

Or, why their Arab brothers will not allow the Palestinian Arabs to become citizens in the Arab countries they live in.

Why are they not allowed to resettle back to Arabia?

It has been explained to you several times why the Palestinians have a separate refugee agency. When the UN voted for partition, giving 55% of the territory to less than a third of the inhabitants of Palestine (the European Jews), those that voted against the resolution warned that what the UN was doing would cause a humanitarian disaster. When the humanitarian disaster did in fact occur, and hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Christians were evicted from their homes and lands by the Europeans, the UN recognized that the institution itself caused the humanitarian crisis. The UN members, including the members that had voted for partition, recognized that this was a unique event, i.e. a UN caused crisis and that it would have to assume the responsibility for their actions. Especially give the fact that the decision to partition Palestine ran counter to the LoN Covenant and the UN Charter which had guaranteed that no harm would befall the native people of Palestine and that their civil rights would be protected.

Yada, Yada, Yada and more Yada, Yada, Yada.

A dishonest person explaining the endless existence of a dishonest

Just facts bozo. Not your usual propaganda. You can't handful the truth, Mr. Propaganda.

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