All you small brain village idiots who hate taxes.

"Civilization has a simple choice - it's either 'liberty, inequality, survival of the fittest' or 'non-liberty, equality, survival of the '. The former carries society forward and favors all its best members; the latter carries society downwards and favors all its worst members." - William Graham Sumner
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The rw's love taxes.

They really love taxes that net them NOTHING in return.

Know how you can tell?

They hate the president who lowered their taxes and, incredibly they're voting for the King of Lower Taxes For The 1% at the expense of High Taxes for Middle Class NitWits.

Can't get much DUMBER than that and I hope they all have lots of kids to pay their taxes for them.

What the hell. Its not like those kids will ever be able to, say, buy their own home or start a business. Their grandparents are taking all that away from them.

They won't be able to get an education either cuz their pub/pot gods say they don't need any of that elitist crap. As long as they can be taught to flip burgers and mop floors, their grandparents say that's all they need.

Typical liberal LIES. Obama raised all of our taxes. He also hid over 25 taxes in Obamacare. He won't be happy until everyone has to pay 100% tax rate so he can control all of the wealth and all of the economy.

The reason our children will not be able to buy their own home is because of the marxism by the idiot liberal dumbocrats. Because Dumbocrats like Obama have run the national debt up to $16 trillion. Because Dumbocrats want to punish the successful (demonizing the wealthy) while rewarding the average crack addict with free housing, free food, free healthcare, etc.
taxmageddon is a $494 billion tax increase on our beleaguered economy


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.
Not a right wing paper and it disagree's with you.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Well first if you democrats love taxes, why do so many democrats dodge them? Whether they have "issues" with turbotax (you really bought that?) or they park their yachts in Rhode Island, democrats dont like paying them either, which means they are not honest and are hypocrits.

And again, we're not saying to get rid of taxes but to lower them. You do realize that poor people dont own businesses, correct? And so if you hammer the upper class, you get higher prices. Dont believe me, who pays sales tax? It's not the business owner..........
ahh the tolerant left



How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

cant have conversation without insulting the person. nothing say tolerance like accepting anothers point of view, which according to the left no one should have another view.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Nobody in their right mind "likes" taxes. That being said, reasonable people understand the need for taxes and for the services those taxes provide. What is upsetting is when those tax dollars are wasted or used for ill advised programs. The question is what programs are ill advised and what should we do about them. First we need to get through the argument about which programs are worth while.

It's much more complex than saying taxes are good because they pay for services we need, and it's much more complex than just saying we don't need those programs, so we don't want to pay for them. In many ways, I agree that a lot of programs that are run through the federal government would be better handled at the state level. Of course, moving many of these programs back to the state level presents other problems as the taxes at the state level are paid disproportionately by the lowest income earners as the highest earners pay the least. In the end, I sometimes think that is why the wealthy would love to see these programs moved back to the states.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Nobody in their right mind "likes" taxes. That being said, reasonable people understand the need for taxes and for the services those taxes provide. What is upsetting is when those tax dollars are wasted or used for ill advised programs. The question is what programs are ill advised and what should we do about them. First we need to get through the argument about which programs are worth while.

It's much more complex than saying taxes are good because they pay for services we need, and it's much more complex than just saying we don't need those programs, so we don't want to pay for them. In many ways, I agree that a lot of programs that are run through the federal government would be better handled at the state level. Of course, moving many of these programs back to the state level presents other problems as the taxes at the state level are paid disproportionately by the lowest income earners as the highest earners pay the least. In the end, I sometimes think that is why the wealthy would love to see these programs moved back to the states.

worded like a true politician, we agree in principle, but what can we do about it? Lets start with the department of education and work from there.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Nobody in their right mind "likes" taxes. That being said, reasonable people understand the need for taxes and for the services those taxes provide. What is upsetting is when those tax dollars are wasted or used for ill advised programs. The question is what programs are ill advised and what should we do about them. First we need to get through the argument about which programs are worth while.

It's much more complex than saying taxes are good because they pay for services we need, and it's much more complex than just saying we don't need those programs, so we don't want to pay for them. In many ways, I agree that a lot of programs that are run through the federal government would be better handled at the state level. Of course, moving many of these programs back to the state level presents other problems as the taxes at the state level are paid disproportionately by the lowest income earners as the highest earners pay the least. In the end, I sometimes think that is why the wealthy would love to see these programs moved back to the states.

Actually, conservatives want it moved to the states (where it is constitutionally required) because - besides being LEGALL - it provides flexibility. First, your voice carries more weight at the state level. Which means you'll have more say in the things that will impact your life (which is what everyone should want). Second, it would allow people to live in communities that align with their beliefs. Liberals could live in full communist societies and conservatives could live in constitutional societies. Everyone would win.

So why don't we operate like this, where it's constitutional and everyone would win? Because the idiot liberal dumbocrat knows they would go bankrupt under their ideology. They need everything done at the federal level so they can take from conservatives by force. If moved to the state levels, conservatives would congregate to conservative states and thrive, while liberals would congregate to liberal states and collapse (ie California). So instead, they are collapsing the entire nation ($16 trillion in debt).
Conservatives won't even support raising taxes to pay for WARS, that's how radical the right has gotten.
The rw's love taxes.

They really love taxes that net them NOTHING in return.

Know how you can tell?

They hate the president who lowered their taxes and, incredibly they're voting for the King of Lower Taxes For The 1% at the expense of High Taxes for Middle Class NitWits.

Can't get much DUMBER than that and I hope they all have lots of kids to pay their taxes for them.

What the hell. Its not like those kids will ever be able to, say, buy their own home or start a business. Their grandparents are taking all that away from them.

They won't be able to get an education either cuz their pub/pot gods say they don't need any of that elitist crap. As long as they can be taught to flip burgers and mop floors, their grandparents say that's all they need.

Obamatax, Obamacare, is the largest tax increase in history and you call that reducing taxes? Really? In what world? Again, those who don't care are those who don't pay.
Conservatives won't even support raising taxes to pay for WARS, that's how radical the right has gotten.

this is the type of guy who wouldnt meet at the table to start discussing how to fix things, but just stand near the table with his finger at the other side.
Conservatives won't even support raising taxes to pay for WARS, that's how radical the right has gotten.

When was the last vote on increasing taxes? Not long ago the democrats had a filibuster proof majority they could have done as the pleased, what did they do? They caused the 2008 recession, but no tax increase only tax cut extentions.
Conservatives won't even support raising taxes to pay for WARS, that's how radical the right has gotten.

And that would be because liberals take our tax dollars and funnel it right to their greedy little pockets. Our money is wasted by government to such an extreme, the english language has not created an adjective to describe it. That's how radical the left has gotten with greed, waste, pork, and pet projects.

And until you greedy little assholes show that you can be responsible with our hard earned dollars, we're not giving you one more damn dime. You can cry all you want...
Personally I have no problem paying taxes. They are a necessary evil and are needed to keep things going.

It would be nice if everyone payed them though.

You know that pesky 49% who pay no Fed Taxes.
Yep. The only thing the radical right hates more than taxes and the government employees that are paid from those taxes (Except the troops, they always "support the troops" with new bumper stickers, Sarah Palin told them to).

So yes, they preach lower taxes, slash government. But they'd be first in line bitching when a govt couldn't meet a need it did before lowering taxes and slashing services. They've been convinced that lower taxes means MORE revenue to the government. Yet.....they preach about shrinking government, so WHY then would they want to do something (lower taxes) that would send more revenue to the very entity they hate the most??????

Wow.. managed to take time out of your busy day of whacking off to all things Obama to chime in 'eh?


Fucking left wing hack.
The rw's love taxes.

They really love taxes that net them NOTHING in return.

Know how you can tell?

They hate the president who lowered their taxes and, incredibly they're voting for the King of Lower Taxes For The 1% at the expense of High Taxes for Middle Class NitWits.

Can't get much DUMBER than that and I hope they all have lots of kids to pay their taxes for them.

What the hell. Its not like those kids will ever be able to, say, buy their own home or start a business. Their grandparents are taking all that away from them.

They won't be able to get an education either cuz their pub/pot gods say they don't need any of that elitist crap. As long as they can be taught to flip burgers and mop floors, their grandparents say that's all they need.

Obamatax, Obamacare, is the largest tax increase in history and you call that reducing taxes? Really? In what world? Again, those who don't care are those who don't pay.

You're lying, or stupid. The ACA is not the biggest tax increase in history.


How many of these tax supported services do you Radical Right Wing Idiots go to bed with every night and would complain to the depths of hell if taken away from you.
If you hate socialist programs and services and hate paying taxes, then you must hate like hell Illegal Aliens and their children who are bankrupting this country with access to all the Government, state and city freebies. Paid for with your hard earned taxes.

Wow are you a fucking moron. If you actually read that list, you would see that everything there doesn't even apply.

"Don't buy a sports franchise and ask the tax payer to buy you a stadium"?!?! Yeah, because every conservative I know has a pro-sports franchise. I mean, seriously, WTF?!? This is just a desperate attempt by the idiot liberal Dumbocrat who is on the wrong side of the facts and the issue.

Another classic - "don't take your garbage to the curb". I don't know where the fuck you live (my guess is New York city), but where most American's live, they pay for their own garbage disposal (ie companies such as Waste Management, etc.)- it is not handled by the city through taxes.

Another classic - "don't drive on paved roads". The problem with this desperate argument is that 100% of the population has access to the roads, while only 50% of the population is paying the taxes for them.

Tell you what, why don't you think a bit harder and create a new list that doesn't embarrass you? (The answer is, you can't, because you're on the wrong side of the facts).

All conservatives ever wanted is a constitutional government that shows they can be responsible with OUR money. Instead, the idiot liberal Dumbocrats have given us an unconstitutional monstrosity of a government that wastes our money and thinks it's funny to do so because they feel they are always entitled to take more of it when ever they want.

Unfortunately, those who don't pay their own way are completely ignorant when it comes to who pays for garbage pickup and utilities. If a person has only known welfare, then they believe that government pays for all these things for everybody. They don't realize that they are living off their neighbors. Not that I expect a thank you. The only appreciation shown for their life of freebies is voting for the person who promises more. Not a bit of sympathy for the middle class families who will be forced to tighten their budgets even more.

If government hadn't used tax dollars to build roads, then private companies would have done so. Of course, the government still would have come in later and demanded control over the roads, so just as well they collected tax money to build them. Sad part is that many roads and bridges are in a state of disrepair and all the tax money collected to keep them maintained has been spent elsewhere. Typical government. They pat themselves on the back for spending our money on something we need, then turn around and waste our money and we suffer because they didn't spend it on what we need.
The bottom line is the Private Sector DID build those roads and bridges. The respective governments did only the proposal and the billing.
And now that the billing continues, the wise ones in 50 state capitals and our exalted ones in Wash DC have seen the light. They all have figured out that since the money flows in constantly, they can take the cash in place and spend it elsewhere. It's a Ponzi scheme.
Now, the reality is when revenues fall, suddenly the bottom of the pyramid crumbles. And guess what? The politicians simply dive into the "Official book of lies, excuses and other bullshit"( the politicians bible) find what fits and then whine to the public that there just isn't enough money in the budget to fix that right now".
The rw's love taxes.

They really love taxes that net them NOTHING in return.

Know how you can tell?

They hate the president who lowered their taxes and, incredibly they're voting for the King of Lower Taxes For The 1% at the expense of High Taxes for Middle Class NitWits.

Can't get much DUMBER than that and I hope they all have lots of kids to pay their taxes for them.

What the hell. Its not like those kids will ever be able to, say, buy their own home or start a business. Their grandparents are taking all that away from them.

They won't be able to get an education either cuz their pub/pot gods say they don't need any of that elitist crap. As long as they can be taught to flip burgers and mop floors, their grandparents say that's all they need.

Obamatax, Obamacare, is the largest tax increase in history and you call that reducing taxes? Really? In what world? Again, those who don't care are those who don't pay.

You're lying, or stupid. The ACA is not the biggest tax increase in history.
Two trillion dollars in additional spending IS the largest tax increase in the history of the USA.
Where the fuck do you think the money is going to come from? Only 25% will come from drastic cuts in Medicare. Which I might add, the CBO DOUBLE COUNTED in order to make Obama care "appear" to cost less than the magical One trillion Dollar mark.
ACA is the largest most expensive federal boondoggle in the history of this nation.
Seeing it gutted, de-funded or repealed is priority number one.
And don't give me any shit about the uninsured or the poor. ACA by the Obama regime's OWN estimates, ACA leaves 15 to 20 million unisured

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