America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

If you were concerned about America, you wouldn't be advocating bringing that backwater cult here.

There are already approximately 7,000,000 Muslims and growing in America already.

So in other words we are not going anywhere.

Muslims will become part of the American fabric and culture just like Italians, Polish, Irish, etc.

Did the Italians, Polish, Irish, etc demand the country they chose for freedom repeat the same mistakes of their "home" country/culture?
For real. I have no interest in dictating what my wife may wear or seeing her be beaten because her wrist became exposed in public.

I have great respect for you Con....err.....The Brain

The way that you hacked into the board and shut it down the other day was awesome.

I mean everybody knows that it was you.

But we know that you can't take credit for it.

Because you will get bannrd.
Sunni Man - although written by a Christian, the conflict references to a Sharia/USA constitution are noteworthy.

Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution | The American Catholic

As an aside, I have a direct question; can Sharia exist without Islam?
Everyone here keeps talking about Islam and sharia law as it's practiced in other countries.

The American version of sharia law will be unique and different.

And would reflect American traditions and culture.

Both Germany and France are democracies that have laws based on Judeo Christian norms like America.

Yet they're court proceedings and the way that they have trials are totally different than the way it is practiced in America.

So again, sharia law and America will be unique and reflect our values as Americans.
For real. I have no interest in dictating what my wife may wear or seeing her be beaten because her wrist became exposed in public.

I have great respect for you Con....err.....The Brain

The way that you hacked into the board and shut it down the other day was awesome.

I mean everybody knows that it was you.

But we know that you can't take credit for it.

Because you will get bannrd.

Yep, avoid and deflect. That's what I would do if I were you.

By the way, IF I had the technical know how to hack a message board, and the willingness to do so, why would I be worried about being banned?
I have a Master degree in Psychology, and preparing for Phd. I am married (proudly an american) and have one little boy.

Thank you for answering my question.

It's just that it has been my observation that middle east women who flee to America do so because they are lesbians.

Because they want to be in the West so that they can practice their perverted lifestyle without any restrictions.

Or is that just your rationalization of women so you don't have to consider they are not interested in being treated as "property", not even human? That is scary for the traditional 'American' women, who have women from all over the world competing for 'American' men. Sad for men of those other 'cultures' that have to LIE about their true intentions to get a woman.
Yep, avoid and deflect. That's what I would do if I were you.

By the way, IF I had the technical know how to hack a message board, and the willingness to do so, why would I be worried about being banned?

Hey we all know that you have to cover your tracks.

But the general consensus is that it was you is shut down the board.

I believe it myself
any BTW, you did not answer my first question, becasue probably I answered right for you.. AM I right????

No, You are not right.

I was a very dedicated Christian for many years.

Read the Bible cover to cover more times than I can count.

Taught Sunday school and helld Bible studies at my house for years.

I even did some preaching at the church and helped with street ministries.

I hope that this answer your question?

Then why won't you answer why islam that claims Yeshua as their 'prophet' too, does not follow his ways of LOVE??????
Sunni Man - although written by a Christian, the conflict references to a Sharia/USA constitution are noteworthy.

Sharia Law and the U.S. Constitution | The American Catholic

As an aside, I have a direct question; can Sharia exist without Islam?
Everyone here keeps talking about Islam and sharia law as it's practiced in other countries.

The American version of sharia law will be unique and different.

And would reflect American traditions and culture.

Both Germany and France are democracies that have laws based on Judeo Christian norms like America.

Yet they're court proceedings and the way that they have trials are totally different than the way it is practiced in America.

So again, sharia law and America will be unique and reflect our values as Americans.

I concede that the USA could integrate Sharia "with its own flavor." As I have shared, I think it is an immense constitutional and cultural leap, but nonetheless for the sake of argument I will acknowledge the possibility. I will also acknowledge that the label Sharia carries a stigma and that the Evangelical movement today seeks to implement some basis of Sharia - just not the label.

What I am curious about is that for Sharia to have credibibility (in the USA today), it must have its own merits and be able to exist outside the realms of Islam. Is this possible? If Islam were to vanish, would Sharia law/influence continue its permutation?

Sharia is a code of ethics? Or is it an Islamic behavioural guide?
well, all your answers people and the american law DOES NOT prove anything close that sharia law would be applied, not now, NOT EVER. Oh by the way, I've read about something or a.. Mircale in your book Sunni, called al esraa, w elma'araj.. Do you know what it is?.. as I understood, it said that Your prophet has gone to the 7 levels of the sky, met jesus, Elija, and... so on. Does that made any sense to you? He did not do any meaningful mircales, that we know, or think of, that suppose to glorify GOD at anyway, but ONLY to glorify HIMSELF..GOOD luck buddy.

There are many famous figures in the Bible such as Moses or Abraham or Noah.

Most of them were Prophets.

But not all of them did miracles.

Muhammad first and foremost was a Prophet.

That was his mission on earth. :cool:

There was no prophet in the Bible that went to 'war' for personal gain and power (it was always to glorify the Lord or they lost). You have read the Bible, maybe you could show me in error.
well, all your answers people and the american law DOES NOT prove anything close that sharia law would be applied, not now, NOT EVER. Oh by the way, I've read about something or a.. Mircale in your book Sunni, called al esraa, w elma'araj.. Do you know what it is?.. as I understood, it said that Your prophet has gone to the 7 levels of the sky, met jesus, Elija, and... so on. Does that made any sense to you? He did not do any meaningful mircales, that we know, or think of, that suppose to glorify GOD at anyway, but ONLY to glorify HIMSELF..GOOD luck buddy.

There are many famous figures in the Bible such as Moses or Abraham or Noah.

Most of them were Prophets.

But not all of them did miracles.

Muhammad first and foremost was a Prophet.

That was his mission on earth. :cool:

There was no prophet in the Bible that went to 'war' for personal gain and power (it was always to glorify the Lord or they lost). You have read the Bible, maybe you could show me in error.
Several Old Testament prophets went to war for land and riches.

You really need to read your Bible and get back with me .
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It is not about what is similar, though there is a lesson in that for all, it is about what is different Sunni. There are areas where Islam is in Harmony with Judeo-Christian Values and Ethics, based on our Scriptures and Belief's, it has nothing to do with compliance to Sharia Law, unless you are claiming Sharia Law was based and Rooted in Our Scriptures, One would need to address the tangents Sharia has created though, and justify them. Good luck with that. ;). Nice spin, though. I guess some people just like to hear themselves talk.
When you talk about our laws are based on Judeo Christian scriptures.

I have to agree with that.

But people are going to have to be aware that the third member of the big three monotheistic religion is now coming into play.

As there are many similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

I believe someday in the future it will be referred to as Judeo-Christian-Islamic values.

As Islam becomes more woven into the fabric of our society, culture and laws.

If you are profitting off the original, it better be similar ....

Is it true the word love is not in the quran?
Sharia is a code of ethics? Or is it an Islamic behavioural guide?

You could make a case that American law is based on the 10 Commandments.

One of the Commandments says do not kill and another says do not steal.

Yet another says do not covet. Which would be behavioral.

So to answer your question.

Sharia Law contains both ethics and behavioral law.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.

Again, where does the quran encourage liberty, equal justice and the pursuit of hapiness? If it isn't in there they are not compatible.
freedom of speech vs no one can speak against islam or their diety mohammed

the right to bear arms vs islam will cut your arm/hand off

the gov't can't move in your house vs we can tell you how to dress inside your house

protection from unreasonalbe searches vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you

don't have to witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you, "muslims" have the right to take whatever belongs to a person of another religion (as long as you kill the male household member, first).

right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you

Can you show where this would be different, sunni? did you join islam to be part of the 'legion' (you read the Bible, you should know what that means)?
Sharia is a code of ethics? Or is it an Islamic behavioural guide?

You could make a case that American law is based on the 10 Commandments.

One of the Commandments says do not kill and another says do not steal.

Yet another says do not covet. Which would be behavioral.

So to answer your question.

Sharia Law contains both ethics and behavioral law.

American Law is not necessarily a mirror of the American Constitution. The Constitution outlines governmental powers (and subsequent limitations) & responsibilities, individual rights (not to be a slave), guaranteed liberties (the right to vote) and judicial process. The Constitution does not address individual ethics.
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I watched a little bit of it.

Just a bunch of western hatemongering towards Muslims and Islam.

Just what i expected from you, denial of the violation of the human rights of women. How is revealing that a country has a law against women riding in the passenger areas of vehicles, hatemongering? Or are you referring to the hate mongering done by muslims against women in the ME? You are quick to throw out how dangerous this country is to women while DENYING what happens under sharia law.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.

Again, where does the quran encourage liberty, equal justice and the pursuit of hapiness? If it isn't in there they are not compatible.
freedom of speech vs no one can speak against islam or their diety mohammed

the right to bear arms vs islam will cut your arm/hand off

the gov't can't move in your house vs we can tell you how to dress inside your house

protection from unreasonalbe searches vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you

don't have to witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you, "muslims" have the right to take whatever belongs to a person of another religion (as long as you kill the male household member, first).

right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. vs if you are not muslim this does not apply to you
Can you show where this would be different, sunni? did you join islam to be part of the 'legion' (you read the Bible, you should know what that means)?

You brought up so many questions that I don't have the two hours to answer them.

I am being polite and calling them questions but they are more like accusations.

Btw Nobody tells Muslims how they must dress inside their house. :cuckoo:

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