All we do is


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
sit back and watch.Just stop a few of their machines and radios
and telephones and lawnmowers.Pick the most dangerous enemy
{ like a Donald Trump } they can find.The pattern is always the same."
A place like Maple Street and watch the pattern. { Alien explaining it
from outer space } " their world is full of Maple Streets and we'll go from
one to the other and let them destroy themselves. One to the
other,one to the other,one to the other.
Basic primer on what the Democrats are pulling.Using Donald Trump
as the bait and MAGA the excuse.Got how that works ... folks.
It's not about to come to any halt.Democrats know not how to halt
once started.Like how THEY were the ones who propagaed Slavery.
Then added Jim Crow to further the effect.No secret here.Except the Democrats
LIE as a matter of course.Lying is Democrat Party's most reliable tool.
Now we have the Mainstream Media starting to question { finally }
all the Lies the Democrat Party pushes.
because ... - The Monsters are due on Maple Street
Again ... and Again ... and Again ... and Again ...
For added context
Narrator : The tools of conquest do not necessarily come
with bombs and explosions and fallout.There are weapons that
are simply thoughts,attitudes,prejudices to be found only in the
minds of men.For the record,prejudices can kill,and suspicion can
destroy and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a
fallout all it's own for the children and children yet born.And the pity
of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.
" It would really be good Anthony ... if you just told me
what to write.' "
Anthony Fremont from - It's a Good Life - {1961}
inarguably the Scariest child in TV history.
Dagburn ... I can't even play Perry Como.
Anthony with the mere tip of his pointed finger
can wish anyone Into the Cornfield.

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