Amazing chutzpah - New 9-11 museum never mentions WTC-7!!!

What would make you think that?

Once a structure fails, it fails
2.5 seconds of free fall acceleration doesn't usually happen without some help, no?

Gravity is gravity
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.
When the towers collapsed, FDNY lost 343 Firefighters

At that point they were not going to risk another firefighter. Especially in an evacuated WTC 7. The fires were allowed to burn unabated and nobody was going to do a thing about it. Intense fire weakens steel and a weakened structure collapses. That is what happened to WTC 7
2.5 seconds of free fall acceleration doesn't usually happen without some help, no?

Gravity is gravity
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Yes, it had an assist from the east and west mechanical penthouses falling thru the structure 7 seconds before the front facade started to move.
Gravity is gravity
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Yes, it had an assist from the east and west mechanical penthouses falling thru the structure 7 seconds before the front facade started to move.
Which one of those penthouses was responsible for more than 400 structural-steel connections failing every second over each of those 8 stories that experienced free fall?
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Yes, it had an assist from the east and west mechanical penthouses falling thru the structure 7 seconds before the front facade started to move.
Which one of those penthouses was responsible for more than 400 structural-steel connections failing every second over each of those 8 stories that experienced free fall?

Both of them destroyed the inner structure of the building. Leaving the facade unsupported, and it finally fell.
Yes, it had an assist from the east and west mechanical penthouses falling thru the structure 7 seconds before the front facade started to move.
Which one of those penthouses was responsible for more than 400 structural-steel connections failing every second over each of those 8 stories that experienced free fall?

Both of them destroyed the inner structure of the building. Leaving the facade unsupported, and it finally fell.
How much did they weigh?
Do you happen to know what that still significant portion of the population is?

Polling data on the matter is hard to come by, so much so it's almost as if the big boy polling services have avoided the topic like the plague. ;)

What I do know is that the truth movement has been largely an internet phenomenon since its inception, and has only been ridiculed in the mainstream if and when it's ever been mentioned by those media sources at all. According to a recent study, somewhere around 22% of the US population doesn't have home access to the internet. That's nearly 70 million people. Now, that's a non-scientific analysis I'm alluding to, and one based on indirect controls with numerous factors unaccounted for (there are, almost certainly, millions of uninformed people with internet access in their homes, for instance), but it does provide some perspective on the question.
2.5 seconds of free fall acceleration doesn't usually happen without some help, no?

Gravity is gravity
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Gravity is still gravity

Steel has never liked intense fires burning out of control
Gravity is gravity
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Gravity is still gravity

Steel has never liked intense fires burning out of control
WTC7 had a central core composed of an immense network of steal columns and beams weighing in at 40,000 tons. For 8 floors to collapse at free fall acceleration, 400 structural steel connection would have had to fail every second, evenly, across all eight floors. Neither fire nor gravity could accomplish that.
If WTC7 fell at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds over eight floors, gravity had an assist from another agent which removed an immense network of steel columns and beams running from the foundation of the building to its penthouse.

Gravity is still gravity

Steel has never liked intense fires burning out of control
WTC7 had a central core composed of an immense network of steal columns and beams weighing in at 40,000 tons. For 8 floors to collapse at free fall acceleration, 400 structural steel connection would have had to fail every second, evenly, across all eight floors. Neither fire nor gravity could accomplish that.

Yup....And intense fires burning out of control will cause that steel core to yield

After that it is F=M x a
Gravity is still gravity

Steel has never liked intense fires burning out of control
WTC7 had a central core composed of an immense network of steal columns and beams weighing in at 40,000 tons. For 8 floors to collapse at free fall acceleration, 400 structural steel connection would have had to fail every second, evenly, across all eight floors. Neither fire nor gravity could accomplish that.

Yup....And intense fires burning out of control will cause that steel core to yield

After that it is F=M x a
Would you expect to see pancaked floors in such a debris field?
WTC7 had a central core composed of an immense network of steal columns and beams weighing in at 40,000 tons. For 8 floors to collapse at free fall acceleration, 400 structural steel connection would have had to fail every second, evenly, across all eight floors. Neither fire nor gravity could accomplish that.

Yup....And intense fires burning out of control will cause that steel core to yield

After that it is F=M x a
Would you expect to see pancaked floors in such a debris field?

The force will magnify exponentially as the building comes down

Those floors are barely any resistance
Yup....And intense fires burning out of control will cause that steel core to yield

After that it is F=M x a
Would you expect to see pancaked floors in such a debris field?

The force will magnify exponentially as the building comes down

Those floors are barely any resistance
Force capable of pulverizing 90,000 tons of concrete and metal decking in mid-air and ejecting laterally multi-ton steel sections? Office fires?
Has anyone even mentioned how fucked up the concept of a fucking museum on a grave site that people are charged over 24 bucks to enter plus all the fun shit that can be purchased at the grave shop, err.. I mean gift shop is? Sick mother fuckers. Just what I expect from NYC.
Has anyone even mentioned how fucked up the concept of a fucking museum on a grave site that people are charged over 24 bucks to enter plus all the fun shit that can be purchased at the grave shop, err.. I mean gift shop is? Sick mother fuckers. Just what I expect from NYC.
Why do you hate capitalism?:badgrin:

"This included photos of people calling for investigations, protestors claiming 9/11 was an inside job, and the cover of Popular Mechanics which supposedly debunked all those 'conspiracy theories'.

PM didn't debunk building 7. No one can or even tries to. Everyone knows 7 was brought down by controlled demo. Buildings don't undergo unitary collapse at free fall speed because two other buildings a block away were hit by planes. THINK

Everyone knows 7 was brought down by controlled demo.

For what reason? Explain.

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