America Founded as a Christian Nation

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  1. America was still founded as a Christian nation

  1. I wanted to address one thing for Penelope before I move along to prove my original thesis.

    The first Naturalization Act specified that only white people could become citizens in this country. Still people poured in by the millions to take advantage of opportunities willingly offered. Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world. Modern Christianity even began incorporating pagan customs into the church. The Catholics "christianizing" (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) Saturnalia and calling it Christmas is a good example.

    Penelope also found fault with the mention of Jews and I did call them out in the thread America was founded as a white nation (in the race forum here.) The Jews invested heavily into America. It was a sure bet. They also invested heavily in slavery; they were war profiteers; they even tried to influence the Christian founders and framers. The way it's dealt with is to make the Jews as bullet-proof as the other protected classes. Hang a label around it and dare anyone to call them out equally to be held accountable. And then the denials... there weren't that many of them, for example. When you were a Haym Solomon (the colonists version of Mike Bloomberg) it don't make many to make a big financial impact.

    Add to that this guy was also a Freemason that had the ear of fellow Mason, George Washington. But, Penelope would be well advised that God worked through a lot of evil people to get his work done. Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) was a tax collector as was Matthew while Judas Iscariot (an ethnic non-Israelite "Jew") were apostles... though Jesus did know that Judas would betray him for thirty pieces of silver. I've always thought Jesus did that to illustrate the danger of befriending profiteers and banksters. But, I digress.

We were founded almost 250 years ago. Things change. We are religiously diverse. And, fortunately, our founders allowed for that. Imagine that!

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, and 56

After suffering ignorant people (of whom I have little patience with - ESPECIALLY when they make assumptions and never ask questions) I got a little off track.

In the posts between 56 and this one I had to prove that Jefferson was a Christian. The stupidity of non-believers on that one is astonishing. But, a lot of people fall for the argument of non - believers because this discussion lacks context.

The founders / framers of the Constitution were mortal men. They were sinners - even those who were dedicated Christians. Throughout their lives they would have varying views on the Bible. You have probably gone through some of it yourselves. We don't believe; someone convinces you differently so you believe; a radical change in our lives (like a bad experience with a religious group or a dramatically change in life like a death or major health issue) and people change their views again.

People like Jefferson, Washington, etc., etc. were also politicians. So, it becomes hard to deduce what they were really about at varying stages of their lives. That is why I used the law - statutes, Compacts, Charters, and references within our system to show where we developed our cultural values from.

America uses the common law to interpret our laws. That system is based on Anglo Saxon jurisprudence.

Common law - The feudal land law

There is the general influence of the Bible through the medium of the Christian religion upon the law. It has been often said, indeed, that Christianity is part of the common law of England, and this is due in great measure to the authority of Sir Matthew Hale (King v. Taylor, i Vent. 293, 3 Keble 507), Blackstone and other writers, while Lord Mansfield held (Chamberlain of London v. Evans, 1767) that the essential principles of revealed religion are part of the common law.

The next time you want to know how the courts arrive at a decision, it is via the common law. So, in short, our system of interpreting the law is predicated upon the way the Bible is interpreted - Commandments, like statutes are given and the courts apply fact situations to the law in the same way the Bible explains the application of law.
We were founded almost 250 years ago. Things change. We are religiously diverse. And, fortunately, our founders allowed for that. Imagine that!

"But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." George Washington, Farewell Address

Why don't you read the damn thread before spewing skeet? Fear got you down?

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, 56, and 91

We've now passed the 100 post mark and the unbelievers have failed to refute those above posts. We're seeing the beginnings of them attacking me with falsehoods and the most illiterate of the bunch, trying to derail the thread with lies. OMG. How desperate can they get!!!

America was founded as a Christian nation. The LIARS who are pretending to be critics try their best to insinuate that I said America is a Christian nation and / or we are a theocracy. Neither statement is true. What IS true is that those illiterate critics who refuse to access the provided links are LYING.

But, we move forward. There is a move to distance the posterity of the framers of the Constitution, divide them, and replace our government with some nonexistent utopia.

The fact is America became the envy of the world because we used to have a culture. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible. AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

The equalitarians, Democrats as an example, passed laws that claimed to just be giving everyone an equal say and make non-whites citizens. As those people flooded America, they began to erase our national identity and erase our history. Today we are a reflection of what my critics want America to be - NOT what it was when America could lay claim to being the greatest nation in the world.

My purpose in participating on this thread is to reach those who have been disenfranchised and see that something is amiss. Americans have been programmed to find fault with the founders and framers of this country while showing the highest degree of respect and tolerance for any other religion, culture, class, etc. of people. The posterity of the founders have been programmed to hate themselves and they carry abound a phony guilt complex, instilled in them by a political power that seeks to control them from the womb to the tomb.

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, 56, 91 and 109

What is so stupid is that trolls jump on threads, sling skeet and don't have the common courtesy to see if their point has been answered. So, I have to keep repeating the same points and that is a waste of my time; it makes for a long and cumbersome thread and the points are never made and we never move forward. You're stupid to think I'll play along.

"A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

Nation - Wikipedia

Our nation was built on those things that constitute that definition. Putting people from every corner of the earth, representing every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual persuasion, and religion into one big melting pot is not a nation. It is a recipe for disaster.

America was founded by white people who used the Bible as the basis for their system of jurisprudence - our history of articulating good from bad, right from wrong, just from unjust.

Seventy five years ago you could look at an American and you would know what he was, much the same way we can look at the Chinese, Japanese, North Korean, etc. today and know what they are. We were a homogeneous people.

As a homogeneous people, we shared common values. We valued the sanctity of life; we developed a belief in unalienable Rights - Rights that were so fundamental they were ruled above the law by our courts; we cherished Liberty. We had certain limitations. Unlike the Muslims, women were put on a pedestal, not in the closet. We had a very distinct outlook on things like fair play.

Today, the liberals control America. Our courtrooms are controlled by judges who were trained in law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA.) The ABA is the most liberal organization in the United States - slightly left of Marxism. The over-all numerical advantage in Congress goes to the Democrats. Many Republicans are RINOs and neither side really supports the Constitution as it was originally written and intended.

Presidents have become figureheads and none of them in my lifetime were knowledgeable about the Bible. With Congress being predominantly Democrats, then it is Democrats that have to step up to the plate and answer for the status quo.

Everything from immigration laws to restrictions on our unalienable Rights lie at the feet of the people who are rejecting our culture and history in favor of a multicultural society. These non-believers who have dominated the political arena for the last two generations have been in charge as America has gone down the toilet. The youth are on drugs (and it is the non-believers who advocate for liberal drug laws.) Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have the highest number of people in prisons both in raw numbers and per capita than the rest of the world; America's children are diagnosed with mental disorders in numbers higher than any nation on the planet.

If you follow the downfall of America, it's downfall can be measured by the number of laws and court decisions that have tried to exclude any mention of our cultural values and that is because those values are tied to the Bible. Though not a big fan of this guy, I feel his input is invaluable on this issue, so I'm leaving links for those who want to get serious:

America's Godly Heritage (B01)

Keys to Good Government (DVD03)
I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

We took the creation view out of schools and replaced it with the theory of evolution, thereby not giving children the ability to objectively weigh all the evidence. IF we cracked down on immigration / naturalization and most of that growth were natural growth (our own society accounting for most of the increase in population growth) and we did not censor the ideology and values of the posterity of the founders / framers, would urban growth have affected our values and national culture?

Yes. in my opinion the transformation from rural to urban would have detrimentally impacted morality and civility regardless of keeping prayer in schools and those other religious fixes you mentioned.

However I was not asking about urban growth alone.

I assume your boilerplate response would be the same when responding to a question about the transformation from 8 of 10 living in farming communities during the American Revolution to 8 of 10 living in urban communities today.

It’s the loss of so much of the population from working directly with the soil and with animals to being insulated and far removed from the that life that naturally caused Christianity to lose its hold on the minds of the city folk.

A poet wrote “we have geared the machines and locked all into interdependence” “We have built the great cities, now there is no escape.” Robinson Jeffers.

That interdependence reduced our independence that was nurtured naturally and I would say spiritually growing up in a family that worked the land.
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I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

We took the creation view out of schools and replaced it with the theory of evolution, thereby not giving children the ability to objectively weigh all the evidence. IF we cracked down on immigration / naturalization and most of that growth were natural growth (our own society accounting for most of the increase in population growth) and we did not censor the ideology and values of the posterity of the founders / framers, would urban growth have affected our values and national culture?

Yes. in my opinion the transformation from rural to urban would have detrimentally impacted morality and civility regardless of keeping prayer in schools and those other religious fixes you mentioned.

However I was not asking about urban growth alone.

I assume your boilerplate response would be the same when responding to a question about the transformation from 8 of 10 living in farming communities during the American Revolution to 8 of 10 living in urban communities today.

It’s the loss of so much of the population from working directly with the soil and with animals to being insulated and far removed from the that life that naturally caused Christianity to lose its hold on the minds of the city folk.

A poet wrote “we have geared the machines and locked all into interdependence” “We have built the great cities, now there is no escape.” Robinson Jeffers.

That interdependence reduced our independence that was nurtured naturally and I would say spiritually growing up in a family that worked the land.

You apparently don't know the meaning of "boilerplate." Boilerplate is a standard canard wherein the words are the same regardless of which situation is being addressed.

You say that people not working with animals and living in an agricultural environment are to blame. The truth is, you don't believe that. Otherwise, you would fight as hard for religious Liberty as I do.

You see, I'm confident that had they not taken Christianity out of the public eye to be practiced only in the confines of a church
AND wherein the tenets of faith are heavily regulated lest the church lose its tax exempt status, we would be living in a different world.

We've made humanist secularism the unofficial state religion and all other expressions of thought are persona non grata in public. I understand the United States Supreme Court is going to reconsider the imbalance. It will be interesting to see how they malign the law.
I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

Instead of a direct answer, I believe you are askIng me if we had all the biblical cultural stability you mentioned, plus immigration control allowing only white Bible believing Christians in, plus (??? not censoring the ideology and values of the founders/framers) would the parallel instability from the transformation of the 1776 revolution era Biblical oriented society going from agrarian to an industrialized and service and entertainment society have maintained the same degree of Christian values and national culture that were present at the founding.

I assume your answer to the question as phrased above would be yes.

My answer is no.

IF we cracked down on immigration / naturalization and most of that growth were natural growth (our own society accounting for most of the increase in population growth) and we did not censor the ideology and values of the posterity of the founders / framers, would urban growth have affected our values and national culture?

The reason my answers is no, is because we cannot speculate honestly on that because of your restrictive immigration alternate reality.

Prayer in public schools etc, and no censoring of the founders ??? Whatever that is, would not alter America’s true history that much. So we could speculate on the effect of your Biblical preferences. My answer would be no to that as well.

That no is based upon giving more weight and value to my sincere belief that dogmatic Christianity is more compatible with an Agrarian society than it is with an industrial society. I mean religion uses tradition being passed from generation to generation and is therefore family centric. Agrarian culture is more family oriented than an industrial culture.

You say that people not working with animals and living in an agricultural environment are to blame.

I don’t see our American culture in the toilet as you do. So I’m not sure it’s a matter of blame.

I’m saying the transformation from agrarian to industrial explains loss of the stability you claim to be after. It is not secularists that created instability, it’s that your ideal world in 1776 was agrarian based. The ‘in the toilet’ world that you see today will never have the agrarian stability (Accompanied by harsh challenges at times). that Christians living then dealt with and survivedn and as the nation grew - thrived.

The truth is, you don't believe that. Otherwise, you would fight as hard for religious Liberty as I do.

No matter how much you think it, you are not fighting for religious liberty at all. Not even close.
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#37 23891201
The fact is America became the envy of the world because we used to have a culture. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible. AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

A likeness of your message is transmitted daily on one of the most powerful news networks in the world. Have you ever considered takin your educational initiative to the Laura Ingraham Show?
  • Fox host Laura Ingraham told the audience of her eponymous show, “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. . . . Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love,” she went on, peppering her monologue with claims that “it’s not about race or ethnicity,” but sounding an alarm on how the country had “radically” changed thanks to immigration. “This is a national emergency and we must demand that Congress act now,” she concluded. “The America We Know Doesn’t Exist Anymore”: Fox’s Dog Whistle Becomes an Air Horn

You two appear to be quite passionate about the same American Crisis.

What are your differences?

The equalitarians, Democrats as an example, passed laws that claimed to just be giving everyone an equal say and make non-whites citizens. As those people flooded America, they began to erase our national identity and erase our history. Today we are a reflection of what my critics want America to be - NOT what it was when America could lay claim to being the greatest nation in the world.

My purpose in participating on this thread is to reach those who have been disenfranchised and see that something is amiss. Americans have been programmed to find fault with the founders and framers of this country while showing the highest degree of respect and tolerance for any other religion, culture, class, etc. of people. The posterity of the founders have been programmed to hate themselves and they carry abound a phony guilt complex, instilled in them by a political power that seeks to control them from the womb to the tomb.

Everything from immigration laws to restrictions on our unalienable Rights lie at the feet of the people who are rejecting our culture and history in favor of a multicultural society.
A nation is a stable community of people:

"A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

Nation - Wikipedia
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I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

Instead of a direct answer, I believe you are askIng me if we had all the biblical cultural stability you mentioned, plus immigration control allowing only white Bible believing Christians in, plus (??? not censoring the ideology and values of the founders/framers) would the parallel instability from the transformation of the 1776 revolution era Biblical oriented society going from agrarian to an industrialized and service and entertainment society have maintained the same degree of Christian values and national culture that were present at the founding.

I assume your answer to the question as phrased above would be yes.

My answer is no.

IF we cracked down on immigration / naturalization and most of that growth were natural growth (our own society accounting for most of the increase in population growth) and we did not censor the ideology and values of the posterity of the founders / framers, would urban growth have affected our values and national culture?

The reason my answers is no, is because we cannot speculate honestly on that because of your restrictive immigration alternate reality.

Prayer in public schools etc, and no censoring of the founders ??? Whatever that is, would not alter America’s true history that much. So we could speculate on the effect of your Biblical preferences. My answer would be no to that as well.

That no is based upon giving more weight and value to my sincere belief that dogmatic Christianity is more compatible with an Agrarian society than it is with an industrial society. I mean religion uses tradition being passed from generation to generation and is therefore family centric. Agrarian culture is more family oriented than an industrial culture.

You say that people not working with animals and living in an agricultural environment are to blame.

I don’t see our American culture in the toilet as you do. So I’m not sure it’s a matter of blame.

I’m saying the transformation from agrarian to industrial explains loss of the stability you claim to be after. It is not secularists that created instability, it’s that your ideal world in 1776 was agrarian based. The ‘in the toilet’ world that you see today will never have the agrarian stability (Accompanied by harsh challenges at times). that Christians living then dealt with and survivedn and as the nation grew - thrived.

The truth is, you don't believe that. Otherwise, you would fight as hard for religious Liberty as I do.

No matter how much you think it, you are not fighting for religious liberty at all. Not even close.

I do not respond to multi quotes. I told you that. Only you and I would be reading them. The fact that I would fight to the death to protect your Right to religious Liberty should be enough since I can see your last quote while typing this response.

I did see the first quote too, but it didn't make sense to me. I disagreed with you and stated that there are too many factors to determine what would happen had we remained an agricultural nation. If the Trumpster has his way, Freedom of Religion will be allowed to return to the public arena (if we take him at his word.)

Oh, one last thing. I saw some negative comment about me on immigration. The build the wall guys kicked me out of the right wing for not supporting the nutty wall idea. You have NO IDEA where I stand on issues, but I promise you, it is NOT one of the cookie cutter left or right stereotypes.
#37 23891201
The fact is America became the envy of the world because we used to have a culture. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible. AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

A likeness of your message is transmitted daily on one of the most powerful news networks in the world. Have you ever considered takin your educational initiative to the Laura Ingraham Show?
  • Fox host Laura Ingraham told the audience of her eponymous show, “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. . . . Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love,” she went on, peppering her monologue with claims that “it’s not about race or ethnicity,” but sounding an alarm on how the country had “radically” changed thanks to immigration. “This is a national emergency and we must demand that Congress act now,” she concluded. “The America We Know Doesn’t Exist Anymore”: Fox’s Dog Whistle Becomes an Air Horn

You two appear to be quite passionate about the same American Crisis.

What are your differences?

The equalitarians, Democrats as an example, passed laws that claimed to just be giving everyone an equal say and make non-whites citizens. As those people flooded America, they began to erase our national identity and erase our history. Today we are a reflection of what my critics want America to be - NOT what it was when America could lay claim to being the greatest nation in the world.

My purpose in participating on this thread is to reach those who have been disenfranchised and see that something is amiss. Americans have been programmed to find fault with the founders and framers of this country while showing the highest degree of respect and tolerance for any other religion, culture, class, etc. of people. The posterity of the founders have been programmed to hate themselves and they carry abound a phony guilt complex, instilled in them by a political power that seeks to control them from the womb to the tomb.

Everything from immigration laws to restrictions on our unalienable Rights lie at the feet of the people who are rejecting our culture and history in favor of a multicultural society.
A nation is a stable community of people:

"A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

Nation - Wikipedia

If you went back to the 1980s thru early 2000s, I was on tv, radio and in newspapers. I publicly debated people like Hosea Williams, David Duke, Lester Maddox, Joe Frank Harris (he was a Georgia governor.) We'd be here all day if the purpose was to drop names.

Our local newspaper said once that I was "the most quoted man in Georgia."

When the liberals flipped the right on the immigration issue and I came out against the nutty wall idea, the right sent me packing. They'd rather be useful idiots living in a POLICE STATE than to take personal responsibility for the status quo. So I'm in neither camp since the left and right are just one hand washing the other.
The fact that I would fight to the death to protect your Right to religious Liberty ...

AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world.

Under your plan to save America, is there a religious test for all people of all faiths or non believers they will have to pass in order to immigrate into the USA?
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The fact that I would fight to the death to protect your Right to religious Liberty ...

AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world.

Under your plan to save America, is there a religious test for all people of all faiths or non believers they will have to pass in order to immigrate into the USA?

You know there won't be. America was founded as a Christian nation. One does not have to be a Christian in order to come here - never have and you know it.

You've read enough paragraphs by now that you know the following:

1) Nobody is required to believe or practice Christianity in America

2) Our country guarantees to allow anyone to practice their religious faith and practices to the extent they do not offend Christian principles and customs (i.e. we don't allow female genital mutilation in America)

3) If you are judged in a court of law, it will be under basic biblical precepts

4) Many of our customs are based on Christian principles and practices (i.e. Thanksgiving and the Christianized (for lack of a better description) version of Saturnalia calling it Christmas (implying it's related to the birth of Christ.)

You are trying your best to manufacture reasons not to admit that we are who we are as a people. We don't require religious tests and we don't count Sundays in the Constitution as business days. We are a Christian nation and that should tell people all they need to know about customs, observances, standards of jurisprudence and our sense of right and wrong.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
So, Porter. If America is a Christian Nation does that imply that non Christian should not be allowed to vote?

Actually, that is a separate subject, but early in our history only land owners were given the privilege of voting. It is a subject that deserves a separate thread. I'm not afraid to address that, but it is not the focus of this thread. NOBODY is given a religious test in this country and just about anybody Christian or communist can become a citizen, so your question is moot.

By becoming a democracy, America is almost a full fledged socialist country. We're talking now about the FOUNDING of America, NOT what it has become. There was a time, when America was great, that only Christians could hold elective office and in all the early state constitutions, Christianity was mentioned in some manner.

Start another thread and we'll talk about that aspect.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.

Troll post. Do you have anything of substance or do you just want to be a jerk? I can repost until you respond to the thread or lose all your posts in a sea of relevant discussion.
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

― Mahatma Gandhi
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
Western Civilization, with all of its flaws, has done more to improve the quality of life and bring freedom and democracy to the world like no other Civilization before it.

Western Civilization was built by Christians.

Take a hike, you piece of shit.
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