America has fallen, but will regain footing.


Oct 23, 2017
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.
I laugh at you, because more people of color voted for that "racist" president ever, and the new vice president called the president elect a racist right to his face, then like a good bitch, is going to work for that racist. I can see, that you are a product of the public indoctrination centers(school) and were taught very well in the ways of Marx. Did you graduate Cum eat a lotta?
I da bell's bell obviously has a crack in it. But she did manage to plagiarize one line from every Marxist-inspired USMB thread I've ever read on here.

After you've read so many of them, they all sound exactly the same: Empty repetitious bumper-sticker word bytes being fed to them by way of the leftist human centipede they're a part of, which they in turn crap into the mouths of the one in the chain behind them.

Most of the time, they really don't understand what they're writing, and their motivations always seem to be that they're trying to justify their empty existence by getting "likes" from other leftists.

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The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.

You will see in short order just how wrong you are when the incoming administration takes over. The American people, being the dumbed down products of our public system are fat and happy all the while our enemies are partying like its 1999. The saddest part of all is that when it all starts falling apart, these same morons will blame it on Trump.
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.

You will see in short order just how wrong you are when the incoming administration takes over. The American people, being the dumbed down products of our public system are fat and happy all the while our enemies are partying like its 1999. The saddest part of all is that when it all starts falling apart, these same morons will blame it on Trump.

Of course they will. Even if Trump is gone, the left's derangement affliction they acquired isn't going to mysteriously go away. He will continually get the blame for everything the election thieves are doing wrong, while never receiving credit for everything that's going right.
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.

You will see in short order just how wrong you are when the incoming administration takes over. The American people, being the dumbed down products of our public system are fat and happy all the while our enemies are partying like its 1999. The saddest part of all is that when it all starts falling apart, these same morons will blame it on Trump.
The Progs not only insulted and demeaned and try to destroy Trump. They did the same to his voters. Biden is part of that. Trump had his ways with individuals, but he rarely insulted and demeaned the voters of Progs.
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.

The oppression from the left will engulf you also. You're cheering on your own demise.
I'm not sure about labels- but, I do know that insulting anothers intelligence ain't very smart, especially when the insulter is eat up with the dumb ass and proves, in every post, they eat a whole bowl of dumb ass for breakfast, if not every meal-
The thread title says the United States of America will regain its footing.

I don't think so.

It actually has nothing to do with the Dems or Pubs.

It has to do with our Achilles' heel.

What was sown in 1619 (as the detestable New York Times rightly this time concluded) is responsible for everything that is happening now and will happen in the coming decades.

We are simply seeing the collapse of the American empire.

Not to grieve. All great nations rise & fall.

What conceit to think that we are exceptional.
We voted the problem out as quickly as possible, and his stupidity took away the Senate. It will be a while, but we'll be okay.

Mac, you make us laugh now. You give us more than enough comedy gold on a daily basis now. Thank you.
You're most welcome, Trumpster!

No problem, never trumper. Hey, weren't you part of the lincoln project?

We voted the problem out as quickly as possible, and his stupidity took away the Senate. It will be a while, but we'll be okay.

Mac, you make us laugh now. You give us more than enough comedy gold on a daily basis now. Thank you.
You're most welcome, Trumpster!

Hey, weren't you part of the lincoln project?

Nope, Qanon, I sure wasn't!

Try the whole West.

And it hasn't "just now" fallen, it has been falling for the past 100 years, now the falling will simply accelerate again after an unexpected, if not insignificant speed bump.

Also, if you think this situation can be dealt with voting and putting up the right candidate - you are being exceptionally stupid. The chances of that were astronomically small even before the blatant election theft.

On positive note, while the West is falling, Asia is rapidly rising. Only a few places accept intruders though, after seeing the consequences here they aren't interested in that.
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We voted the problem out as quickly as possible, and his stupidity took away the Senate. It will be a while, but we'll be okay.

Mac, you make us laugh now. You give us more than enough comedy gold on a daily basis now. Thank you.
You're most welcome, Trumpster!

Hey, weren't you part of the lincoln project?

Nope, Qanon, I sure wasn't!

Ok, nancy!!
We voted the biggest problem out as quickly as possible, and his stupidity took away the Senate. It will be a while, but we'll be okay.

Not even close. When Kamala Harris is president, any of us are are even mildly successful will be hurt badly. The only short-term gains will be from the losers, the ones that couldn’t succeed in a flourishing pre-COVID economy.

You know it as well as I do. If you invest money for your clients you know that you will need to move to a safe haven in the near future to avoid losses. I guess you could put all your eggs in EV stocks and hope for the best. I would suggest you start brushing up on your shorting skills.
The most corrupt, racist, and communist's loving president ever, in American history, is almost gone. the most corrupt republican senate, in American history, lead by moscow mitch, Lindsey graham, ted Cruz. matt Gatz, and dozens more, butt kissed, this corrupt white supremist president, to cause, the carnage, and destruction, for the last 4 years. the most corrupt republican party, in the last fifty years, will go down in the trash bin, of history.
I laugh at you, because more people of color voted for that "racist" president ever, and the new vice president called the president elect a racist right to his face, then like a good bitch, is going to work for that racist. I can see, that you are a product of the public indoctrination centers(school) and were taught very well in the ways of Marx. Did you graduate Cum eat a lotta?
You are a joke my good American friend. i graduated from the school, of hard knocks, did not grow, up, with a silver spoon, in my mouth, as some did. but i will pray for you any way.

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