Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike, ignites social media

Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.
What guy IN HIS RIGHT MIND would want to fuck that perpetually angry, ugly, petulant, chip-on-shoulder, used-up narcissist Milano whore in the first fucking place??? To this guy, Alyssa Milano strikes me as a piece of female trash who has all the sexual appeal of a rusting, empty paint can. You'd have to pay ME a gargantuan amount of money to stick my dick in that particular noxious box.


Simi fuckable with the fake tits

Didja notice the crazy eyes with the big ol' horse teeth? That's a combo that MIGHT suddenly decide to bite your balls off. I'm just sayin' . . .
Nope. That's not what I noticed. Yeah, shes still hot.
What guy IN HIS RIGHT MIND would want to fuck that perpetually angry, ugly, petulant, chip-on-shoulder, used-up narcissist Milano whore in the first fucking place??? To this guy, Alyssa Milano strikes me as a piece of female trash who has all the sexual appeal of a rusting, empty paint can. You'd have to pay ME a gargantuan amount of money to stick my dick in that particular noxious box.


Simi fuckable with the fake tits

Didja notice the crazy eyes with the big ol' horse teeth? That's a combo that MIGHT suddenly decide to bite your balls off. I'm just sayin' . . .
Nope. That's not what I noticed. Yeah, shes still hot.

And THIS is how guys get the Lorena Bobbitt treatment: decision-making with the wrong head.

Listen to your conservative female friends, and NEVER stick your dick in the crazy.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

Your need to control women around you demonstrates that you're a weak, insecure excuse for a man.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

Your need to control women around you demonstrates that you're a weak, insecure excuse for a man.

I have complete command of my family and household with ZERO dysfunction....Trust me, I know you Loons hate that need power struggles and dysfunction.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

I don't know. I've dated leftist women before. I don't mean radicals, just people who felt differently than I do, especially about social issues. I knew this one girl I was nuts about. She was a sister of a guy I knew. She was as left as you can get; I mean fresh out of college left. But other than politics, we had a lot in common, and in fact we often discussed politics in a friendly but competitive way. She didn't like the idea of us getting together, but she had a history of keeping friends and lovers separate. Very pretty and got a lot of offers.

Would we have made it together? Who knows. She was kind of a party girl which is one of the things I didn't care about. I'm more the homebody type. But after that when we seen each other in a store or something, we both kinda look at each other as if to say "what if?"

Okay, then. The whole reason the left claims that we need free contraceptives and free abortions is because abstinence does not work. I guess the whole solution to the problem is to have Hollyweirdos tell people what to do and what not to do.

Meanwhile, the irrational behavior on part of the pro-abortion crowd continues. This girl is just shocked that a police officer is arresting her after she stole a sign from a guy at a pro-life rally. The left thinks they can do anything with impunity. Another girl recently walked up and punched a guy wearing a MAGA hat. They blame others for triggering them. Time to learn some hard lesson.

Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

I don't know. I've dated leftist women before. I don't mean radicals, just people who felt differently than I do, especially about social issues. I knew this one girl I was nuts about. She was a sister of a guy I knew. She was as left as you can get; I mean fresh out of college left. But other than politics, we had a lot in common, and in fact we often discussed politics in a friendly but competitive way. She didn't like the idea of us getting together, but she had a history of keeping friends and lovers separate. Very pretty and got a lot of offers.

Would we have made it together? Who knows. She was kind of a party girl which is one of the things I didn't care about. I'm more the homebody type. But after that when we seen each other in a store or something, we both kinda look at each other as if to say "what if?"

I remember those days...back when people weren't defined by their politics and ones political affiliation wasn't necessarily a direct reflection of their character. Boy have things changed. I don't know about where you're at... but out here there's just no way for conservatives to gel with Lefties...not on any level.
If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

I don't know. I've dated leftist women before. I don't mean radicals, just people who felt differently than I do, especially about social issues. I knew this one girl I was nuts about. She was a sister of a guy I knew. She was as left as you can get; I mean fresh out of college left. But other than politics, we had a lot in common, and in fact we often discussed politics in a friendly but competitive way. She didn't like the idea of us getting together, but she had a history of keeping friends and lovers separate. Very pretty and got a lot of offers.

Would we have made it together? Who knows. She was kind of a party girl which is one of the things I didn't care about. I'm more the homebody type. But after that when we seen each other in a store or something, we both kinda look at each other as if to say "what if?"

I remember those days...back when people weren't defined by their politics and ones political affiliation wasn't necessarily a direct reflection of their character. Boy have things changed. I don't know about where you're at... but out here there's just no way for conservatives to gel with Lefties...not on any level.

It would all depend on how high politics was on your list.

About a third of my family are leftists. I don't mean immediate family, but Uncles and cousins. My dad was a conservative his entire life, but as he aged and could no longer go back to work, he allowed the Democrats to scare the hell out of him with their "Republicans want to take away...." talk.

I get along very well with all my family and I love them dearly. We never had a family doing where we ended up hating each other over our political stances. Every event ends up with kisses and hugs regardless how intense our political discussions got. That's the way it should be.

It's like I've always said, take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. Because people who take their politics personally end up with a lot of enemies.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Oh, I know it happens that people with differing political views get together. Note my use of the phrase "seriously pro-life man". As opposed to someone who generally sorta leans toward unrestricted abortion may not be so wonderful.

There's a big difference between expecting to agree on everything - no one does - and agreeing on things that really matter to you.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

I don't know. I've dated leftist women before. I don't mean radicals, just people who felt differently than I do, especially about social issues. I knew this one girl I was nuts about. She was a sister of a guy I knew. She was as left as you can get; I mean fresh out of college left. But other than politics, we had a lot in common, and in fact we often discussed politics in a friendly but competitive way. She didn't like the idea of us getting together, but she had a history of keeping friends and lovers separate. Very pretty and got a lot of offers.

Would we have made it together? Who knows. She was kind of a party girl which is one of the things I didn't care about. I'm more the homebody type. But after that when we seen each other in a store or something, we both kinda look at each other as if to say "what if?"

Well, let me put it this way.

My husband is a very easy-going, tolerant, open-minded guy. He thinks he's right about everything, but if you want to disagree with him and thus be wrong, that's okay with him. It won't stop him from liking you.

Except about abortion. If I had even remotely leaned toward thinking abortion might sometimes be okay during our dating, he'd have been out the door like a shot, end of discussion. He's seriously pro-life. He can be friends with someone who's not pro-life, but having a relationship with and potentially impregnating someone who's not? No chance, never, nope.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Oh, I know it happens that people with differing political views get together. Note my use of the phrase "seriously pro-life man". As opposed to someone who generally sorta leans toward unrestricted abortion may not be so wonderful.

There's a big difference between expecting to agree on everything - no one does - and agreeing on things that really matter to you.

Okay, but because somebody thinks differently than you, and as you admit, people always will, is that any reason to hate them or swear them off as enemies?

I don't like to think that way. When I have discussions with leftists, I look at them as another American who sees things differently or is screwed up in the head. But I don't consider them a mortal enemy.

You can't change the way people think in politics, just like you can't change the way they think about music, television shows, favorite car or color, type of house. I think AOC is complete idiot and a buffoon. But if I was around when she faced some sort of danger, I would risk my life to save her if possible. She's still an American, and still a human being.
I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Not in my household....I'd send my wife and or daughters packing in a hot second should one turn LefTarded.

I don't know. I've dated leftist women before. I don't mean radicals, just people who felt differently than I do, especially about social issues. I knew this one girl I was nuts about. She was a sister of a guy I knew. She was as left as you can get; I mean fresh out of college left. But other than politics, we had a lot in common, and in fact we often discussed politics in a friendly but competitive way. She didn't like the idea of us getting together, but she had a history of keeping friends and lovers separate. Very pretty and got a lot of offers.

Would we have made it together? Who knows. She was kind of a party girl which is one of the things I didn't care about. I'm more the homebody type. But after that when we seen each other in a store or something, we both kinda look at each other as if to say "what if?"

I remember those days...back when people weren't defined by their politics and ones political affiliation wasn't necessarily a direct reflection of their character. Boy have things changed. I don't know about where you're at... but out here there's just no way for conservatives to gel with Lefties...not on any level.

It would all depend on how high politics was on your list.

About a third of my family are leftists. I don't mean immediate family, but Uncles and cousins. My dad was a conservative his entire life, but as he aged and could no longer go back to work, he allowed the Democrats to scare the hell out of him with their "Republicans want to take away...." talk.

I get along very well with all my family and I love them dearly. We never had a family doing where we ended up hating each other over our political stances. Every event ends up with kisses and hugs regardless how intense our political discussions got. That's the way it should be.

It's like I've always said, take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. Because people who take their politics personally end up with a lot of enemies.

Glad to hear you and your family can separate politics from your personal connections...that is the way it's supposed to be.
That's quite a task to accomplish these days with politics being so polarized and in your face. (social networking, media...etc.)
We can't watch a football game or a 15 minute news segment without politics surfacing.
The biggest problem is that there is almost no common ground between the parties anymore....a Democrat has ZERO in common with a Republican...there is almost no way the two can be like-minded on any level. It wasn't long ago when the parties shared lots of common ground, they were separated by the small stuff...That ship has sailed and sailed for good.
Whatever keeps liberal women from reproducing is a good thing.

Leave it alone, most of those hags aren't being fucked anyway.

If this had any teeth, all it might do is lead to a higher divorce rate.

So you're in this wonderful relationship with a woman, and one night going to bed, she announces that she's not having sex with you anymore because Republicans in Georgia passed abortion restrictions. It's only then you realize you married a real flake, and she's following the orders of a head flake like Alyssa Milano.

I'm having trouble imagining a seriously pro-life man having a wonderful relationship with a pro-abort woman rabid enough to take marching orders about sex from Alyssa Milano, but maybe that's because I'm not a man.

Happens more often than you think. James Carville once stated he and his wife simply don't discuss politics. They've been married for 25 years. I've also read that only 55% of the married couples in the US who are both of the same political affiliation.

Opposites do attract.

Oh, I know it happens that people with differing political views get together. Note my use of the phrase "seriously pro-life man". As opposed to someone who generally sorta leans toward unrestricted abortion may not be so wonderful.

There's a big difference between expecting to agree on everything - no one does - and agreeing on things that really matter to you.

Okay, but because somebody thinks differently than you, and as you admit, people always will, is that any reason to hate them or swear them off as enemies?

I don't like to think that way. When I have discussions with leftists, I look at them as another American who sees things differently or is screwed up in the head. But I don't consider them a mortal enemy.

You can't change the way people think in politics, just like you can't change the way they think about music, television shows, favorite car or color, type of house. I think AOC is complete idiot and a buffoon. But if I was around when she faced some sort of danger, I would risk my life to save her if possible. She's still an American, and still a human being.

Who said "hate them and swear them off as enemies"? I'm saying that I don't see a man to whom abortion is an important issue having a wonderful relationship with a woman who might potentially take it upon herself to kill his unborn child, or to encourage his daughter to kill his unborn grandchild, should she take a notion to do so.

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