Almost $18.5 Trillion in debt.

Every fiscal year of Obama's Administration, he has reduced the deficit. Bush hit a record deficit of $1.4 trillion in FY2009. Obama has gone down from there every single year. No President who ever lived could have gone from a $1.4 trillion deficit to a zero deficit in seven years.

No one.

amazing how somebody claiming to be so smart doesnt appear to know the difference between the National Debt and budget deficits.

Irony. All I have been doing is explaining the difference to the innumerate fools which abound on this forum.

obama added OVER $200 BILLION TO THE "BUSH" DEBT,

And here's where the irony kicks in.

Obama's deficits have been lower and lower each year. You can't say that about Bush. Obama went from Bush's record $1.4 trillion deficit to a $415 billion deficit. He cut the deficit in half in four years.

That's pretty impressive.
Just by ending the Bush tax cuts in total and getting out of the middle east we could balance the budget in a couple of years. 95% of our debt problems are being caused by three things,,,1. Tax cuts, 2. wars and wall street infusions.

Of course, you'll argue that we need to cut our childs education, infrastructure and other things that never caused a cent of it.

want to solve our debt problems? If you don't take care of the 3 above...Well, shut the fuck up.
Thank you St Ronnie and the GOP for turning this country from a creditor nation to a debtor nation.

'I don't worry about the deficit. It's big enough to take care of itself.'
Ronald Reagan

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Are you literate?

Can you tell the dif between debt and def?

We lost our AAA credit rating b/c obama ramped up the debt.

but that's RR fault, since he's got divine powers that extend from the grave.
that you honestly think our credit rating was damaged by obama is sad.
speaking of rich fatcats leftardz:

'Obama Phone' Makes World's Richest Man Richer
Oct 12, 2012 - The federal government's Lifeline program for handing out free cell phones to ... “Carlos Slim, who has an estimated net worth of $70 billion, owns a ... Pollak and his wife are big Obama campaign donors and bundlers who
The Lifeline program costs taxpayers about $1 billion a year.

Tax expenditures cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion a year.

Perspective, boys and girls. Perspective.

It's amazing how they blame something so tiny that does so much to help the common man, but never attacks the real causes of our debt. These people are so fucking stupid and evil.

The real cause of our debt of course is their wars that have cost this nation 5 trillion dollars.
The real cause of our debt is Bush's tax breaks that cost this nation and continue to add up yearly.

Clinton Balanced the budget by not doing these things.
Bush's record $1.4 trillion deficit

That was one time aberration due to TARP + stimulus (due to GOVT cause housing crash). BHO regime has baked this as "baseline" and kept spending "up there" near $3.7T (cowards with CR).

No need for massive spending. Previous years spending in $2T's prior to housing crash.
Obama May Highlight Shrinking Budget Deficits, But They ...
The Wall Street Journal
Jan 20, 2015 - But overall debt continues to grow, and the federal government still ... “Our deficitscut by more than half,” the president said while ticking off a ... 85% of the total projected increase in outlays over the next 10 years,” CBO said.
obama BUDGET deficits are set to increase in the outlying years BECAUSE OF OBAMA'S POLICIES, THAT IS increase after he's left office

can you morons be honest about ANYTHING???
Bush's record $1.4 trillion deficit

That was one time aberration due to TARP + stimulus (due to GOVT cause housing crash). BHO regime has baked this as "baseline" and kept spending "up there" near $3.7T (cowards with CR).

No need for massive spending. Previous years spending in $2T's prior to housing crash.

Most of that was tax cuts, bail-outs and war spending. Tell me again, why we should cut infrastructure, science, r&d and educational spending another dime???

Repeal the bush Tax cuts
End the dumb bail-outs
Get us out of the middle east
and slowly draw welfare back to pre-recession levels.

cutting the guts out of our economy to continue doing those things is retarded.
speaking of rich fatcats leftardz:

'Obama Phone' Makes World's Richest Man Richer
Oct 12, 2012 - The federal government's Lifeline program for handing out free cell phones to ... “Carlos Slim, who has an estimated net worth of $70 billion, owns a ... Pollak and his wife are big Obama campaign donors and bundlers who
The Lifeline program costs taxpayers about $1 billion a year.

Tax expenditures cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion a year.

Perspective, boys and girls. Perspective.

It's amazing how they blame something so tiny that does so much to help the common man, but never attacks the real causes of our debt. These people are so fucking stupid and evil.

The real cause of our debt of course is their wars that have cost this nation 5 trillion dollars.
The real cause of our debt is Bush's tax breaks that cost this nation and continue to add up yearly.

Clinton Balanced the budget by not doing these things.

again with the president thing you moron. republicans WROTE THOSE BUDGETS, IF THEY WERE INDEED "BALANCED" THEN REPUBLICANS DID IT
when was a budget balanced in clinton's first two years when he had a Democrat Congress??
CBO: Deficits To Explode As Obama Leaves Office - Townhall
Jan 26, 2015 - ... increases in major health care programs, including Obamacare, deficits ... Immediately after Obama leaves office, however, deficits are expected to ... Asked whether Obama's 2015 budget would hike spending over current ... for us start making some policy decisions that will invest in middle class families.
CBO: Obamacare will cause deficits to explode as soon as ...
Jan 27, 2015 - President Obama's major policies (namely Obamacare) are set to explode the US budget deficit as soon as he leaves office. ... to spending increases in major health care programs, including Obamacare, deficits are set ... Immediately after Obama leaves office, however, deficits are expected to rise steadily
I remember being pissed when it hit $100 billion.

Ya know how we try to explain to leftist that this much debt is bad and they don't seem to understand?

And you know how bent outta shape offended they get when they see this image;


I used to think is was b/c a heartless person was making fun of a retarded child.

But then it dawned on me.

They are made b/c they are jealous of the kid making it to potato when they can't.

How do you explain economics to someone that can't count to potato?
You can't

and that explains all their replies to our pleas to not spend more money, not enlarge the government, not pass more useless and redundant laws.

Look at this
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The debt increases by $10k every second, every single second of everyday. That's $860 million a day.

And the top candidates for the dnc will gleefully increase it. They are getting cheered for their plans to increase the debt.

but potatoes are racist, brown on the outside and white on the inside, so I guess that makes it ok.

In real terms, it stopped mattering what the debt was a long time ago. Couldn't pay off a $1 trillion debt. The numbers are beyond our ability to appreciate.
Obamacare Narrows the Deficit. Let's Move On. - Bloomberg ...
Jun 19, 2015 - The Congressional Budget Office has released a report on the effects ... The traditional one is that the federal budget deficit would increase by ... than the 10-year window implies, because the impact is backloaded and continues to grow. ... (the 10th year in their budget window), and still increasing after that
whenever 98% of these RW idiots learn the difference between debt and deficit, and how one effects the other, call me. Until then I'm leaving them to their own stupidity. You simply can't overcome the demonizing partisan rhetoric that's burned in their SMALL brain.
In real terms, it stopped mattering what the debt was a long time ago. Couldn't pay off a $1 trillion debt. The numbers are beyond our ability to appreciate.

So "they" will only pay INTEREST on this total debt forever? till they can't cover that? up to complete global collapse? What about poor RINO bondholders? RINO want to golf, drink, say one thing vote another, push problems off onto others..........moooo,,,stomp stomp
whenever 98% of these RW idiots learn the difference between debt and deficit, and how one effects the other, call me. Until then I'm leaving them to their own stupidity. You simply can't overcome the demonizing partisan rhetoric that's burned in their SMALL brain.

So you told some really stupid lies, got called on them, now you run off with your tail between your legs. :thup:

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