America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
Drama queen
. Becareful or that mirror might break on you, then what ? Got a response to the topic or you out of bullcrap finally ?
"So, what exactly has changed?"

The philosophy of racism by whites is coming home to roost like some of the founders predicted.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
Drama queen
. Becareful or that mirror might break on you, then what ? Got a response to the topic or you out of bullcrap finally ?
Here’s a response to the topic:

You and others on the reactionary right who oppose change and wish to return to the ‘good old days’ through repression and discrimination will fail – as reactionaries have always failed throughout history.

And the tragedy is that before you eventually fail, you’ll bring only hardship and disadvantage to those whom you subject to repression and discrimination.

And no, you are not opposing ‘change for the worst,’ you are opposing change which you incorrectly perceive to be detrimental to you and others on the reactionary right.
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
Drama queen
. Becareful or that mirror might break on you, then what ? Got a response to the topic or you out of bullcrap finally ?
Here’s a response to the topic:

You and others on the reactionary right who oppose change (((((and wish to return to the ‘good old days’ through repression and discrimination))))))))???????? will fail – as reactionaries have always failed throughout history.

And the tragedy is that before you eventually fail, you’ll bring only hardship and disadvantage to those whom you subject to repression and discrimination.

And no, you are not opposing ‘change for the worst,’ you are opposing change which you incorrectly perceive to be detrimental to you and others on the reactionary right.
Your attempt at assigning the supposed wishes of those who you oppose is a huge fail.. The left has started the decline by proving that once they had a black man as the president, then it was their intent to use that black man to get vengence instead of unity out of their chosen one. The conned-servatives had fallen for the bullcrap for years until it was proven that it ain't about equality, and equal opportunity for those on the left who were perceived in this way, but it was more about power, and then using that power to destroy the Christian conservatives in this nation. Anyone who can't see this now has been a fool or they were to busy kissing butt to see it. Globalism has played a huge role in partnering with disgruntled groups in this nation to make the job of destroying borders and sovereignty a mere cake walk. Quit being played the fools Americans, and wake up already. The world is at a peak again, and it will be interesting to see how it all falls this time.
I want to go back to the music and fashion of the 1920s.

I miss it I miss the 20s.


No, you don't "miss" the 20s.

Unless you're closing in on 100.

Yes. I miss the 20s.

I can read and see photos and listen to the music of the 20s.

I miss the 20s I want them back.

Again, no. You don't "miss" the 20s. You can't miss something that you've never experienced.

You have a fantasy of what the 20s was, and you long for it.

I miss the 20s.
. For many in the countries states, cities, and towns it was safe, but if we're called up for war then the game changed quickly for those after they left the safety of this nation to go off and fight another.
We lose around 8500 a year to murder every year......during WWII we were losing around 100,000 a year.....
Not very safe
. 8500 a year in respect to 400 million citizens, and this in comparison to other nations during peace time or war time ? Relatively safe wouldn't you say ?

Not at all safe

We were at war
There' was no workplace safety
Polio, TB, influenza were rampant
Emergency care was almost nonexistent
. Even so, people were alot different back then. They weren't depended on the system like they are now, and that was a very good thing. What is a man that gains the whole world, yet looses his own soul or what will he give in exchange for his soul ? The lies these days are going to soon end with tragic consequences, and they will be consequences in which people's choices will have made. It's amazing the lives that we're lived in spite of all that existed or still exist around us. God is the answer, and without him we are nothing.

There is no god. People now are not depended (sic) on the system. That is a false narrative. People today work harder and have less economic security than they did 40 years ago. Learn. Then post.
People today have a less general feeling of security because they don't respect GOD and GOD has allowed them to take care of themselves. Remember it was once said,"GOD HIMSELF can not sink this ship!" And so the iceberg sank the Titanic. Did GOD send the iceberg? I don't believe so, but I firmly believe GOD allowed man to take care of himself in this case, and man fell flat on his face. Not the sort of ting that makes one feel cozy and secure.
75 years ago, we were free, safe, and (relative the the world) prosperous. Then the dark ages came with the "Civil Rights movement". Crime skyrocketed. The government started coercing people to discriminate (and calling it freedom) while being engaged in a slander campaign against white people. Our freedoms, safety, and middle-class started evaporating.

75 years ago, there were 7.8 murders per 100,000 people in the US. Last year, there were 4.9.

75 years ago, the unemployment rate was 14.9%. Now, it's 4.5%.

75 years ago, median income (in today's dollars) was $16,886.05. Today, it's $32,140.

Should I go on?

Well, in 1960 the overall crime rate was 1,887, now it's 2,847
I am sixty, hell, We had harmony and communal harmony back then, it was safe back in the mid sixties. Then, diversity reared it's ugly head. Diversity is the enemy of commonality. A community is about people that conform to laws, standards and ethics . Diversity means ... divisiveness, opposition, and it is the opposite of communal harmony. It leads to divisiveness. If you are black, Hispanics or's divisive as hell. Diversity means divisive. Let's be inclusive. Forget about the clauses.
Blacks have become culturally acceptable urban terrorists. They beat little old white ladies to death, commit atrocities on a minor level and it gets ignored. A black male stabbing to death a old white guy in a wheelchair (ignored). A black man run over by a bus made into a racial issue by so called black eye witnesses was a lie. reminds me of the Micheal Brown/ Ferguson issue that ended up being perjury. Yes, black tend to commit perjury on monumental racial issues, shocking as it sounds. Bigtime.
The fact that blacks tend to exaggerate and even commit perjury, and the press seems to feed into that racial animus, it's remarkable. When whites point out the egregiousness of this, we are either ignored or called "R*cists". Why can't we just be real here and look at all the facts?
I am sixty, hell, We had harmony and communal harmony back then, it was safe back in the mid sixties. Then, diversity reared it's ugly head. Diversity is the enemy of commonality. A community is about people that conform to laws, standards and ethics . Diversity means ... divisiveness, opposition, and it is the opposite of communal harmony. It leads to divisiveness. If you are black, Hispanics or's divisive as hell. Diversity means divisive. Let's be inclusive. Forget about the clauses.
I grew up in those times
Yea, everything was harmony. As long as blacks knew their place, women accepted their role, gays stayed in the closet........everyone was happy

Great time to be a straight, Christian, white male
75 years ago was 1942

Hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed in the war
Blacks were second class citizens
We were in a state of panic from a possible Nazi invasion
Basic necessities in life were severely rationed including food, gas, cars, rubber
We were under strict curfews

I'll take today

It's unfortunate that the OP's semi-arbitrary number landed on 1942, where the Great Depression meets WWII. But, that's okay, and it's the principle, not the specific year that counts. We're second class citizens today compared to blacks in 1942. Other than the war, blacks were so free that they would hardly have known the federal government existed. They had much more freedom than whites have today. It's too bad that the modern Africoon American longs to be a slave, not a free man.

WHAT???? Have you lost your mind? Much of the country was still segregated. Blacks could be arrested for sitting at the lunch counter. Free?? Tell that to the blacks that tried to register to vote.
Not nearly as segregated as today. The law mandates race quotas and people segregate themselves everywhere and emphasize their segregation. Some refusing to even learn English.

Segregating themselves is a choice by that person. Forced segregation is not. It goes counter to the OP's claim that blacks were more free.
Forced integration kind of goes counter to the claim that whites are free....
75 years ago whites were getting jobs over more qualified Blacks. I know you miss those days. By now you would be CEO instead of head fry cook.

I don't believe that. Most whites will hire the person who'll make them the most money, regardless of race. Including 75 years ago. But, now, the government forces companies to hire blacks over more qualified whites.

If libtards lie about racism today, why should I believe what they say about racism 75 years ago?
What you believe is of zero interest to me.

Whites fought for their AA with a savage bloodthirst. Then they whined for years like bitches until AA for non whites was dismantled.
Affirmative-action has only weakened minorities... fact
Lynching may have been rare. About three thousand cases
Arson, assault, harassment and intimidation were common

Without a doubt. There really are "bad" people among us.
In countries where there are relatively few whites, the same atrocities occurred, mostly against whites. So we might call it the dark side of HUMAN nature.

It will always be there.

There is a difference between random crime and crime which is placated by the local and state governments
The terrorism that was used against blacks in the south was ignored and those accused of participating in terrorist acts were quickly acquitted by the courts
Terrorism against whites is completely covered up by the media and justified by the FEDERAL government in order to pacify legitimate white rage before it even starts and preserve white guilt, despite most of that terrorism being clearly visible for everyone to see on the Internet.

Not to mention the blatant exaggeration of anti-black and anti-minority crimes to drown out any consideration for victims of anti-white crimes that actually do make it to the national media.

The worst of the Jim Crow south has absolutely NOTHING on "progressive" America in the 21st century when it comes to denying human beings their rights, and that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mass suffering white people endure globally.
Lynching may have been rare. About three thousand cases
Arson, assault, harassment and intimidation were common

Without a doubt. There really are "bad" people among us.
In countries where there are relatively few whites, the same atrocities occurred, mostly against whites. So we might call it the dark side of HUMAN nature.

It will always be there.

There is a difference between random crime and crime which is placated by the local and state governments
The terrorism that was used against blacks in the south was ignored and those accused of participating in terrorist acts were quickly acquitted by the courts
Terrorism against whites is completely covered up by the media and justified by the FEDERAL government in order to pacify legitimate white rage before it even starts and preserve white guilt, despite most of that terrorism being clearly visible for everyone to see on the Internet.

Not to mention the blatant exaggeration of anti-black and anti-minority crimes to drown out any consideration for victims of anti-white crimes that actually do make it to the national media.

The worst of the Jim Crow south has absolutely NOTHING on "progressive" America in the 21st century when it comes to denying human beings their rights, and that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mass suffering white people endure globally.
What a ridiculous bunch of claims

Not even worthy of response
So only WHITES are racists? Sorry, however, my ancestors came over from the Alsace Lorraine area of Europe to escape the constant friction between France and Germany. They were not here when slavery existed in the United States. They were not slave owners. They never lived in the "Old South." They entered this country following the legal venues of that time. They worked hard for what they had and I benefitted from their work ethic and their religious fervor. They didn't blame anyone else for their own mistakes or failures --- rather, they learned from them and moved on. They didn't wallow in self pity.---because they fully realized that such is a total waste of energy. People who are dependent on others for handouts will always be enslaved to their generosity. People regardless of color need to work hard, be kind towards others, and seek the face of GOD.

I remember how bad the immigrants from Alsace Lorraine had it

Couldn't drink from the same water fountains, separate bathrooms, there were NO Baseball players from Alsace Lorraine
. Memories coupled with the fixes overtime you should say, but the past is being used now to forward an agenda that deligitimizes the fixing of the past, and is seeking to deligitimize the whites of today by way of that past. No one is fooled by the leftist agenda today.
Drama queen
. Becareful or that mirror might break on you, then what ? Got a response to the topic or you out of bullcrap finally ?
Here’s a response to the topic:

You and others on the reactionary right who oppose change and wish to return to the ‘good old days’ through repression and discrimination will fail – as reactionaries have always failed throughout history.

And the tragedy is that before you eventually fail, you’ll bring only hardship and disadvantage to those whom you subject to repression and discrimination.

And no, you are not opposing ‘change for the worst,’ you are opposing change which you incorrectly perceive to be detrimental to you and others on the reactionary right.
You are right, the reactionary left is being squashed.

The revolutionary right and the pro-white revolutionary left are winning the war for the hearts and minds of our people every day without fail, and there is absolute NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Seventy five years ago people in America walked the streets at night in major cities with few concerns...and left doors open all night.

Shoplifting was a minor problem and violence against Law Enforcement was nearly unheard of.

It was a friendlier time when you were more likely to be helped by your fellow American than hurt by them.

Today...we live in a totally different place. Danger is lurking everywhere. Theft and crime run rampant. Police are shot and killed for fun. The elderly are victimized as quickly as anyone else.....
Brazen Thief Steals Purse From Woman, 82, on Scooter at California Supermarket

Young people text and drive killing thousands each year......People cheat the system rampantly....

The ONE caveat, and an important one, is that Civil Rights are more equally spread among all Americans.
But at what cost? Did we trade a safe society for one that has everyone closer to equal?
Surely VERY few people actually would still support slavery and the majority are pleased with equality for all.
But again, at what price?

So, what exactly has changed?
Liberals have ruined our nation.
The Bush Crime has ruined the nation.

Filthy dope smokers that don't wash their hair ruined America.

RT...the Russia network.

Putin helped elect Trump you idiot. Putin grabbed Red State voters by they pussy and fisted conservatives to no end.
Lynching may have been rare. About three thousand cases
Arson, assault, harassment and intimidation were common

Without a doubt. There really are "bad" people among us.
In countries where there are relatively few whites, the same atrocities occurred, mostly against whites. So we might call it the dark side of HUMAN nature.

It will always be there.

There is a difference between random crime and crime which is placated by the local and state governments
The terrorism that was used against blacks in the south was ignored and those accused of participating in terrorist acts were quickly acquitted by the courts
Terrorism against whites is completely covered up by the media and justified by the FEDERAL government in order to pacify legitimate white rage before it even starts and preserve white guilt, despite most of that terrorism being clearly visible for everyone to see on the Internet.

Not to mention the blatant exaggeration of anti-black and anti-minority crimes to drown out any consideration for victims of anti-white crimes that actually do make it to the national media.

The worst of the Jim Crow south has absolutely NOTHING on "progressive" America in the 21st century when it comes to denying human beings their rights, and that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mass suffering white people endure globally.
What a ridiculous bunch of claims

Not even worthy of response
Typical dumbass reactionary.

Running away from individuals like me and the facts that I present shows that you are nothing without the system protecting you.
Liberals have ruined our nation.
The Bush Crime has ruined the nation.

Filthy dope smokers that don't wash their hair ruined America.

RT...the Russia network.

Putin helped elect Trump you idiot. Putin grabbed Red State voters by they pussy and fisted conservatives to no end.

Putin is using idiots in the Democrat party to destroy this country.
Liberals have ruined our nation.
The Bush Crime has ruined the nation.

Filthy dope smokers that don't wash their hair ruined America.

RT...the Russia network.

Putin helped elect Trump you idiot. Putin grabbed Red State voters by they pussy and fisted conservatives to no end.

The Bush Crime has ruined the nation.

Filthy dope smokers that don't wash their hair ruined America.

RT...the Russia network.

Putin helped elect Trump you idiot. Putin grabbed Red State voters by they pussy and fisted conservatives to no end.

Putin is using idiots in the Democrat party to destroy this country.


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