Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Why can we still afford a War on Drugs?

Because the US can borrow the money to BUY the religious votes.

Or it can have Janet L. Yellen print the dough until her heart its content.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.

How much NEW debt has President Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't stop when President Obama was sworn in.

How much debt will big0's policies create for the next Pres, well actually, all Americans?

go fuck yourself

you are like the 10th leftist moron to mention BOOOSH or RR and all that means is that you know obama sucks, you just can't man the fuck up and say it
Why can we still afford a War on Drugs?

Because the US can borrow the money to BUY the religious votes.

Or it can have Janet L. Yellen print the dough until her heart its content.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

Twenty seven years ago and Reagan is still your scape goat? Really? I seem to remember some bragging about a balanced budget not too many years ago. Never the less, yes Reagan put us into debt to revive the economy and reestablish America as a major power. Done after the truly bad days of malaise Carter.

But what the democrats have done in the last 7 is unprecedented in sheer size. Doubling the debt means Obama has increased the debt more then every other president before him, Reagan included.
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Socialist programs like SS and Medicare makes all other spending look like a drop in the ocean, that is what has destroyed this country...
Workers paid into SS and Medicare all their working lives, and now the GOP wants to rip workers off so the GOP can give the lazy wealthy more tax breaks.
Those socialist programs are fiscally insolvent and never will be...
Would you end the socialist programs Social Security and Medicare?

Why? Both were designed to be self sufficient and so far that is true. A lot of the debt that the country has is to SS not because of SS. To end SS without paying back what the government took would be larceny if a private company tried to do it.

SS should be treated as a separate entity from the general budget.

This site tells you, simply, the assets and expenditures of SS, doesn't look so bad to me to have expenditures of 859,230 and assets of 2,789,476 with receipts at 884,276.

Trust Fund Data

You're a financial guy tell me why the bottom line is something to which I should worry.

What is the problem is that the assets that the SS has are all US debt. That is the worry is that the government will default bankrupting SS. Not the other way around.
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Why can we still afford a War on Drugs?

Because the US can borrow the money to BUY the religious votes.

Or it can have Janet L. Yellen print the dough until her heart its content.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
Because the US can borrow the money to BUY the religious votes.

Or it can have Janet L. Yellen print the dough until her heart its content.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

i swear you post the most moronic shit. what allows you to post stupidity all day long on these boards?
capitalism maybe?
how does "losing money on potential commerce at our borders" render capitalism "really just useless" in your mind leftard???
In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

i swear you post the most moronic shit. what allows you to post stupidity all day long on these boards?
capitalism maybe?
dear; it is just you and those of your point of who should stop projecting and start coming up with better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

i swear you post the most moronic shit. what allows you to post stupidity all day long on these boards?
capitalism maybe?
dear; it is just you and those of your point of who should stop projecting and start coming up with better solutions at lower cost.

please be more vague; makes it easier to laugh at you
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.

i swear you post the most moronic shit. what allows you to post stupidity all day long on these boards?
capitalism maybe?
dear; it is just you and those of your point of who should stop projecting and start coming up with better solutions at lower cost.

please be more vague; makes it easier to laugh at you
go for it; shill.
I am reposting this because I would like some sort of response. There seems to be a whole lot of discussion about a government benefit that seemingly is not in the red and doesn't appear that it will be soon.

My thoughts are they will simply do what they always did when the fund was running, low, they will just increase the cap on wages. I don't believe they are going to mess with the benefits, especially considering the senior citizen voting block.

Both SS and medicare were designed to be self sufficient and so far that is true. A lot of the debt that the country has is to SS not because of SS. To end SS without paying back what the government took would be larceny if a private company tried to do it.

SS should be treated as a separate entity from the general budget.

This site tells you, simply, the assets and expenditures of SS, doesn't look so bad to me to have expenditures of 859,230 and assets of 2,789,476 with receipts at 884,276.

Trust Fund Data

Maybe a financial guy can tell me why the bottom line is something to which I should worry.

What is the problem is that the assets that the SS has are all US debt. That is the worry is that the government will default bankrupting SS. Not the other way around.
Because the US can borrow the money to BUY the religious votes.

Or it can have Janet L. Yellen print the dough until her heart its content.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
You should take a break from posting until the meds wear off

leftist are openly hostile to the free market and seek to punish those that succeed in it.

I don't know what your 'better ideas' are, but if it's more socialism, that's a failed idea
leftist are openly hostile to the free market and seek to punish those that succeed in it.
I'm not sure that's the case with most of the "leftists", my impression is that the hostility to free markets is based on the belief that those that succeed in them do so as a factor of "unfair" advantages and gaming the system. Which isn't all that far off the mark when one looks at the rampant crony capitalism that is currently taking place, what those on the left miss is that the crony capitalism they hate so much is largely a factor of government power (i.e. favoritism and influence peddling), the prescription of the left on dealing with the problem is to further empower government which is like proposing to cure cancer with more cancer.

IMHO government doesn't need more power to intervene in the economy what it needs is to be limited to powers which allow it to act as an impartial referee and nothing more, let free market competition on a level playing field take care of the rest.
In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
The country relies on capitalism.

the better idea is more capitalist.
tell that to the Right.
I don't need to.

it's the left that openly hates the free market
no we don't; some on the left even know we have a Commerce Clause and should not be losing money on potential commerce at our borders.

In other words, Capitalism is really just useless to the right but for propaganda and rhetoric purposes; much like nothing but repeal instead of better solutions at lower cost.
You should take a break from posting until the meds wear off

leftist are openly hostile to the free market and seek to punish those that succeed in it.

I don't know what your 'better ideas' are, but if it's more socialism, that's a failed idea
speak for yourself, we do have a Commerce Clause; your meds not wearing off fast enough for you to keep up?

And, dear, our form of Socialism is the Best in the World and even provides steak and lobster for the least wealthy on their EBT cards; capitalists are just failed ideologists, for free-1929 proved it.
leftist are openly hostile to the free market and seek to punish those that succeed in it.
I'm not sure that's the case with most of the "leftists", my impression is that the hostility to free markets is based on the belief that those that succeed in them do so as a factor of "unfair" advantages and gaming the system. Which isn't all that far off the mark when one looks at the rampant crony capitalism that is currently taking place, what those on the left miss is that the crony capitalism they hate so much is largely a factor of government power (i.e. favoritism and influence peddling), the prescription of the left on dealing with the problem is to further empower government which is like proposing to cure cancer with more cancer.

IMHO government doesn't need more power to intervene in the economy what it needs is to be limited to powers which allow it to act as an impartial referee and nothing more, let free market competition on a level playing field take care of the rest.
i have no problem with letting capitalism deal with whatever is not cost effective to the public sector.
leftist are openly hostile to the free market and seek to punish those that succeed in it.
I'm not sure that's the case with most of the "leftists", my impression is that the hostility to free markets is based on the belief that those that succeed in them do so as a factor of "unfair" advantages and gaming the system. Which isn't all that far off the mark when one looks at the rampant crony capitalism that is currently taking place, what those on the left miss is that the crony capitalism they hate so much is largely a factor of government power (i.e. favoritism and influence peddling), the prescription of the left on dealing with the problem is to further empower government which is like proposing to cure cancer with more cancer.

IMHO government doesn't need more power to intervene in the economy what it needs is to be limited to powers which allow it to act as an impartial referee and nothing more, let free market competition on a level playing field take care of the rest.
i have no problem with letting capitalism deal with whatever is not cost effective to the public sector.

well thanks for your permission leftard!! ;)

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