America founded by whites... for whites

America was founded by intelligent people, and this, or any, republic can only continue as long as intelligent people are in charge. It is a tremendous tribute to just how great America is that is has survived for some time now without that otherwise necessary ingredient.
Is that a threat? LMAO

You're an idiot.
I didn’t threaten anybody do you feel threatened

You most certainly did and if you live in Roslindale and you're unemployed why would you attend a gym near Fenway? Idiot. Threats are meaningless. We will never meet in real life. You're a loser.
What are you autistic

What are you, autistic?

Your grammar is atrocious. You cannot vote anyway. You are a waste of space. Loser.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Oh, and I understand exactly what "we the people" means. I also understand what the US Constitution means. A simple majority in a given community cannot void select parts of the US Constitution. Period.
Nothing is a void if it’s we the people

Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
I didn’t threaten anybody do you feel threatened

You most certainly did and if you live in Roslindale and you're unemployed why would you attend a gym near Fenway? Idiot. Threats are meaningless. We will never meet in real life. You're a loser.
What are you autistic

What are you, autistic?

Your grammar is atrocious. You cannot vote anyway. You are a waste of space. Loser.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Cool story
Nothing is a void if it’s we the people

Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .
You most certainly did and if you live in Roslindale and you're unemployed why would you attend a gym near Fenway? Idiot. Threats are meaningless. We will never meet in real life. You're a loser.
What are you autistic

What are you, autistic?

Your grammar is atrocious. You cannot vote anyway. You are a waste of space. Loser.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Cool story
True story
What are you autistic

What are you, autistic?

Your grammar is atrocious. You cannot vote anyway. You are a waste of space. Loser.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Cool story
True story
Cool story
Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

When it comes to building a shopping mall or having a curfew for teenagers or not selling alcohol, I have no problem with it.

When it comes to constitutional rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? I have a big problem with it.

Know why there are almost no lynchings anymore? It is because "we the people" make sure people's constitutional rights are defended. The kkk discovered that the people were not afraid of them anymore. The redneck terrorists couldn't isolate an area any longer. Now they are stopped by the people (and by law enforcement).
What are you, autistic?

Your grammar is atrocious. You cannot vote anyway. You are a waste of space. Loser.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Cool story
True story
Cool story
Now who has autism? You keep repeating yourself like a parrot.
Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .
You bet he did to extend their overtime pay? Stay out of the casinos. There`s enough chumps in those places without you.
Try this again. The simple majority cannot overrule the US Constitution. This is especially true of an individual community tossing out the Bill of Rights.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

Oh, and I did it to make sure no one gets hurt or killed. One of the violations was the use of a large pipe wrench to loosen the head off of the boring machine. I know of at least 2 fatalities and numerous serious injuries that have been cause by that. You use a chain wrench or you pack up your shit and move on.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

When it comes to building a shopping mall or having a curfew for teenagers or not selling alcohol, I have no problem with it.

When it comes to constitutional rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? I have a big problem with it.

Know why there are almost no lynchings anymore? It is because "we the people" make sure people's constitutional rights are defended. The kkk discovered that the people were not afraid of them anymore. The redneck terrorists couldn't isolate an area any longer. Now they are stopped by the people (and by law enforcement).
Let’s reduce the amount of police on the street .. we will find that out you want to be the first? Hehe
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .
You bet he did to extend their overtime pay? Stay out of the casinos. There`s enough chumps in those places without you.

Thank you.
I didn’t realize you had autism I apologize for making fun of you hehe
You live in your own fantasy world it seems. You’re the joke of this board.
Cool sto
True story
Cool story
Now who has autism? You keep repeating yourself like a parrot.
I kjow huh! Cool story,, your doing good today if I was there I would clap for you!!Keep fighting Michael
So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

When it comes to building a shopping mall or having a curfew for teenagers or not selling alcohol, I have no problem with it.

When it comes to constitutional rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? I have a big problem with it.

Know why there are almost no lynchings anymore? It is because "we the people" make sure people's constitutional rights are defended. The kkk discovered that the people were not afraid of them anymore. The redneck terrorists couldn't isolate an area any longer. Now they are stopped by the people (and by law enforcement).
Let’s reduce the amount of police on the street .. we will find that out you want to be the first? Hehe

The first to step up and prevent someone's constitutional rights from being removed? You bet I will. We will see which of those rednecks want to be the first to face a 12 gauge.
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

Oh, and I did it to make sure no one gets hurt or killed. One of the violations was the use of a large pipe wrench to loosen the head off of the boring machine. I know of at least 2 fatalities and numerous serious injuries that have been cause by that. You use a chain wrench or you pack up your shit and move on.
Yup fire more of your competition to protect your job lol
Every justice will support the will of the people of the community and always have

So if "the will of the people" is that you do not have freedom of speech, that is acceptable for you?

And no, any justice that supports the will of the people over the US Constitution would be over-ruled and removed from the bench. See Roy Moore's antics if you don't believe me.
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .
You bet he did to extend their overtime pay? Stay out of the casinos. There`s enough chumps in those places without you.
Cool story
I think America is a continual fight for our God-given rights,, and when we can’t fight anymore because of f regulations you support then we lose America.. and you get to sit on your fat ass all day get paid to do nothing..

On the one hand you talk about "God-given rights" and on the other hand, you claim the "will of the people" can take those rights away. You need to figure out which you want.

As for me sitting on my fat ass all day, you obviously have no clue what I do.

Currently I am on a river bore job. The directional bore crew is putting conduit under a small river. I am here to make sure it is done safely. I have already stopped the work because of 2 safety violations that could have resulted in serious injury or death. Neither was intentional, but the crew just wasn't thinking.

I don't get paid because of the physical labor I perform. I get paid because of what I know, what I can teach, and my skills in field supervision.
Yea I bet you did .. you probably did it to extend their overtime lol I bet they think your cool lol

Listen the community wants to do something let them do it, I believe we Are a civilized country, and the ones that are not will be met with American guns .

When it comes to building a shopping mall or having a curfew for teenagers or not selling alcohol, I have no problem with it.

When it comes to constitutional rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? I have a big problem with it.

Know why there are almost no lynchings anymore? It is because "we the people" make sure people's constitutional rights are defended. The kkk discovered that the people were not afraid of them anymore. The redneck terrorists couldn't isolate an area any longer. Now they are stopped by the people (and by law enforcement).
Let’s reduce the amount of police on the street .. we will find that out you want to be the first? Hehe

The first to step up and prevent someone's constitutional rights from being removed? You bet I will. We will see which of those rednecks want to be the first to face a 12 gauge.
If you hear those dogs come in don’t you worry about a thing there,, they are very nice hehe
So how do you propose to take your country back and return it to its rightful owner, the white Christian male??

Or does simply saying this country is a white man's country offer you comfort enough from your own insecurities??
So how do you propose to take your country back and return it to its rightful owner, the white Christian male??

Or does simply saying this country is a white man's country offer you comfort enough from your own insecurities??
Our culture is very secure it’s you people that are trying to change it

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