America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.
I didnt say anything about being racist. I said the philosophy of white racism. dont get the words confused.

2 questions.

Were they white?

Did they work in the US for a white employer?
It is your title

America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

You were far from safe in 1942
. For many in the countries states, cities, and towns it was safe, but if we're called up for war then the game changed quickly for those after they left the safety of this nation to go off and fight another.
We lose around 8500 a year to murder every year......during WWII we were losing around 100,000 a year.....
Not very safe
. 8500 a year in respect to 400 million citizens, and this in comparison to other nations during peace time or war time ? Relatively safe wouldn't you say ?

Not at all safe

We were at war
There' was no workplace safety
Polio, TB, influenza were rampant
Emergency care was almost nonexistent
. Even so, people were alot different back then. They weren't depended on the system like they are now, and that was a very good thing. What is a man that gains the whole world, yet looses his own soul or what will he give in exchange for his soul ? The lies these days are going to soon end with tragic consequences, and they will be consequences in which people's choices will have made. It's amazing the lives that we're lived in spite of all that existed or still exist around us. God is the answer, and without him we are nothing.

There is no god. People now are not depended (sic) on the system. That is a false narrative. People today work harder and have less economic security than they did 40 years ago. Learn. Then post.
Not at all safe

We were at war
There' was no workplace safety
Polio, TB, influenza were rampant
Emergency care was almost nonexistent
. Even so, people were alot different back then. They weren't depended on the system like they are now, and that was a very good thing. What is a man that gains the whole world, yet looses his own soul or what will he give in exchange for his soul ? The lies these days are going to soon end with tragic consequences, and they will be consequences in which people's choices will have made. It's amazing the lives that we're lived in spite of all that existed or still exist around us. God is the answer, and without him we are nothing.

Once again you are romanticizing misery and suffering

People were not dependent on the system back then because there was no system. You got sick and lost your job? Too bad for you. The factory in town closed its doors? That's your problem. Hurricane or earthquake? Don't look to me for help
. What's your point ?? People helped one another back then (you claiming they didn't ?), and they have always done that in America, but the government tried to take the job over due to the growing problem of independent greed that was evolving rapidly in the wrong directions, but like with everything they do though, they went and made it far worse than it could have ever been, and it has been proven through out various time periods now.... Otherwise it should have just stayed the hell out of it for the most part, and if it did get involved, then bring everyone to the table for a solution instead of becoming a government run dictatorship that leans in the direction of the helpless forever dependent upon government lefty's.

People did help each other back then

Somebody in your neighborhood got sick....everyone would pitch in to help
But for how long? A month? A year? Twenty years?

We saw what happened in the Depression when 25% were unemployed. I'd like to help you but we are struggling too. Get on a bread line and hope they do not run out of bread
The Dust Bowl where agriculture in a dozen states was wiped out. Are your neighbors going to help you?
They can't even help themselves
. Agree that government has a role, but when we see the ills of our society being exploited and used by those who have alternative agenda's in order to push something through or to grow poverty to untold levels in order to get voters to keep those in power that operate in this way, then Houston we have a huge problem. We have seen government taken over by creatins, and we have seen the results of the abuses of power in which they have been involved in.

Bulldhit. You need to explore why you persist in trying to claim that politicians are keeping people poor in order to win votes. It's a fucking stupid claim.
. Even so, people were alot different back then. They weren't depended on the system like they are now, and that was a very good thing. What is a man that gains the whole world, yet looses his own soul or what will he give in exchange for his soul ? The lies these days are going to soon end with tragic consequences, and they will be consequences in which people's choices will have made. It's amazing the lives that we're lived in spite of all that existed or still exist around us. God is the answer, and without him we are nothing.

Once again you are romanticizing misery and suffering

People were not dependent on the system back then because there was no system. You got sick and lost your job? Too bad for you. The factory in town closed its doors? That's your problem. Hurricane or earthquake? Don't look to me for help
. What's your point ?? People helped one another back then (you claiming they didn't ?), and they have always done that in America, but the government tried to take the job over due to the growing problem of independent greed that was evolving rapidly in the wrong directions, but like with everything they do though, they went and made it far worse than it could have ever been, and it has been proven through out various time periods now.... Otherwise it should have just stayed the hell out of it for the most part, and if it did get involved, then bring everyone to the table for a solution instead of becoming a government run dictatorship that leans in the direction of the helpless forever dependent upon government lefty's.

People did help each other back then

Somebody in your neighborhood got sick....everyone would pitch in to help
But for how long? A month? A year? Twenty years?

We saw what happened in the Depression when 25% were unemployed. I'd like to help you but we are struggling too. Get on a bread line and hope they do not run out of bread
The Dust Bowl where agriculture in a dozen states was wiped out. Are your neighbors going to help you?
They can't even help themselves
. Agree that government has a role, but when we see the ills of our society being exploited and used by those who have alternative agenda's in order to push something through or to grow poverty to untold levels in order to get voters to keep those in power that operate in this way, then Houston we have a huge problem. We have seen government taken over by creatins, and we have seen the results of the abuses of power in which they have been involved in.

Bulldhit. You need to explore why you persist in trying to claim that politicians are keeping people poor in order to win votes. It's a fucking stupid claim.
. Choked on the truth in my post there did ya ?? Try writing that first word you wrote again maybe, but make sure you ain't reading a post from me when you do it.. lol. Oh, and it's not bullcrap and you know it..
Once again you are romanticizing misery and suffering

People were not dependent on the system back then because there was no system. You got sick and lost your job? Too bad for you. The factory in town closed its doors? That's your problem. Hurricane or earthquake? Don't look to me for help
. What's your point ?? People helped one another back then (you claiming they didn't ?), and they have always done that in America, but the government tried to take the job over due to the growing problem of independent greed that was evolving rapidly in the wrong directions, but like with everything they do though, they went and made it far worse than it could have ever been, and it has been proven through out various time periods now.... Otherwise it should have just stayed the hell out of it for the most part, and if it did get involved, then bring everyone to the table for a solution instead of becoming a government run dictatorship that leans in the direction of the helpless forever dependent upon government lefty's.

People did help each other back then

Somebody in your neighborhood got sick....everyone would pitch in to help
But for how long? A month? A year? Twenty years?

We saw what happened in the Depression when 25% were unemployed. I'd like to help you but we are struggling too. Get on a bread line and hope they do not run out of bread
The Dust Bowl where agriculture in a dozen states was wiped out. Are your neighbors going to help you?
They can't even help themselves
. Agree that government has a role, but when we see the ills of our society being exploited and used by those who have alternative agenda's in order to push something through or to grow poverty to untold levels in order to get voters to keep those in power that operate in this way, then Houston we have a huge problem. We have seen government taken over by creatins, and we have seen the results of the abuses of power in which they have been involved in.

Bulldhit. You need to explore why you persist in trying to claim that politicians are keeping people poor in order to win votes. It's a fucking stupid claim.
. Choked on the truth in my post there did ya ?? Try writing that first word you wrote again maybe, but make sure you ain't reading a post from me when you do it.. lol. Oh, and it's not bullcrap and you know it..

It is absolute bullshit. You found a typo! Awesome. Thanks for the heads up.
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Demonic spirits? Cool!
. Yeah, you know those little voices that tell your mind to do something bad instead of good ? Explain them away if you dare, but the evidence found in people's evilness when they exhibit it or show it in their actions can't be explained away, umm not unless you are evil by entertaining that evilness yourself, then you can try to put a smiley face on it.
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
. No it's stupid thoughts that you liberals have about deligitimizing any past that whites had in this country. It is a war you people are conducting, and don't think that the whites haven't awoke to it because they have. The only hope the libs have now, is that the awakening is a little to late. Never to late to wake up, and to start counter measures to stop the war being waged. Some wars are fought in the flesh, and then there is spritual warfare. We are in a war for the hearts and souls of a people who have been awoken now (spiritually). The liberals are trying to counter.
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
. No it's stupid thoughts that you liberals have about deligitimizing any past that whites had in this country. It is a war you people are conducting, and don't think that the whites haven't awoke to it because they have. The only hope the libs have now, is that the awakening is a little to late. Never to late to wake up, and to start counter measures to stop the war being waged. Some wars are fought in the flesh, and then there is spritual warfare. We are in a war for the hearts and souls of a people who have been awoken now (spiritually). The liberals are trying to counter.
Hey buddy, the worm turns and the past that was created by a suppressive class will be eradicated by future generations that live on the land...There is nothing you can do about social change, just like the Indians found out....
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
. No it's stupid thoughts that you liberals have about deligitimizing any past that whites had in this country. It is a war you people are conducting, and don't think that the whites haven't awoke to it because they have. The only hope the libs have now, is that the awakening is a little to late. Never to late to wake up, and to start counter measures to stop the war being waged. Some wars are fought in the flesh, and then there is spritual warfare. We are in a war for the hearts and souls of a people who have been awoken now (spiritually). The liberals are trying to counter.
Hey buddy, the worm turns and the past that was created by a suppressive class will be eradicated by future generations that live on the land...There is nothing you can do about social change, just like the Indians found out....
. Are you suppressed ?? Maybe your evil thinking is, otherwise if that is the case. And if evil, then such thoughts should be suppressed.
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.
Egorger Vos Fils

Trust funds are also dependency. The guillotine fodder better tell their sons to do it on their own, or they should quit preaching their elitist hypocrisy to us Unfortunate Sons. Cut them off when they are 18 or a generation with pride will finally be born and cut them down.

No one has a right to an unearned advantage. The race must go to the fastest, not the fatherest. Every generation has the right to demand a head start. This won't be a free country until the son of a millionaire has just as much chance of becoming a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker has.
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
. No it's stupid thoughts that you liberals have about deligitimizing any past that whites had in this country. It is a war you people are conducting, and don't think that the whites haven't awoke to it because they have. The only hope the libs have now, is that the awakening is a little to late. Never to late to wake up, and to start counter measures to stop the war being waged. Some wars are fought in the flesh, and then there is spritual warfare. We are in a war for the hearts and souls of a people who have been awoken now (spiritually). The liberals are trying to counter.
Hey buddy, the worm turns and the past that was created by a suppressive class will be eradicated by future generations that live on the land...There is nothing you can do about social change, just like the Indians found out....
. Are you suppressed ?? Maybe your evil thinking is, otherwise if that is the case. And if evil, then such thoughts should be suppressed.
Evil thoughts like living without so many rules that it takes a several million square feet of storage space?
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.
Egorger Vos Fils

Trust funds are also dependency. The guillotine fodder better tell their sons to do it on their own, or they should quit preaching their elitist hypocrisy to us Unfortunate Sons. Cut them off when they are 18 or a generation with pride will finally be born and cut them down.

No one has a right to an unearned advantage. The race must go to the fastest, not the fatherest. Every generation has the right to demand a head start. This won't be a free country until the son of a millionaire has just as much chance of becoming a blue-collar worker as the son of a blue-collar worker has.
. The word freedom is the key always. If a millionaire wants to help his family get that headstart needed, then it's not up to the liberals or leftist to determine whether or not the millionaire can do what he or she wants to do with the money. Now if the millionaire empowers an idiot with the money, then the natural order of life will kick in, and the idiot will soon lose the fortune because well he or she was an idiot. The problem with you libs or leftist is that you can't wait for the natural process to take place, and therefore you would rather speed up the process by stealing the fortune before it can ever reach the siblings hands. The reason for this is because the liberal agenda is hell bent on transferring wealth to liberal leftist hands as quick as possible, and to do this by any means nessesary. Trust in the natural order of things, and let the natural thing occur that we have always known (A FOOL AND HIS MONEY SHALL SOON PART). The agenda that you people have is exposed, and it won't be happening now, so just work hard and do it the right way now.
People know the truth if they still got grandparents and great grandparents to learn from or if they got parents that learned from their parents about the generations gone by. The liberals today want to deligitimize everything known about our past whether it was good or bad (erase history), and this is so they can start a new. The problem with their thinking is that demonic spirits have taken up with some of the element's in their groups, and they are using those agenda's to now push forward a new evilness that hopes to replace the element's of an evil past with a more evil future. It would be wise if good people of any color would rebuke the evilness that resides among the groups. This is the only way to move forward instead of backwards in this world.
Pretty stupid talk considering that the Europeans did the same thing if not worse to the tribes of Indians they pushed out to settle in this land...
. No it's stupid thoughts that you liberals have about deligitimizing any past that whites had in this country. It is a war you people are conducting, and don't think that the whites haven't awoke to it because they have. The only hope the libs have now, is that the awakening is a little to late. Never to late to wake up, and to start counter measures to stop the war being waged. Some wars are fought in the flesh, and then there is spritual warfare. We are in a war for the hearts and souls of a people who have been awoken now (spiritually). The liberals are trying to counter.
Hey buddy, the worm turns and the past that was created by a suppressive class will be eradicated by future generations that live on the land...There is nothing you can do about social change, just like the Indians found out....
. Are you suppressed ?? Maybe your evil thinking is, otherwise if that is the case. And if evil, then such thoughts should be suppressed.
Evil thoughts like living without so many rules that it takes a several million square feet of storage space?
. I agree with you that we are fast becoming a police state (to many rules or laws), and maybe we are on our way towards the mark of the beast finally. Technology is giving us a preview of it these days, and it's happening as we speak.
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
Drama queen

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