Alt Right is complete fiction

You denying he was a KKK member?
Or you just don't like being reminded that the KKK was created by the democrats?
No one believes that the old dixiecrats hold any political connection to today's liberal democrats, not even you.

It's a tough call which is worse,

1. that they say it knowing it's bullshit, or,

2. that they actually believe it.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
Old right:


New right, aka the alternative:

Is that Robert Byrd? Hillary's KKK friend.

How long will Robert Byrd have to be dead before it will register with you people? Give us a ballpark figure.

You denying he was a KKK member?
Or you just don't like being reminded that the KKK was created by the democrats?
Of course he was a KKK member and he repudiated it in time...and the KKK was invented in the 19th century....where you apparently live.
How long will Robert Byrd have to be dead before it will register with you people? Give us a ballpark figure.

You denying he was a KKK member?
Or you just don't like being reminded that the KKK was created by the democrats?
No one believes that the old dixiecrats hold any political connection to today's liberal democrats, not even you.

It's a tough call which is worse,

1. that they say it knowing it's bullshit, or,

2. that they actually believe it.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

And then....he didn't. Isn't it interesting that those like LBJ and Byrd who repudiated their racist past stayed Democrats.....those who couldn't give it up, like Strom Thurmond....went Republican.
Old right:


New right, aka the alternative:

Is that Robert Byrd? Hillary's KKK friend.

How long will Robert Byrd have to be dead before it will register with you people? Give us a ballpark figure.

You denying he was a KKK member?
Or you just don't like being reminded that the KKK was created by the democrats?
Of course he was a KKK member and he repudiated it in time...and the KKK was invented in the 19th century....where you apparently live.

And Trump disavowed the KKK and Duke yet some on the left still lie about that.
Just like the Dixiecrat lie or praising LBJ who was a major bigot.
No one believes that the old dixiecrats hold any political connection to today's liberal democrats, not even you.

It's a tough call which is worse,

1. that they say it knowing it's bullshit, or,

2. that they actually believe it.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
I am an older person who was born and raised in Alabama. I lived through all that shit. Don't try to tell me that what I saw with my own eyes is all made up.
You denying he was a KKK member?
Or you just don't like being reminded that the KKK was created by the democrats?
No one believes that the old dixiecrats hold any political connection to today's liberal democrats, not even you.

It's a tough call which is worse,

1. that they say it knowing it's bullshit, or,

2. that they actually believe it.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

And then....he didn't. Isn't it interesting that those like LBJ and Byrd who repudiated their racist past stayed Democrats.....those who couldn't give it up, like Strom Thurmond....went Republican.

You do know he only changed to get the black vote right?
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL


as the left sees it

desperate times calls for desperate measures

what really sucks for them is the folks see through it these days

It's a tough call which is worse,

1. that they say it knowing it's bullshit, or,

2. that they actually believe it.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
I am an older person who was born and raised in Alabama. I lived through all that shit. Don't try to tell me that what I saw with my own eyes is all made up.

I gave you proof.
Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
No modern conservative hearing a speech from an old time segregationist would mistake them for a liberal.

Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
I am an older person who was born and raised in Alabama. I lived through all that shit. Don't try to tell me that what I saw with my own eyes is all made up.

I gave you proof.
Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
I read your link, it pretty much says that all the Dixiecrats just went away and all these new Republicans who had absolutely no ideological connection came along. It's bullshit. It's the same white people voting for the same kind of conservative politicians that the black people in their state are not voting for. This is the key point. By 1980 black people had almost completely abandoned the GOP and the GOP welcomed these disillusioned whit voters with open arms. I saw it, I was there and you should stop trying to tell me otherwise.
both of you girls are too stupid to understand ..

The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the politics of the United States

right on the money. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Complete made up horseshit. We already have social conservatives & fiscal conservatives. Quite often the two intermingle.

Your horseshit labels are completely unnecessary and only further prove the left THRIVE on division.
Like LBJ?
Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
I am an older person who was born and raised in Alabama. I lived through all that shit. Don't try to tell me that what I saw with my own eyes is all made up.

I gave you proof.
Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
I read your link, it pretty much says that all the Dixiecrats just went away and all these new Republicans who had absolutely no ideological connection came along. It's bullshit. It's the same white people voting for the same kind of conservative politicians that the black people in their state are not voting for. This is the key point. By 1980 black people had almost completely abandoned the GOP and the GOP welcomed these disillusioned whit voters with open arms. I saw it, I was there and you should stop trying to tell me otherwise.

You refuse to accept the fact yet show no proof to your claim.

"How many Dixiecrats joined the GOP after 1964?

Update: How many pre-1964 southern racist Democrat bigots did NOT join the Republican party after 1964? Orval Fabus Benjamin Travis Laney John Stennis James Eastland Allen Ellender Russell Long John Sparkman John McClellan Richard Russell Herman Talmadge George Wallace Lester Maddox John Rarick Robert... show more
Update 2: So the only Dixiecrats who switched are Thurmond, Helms, and Godwin.

Only THREE???"

How many Dixiecrats joined the GOP after 1964?

Can you prove this is wrong?
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left.

Alt Right? LOL

Only people who are a part of the alt-right claim it's fiction.

Actually, you nailed it.

Only an idiot would deny the existence of ultra, rabid, radical, treasonous, uneducated, cracker ass, trailer trash jackasses, dressed in their very best pillowcases who suck on the public teat and whine that illegal Mexicans are taking their jobs picking strawberries.

Those are same people who don't want others to know what they really are.
To bad all the righties are at work and won't be able to appreciate your post.
I was surprised to learn today that Trump is the leader of "Alt Right", a new group apparently just invented by the Left. Alt Right? LOL WTF
I don't think Bush, Romney, Kasich et al. would agree with you. It's amazing how the same people that invented the designation RINO are now whining because someone came up with a cute name for them! :crybaby:
A lot of southern democrat politicians had a shameful past that they tried to make up for. A sincere quest for redemption is something to be proud of. Then again there were a lot that simply became republicans and never did a damned thing to rise above their past.

Except that is another lie.
The Dixiecrat Myth

"You have to be outside your mind to believe a wacked out myth like that. Even in the 1960s and 1970s, people weren’t single-issue race-issue partisans — or more accurately, especially in the 1960s and 1970s as the anti-war crowd and counter-culture “free love and drugs” crowd were so boisterously center stage."
I am an older person who was born and raised in Alabama. I lived through all that shit. Don't try to tell me that what I saw with my own eyes is all made up.

I gave you proof.
Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.
I read your link, it pretty much says that all the Dixiecrats just went away and all these new Republicans who had absolutely no ideological connection came along. It's bullshit. It's the same white people voting for the same kind of conservative politicians that the black people in their state are not voting for. This is the key point. By 1980 black people had almost completely abandoned the GOP and the GOP welcomed these disillusioned whit voters with open arms. I saw it, I was there and you should stop trying to tell me otherwise.

You refuse to accept the fact yet show no proof to your claim.

"How many Dixiecrats joined the GOP after 1964?

Update: How many pre-1964 southern racist Democrat bigots did NOT join the Republican party after 1964? Orval Fabus Benjamin Travis Laney John Stennis James Eastland Allen Ellender Russell Long John Sparkman John McClellan Richard Russell Herman Talmadge George Wallace Lester Maddox John Rarick Robert... show more
Update 2: So the only Dixiecrats who switched are Thurmond, Helms, and Godwin.

Only THREE???"

How many Dixiecrats joined the GOP after 1964?

Can you prove this is wrong?
In Alabama we had this governor named Fob James, corrupt piece of good old boy trash. Got elected as a democrat, turned out to have little respect for civil rights, got voted out, came back 12 years later as a hard right republican, won big, acted just as fucked up. During those twelve years the south flipped, white people started voting republican and the black people voted democrat. In that very short time period people did not just change their entire outlook, they just changed parties. The electorate was still racially divided and the politicians still sounded the same.

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