Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater and making a fool of yourself in public.

Declined my ass! How the fuck did we triple from 6 trillion to 18 if it has declined under Obozo the terrorist?
Didn't they teach you the difference between deficits and debt in WN school, you innumerate jackass?

See post 126.

Yeah I know the difference, perhaps you don't!?!
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater and making a fool of yourself in public.

Declined my ass! How the fuck did we triple from 6 trillion to 18 if it has declined under Obozo the terrorist?
Didn't they teach you the difference between deficits and debt in WN school, you innumerate jackass?

See post 126.

Yeah I know the difference, perhaps you don't!?!
You clearly don't. When I pointed out the FACT that deficits declined every fical year of Obama's Administration and every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, you said, "Declined my ass" and then asked how debt can go up if deficits were declining.

You clearly have no clue of the difference and are quite innumerate, which is why I helpfully pointed you to an earlier post explaining how the math works.

I suggest reading that post before you make more of a fool of yourself.
Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Don't worry about it the Dem's plan to increase spending to fix the problem.

All we need is to grow economy and as we all know, every dollar spent on food stamps returns two dollars to the economy. Obviously, we need more people on food stamps.

Unemployment and food stamps are the twin engines powering the Obama economy. There's a real concern that the economy will suffer and unemployment will spike as people move into the labor force

or something
if the gop gets in charge, I'll bitch about how little they do.

but you want to bitch at both parties like they have equal say at all times

fucking moron

The GOP was in charge. They had both houses of Congress, and the White House. And what happened?

Every year of Bill Clinton's Administration, the deficit declined. During Bush's Administration, the deficit skyrocketed to the highest in the history of the Universe. Every year of Obama's Administration, the deficit has declined.

So...yeah. Damn right I want to bitch at both parties, fucking moron.

But you just go right ahead and keep drinking the bongwater and making a fool of yourself in public.

Declined my ass! How the fuck did we triple from 6 trillion to 18 if it has declined under Obozo the terrorist?
Didn't they teach you the difference between deficits and debt in WN school, you innumerate jackass?

See post 126.

Yeah I know the difference, perhaps you don't!?!
You clearly don't. When I pointed out the FACT that deficits declined every fical year of Obama's Administration and every fiscal year of Clinton's Administration, you said, "Declined my ass" and then asked how debt can go up if deficits were declining.

You clearly have no clue of the difference and are quite innumerate, which is why I helpfully pointed you to an earlier post explaining how the math works.

I suggest reading that post before you make more of a fool of yourself.

too late !!!

and the line gets longer and longer.
Done after the truly bad days of malaise Carter.
Of course, it was Nixon who created the economic "malaise" so the Right blames Carter.
Bush crashes the economy, so of course, the Right blames Obama.
Anyone see a pattern here?

Of course being a true left wing democrat you can not and must not take the blame for anything. If you lived through Carter you would realize the shear partisanship of your remark. Carter was president for 4 years and everything went down hill causing him to deliver his famous malaise speech.

As for Obama he had the greatest chance of success then any president before him. He had a deep recession which by historical standards results in a big fast recovery. But everything he did caused the recovery to be the longest and weakest in history. Obama had a chance and blew it.
i have no problem with letting capitalism deal with whatever is not cost effective to the public sector.
Pretty much everything with the exception of maybe national defense can be dealt with more cost effectively by the private sector since it doesn't suffer from the built in inefficiencies that are inherent with government, government has no competition thus it has no incentive to do ANYTHING cost effectively or with any sense of quality not to mention the fact that graft and corruption are so rampant in government given that people that make the laws tend to believe they are above the laws (see Hillary Clinton for details) .

Want a recent example:
Gas Station in Afghanistan, should have cost $500,000 to build, the federal government (tax payer) cost to build it $47million, typical, in other words the private sector could have built 94 gas stations for the cost that it took for the federal government to build ONE So yeah if you're happy paying 94 TIMES reasonable cost for everything then government is your answer.
1984 .... Ronald Reagan was President. Because it was then that the Federal Communications Commission created the original Lifeline Assistance program (technically, Lifeline Assistance is the official name of the Obama Phone program).




Actually, the idea is from Communications Act of 1934.
Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Don't worry about it the Dem's plan to increase spending to fix the problem.

All we need is to grow economy and as we all know, every dollar spent on food stamps returns two dollars to the economy. Obviously, we need more people on food stamps.

Unemployment and food stamps are the twin engines powering the Obama economy. There's a real concern that the economy will suffer and unemployment will spike as people move into the labor force

or something
gee; all of those tax breaks and holidays and even a capital gains distinction for income. are capitalists just lousy at helping out, socially.
Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Don't worry about it the Dem's plan to increase spending to fix the problem.

All we need is to grow economy and as we all know, every dollar spent on food stamps returns two dollars to the economy. Obviously, we need more people on food stamps.
That is unemployment compensation which is not on EBT but a cash basis.
i wonder how long it would take an average 18 yr old adult to count 18.5 trillion singles, then wrapping them up in "100 Stacks" to put back in the bank.
Runnin' Ronnie raised the debt ceiling 17 times, and increased the national debt 189%.

The best President in modern times ?

Small wonder Obama is the worst President in history, he has only raised the debt ceiling 7 times ... That damn slacker. Be like Reagan !!!!

you came here to make a fool of youself again

what would it look like if we examined who voted for those debt ceiling raises under reagan, bush, OR obama; and who voted more against it?????

( note to left-wing douche Seite: your own Messiah's voted AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING AS A SENATOR doesnt count since you sissies dont want to talk about that; and you're the ones insisting it be raised NOW, as he is)

libs are morons who lie TO THEMSELVES

ok, lets look ..

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Reagan threw the simpletons a tax break on individuals to keep them busy while he jabbed them in the OTHER pocket.

any way you spin it Reagan increased the national debt 189%.

Leave it to the far left drones to go back to Reagan to cover up the fact that Obama is a failure of epic proportions..

Sorry Obama has beat every president in history. That is what you get for voting far left..
Runnin' Ronnie raised the debt ceiling 17 times, and increased the national debt 189%.

The best President in modern times ?

Small wonder Obama is the worst President in history, he has only raised the debt ceiling 7 times ... That damn slacker. Be like Reagan !!!!

you came here to make a fool of youself again

what would it look like if we examined who voted for those debt ceiling raises under reagan, bush, OR obama; and who voted more against it?????

( note to left-wing douche Seite: your own Messiah's voted AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING AS A SENATOR doesnt count since you sissies dont want to talk about that; and you're the ones insisting it be raised NOW, as he is)

libs are morons who lie TO THEMSELVES

ok, lets look ..

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Reagan threw the simpletons a tax break on individuals to keep them busy while he jabbed them in the OTHER pocket.

any way you spin it Reagan increased the national debt 189%.

the only one spinning is you left-wing moron. when it is something you dont like it is the president's fault when it suits you, and congress's fault when it suits you, no matter if the Repub president had a Democrat congress

any way you spin it Reagan increased the national debt 189%.

so prove me wrong or quit with all your bullshit .. simple enough huh sport?

Typical irony impaired far left drone, posting known far left religious dogma and then expects everyone to prove them wrong!
this is why you're so full of shit your eyes are brown ...

Ronald Reagan: Up 189 percent
George H.W. Bush: Up 55 percent
Bill Clinton: Up 37 percent
George W. Bush: Up 115 percent
Barack Obama: Up 16 percent

you poor little RW'r...

You got it all wrong, under Obama debt actually went down. Right?
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Socialist programs like SS and Medicare makes all other spending look like a drop in the ocean, that is what has destroyed this country...
These will get so bad that they'll be destroyed if not replaced.
1984 .... Ronald Reagan was President. Because it was then that the Federal Communications Commission created the original Lifeline Assistance program (technically, Lifeline Assistance is the official name of the Obama Phone program).




Actually, the idea is from Communications Act of 1934.
Except that it didn't. The language in the 1934 act was to provide "universal service" at "reasonable charges."

Whereas ReaganPhones were targeted for underprivileged folks for no charge.

Bush later expanded ReaganPhones to include cell phones.

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