All You Pro Wilson People...

Really a whole town that came out and destroyed the very businesses that they shop at? Use what little bit of brain you may have.

Only a small amount engaged in looting. Try again.
Small amount?
How may people do you think live in Ferguson? a little over 21,000
Every video I watch showed a large crowd.
so we should skimp on justice b/c you racist know blacks are going to riot.

No, I was all for having a trial for Wilson, instead of a coverup. And if that trial had concluded after a vigerous prosecution and defense that there was indeed reasonable doubt, I'd have been cool with Wilson walking.

That's not what happened here.

You would not have been you lying sack of shit. There is not a single person here who believes you. NOT ONE
What about the 2 acts of violence. I get that you do not consider physical force to be violence, but he clearly attacked a cop in the line of duty. How can you dismiss that and continue to pretend it is about shoplifting a couple of cigars? If I had done what Brown did, I would be just as dead.

Okay. Neither one of those acts of violence justified the use of deadly force on a crowded street. Particularly NOT after the suspect was giving up.
What about the 2 acts of violence. I get that you do not consider physical force to be violence, but he clearly attacked a cop in the line of duty. How can you dismiss that and continue to pretend it is about shoplifting a couple of cigars? If I had done what Brown did, I would be just as dead.

Okay. Neither one of those acts of violence justified the use of deadly force on a crowded street. Particularly NOT after the suspect was giving up.

He was not giving up. That was the credible testimony the grand jury heard. Some testimony was proven false by physical evidence. Some stories changed once under oath and some admitted they were repeating what they heard. I originally suspected much like you, but the lies revealed became too much. My opinion changed.
It is, by definition, a strong armed robbery. Even the threat of physical force would make it a strong armed robbery.

Then the law is badly defined.

Had Wilson actually managed to bring this kid in without putting 8 bullets into him, he probably would have gotten community service for "Grand Theft Cigar".
You can't even keep YOUR facts straight, 6 times he was shot, 6. Not 10 not 8. And 4 of those were in his arm and hand.
He was not giving up. That was the credible testimony the grand jury heard. Some testimony was proven false by physical evidence. Some stories changed once under oath and some admitted they were repeating what they heard. I originally suspected much like you, but the lies revealed became too much. My opinion changed.

Mine hasn't. If anyone has a history of lying, it's the Furgeson PD.

Remember when they said Wilson's orbital bone had been shattered?

Or when they spread rumors that Brown had an extensive Juvy record?

Or when they claimed that the store had brought the video in, when they in fact requested it.
And all you Pro Brown who backs big BOYS abusing women. Get off the Internet tough ones...AND Hit the road to Ferguson.

Oh no....Was that the gentle giant in action? Being gentle? I guess his supporters would say yes...After all he didn't put his head through a wall.

You don't understand. You're not thinking forward, (as most righties don't). This isn't about Michael Brown anymore. He's the face of their anger, not the root cause.
he is the face of left wing race baiting ! and I will tell you this ! if anyone attacks me I will not hesitate to give them led poisoning !! I stay armed !
so we should skimp on justice b/c you racist know blacks are going to riot.

No, I was all for having a trial for Wilson, instead of a coverup. And if that trial had concluded after a vigerous prosecution and defense that there was indeed reasonable doubt, I'd have been cool with Wilson walking.

That's not what happened here.
so zimmerman is innocent in your eyes?
so we should skimp on justice b/c you racist know blacks are going to riot.

No, I was all for having a trial for Wilson, instead of a coverup. And if that trial had concluded after a vigerous prosecution and defense that there was indeed reasonable doubt, I'd have been cool with Wilson walking.

That's not what happened here.
so zimmerman is innocent in your eyes?
No because the "white" Hispanic wasn't convicted.
When the sh!t hits the fan, don't be the next Reginald Denny. Roll back to the '92 LA riots after the Rodney King beating verdict:

That is the most stupid remark yet. It's about being pro-truth. Period. I don't doubt that is too complicated for your pea brain.

Yup, there were riots then.

There was also looting and violence after the hurricane.

There was even theft, assault, vandalism and murder during the Occupoopers protests.

Can anyone explain why stealing stuff and destroying property is such a common response?

There were no riots after the O.J. verdict. You think people weren't more upset about that than about a thug getting shot for attacking a police officer? There were no riots or looting after Holder refused to go after the Black Panthers. That was just wrong. And the reason wasn't because there wasn't evidence, it was because Holder didn't want to make his people look bad. And people got bashed for daring to complain about it.

Yet, anytime the thugs are unhappy about anything, they start stealing, assaulting and burning buildings down. I just want to know why.
It's a stretch to believe that after being shot twice that Michael Brown, while running away, suddenly decided to stop 40 feet later, turn around, stick his hand down his pants, turn the other hand into a fist at his side, and then charge Wilson.

Only one witness totally backs Wilson's story. Everybody else clearly saw Brown put his hands up.

Wilson is lying. Period. To believe Brown stopped, turned, and stuck his hand down his pants is just fucking stupid.
It's a stretch to believe that after being shot twice that Michael Brown, while running away, suddenly decided to stop 40 feet later, turn around, stick his hand down his pants, turn the other hand into a fist at his side, and then charge Wilson.

Only one witness totally backs Wilson's story. Everybody else clearly saw Brown put his hands up.

Wilson is lying. Period. To believe Brown stopped, turned, and stuck his hand down his pants is just fucking stupid.
Yep one of those everybody people was the same guy who helped brown strong arm rob a convenient store

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