All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

"NYC Stands With Gaza Emergency Rally" in front of the Friends of the IDF headquarters New York City.

"NYC Stands With Gaza Emergency Rally & March" August 8 2022​

Gee, so you are right and DDE was wrong? How amazing that I'm here with someone who knows more than the president of the US about international law. If you really want to understand what Article 51 includes, you need to do some reading.

Start here II H. Rolin, LE Droit MODERNE DE LA GUERRE 805 (1920) for the legal background. Then read U.N. Doc. S/PV.1343, at 36-37 (1967) (if a state of war existed enough to justify closing the straits, then, well a state of war already existed and Israel's actions were within the scope of wartime). Next, consider The Hague Convention and Declarations of 1899 AND 1907, at 122 (J. Scott. ed. 1915) (and the clarifying 2 L. Oppenheim, International Law 556 (H. Lauterpacht ed. 1952). Also if interest might be Gray “International Law and the Use of Force: Foundations of Public International Law”, pp.130-131; and Franck, “Fairness in International Law and Institutions”, pp.101-10
You know, sarcasm doesn't get very far with me.
I didn't say they stole the land.


Thet seized it but they didn't steal it?
Who did they seize it from?
No it wasn't.

A better question is who belongs to a territory or society. People move around all the time and intermix all the time. It would be impossible to separate all of that out.

That's the imperialist argument against indigenous rights.

Yet distinct nations, languages and cultutres prevail.

However, belonging is a two part question.
  1. A person goes to a place to become a member of a society.
  2. That person is accepted as a member of that society.
If these two things are met, he becomes a member of that society. If they are not, he does not belong there.

What happens when societies overpower eachother?
Or the person moves elsewhere?

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