Amazon & Unions...

I don't expect you to either, that was why i ended up going to Saudi Arabia for 5 1/2 years earning $70,000 a year all tax free. The money is out there, but you sure cant stay in your comfort zone and make the money. With Risks comes Rewards...

With risk comes possible reward, not guaranteed reward, otherwise there would be no risk. I, and many others, are risk-adverse. I’ll take a guaranteed $25 over the risk of getting either $0 or $40.

I make about $85K a year in my current job, with impressive benefits and basically a GUARANTEE that I have this job for the next 30 years or until I die (whichever comes first). I was offered a $115K a year Supervisor position two years ago. I turned it down immediately. My employer tends to “reorganize” too often, and I don’t play the political game necessary to ensure I stay employed. I’d also have lost my pension.
Actually, most large companies have processes in place to review individual complaints of employees and resolve them.

No. They have processed to minimize, cover up, or scapegoat the complaints without ever actually fixing anything.,
Actually, most large companies have processes in place to review individual complaints of employees and resolve them.

No. They have processed to minimize, cover up, or scapegoat the complaints without ever actually fixing anything.,

And unions have a process where grievances are filed and work is delayed on them until the party quits the job and then they can discard them.
And unions have a process where grievances are filed and work is delayed on them until the party quits the job and then they can discard them.

I make no claim that Unions are a perfect system, but without them we know the way many companies will treat their employees. I’ve seen it first-hand.

The goal should be for both sides to understand they need each other to make things work and they’ll get further ahead working WITH each other than AGAINST each other.

I’m very thankful to be working in just such a situation. We have a contract with more than 50 years of history to it and no work stoppages in more than 30 years... because we work together rather than against each other.
The Amazon workers don't want better pay and benefits.With 6th grade educations who can blame them.
There is no better pay or benefits with unions. I was underpaid as a Electronic/Pneumatic technician in a steam fitters union. Once i left, i was payed 20 dollars more an hour.
Your exceptional ability had no bearing while in the union because everybody was paid the same according to your position.
And unions have a process where grievances are filed and work is delayed on them until the party quits the job and then they can discard them.

I make no claim that Unions are a perfect system, but without them we know the way many companies will treat their employees. I’ve seen it first-hand.

The goal should be for both sides to understand they need each other to make things work and they’ll get further ahead working WITH each other than AGAINST each other.

I’m very thankful to be working in just such a situation. We have a contract with more than 50 years of history to it and no work stoppages in more than 30 years... because we work together rather than against each other.

I'm glad to see it works for you. But the real question in Bessemer is how well the RWDSU works, and whether they can deliver the goods. The Amazon associates thought not and that's why the vote went the way it did.
I'm glad to see it works for you. But the real question in Bessemer is how well the RWDSU works, and whether they can deliver the goods. The Amazon associates thought not and that's why the vote went the way it did.

That’s fine. You’re 100% correct. They have that right. I just don’t want to hear the whining and complaints if/when they regret that decision down the road.

Shortly after my department unionized in 2007 another department in the same company tried and failed in their own unionization. A majority of the employees from that group who are still around now regret voting against the Union. I just shake my head, shrug, and say... “I told you so.”
The workers had the opportunity to unionize and chose not to do so.

That’s how the process should operate.
Amazon has a very healthy pay and benefits package for its employees and the vote showed employee appreciation.

And the fact they knew that unionizing might well have resulted in the facility closing and them all being unemployed.
Alabama citizens voted against their own best interests? SHOCKER!!!!!!!

How do you know it was "against their best interests" ?

Maybe they just listened to both sides and decided they trusted Bezos more than they trusted some wise guys from New York making huge promises to bring Bezos to his knees?
If a company treats their people right, a union is unnecessary...

Exactly. Unfortunately most large companies are not necessarily treating their employees properly.

That was why my fellow Engineers and Designers moved to Unionize in 2007... we could see what the company was looking to do TO US in their upcoming “Transformation “ initiative. By Unionizing we were able to have a say in that process and mitigate much if the damage the Company was about to do to itself and us.
I am largely indifferent to unions and only belonged to one as a grocery store stock boy when I was a kid

the problem with unions is human nature

union bosses are often corrupt and untrustworthy

also unions can have too much power as they did in the midwest where they drove down productivity and cost their members jobs

but properly run unions are not entirely bad

its just so few are properly run
$15 per hour is low low low pay. Amazon is lucky to find anybody to work hard for that pittance.
$15 per hour is low low low pay. Amazon is lucky to find anybody to work hard for that pittance.

Amazon requires no experience or no particular skills. People with that kind of resume aren't really that much in demand.

BTW, they pay more than Walmart, Uber or McDonald's.

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