All You Pro Wilson People...

Not what the autopsy results say. I'll trust medical experts over biased witnesses who, like you, only see white officer and black thug.

Medical experts paid by a state that wanted to sweep this under the rug.

Meh. No one is buying it.

Oh my. Post the link for your proof.

He has no proof. He doesn't like the results, therefore, it's wrong in his eyes. They only way he would consider it good is if it had been decided his way.
Pat Dollard was the website. The report was an excerpt from CBS news. If you actually read it, you would have seen that. That's your problem, you've decided guilt by looking at skin color and nothing else. He wasn't shot because he shoplifted. He was shot because when that was addressed, the thug took excessive action against an officer doing his job. Bet he won't do it again. What could have solved the problem was the store keeper doing what he should have done to Brown when Brown stole the cigars. He would have been within every right he had to protect his property.

Again, I'm always a little disturbed when one of you Conservatives gets a hard-on about the thought of this kid being shot. Same thing with Trayvon. I just have to wonder how much fear you all live your lives in.

Even if everything claimed about Brown up to the shooting was true, shooting him six times when he was not an immediate threat was excessive.

I thought Zimmerman was guilty. Brown was an immediate threat. For goodness sake, he went for the cops gun, he hit him and went back to finish him off. What more do you want?

JoeB wants a WHITE cop tried for defending himself. All he sees is skin color. Nothing else matters to him.
You really have to work on your listening skills. He did not have his hands up in a surrender position.

Some of the witnesses said he did.

Wow, it would have been nice to have a real investigation instead of a district attorney sweeping this under the rug, eh?
Some of the witnesses recanted their lies when sworn in and facing perjury if they lied.

His homeboy was already a known liar.

But, you know all of this.

You just stir shit to substitute for having no life.

We understand.

It's interesting to see that the eye witnesses who said one thing in the beginning changed it when their ass was on the line. I guess they stick with each other through thick and thin until the shit gets thick at which point the sticking together gets thin.
Joes an anti gunner that will be the first to call the police for help.
He's a posting contradiction.

Yes, I expect them to do their jobs.

Their jobs are not to shoot unarmed kids.

Their job is to pursue and apprehend criminals. That means giving chase. They don't let criminals go because the criminal might get injured if he resists. If you simpy let criminals go if the run, innocent people get hurt. Brown attacked a store owner and a LEO in a short span of time. Damned right he needed to be pursued. He was a dangerous criminal!
Join in. "We shall overca-uh-umm. We shall overcome--uh-umm. We shall overcome some day-ay-ay-ay-a. ..."
Just think, you can be like John Lewis civil right worker, talking about the good old days protesting whitey and marching from Selma to Montgomery.

Yeah, those silly people, actually thinking they could vote and have the same rights white folks have.
Something isn't a farce because you don't like the decision. Next thing you'll say is the recent elections were a farce because your guys got their asses handed to them. Funny how you lefties consider something good or bad based on the results rather than the process as it is designed.

Well, yeah, when something happens that is pretty ludicrous, then you should question it.

Either Wilson is a liar, or everyone who knew Brown was a liar...
It's interesting to see that the eye witnesses who said one thing in the beginning changed it when their ass was on the line. I guess they stick with each other through thick and thin until the shit gets thick at which point the sticking together gets thin.

Which Eyewitnesses were those, guy.

Becuase according to this template from the Huffington Post, 9 Witnesses said that Brown had his hands up. ONly two said he didn't. While 10 witnesses said that Brown did not charge Wilson, only 5 said he did.

The Final Moments Of Michael Brown s Life Look Very Different Depending Whom You Talk To
Their job is to pursue and apprehend criminals. That means giving chase. They don't let criminals go because the criminal might get injured if he resists. If you simpy let criminals go if the run, innocent people get hurt. Brown attacked a store owner and a LEO in a short span of time. Damned right he needed to be pursued. He was a dangerous criminal!

Yeah, somehow spraying a street with 10 rounds over a shoplifting beef doesn't strike me as responsible police work.
I am 65 spent my career working with poor black kids, and you think I just "turned racist" over an election.

Let me tell you something boy, you may be an ADVOCATE, but I was an ACTIVIST.

Now, get off your ass and mentor some feral youth for 20 years, and get back with me when you have put something into the community.

I think when you use terms like "Feral Youth", you probably out yourself as a racist better than I ever could.
Why to you keep referring to this giant of a man as a kid?

And this Trayvon, you were on first name basis with him?

At my age, 18 years olds are kids.

Under the law, 18 years old are ADULTS. You're desire to call him a kid is nothing more than an attempt to make the thug look better.
Unless of course, the Emperor decrees they are kids until 26.
Their job is to pursue and apprehend criminals. That means giving chase. They don't let criminals go because the criminal might get injured if he resists. If you simpy let criminals go if the run, innocent people get hurt. Brown attacked a store owner and a LEO in a short span of time. Damned right he needed to be pursued. He was a dangerous criminal!

Yeah, somehow spraying a street with 10 rounds over a shoplifting beef doesn't strike me as responsible police work.
So, you admit Wilson knew he was a suspect in the robbery?

You are coming around.
Join in. "We shall overca-uh-umm. We shall overcome--uh-umm. We shall overcome some day-ay-ay-ay-a. ..."
Just think, you can be like John Lewis civil right worker, talking about the good old days protesting whitey and marching from Selma to Montgomery.

Yeah, those silly people, actually thinking they could vote and have the same rights white folks have.
Only 11% of that community voted in the last local election.

How can they have the unmitigated gall to say the local government did not represent them.

They failed to represent themselves.

They are "representing" now, though.
Their job is to pursue and apprehend criminals. That means giving chase. They don't let criminals go because the criminal might get injured if he resists. If you simpy let criminals go if the run, innocent people get hurt. Brown attacked a store owner and a LEO in a short span of time. Damned right he needed to be pursued. He was a dangerous criminal!

Yeah, somehow spraying a street with 10 rounds over a shoplifting beef doesn't strike me as responsible police work.

He did not shoplift. He committed a strong-armed robbery. Brown's use of force makes that a felony. Then he attacked a cop. Both of those were acts of violence. He was a violent felon. The cop's job and duty was to pursue. Do you really believe a violent felon gets a pass if he tries to run? He is a DANGER to innocent civilians. Why do you minimize his violent behavior?
Their job is to pursue and apprehend criminals. That means giving chase. They don't let criminals go because the criminal might get injured if he resists. If you simpy let criminals go if the run, innocent people get hurt. Brown attacked a store owner and a LEO in a short span of time. Damned right he needed to be pursued. He was a dangerous criminal!

Yeah, somehow spraying a street with 10 rounds over a shoplifting beef doesn't strike me as responsible police work.

He did not shoplift. He committed a strong-armed robbery. Brown's use of force makes that a felony. Then he attacked a cop. Both of those were acts of violence. He was a violent felon. The cop's job and duty was to pursue. Do you really believe a violent felon gets a pass if he tries to run? He is a DANGER to innocent civilians. Why do you minimize his violent behavior?
Did he not smart off and fail to get out of the middle of the street?

Did he not get physical with the cop?

Darren Wilson did one thing wrong, when he gained control of his weapon, the second shot missed Big Mike's head.

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