Although I'm not a coal enthusiast.....

The coal industry is BOOMING, with sales both domestically and internationally. The international market is growing constantly.

It is not resulting in large numbers of new jobs because coal mining has become much more efficient - man-hours per ton of coal is down about 90% since the 60's.

Trump promised to revitalize the coal industry. Done.

Coal workers voted for him based on his promise of more coal jobs. He lied to them. I don't think many care if a few very rich mine owners get richer. That doesn't do anything to help the country or coal workers.
Nope, he didn't. I just posted the graph that shows coal mining jobs have increased since Trump was elected.
No, you posted a flat line of LOGGING and coal jobs.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...

Lyin' Donald knew he was hoaxing the coal miners.

This is the guy who said the following in a Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.
Any coal miner who believes Lyin' Donald deserves to be lied to.
People should have voted for Hillary who promised to destroy the US coal industry? You dumb ass liberals are more of a laughing stock with each passing day.:auiqs.jpg:
Clinton told the miners the truth. She told them their jobs were not coming back. She also told them she would not abandon them and would provide education for new careers.

Clinton has a $30 billion plan to help coal miners, but it got buried by a silly "gaffe"

The most absurd aspect of this whole episode is that Clinton's intentions toward coal communities are not a mystery, or even an open question. She wants to help them. She has a detailed, thoughtful $30 billion plan to help them, securing their health care and pension benefits, offering tax credits and job training, and pouring economic development money into the region.

She was literally talking about her plan to help them when she made the "gaffe."
Lyin' Donald: I will bring back coal jobs.

Crooked Hillary: Your jobs are not coming back. I have a plan to reinvest $30 billion in Appalachia and provide training for jobs which actually exist.
People should have voted for Hillary who promised to destroy the US coal industry? You dumb ass liberals are more of a laughing stock with each passing day.:auiqs.jpg:
Clinton told the miners the truth. She told them their jobs were not coming back. She also told them she would not abandon them and would provide education for new careers.

Clinton has a $30 billion plan to help coal miners, but it got buried by a silly "gaffe"

The most absurd aspect of this whole episode is that Clinton's intentions toward coal communities are not a mystery, or even an open question. She wants to help them. She has a detailed, thoughtful $30 billion plan to help them, securing their health care and pension benefits, offering tax credits and job training, and pouring economic development money into the region.

She was literally talking about her plan to help them when she made the "gaffe."

Lib please we heard the same shit from the Clintons when they tried to destroy the timber industry. Hillary, we are going to destroy your coal industry but don't worry we'll give billions to Dem politicians in your state to re-train you, and by that I mean to spend most of the money on other crap not re-training. Same damn shit they did to the timber industry when Bill was president. :eusa_hand:
The coal industry is BOOMING, with sales both domestically and internationally. The international market is growing constantly.

It is not resulting in large numbers of new jobs because coal mining has become much more efficient - man-hours per ton of coal is down about 90% since the 60's.

Trump promised to revitalize the coal industry. Done.

Coal workers voted for him based on his promise of more coal jobs. He lied to them. I don't think many care if a few very rich mine owners get richer. That doesn't do anything to help the country or coal workers.
Nope, he didn't. I just posted the graph that shows coal mining jobs have increased since Trump was elected.

You should explain that to Bob Murray. He hasn't seen it.
Why is his opinion more credible than statistics published by the Federal Reserve?

Because he is a coal mine owner, and he sees more details than just statistics and numbers on a page can tell.
People should have voted for Hillary who promised to destroy the US coal industry? You dumb ass liberals are more of a laughing stock with each passing day.:auiqs.jpg:
Clinton told the miners the truth. She told them their jobs were not coming back. She also told them she would not abandon them and would provide education for new careers.

Clinton has a $30 billion plan to help coal miners, but it got buried by a silly "gaffe"

The most absurd aspect of this whole episode is that Clinton's intentions toward coal communities are not a mystery, or even an open question. She wants to help them. She has a detailed, thoughtful $30 billion plan to help them, securing their health care and pension benefits, offering tax credits and job training, and pouring economic development money into the region.

She was literally talking about her plan to help them when she made the "gaffe."

Lib please we heard the same shit from the Clintons when they tried to destroy the timber industry. Hillary, we are going to destroy your coal industry but don't worry we'll give billions to Dem politicians in your state to re-train you, and by that I mean to spend most of the money on other crap not re-training. Same damn shit they did to the timber industry when Bill was president. :eusa_hand:
All the more reason not to be caught dead voting for a Trump or a Clinton.

Seems you rubes never learn, though.
The coal industry is BOOMING, with sales both domestically and internationally. The international market is growing constantly.

It is not resulting in large numbers of new jobs because coal mining has become much more efficient - man-hours per ton of coal is down about 90% since the 60's.

Trump promised to revitalize the coal industry. Done.

Coal workers voted for him based on his promise of more coal jobs. He lied to them. I don't think many care if a few very rich mine owners get richer. That doesn't do anything to help the country or coal workers.
Nope, he didn't. I just posted the graph that shows coal mining jobs have increased since Trump was elected.

You should explain that to Bob Murray. He hasn't seen it.
Why is his opinion more credible than statistics published by the Federal Reserve?

Because he is a coal mine owner, and he sees more details than just statistics and numbers on a page can tell.
In other words, no reason. Owning a business doesn't make you an expert on an entire industry.
Coal workers voted for him based on his promise of more coal jobs. He lied to them. I don't think many care if a few very rich mine owners get richer. That doesn't do anything to help the country or coal workers.
Nope, he didn't. I just posted the graph that shows coal mining jobs have increased since Trump was elected.

You should explain that to Bob Murray. He hasn't seen it.
Why is his opinion more credible than statistics published by the Federal Reserve?

Because he is a coal mine owner, and he sees more details than just statistics and numbers on a page can tell.
In other words, no reason. Owning a business doesn't make you an expert on an entire industry.

It makes you an expert on your business. His business is coal mining, and he hasn't seen the jobs increases Trump promised.
Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...

I posted the chart going to the current data. It shows jobs have been increasing. Your first chart only goes to 2015, the Obama admin, and your second doesn't have enough detail to determine the actual end date. It looks to me like it also only goes to 2015.
Nope, he didn't. I just posted the graph that shows coal mining jobs have increased since Trump was elected.

You should explain that to Bob Murray. He hasn't seen it.
Why is his opinion more credible than statistics published by the Federal Reserve?

Because he is a coal mine owner, and he sees more details than just statistics and numbers on a page can tell.
In other words, no reason. Owning a business doesn't make you an expert on an entire industry.

It makes you an expert on your business. His business is coal mining, and he hasn't seen the jobs increases Trump promised.
That's right, he's an expert on HIS business, not the entire coal mining industry.
Damn you, Obama! Damn you!


Oh, wait...

I posted the chart going to the current data. It shows jobs have been increasing. Your first chart only goes to 2015, the Obama admin, and your second doesn't have enough detail to determine the actual end date. It looks to me like it also only goes to 2015.
Your LOGGING and coal jobs chart is a tiny, tiny rise. An insignificant pimple.

The trend is downward, and will continue downward, thanks to technology.

The longer you lie to yourself, the longer hucksters like Lyin' Donald will get away with their bullshit.

And the longer the rubes will be bilked and suffer.

People like you who are persistently and willfully blind and stupid deserve to be lied to.
People should have voted for Hillary who promised to destroy the US coal industry? You dumb ass liberals are more of a laughing stock with each passing day.:auiqs.jpg:
We have GOT to get away from burning that stuff--there is no such thing as "clean coal," and it is going to continue to mess up our planet's atmosphere and ecosystems so bad that our grandchildren will be wishing they could come back and throttle us for being so goddamned greedy and short sighted.
I know there is a transition involved here, but when Trump emphasized bringing back coal and its jobs, he was not only making a promise he knew he couldn't keep, he was being a dumb shit.

Hillary did what makes sense on every front--she promised to help the people put out of jobs by this shift. And she supported the shift to energy sources that wouldn't cause untold suffering in the future.
The hold-up is the commies in Seattle don't want the coal leaving their port to Asian buyers. They can't legally stop it so it's in the court system and Trump and coal will prevail. Much of the world would give their left nut for a lump of coal to cook and heat their hut. We Americans think coal is yesterday but for much of the Third World it's the future.
People should have voted for Hillary who promised to destroy the US coal industry? You dumb ass liberals are more of a laughing stock with each passing day.:auiqs.jpg:
We have GOT to get away from burning that stuff--there is no such thing as "clean coal," and it is going to continue to mess up our planet's atmosphere and ecosystems so bad that our grandchildren will be wishing they could come back and throttle us for being so goddamned greedy and short sighted.
I know there is a transition involved here, but when Trump emphasized bringing back coal and its jobs, he was not only making a promise he knew he couldn't keep, he was being a dumb shit.

Hillary did what makes sense on every front--she promised to help the people put out of jobs by this shift. And she supported the shift to energy sources that wouldn't cause untold suffering in the future.

You realize coal is just recycled plants right? Trust me you don't want to discuss the incredibly toxic chemicals and materials required for your 'green' alternative energy sources.
Hillary did what makes sense on every front--she promised to help the people put out of jobs by this shift. And she supported the shift to energy sources that wouldn't cause untold suffering in the future.

Right, Crooked Hillary was going to make all the destitute coal miners into WEB DESIGNERS! Get serious...that fat old hag never helped anybody unless they wrote her a check.

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