America First = America Last

America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

(My emphasis)
You lost me right there. That is categorically false.
For the past 3 Presidents, The federal government has blatantly gave away it's interest to favor the Financial/Investor sector while blood sacrificing the working class.
Let me guess, you attended a math class, and failed the very first class.

First != Last.

America is being made great again.

Doing what is best for you is not always better than doing things collectively
Teaming with Japan and S Korea to compete with China makes more sense than competing individually
------------------------------------ actually i wouldn't mind seeing teaming up with Japan at least militarily but those 's. koreans' seem pretty skittish RWinger .
you can call it what you like but the TRUMP is in charge and i support him Brian .
USA is not USSR and i trust the TRUMP to do a good job as he puts America First Brian .
It doesn't matter, an isolated economy does not work.

So far he is just golfing a lot. You can trust he will continue that.

As long as The Hag & Co. are out, the rest is noise bro.

So far with nothing changed it's just more obama. Funny how you guys love it now.

Who are "you guys"?
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

You folks on the left really fail at spin, when others are paying attention.

All the members of the basketball team are working for a common goal.
Nations are only working for what's best for them. Everybody is a ball hog
and they are all looking for that one idiot that wants to "pass the ball."

Obama was that idiot. He gave up America's best interests to be accepted
by the world and in so doing put our economy in total disarray. Those days
are all over. The world needs us a helluva lot more than we need the world.

Most of our ancestors fled Europe because of how they were treated. There is
no desire to return.
USA is not USSR and i trust the TRUMP to do a good job as he puts America First Brian .

When do you think he might start on doing that good job? So far, he has screwed up everything he touches.
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

We are not part of a basketball team.
GOOD for the Trump ,what you describe is American INDEPENDENCE RWinger
The USSR had an isolated economy. It doesn't work.

Actually, a better example would be China. China wasn't "a player" on the world stage, until Nixon opened them to the concept of engagement with the rest of the world.
Back then, only the poor had things made in China. Now, everybody has something or many things made in China. China is an now an economic power.
Now, the US wants to shrink back economically and trade wise. China is replacing the US in the vacuum it's leaving, both economically but also politically'
Trump is taking the US back to when the US didn't matter much.
GOOD for the Trump ,what you describe is American INDEPENDENCE RWinger
The USSR had an isolated economy. It doesn't work.

No one is "isolating" the economy.

Well no, he's not done any campaign promises.

Please make sense so that I can reply.

Well you are right nothing has actually been done. He ran on isolating us, but like his other promises, nothing.
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

No, Trump is right. Nations worth their salt look after their own when it comes to economic issues. Any other perspective is naive.

Do you think the Chinese are team players when they suppress the value of their yuan to ensure American businesses employ their citizens over their home country? Do you think they are team players when they allow theft of U.S economic intelligence and re-engineer your products? How about when they ship their junk to the U.S for free or via other nations to decrease tariffs while hitting American products (if they decide to buy anything at all) with tariffs? What about spies in the military, in corporations, or when they buy influence with your politicians with cash or blackmail? Sorry, America is exploited by China unlike any other nation.

How about Canada entering your corporations, controlling your higher management in corporate HQ's, spreading anti-Americanism, interest in unions and spending millions to bribe your manufacturing to employ Canadians? Is that a cheer for "give me a T, give me an E, an A and an M!"

China, Canada, Mexico and every other country who can obtain leverage and exploit American businesses, your taxpayers and your workers have been doing so because you let them. Precisely because you believe that capitalist countries can engage in fair commerce with socialists and communists. Sadly, this is not the case. Unfortunate for the future of liberty.

Consider the history of American innovation and economic might. I have no clue why anyone would want to give this massive advantage away. An advantage based on the support and defense of individual freedom. It is not in Americas interest. Why are you giving trophies to foreign economies who haven't even earned a blue ribbon?
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

Can you share some examples of what you are talking about ?
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

You folks on the left really fail at spin, when others are paying attention.

All the members of the basketball team are working for a common goal.
Nations are only working for what's best for them. Everybody is a ball hog
and they are all looking for that one idiot that wants to "pass the ball."

Obama was that idiot. He gave up America's best interests to be accepted
by the world and in so doing put our economy in total disarray. Those days
are all over. The world needs us a helluva lot more than we need the world.

Most of our ancestors fled Europe because of how they were treated. There is
no desire to return.
That is why we form treaties and economic alliances
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

Can you share some examples of what you are talking about ?
Leaving the TPP
America First is Trump's economic policy
Every country looks out for their own best interests and everyone wins

Economic competition does not work like that. Teaming and competing as a group gets you more economic "wins" than looking out for your best interests

Think of a Basketball Team.
If every player looks out for himself and tries to score as many points as they can, you have a bunch of players ball hogging and gunning for shots

Winning Basketball Teams rely on teamwork and doing what is best for the team. Spread the ball around and look for the open man

Trump's economic policies leave the US isolated and left out of economic opportunities

A winning baskettball team:

1. Is focused on a single goal...victory. Everyone knows that everyone, including the last guy to make the team is important.
2. Has players that can compete. Each team member must be physically capable, in shape, and in synch with the game plan.
3. Does not do anything to assist the other team.

So, you can see the U.S. as a team or as a team player.

I think there are cases for both.

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