Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

I agree he was not allowed to go HOG RINO wild. Newt and all held him back, right up to Nasdaq .com bust in 2000-2002 or so.

One of the big issues, that the democrat media refuses to ever address, is that Clinton refinanced the national debt using short term loans. Essentially he took out an APR with a low initial rate that made him look good, but was a ticking bomb as the rate exploded after he left office.

Rome News-Tribune - Google News Archive Search
you'll argue that we need to cut our childs education, infrastructure

Must be a paid UNION poster for SEIU or something? Wake up! They take in a lot of money, they never have enough. They live lavish life. They do bare minimum on things you mention. Roads are barely kept up. Schools results are disaster at $12K/kid. BHO took $1T for stimulus but fix no roads! They have $1mil GOVT party every few days, unlimited travel, pensions, gold plated for family. They got it all.

you want us to pay for it. pay more for it?

yet you are on here all day long calling OTHER PEOPLE "RUBES" but you fell for one of the most basic RUSES in the books, that being Obama BACKLOADING THE HURT of his policies in outlying years

seriously what a clown
all melon-head and ZERO COMMON SENSE


everday g, everyday
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.
3 trillion from the Bush Tax cuts
3 trillion from Iraq
1 trillion from drugs for vote
Unknown trillions lost from the GOP deregulated and ruined economy
another trillion for medical care for the tens of thousand maimed in Iraq

Then there are all the little stuffs, like the money lost from shutting down the economy and the cost of making people use the emergency room as primary health care.

Thank God Republicans aren't responsible for any of it.
But St Ronny
but but but

we were just cleaning it when it went off

not one leftist can man up and admit obama is a fucking moron
let alone confess that increasing the size of government is a horrid idea.

never confess, never have an idea to fix things, just blame someone else.

thanks redean, 4th leftist moron on the thread, 4th in a row to blame someone else.

It's not about blame. It's about history and taking responsibility. Two things Republicans easily forget and don't want.
obama is at fault for our current debt and lose of our AAA credit rating

no leftist will ever admit that, even though you know it's true

You like to pretend it's just the gop, but it's not.

increasing spending comes with a need to increase taxes, you can't increase it more on the middle and you won't tax the poor, so you pretend that increasing taxes on the rich will have no effect on them.

or your just dumb enough to think that

your ideas will destroy the country, the people leading int he dnc polls will see that our debt explodes. There's not enough rich people to tax, there just isn't, but you know this, and support doing it anyway.

Why do you want to destroy the country, just curious.
How can you not know the S&P blamed the GOP??????

Duh!!!! No. Double Fucking DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

credit downgrade gop fault - Google Search
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars did not cost $6 trillion that's possibly the dumbest thing I have read in 5 years.

The report states: “The Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, taken together, will be the most expensive wars in US history—totaling somewhere between $4 trillion and $6 trillion. This includes long-term medical care and disability compensation for service members, veterans and families, military replenishment and social and economic costs. The largest portion of that bill is yet to be paid.”

US Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq to Cost $6 trillion

We spend $10 trillion on welfare every 10 years, actual budgeted spending. Using the dishonest liberal math I could say welfare to cost $1,500 trillion.


Stay on topic.
So, debt increases under Reagan & Democrat Congress.. Reagan's fault. Doubling of debt under Obama and Democrat Congress, Reagan's fault.

You people are fucking crazy.
Except the GOP controlled the Senate under St Ronnie, and Controlled the House under most of Obama, and now the House and Senate. So yeah, it is the GOP National Debt.
Hard drugs, though, should not be. They are way too addictive and have no positive recreational qualities whatsoever. They are nothing but a personal negative and should be reserved for use only within the walls of a hospital.

Just curious as to what difference there is between alcohol "hard" drugs.
Hard drugs, though, should not be. They are way too addictive and have no positive recreational qualities whatsoever. They are nothing but a personal negative and should be reserved for use only within the walls of a hospital.

Just curious as to what difference there is between alcohol "hard" drugs.
Alcohol is actually my benchmark, which is why I believe marijuana should be legal.

Compared to alcohol, hard drugs have a higher dependency rate, a higher intoxication, a higher reinforcement factor, a higher tolerance rate, etc.
Alcohol is actually my benchmark, which is why I believe marijuana should be legal.

Compared to alcohol, hard drugs have a higher dependency rate, a higher intoxication, a higher reinforcement factor, a higher tolerance rate, etc.

Though, in some instances, this is not always true. There is a significant subjective factor to addictiveness.
Runnin' Ronnie raised the debt ceiling 17 times, and increased the national debt 189%.

The best President in modern times ?

Small wonder Obama is the worst President in history, he has only raised the debt ceiling 7 times ... That damn slacker. Be like Reagan !!!!

you came here to make a fool of youself again

what would it look like if we examined who voted for those debt ceiling raises under reagan, bush, OR obama; and who voted more against it?????

( note to left-wing douche Seite: your own Messiah's voted AGAINST RAISING THE DEBT CEILING AS A SENATOR doesnt count since you sissies dont want to talk about that; and you're the ones insisting it be raised NOW, as he is)

libs are morons who lie TO THEMSELVES

ok, lets look ..

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime,The bills didn't raise more revenue by hiking individual income tax rates though. Instead they did it largely through making it tougher to evade taxes, and through "base broadening" -- that is, reducing various federal tax breaks and closing tax loopholes.

Reagan threw the simpletons a tax break on individuals to keep them busy while he jabbed them in the OTHER pocket.

any way you spin it Reagan increased the national debt 189%.

It's the tax cuts.....PERIOD:



The Republicans never have seen a tax cut for corporations and the rich they didn't like but never have quit spending for their pet projects and war machine:

These figures came from the bureau of the debt....they're easily verified:

...................................Total U S Debt.....................................

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accommodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.84(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38 ( Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)
09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)(Reagan Slashed Tax Rates To 50 Year Lows)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00
18 Trillion indebt and the liberals still haven't solved a single problem, man, these guys just plain suck.

You people should start watching something besides Faux News. Reagan and Bush tax cuts for the wealthy caused the debt and the beginning of the end of the middle class in this country. Did you know that nearly two trillion dollars of the money borrowed by Obama was needed to cover the interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt? NO....I didn't think so! Obama spending has been trivial compared to that spent by George W. Bush in his two hot totally unnecessary!

The US spends more money on wars than anything else, by far. Not to mention the cost of lives. Both foreign and domestic.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Since leftist only care about the history that makes them look good and ignore the rest.

I will ask you why we are involved in world affairs. Who got us involved in the world and why you think they did that.
Reagan's Deal With Democrats for Tax Increases Paired ...
The Daily Beast
Dec 5, 2012 - The Democrats got the taxes, they say, but Reagan never got the cuts. ... seats gave Reagan working control of the House and voted for the cuts. ... “Of the spending cuts Congress allegedly owed, $100 billion consisted of

AS YOU CAN SEE Reagan made deals with his DEMOCRAT CONGRES for both tax cuts and tax increases.

but to listen to the endless crybaby whines of left-wing losers all over these message boards you would think Reagan was some kind of king that had no congress to work with

liberals are pathetic losers who never want to talk about their role in anything. the inescapable message they send is that they are inept and weak, and dumber than the people they THINK they are smarter than.
Just more lies, Reagan nixed the deal because the spending cuts included cuts to his pork barrel Star Wars crony boondoggle.

every time you losers are confronted with reality you start crying that somebody is lying.

just you saying something is a lie doesnt mean shit
As I have pointed out over and over, whenever the Right gets caught lying, they simply lie some more.

It was St Ronnie who nixed the tax/spending deal worked out by Tip O'Neill and Bob Dole because it made cuts to his Star Wars pork barrel boondoggle.

Rosy Scenarios and Red Realities: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and the Deficit

Reagan continued to rail against deficits while doing everything he could to protect his tax and defense programs that were their primary cause. In 1985 he adroitly outmaneuvered GOP Senate leader Bob Dole’s efforts to cut a deficit-reduction deal with House Democratic Speaker Tip O’Neill that included tax increases and defense cuts in return for entitlement economies.

Reconcilable Differences? "d0e4234"

Dole accused Reagan of "surrendering to the deficit." "If the President can't support us, he ought to keep his mouth shut,"
Go page one post #1, the op, read it again and tell me where I mentioned RR.

And them tell me, how something that happened in the 80's excuses obama today.

then go fuck yourself
18 Trillion indebt and the liberals still haven't solved a single problem, man, these guys just plain suck.

You people should start watching something besides Faux News. Reagan and Bush tax cuts for the wealthy caused the debt and the beginning of the end of the middle class in this country. Did you know that nearly two trillion dollars of the money borrowed by Obama was needed to cover the interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt? NO....I didn't think so! Obama spending has been trivial compared to that spent by George W. Bush in his two hot totally unnecessary!

another moron blaming RR for obamas actions

you filth clearly don't care about the country, you leading candidates brag about increasing spending, massively and yet none of you care to call them out on their delusions.
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.

In a SECRET session the Democrats --- and the "opposition party" (wink, wink) the Republicans agreed to raise the debt ceiling

When will Americans wake the fuck up and realize that there is ONLY one political party : The DEMOPUBLICANS
to be fair, in DC there is really only one part. Pols only care about gathering power to themselves.

The voters are very different

cons and reps don't want the country to collapse under the debt, while the leftist clearly do.

or they actually can't count to potato
Runnin' Ronnie raised the debt ceiling 17 times, and increased the national debt 189%.

The best President in modern times ?

Small wonder Obama is the worst President in history, he has only raised the debt ceiling 7 times ... That damn slacker. Be like Reagan !!!!
Damn RR, reaching forth from the grave and forcing obama to make things worse.

How Dare He!

fuck off moron
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.
I believe we should enact wartime tax rates on the wealthiest or end our wars on crime, drugs, poverty,and terror.
our economy is fragile, so I think a tax increase would do more harm than good.

ending the war on drugs and terror I can understand, but war on crime? dufuck ya mean by that?
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Are you literate?

Can you tell the dif between debt and def?

We lost our AAA credit rating b/c obama ramped up the debt.

but that's RR fault, since he's got divine powers that extend from the grave.
that you honestly think our credit rating was damaged by obama is sad.
It's a shame you think it was all someone else fault, and that obama was helpless to prevent it.

Not that you care, b/c yaknow, Reagan did it.
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.

In real terms, it stopped mattering what the debt was a long time ago. Couldn't pay off a $1 trillion debt. The numbers are beyond our ability to appreciate.
I'm aware that it would take decades to pay off the debt.

But there must be something that doesn't involve screwing us over, that can at least slow it down

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