All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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The Forum of Mayors of the Gaza border communities condemned International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's Friday announcement regarding an investigation into war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The prosecutor should come out here and see what 19 years of war crimes look like with civilians subjected to shelling day and night," they said adding that they are victims of the crimes while the IDF is trying to protect civilians.

(full article online)

Gaza border area mayors slam ICC prosecutor, "We are victims of war crimes"
The Forum of Mayors of the Gaza border communities condemned International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's Friday announcement regarding an investigation into war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The prosecutor should come out here and see what 19 years of war crimes look like with civilians subjected to shelling day and night," they said adding that they are victims of the crimes while the IDF is trying to protect civilians.

(full article online)

Gaza border area mayors slam ICC prosecutor, "We are victims of war crimes"
Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Sderot was settled by Jews in 1951. According to Walid Khalidi in All That Remains, it along with the settlement of Or ha-Ner, founded in 1957, were established on the village lands of Najd, which means "elevated plain" in Arabic.*

Najd's Palestinian villagers, approximately 620 in 1945, were expelled on 13 May 1948, before Israel was declared a state and before any Arab armies entered Palestine. According to UN Resolution 194 and also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13, Section 2, the villagers of Najd have a right to return home to their personal property and to their native village.

There were 82 houses in Najd. Children went to school in Simsim, two kilometers away. According to Palestine Remembered the village has been completely "defaced."

In 1596 Najd's population was 215.

Najd is fourteen kilometers from Gaza. Palestinian Arabs own 12,669 dunums in Najd although Israel refuses to honor their rights to their personal property, and refuses them their inalienable right to return home. In 1945 Jews owned 495 dunums of land in Najd and public lands consisted of 412 dunums.

Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd
The Forum of Mayors of the Gaza border communities condemned International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's Friday announcement regarding an investigation into war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The prosecutor should come out here and see what 19 years of war crimes look like with civilians subjected to shelling day and night," they said adding that they are victims of the crimes while the IDF is trying to protect civilians.

(full article online)

Gaza border area mayors slam ICC prosecutor, "We are victims of war crimes"
Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Sderot was settled by Jews in 1951. According to Walid Khalidi in All That Remains, it along with the settlement of Or ha-Ner, founded in 1957, were established on the village lands of Najd, which means "elevated plain" in Arabic.*

Najd's Palestinian villagers, approximately 620 in 1945, were expelled on 13 May 1948, before Israel was declared a state and before any Arab armies entered Palestine. According to UN Resolution 194 and also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13, Section 2, the villagers of Najd have a right to return home to their personal property and to their native village.

There were 82 houses in Najd. Children went to school in Simsim, two kilometers away. According to Palestine Remembered the village has been completely "defaced."

In 1596 Najd's population was 215.

Najd is fourteen kilometers from Gaza. Palestinian Arabs own 12,669 dunums in Najd although Israel refuses to honor their rights to their personal property, and refuses them their inalienable right to return home. In 1945 Jews owned 495 dunums of land in Najd and public lands consisted of 412 dunums.

Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Now that’s predictable. “If Americans knew” is nothing more than a web version of a supermarket tabloid / conspiracy theory nutters.
The Forum of Mayors of the Gaza border communities condemned International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's Friday announcement regarding an investigation into war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The prosecutor should come out here and see what 19 years of war crimes look like with civilians subjected to shelling day and night," they said adding that they are victims of the crimes while the IDF is trying to protect civilians.

(full article online)

Gaza border area mayors slam ICC prosecutor, "We are victims of war crimes"
Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Sderot was settled by Jews in 1951. According to Walid Khalidi in All That Remains, it along with the settlement of Or ha-Ner, founded in 1957, were established on the village lands of Najd, which means "elevated plain" in Arabic.*

Najd's Palestinian villagers, approximately 620 in 1945, were expelled on 13 May 1948, before Israel was declared a state and before any Arab armies entered Palestine. According to UN Resolution 194 and also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13, Section 2, the villagers of Najd have a right to return home to their personal property and to their native village.

There were 82 houses in Najd. Children went to school in Simsim, two kilometers away. According to Palestine Remembered the village has been completely "defaced."

In 1596 Najd's population was 215.

Najd is fourteen kilometers from Gaza. Palestinian Arabs own 12,669 dunums in Najd although Israel refuses to honor their rights to their personal property, and refuses them their inalienable right to return home. In 1945 Jews owned 495 dunums of land in Najd and public lands consisted of 412 dunums.

Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Now that’s predictable. “If Americans knew” is nothing more than a web version of a supermarket tabloid / conspiracy theory nutters.
Typical bullshit propaganda response. Slime the source.

The same info can be found in many sources.
The Forum of Mayors of the Gaza border communities condemned International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda's Friday announcement regarding an investigation into war crimes in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The prosecutor should come out here and see what 19 years of war crimes look like with civilians subjected to shelling day and night," they said adding that they are victims of the crimes while the IDF is trying to protect civilians.

(full article online)

Gaza border area mayors slam ICC prosecutor, "We are victims of war crimes"
Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Sderot was settled by Jews in 1951. According to Walid Khalidi in All That Remains, it along with the settlement of Or ha-Ner, founded in 1957, were established on the village lands of Najd, which means "elevated plain" in Arabic.*

Najd's Palestinian villagers, approximately 620 in 1945, were expelled on 13 May 1948, before Israel was declared a state and before any Arab armies entered Palestine. According to UN Resolution 194 and also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 13, Section 2, the villagers of Najd have a right to return home to their personal property and to their native village.

There were 82 houses in Najd. Children went to school in Simsim, two kilometers away. According to Palestine Remembered the village has been completely "defaced."

In 1596 Najd's population was 215.

Najd is fourteen kilometers from Gaza. Palestinian Arabs own 12,669 dunums in Najd although Israel refuses to honor their rights to their personal property, and refuses them their inalienable right to return home. In 1945 Jews owned 495 dunums of land in Najd and public lands consisted of 412 dunums.

Sderot Built on Ashes of Ethnically Cleansed and Defaced Najd

Now that’s predictable. “If Americans knew” is nothing more than a web version of a supermarket tabloid / conspiracy theory nutters.
Typical bullshit propaganda response. Slime the source.

The same info can be found in many sources.

Hurt feelings?

Perhaps you are suggesting Press TV as a source?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

Why don't we wait and see just who files what criminal charges against who; - and - I wonder if the Statement : 20 December 2019 by Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (ICC), means that there is actual evidence of a crime, and HOW the impending investigation will count the multiple sets of crimes.

• Do the 250 rockets launched into Israel, on Saturday 4 May 2019, by Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is considered as 250 separate counts, one count per day, or if the 4,594 rockets and mortars launched toward Israel In August 2014, Operation Protective Edge count as a single event?

• Israel killed more Palestinian civilians in 2014 than in any other year since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip began in 1967, a UN report has said. Israel’s activities in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem resulted in the deaths of 2,314 Palestinians and 17,125 injuries?

• So, is the proportional response allowed 1 HoAP kill per HoAP rocked launched, or 2 HoAP kills per rockets launched, just how do you make that determination?​

• How do we determine when the Occupation of the West Bank and Jerusalem ends with Jordanian and the Occupation of Palestine as a State begin?

• When did the Oslo Accords end, and the Israelis relinquish full Israeli civil and security control over Area "C" as agreed upon by the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people?

• Is Area "C" actually Occupied Territory?

• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?

Now that’s predictable. “If Americans knew” is nothing more than a web version of a supermarket tabloid / conspiracy theory nutters.
Typical bullshit propaganda response. Slime the source.
The same info can be found in many sources.

The ICC is opening its investigation, not a trial. These and many more questions are not about to arise and will need to be answered.

Another question is about to be asked. Since the investigation is to cover the entirety of the disputed territories, is the Palestinian Authority going to be held accountable for HAMAS crimes? OR Is the HAMAS Government going to be held accountable for PA crimes?

And is now the case that the ICC can now advocate for Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

Why don't we wait and see just who files what criminal charges against who; - and - I wonder if the Statement : 20 December 2019 by Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor, International Criminal Court (ICC), means that there is actual evidence of a crime, and HOW the impending investigation will count the multiple sets of crimes.

• Do the 250 rockets launched into Israel, on Saturday 4 May 2019, by Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is considered as 250 separate counts, one count per day, or if the 4,594 rockets and mortars launched toward Israel In August 2014, Operation Protective Edge count as a single event?

• Israel killed more Palestinian civilians in 2014 than in any other year since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip began in 1967, a UN report has said. Israel’s activities in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem resulted in the deaths of 2,314 Palestinians and 17,125 injuries?
• So, is the proportional response allowed 1 HoAP kill per HoAP rocked launched, or 2 HoAP kills per rockets launched, just how do you make that determination?

• How do we determine when the Occupation of the West Bank and Jerusalem ends with Jordanian and the Occupation of Palestine as a State begin?

• When did the Oslo Accords end, and the Israelis relinquish full Israeli civil and security control over Area "C" as agreed upon by the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people?

• Is Area "C" actually Occupied Territory?

• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?

Now that’s predictable. “If Americans knew” is nothing more than a web version of a supermarket tabloid / conspiracy theory nutters.
Typical bullshit propaganda response. Slime the source.
The same info can be found in many sources.

The ICC is opening its investigation, not a trial. These and many more questions are not about to arise and will need to be answered.

Another question is about to be asked. Since the investigation is to cover the entirety of the disputed territories, is the Palestinian Authority going to be held accountable for HAMAS crimes? OR Is the HAMAS Government going to be held accountable for PA crimes?

And is now the case that the ICC can now advocate for Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters?

Most Respectfully,
• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?
You can't claim self defense against an occupied people.
"This is a dark day for truth and justice. The ICC prosecutor has decided not to dismiss outright the Palestinian claim against the State of Israel. It is a baseless and outrageous decision. The court has no jurisdiction in this case. The ICC only has jurisdiction over petitions submitted by sovereign states. But there has never been a Palestinian state."

"The ICC prosecutor's decision has turned the International Criminal Court into a political tool to delegitimize the State of Israel. The prosecutor has completely ignored the legal arguments we presented to her. She has also completely ignored history and the truth when she says that the very act of Jews living in their ancestral home, the land of the Bible, that this is a war crime. We will not be silent. We will not bow our heads before this outrage. We will continue to speak against this travesty of jjustice." -- Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, 12/20/2019
Two days ago PMW reported that the salaries that Israeli-Arab terrorist prisoners receive from the Palestinian Authority are illegal under Israeli law. In addition, PMW noted that as Israeli citizens, the terrorists should also have been paying income tax on their monthly salaries.

PMW concluded: “The money has been paid and is paid to the terrorists must be seized relying on the rules regarding tax evasion and anti-terror financing laws.”

This morning, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Naftali Bennett, announced that he was doing just that.

The following is a Hebrew copy of the order released by the Ministry of Defense, with translation of the visible text:

(full article online)

Israeli government seizes bank accounts of Israeli Arab terrorists, two days after PMW called for this action | PMW Analysis
Chris Gunness was the highly unprofessional spokesperson for UNRWA for years, justifying Hamas war crimes and using his position to mercilessly attack Israel while always pretending to adhere to UN standards of objectivity.

This is the guy widely known to have a gay lover in Tel Aviv when he was working for UNRWA but never saying a word about the persecution of gays by the Palestinians. So woke!

He left UNRWA a while back, ostensibly to be a classical music podcaster. But apparently he missed the days when he could tweet out whatever stupidity he wanted about Israel and get hundreds of retweets.

In the past couple of days he tweeted some Christmas song parodies against Israel that prove (yet again) that his hate for Israel is what animates him, not his love of Palestinians.

(full article online)

Former @UNRWA flack @ChrisGunness crawls out from under his rock, praising Hamas for killing "collaborators" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Australia rejected the effort by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to launch an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that the matter must be resolved by the two parties at the negotiating table.

Germany, in a more nuanced stance, said it had full trust in the court, was confident the ICC’s judges would “address issues of admissibility,” and cautioned against politicization.

(full article online)

Australia rejects ICC Palestine probe; Germany warns against politicization
Australia rejected the effort by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to launch an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that the matter must be resolved by the two parties at the negotiating table.

Germany, in a more nuanced stance, said it had full trust in the court, was confident the ICC’s judges would “address issues of admissibility,” and cautioned against politicization.

(full article online)

Australia rejects ICC Palestine probe; Germany warns against politicization
What are they afraid of?
Australia rejected the effort by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to launch an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that the matter must be resolved by the two parties at the negotiating table.

Germany, in a more nuanced stance, said it had full trust in the court, was confident the ICC’s judges would “address issues of admissibility,” and cautioned against politicization.

(full article online)

Australia rejects ICC Palestine probe; Germany warns against politicization
What are they afraid of?

Who is “they”?
Australia rejected the effort by the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor to launch an investigation into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that the matter must be resolved by the two parties at the negotiating table.

Germany, in a more nuanced stance, said it had full trust in the court, was confident the ICC’s judges would “address issues of admissibility,” and cautioned against politicization.

(full article online)

Australia rejects ICC Palestine probe; Germany warns against politicization
What are they afraid of?

That they're the next country to be judged by a Muslim who got her degree from a university which entry level is even less than that of Bir Zeit, and herself is accused of facilitating a ruthless dictatorship in her own country.

Same as if Iran's ex-minister of Sharia used the ICC to "judge" Canada,
for discrimination of LGBT's.

Any sane country would protest that circus.
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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Where in the Customary International Law (CIL) or International Humanitarian Law (IHL) does it say that?

This again is one of those pieces of information without any foundation in law.

• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?
You can't claim self-defense against an occupied people.

This claim is totally bogus. Occupied people are subject to the law just like anyone else. This is especially true when the Hostile Arab Palestinian attempts to harm the Occupying Power.

Most Respectfully,

International Law References said:
As a guarantee against excess of power on the part of the organization, certain powers are expressly excluded in many cases, although such provisions appear unnecessary in fact. Under this guarantee, States enjoy something in the nature of fundamental rights (→ States, Fundamental Rights and Duties). The reservations of domestic jurisdiction (Article 2(7) of the UN Charter) and → Self-Defence (Article 51 of the UN Charter), the exclusion of matters relating to national defense [Council of Europe Statute, Article l(d)] and the national regulation of questions of ownership in the case of the European Communities are examples of such fundamental rights.

Page 288 • Use of Force during Occupation: Law Enforcement and Conduct of Hostilities • International Review of the Red Cross •
In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and
property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities.
SOURCE: Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); see also Articles 65 through 68.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Where in the Customary International Law (CIL) or International Humanitarian Law (IHL) does it say that?

This again is one of those pieces of information without any foundation in law.

• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?
You can't claim self-defense against an occupied people.

This claim is totally bogus. Occupied people are subject to the law just like anyone else. This is especially true when the Hostile Arab Palestinian attempts to harm the Occupying Power.

Most Respectfully,

International Law References said:
As a guarantee against excess of power on the part of the organization, certain powers are expressly excluded in many cases, although such provisions appear unnecessary in fact. Under this guarantee, States enjoy something in the nature of fundamental rights (→ States, Fundamental Rights and Duties). The reservations of domestic jurisdiction (Article 2(7) of the UN Charter) and → Self-Defence (Article 51 of the UN Charter), the exclusion of matters relating to national defense [Council of Europe Statute, Article l(d)] and the national regulation of questions of ownership in the case of the European Communities are examples of such fundamental rights.

Page 288 • Use of Force during Occupation: Law Enforcement and Conduct of Hostilities • International Review of the Red Cross •
In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and
property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities.
SOURCE: Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); see also Articles 65 through 68.
Israel is an occupying power because it has effective control over the entire area. It is in the attack phase as a colonial project. It is also apartheid. This muddies the water as to which rules to use.

I say the the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and Israel does not.

Of course you can attempt to prove me wrong if you like.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Where in the Customary International Law (CIL) or International Humanitarian Law (IHL) does it say that?

This again is one of those pieces of information without any foundation in law.

• When did Israel forfeit the right of self-defense?
You can't claim self-defense against an occupied people.

This claim is totally bogus. Occupied people are subject to the law just like anyone else. This is especially true when the Hostile Arab Palestinian attempts to harm the Occupying Power.

Most Respectfully,

International Law References said:
As a guarantee against excess of power on the part of the organization, certain powers are expressly excluded in many cases, although such provisions appear unnecessary in fact. Under this guarantee, States enjoy something in the nature of fundamental rights (→ States, Fundamental Rights and Duties). The reservations of domestic jurisdiction (Article 2(7) of the UN Charter) and → Self-Defence (Article 51 of the UN Charter), the exclusion of matters relating to national defense [Council of Europe Statute, Article l(d)] and the national regulation of questions of ownership in the case of the European Communities are examples of such fundamental rights.

Page 288 • Use of Force during Occupation: Law Enforcement and Conduct of Hostilities • International Review of the Red Cross •
In respect of the law governing occupation, the recognition that an Occupying Power may enact penal provisions and take measures ‘to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and
property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication’ reflects the unlawful nature of most resistance activities.
SOURCE: Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64(2); see also Articles 65 through 68.
Israel is an occupying power because it has effective control over the entire area. It is in the attack phase as a colonial project. It is also apartheid. This muddies the water as to which rules to use.

I say the the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and Israel does not.

Of course you can attempt to prove me wrong if you like.

You write many nonsensical statements.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is an occupying power because it has effective control over the entire area. It is in the attack phase as a colonial project. It is also apartheid. This muddies the water as to which rules to use.

I'm not exactly sure how precise the announcement is pertaining to Prosecutors [(International Criminal Court) (ICC)] decision to open a "War Crimes" Investigation (under Article 8) into the situation in Palestine:

(i) War Crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip;

(ii) Potential cases arising from the situation would be admissible; and

(iii) There are no substantial reasons to believe that an investigation would not serve the interests of justice.​

This announcement is NOT clear as to which of the entities is being charged with what crimes. And as I read your comment, you spoke specifically about "Apartheid" in an accusatory tone. Apartheid is an Article 7(1j) (Crimes Against Humanity) issue. No matter what group you attempt to accuse Israel of racially dominating and oppressing, Israel has that segment represented as full citizens. And in this regard, the ICC by charter terms, specifically stipulates that nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll.
"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;

I say the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and Israel does not.

Of course you can attempt to prove me wrong if you like.

Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing said:
Article 2

1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:

a. With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b. With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.​

2. Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article.

3. Any person also commits an offence if that person:

a. Participates as an accomplice in an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

b. Organizes or directs others to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article; or

c. In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 of the present article by a group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or offences concerned.​


I have a tendency to think that those pro-Arab Palestinians that consistently argue that "Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and Israel does not" are exhibiting extreme antisocial attitudes, All of which are harmful to society. behavior and a lack of conscience.

Most Respectfully,
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