All Their Lies About Widespread Voter Fraud Are Coming Back To Haunt The GOP


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

It’s well known that the Republicans’ claims of voter fraud are vastly overblown.

But to Trump, assuring his nutty supporters that his loss in November will be due to a “rigged election”, is another example of Trump exploiting the GOP’s many years of lies and using them as his own political tool.

Trump's regular use of the Republicans' own lies during his campaign has had their tall-tales, falsehoods, and out-and-out BS coming back to bite them in their political butt.

Over the past few years across the nation, Republican controlled state legislatures and governors passed questionable laws for no other reason than to stifle minority voters. They know that in legal elections, the Democrats would win hands down. Only the ignorant righties are so gullible as to believe that liberals, left-leaning moderates, and others such groups are as corrupt as the Republican leadership. The right-wingers need to believe these groups would stoop to the same depths as their beloved, well-funded, crooked, Republican leaders, with the use of unethical and illegal means to win an election.

Fortunately, the conservative bias that polluted the Supreme Court for so many years is now gone. Much to the chagrin of right-wingers, this is leading to the end of Red State laws that brought rampant voter suppression.

Trump's fans are blind to the obvious fact that The Donald has never done anything to benefit anyone other than Donald Trump. People of reason know this, and understand that, after the election, the Trump-bots will never accept that the vast majority of the electorate voted for sanity. Their reactions to the Trump loss will be to do as their orange-skinned hero has been telling them for months, to attempt murder on those he has listed during his campaign.

That is the Trump method to make America great again (read as “white again”).

Obviously since America has a 50% voter participation rate... claims of voter fraud are ridiculous, however these false claims can be used to pass widespread voter restriction, voter ID laws, poll taxes, shutting down polling places for "suspected fraud". etc etc

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