America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

You would be welcomed and treated with the utmost courtesy and respect. :cool:

That isn't what Malcolm X said.

Please link to quote referencing this by Malcolm X

Thank you

My apologies, my source said islam when I believe he meant 'nation of islam'. Still, Malcolm X had similar ideas about the responsibilities of islam (vs jihad) that many on this board have: control the governence portion of islam and go for the spiritual.

The beliefs expressed by Malcolm X changed during his lifetime. As a spokesman for the Nation of Islam he taught black supremacy and deified the leaders of the organization. He also advocated the separation of black and white Americans, which put him at odds with the civil rights movement, which was working towards integration. After he left the Nation of Islam in 1964, Malcolm X became a Sunni Muslim, made the pilgrimage to Mecca and disavowed racism, while remaining a champion of black self-determination, self defense, and human rights. He expressed a willingness to work with civil rights leaders and described his previous position with the Nation of Islam as that of a "zombie".

Malcolm X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So we meet a Malcolm X whose words of piety and purity as the public face of the Nation of Islam, and then as a spokesman for mainstream Islam in his own right, were not always matched by deeds. This Malcolm apparently drank wine on at least one occasion recorded by Marable, and rum and Coke on another. He also appears to have had an extramarital affair with a female follower and probably a tryst with an admirer while travelling abroad.


But Malcolm didn't need to attack the Nation directly to seem dangerous to it. His pull was such, it was said, that merely by choosing a new path, he encouraged others to follow him. His willingness to work politically, not for civil rights but internationally for human rights, risked marginalising the Nation's insular appeal to African Americans. There were personal, philosophical and commercial reasons to be rid of him. "In his final days," says Marable, "he seemed of two minds, partly accepting of what he believed to be his fate and partly wishing or hoping that the problems might disappear and allow him to go back to a normal life . . . That he continued to harangue the Nation even when he knew that doing so would leave little choice but to strike at him seems to suggest that on some level he may have been inviting death."


Malcolm X: the man behind the myth | World news | The Guardian



MALCOLM X: We are standing at the threshold of the nuclear age. Education is a must, especially in this highly technical era. In my opinion, Muslim religious leaders have not stressed the importance of education to the Muslim communities, especially in African countries. Thus when African countries become independent, the non-Muslim areas have the higher degree of educated Africans who are thus the ones best qualified to occupy the newly created positions in government. Muslim religious leaders of today need a more well-rounded type of education and then they will be able to stress the importance of education to the masses, but ofttimes when these religious leaders themselves have very limited knowledge, education, and understanding, sometimes they purposely keep their own people also ignorant in order to continue their own personal position of leadership. They keep the people narrow-minded because they themselves are narrow-minded.

In every Middle East or African country I have visited, I noticed the country is as '"advanced" as its women are, or as backward as its women. By this I mean, in areas where the women have been pushed into the background and kept without education, the whole area or country is just as backward, uneducated, and "underdeveloped." Where the women are encouraged to get education and play a more active role in the allaround affairs of the community and the country, the entire people are more active, more enlightened, and more progressive. Thus, in my opinion, the Muslim religious leaders of today must re-evaluate and spell out with clarity the Muslim position on education in general and education for women in particular. And then a vast program must be launched to elevate the standard of education in the Muslim world. An old African proverb states: "Educate a man and you educate an individual; educate a woman and you educate an entire family."

Since the Arab image is almost inseparable from the image of Islam, the Arab world has a multiple responsibility that it must live up to. Since Islam is a religion of brotherhood and unity those who take the lead in expounding this religion are duty-bound to set the highest example of brotherhood and unity. It is imperative that Cairo and Mecca (the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs and the Muslim World League) have a religious "summit" conference and show a greater degree of concern and responsibility for the present plight of the Muslim world, or other forces will rise up in this present generation of young, forward-thinking Muslims and the "power centers" will be taken from the hands of those that they are now in and placed elsewhere. Allah can easily do this.

malcolm x - documents > the last interview

And still islam moves towards the barbaric practices of the past to embrace death, destruction and deceit over using the spiritual to become a productive 'pillar'. To me, it makes no sense at all.
Is it true the word love is not in the quran?

The word love (hubb) is mentioned in the Qur'an 69 times.

The word is mentioned many times as a verb and as a noun. these are some examples of God's love for the righteous: as a verb: 2:195 2:222 3:76 3:134 3:148 3:159 5:42 - How many times does the word 'love' appear in the Bible

In the King James version

the word - love - appears 314 times
the word - love's - appears once
the word - loved - appears 98 times
the word - lovedst - appears twice
the word - lovely - appears 4 times
the word - lover - appears 4 times
the word - lovers - appears 23 times
the word - loves - appears twice
the word - lovest - appears 12 times
the word - loveth - appears 65 times
the word - loving - appears 3 times
the word - lovingkindness - appears 26 times
the word - lovingkindnesses - appears 4 times

Read more: - How many times does the word 'love' appear in the Bible

Sounds like God is more loving than Allah.
Yet the ONLY places you find this is under "islamic law". If islam treats women with dignity, wouldn't laws like this be eliminated?
What’s the dissonance between Judeo-Christian tenets and how people are actually treated in the West? What social ills in the US do we blame on Christianity? And do we hold religious leaders accountable for failed or oppressive government practices?

The failure to protect women from abuse in such countries is the failure of the secular governments of those countries because they don’t accept the principle of the rule of law and the exclusion of religion from governance; that’s not the fault of Islam.
It is when Muslims design their government around their faith's tenets.
Yet the ONLY places you find this is under "islamic law". If islam treats women with dignity, wouldn't laws like this be eliminated?
What’s the dissonance between Judeo-Christian tenets and how people are actually treated in the West? What social ills in the US do we blame on Christianity? And do we hold religious leaders accountable for failed or oppressive government practices?

The failure to protect women from abuse in such countries is the failure of the secular governments of those countries because they don’t accept the principle of the rule of law and the exclusion of religion from governance; that’s not the fault of Islam.

History proves quite easily that "secular" governments that fail to protect people from religious intolerance are either compliant with the preachers or frightened of them. Neither of which appeals to me - I'd rather live free among the gays and weirdos than under Sharia OR The Bible.
Yet the ONLY places you find this is under "islamic law". If islam treats women with dignity, wouldn't laws like this be eliminated?
What’s the dissonance between Judeo-Christian tenets and how people are actually treated in the West? What social ills in the US do we blame on Christianity? And do we hold religious leaders accountable for failed or oppressive government practices?

The failure to protect women from abuse in such countries is the failure of the secular governments of those countries because they don’t accept the principle of the rule of law and the exclusion of religion from governance; that’s not the fault of Islam.

History proves quite easily that "secular" governments that fail to protect people from religious intolerance are either compliant with the preachers or frightened of them. Neither of which appeals to me - I'd rather live free among the gays and weirdos than under Sharia OR The Bible.

Can you give me an example in the last 200 years where the Bible was used as the basis for government that was oppressive? Because I can give you an area (several countries) of the world that has oppressed its people for 1400 years+ and is spreading. Where ever it goes, it spreads a culture of death, destruction and deceit. But you keep focusing on those terrible Christians, won't ya .... Bet you don't sleep at night wondering if the Christians are going to break you door down and rape your wife until she agrees that Yeshua is the Lord and His love is eternal. Bet you wonder if your children will kidnapped by "Christians" that will brainwash them into doing suicide bombings for the new crusades. Just another person that does not want to face the truth. It is easier to stick your head in the sand than to actually pay attention to the damage shariah does where ever it goes. Spiritually, islam works, as a government system it is misery for all. muslims will not seperate the two, and they must be called on the oppression this faith brings on people. Only by the light shining on the terrible governing practices will this change. I understand that you would prefer to keep it in the darkness (where it thrives and multiplies).
Interesting....NO Americans are desperately trying to prove they are as "open" and Free as Islamic Societies......FUNNY THAT! :cool: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, are NOT U.S. constitutionally compliant!!!!
In the last 400 years.

The United States and other Christian European nations such as Germany, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, etc.

Colonized and enslaved all of Africa, Asia, Middle east, and all of North and South America.

Basically committing genocide all over the world on various indigenous peoples.

Resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths and eliminating entire cultures and peoples.

While at the same time sending Christian missionaries to force people to either convert are die.

All in the name of the Lord.
In the last 400 years.

The United States and other Christian European nations such as Germany, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, etc.

Colonized and enslaved all of Africa, Asia, Middle east, and all of North and South America.

Basically committing genocide all over the world on various indigenous peoples.

Resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths and eliminating entire cultures and peoples.

While at the same time sending Christian missionaries to force people to either convert are die.

All in the name of the Lord.

What is islam, CURRENTLY trying to do, could it be "Colonized and enslaved all of Africa, Asia, Middle east, and all of North and South America"?

Yes when you go back 400 years ago there were a lot of places (now islamic) with huge cannibal populations. The entire earth was a blood thirsty, violent place. What made that change? If you were serious, you could say that Christian majority cultures and governments led the way in making the world a safer with more liberty, than any time since the population was large enough to covet property. England, followed by the USA have exported the idea of free speech all over the world. Before the USA, freedom of speech was based on the dictator/king/sultan/czar 's will.

You did not respond to Malcolm X's quote's. Are you going to ignore that too? Keep loving the darkness and the "legion" sunniman.
In the last 400 years.

The United States and other Christian European nations such as Germany, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, etc.

Colonized and enslaved all of Africa, Asia, Middle east, and all of North and South America.

Basically committing genocide all over the world on various indigenous peoples.

Resulting in hundreds of millions of deaths and eliminating entire cultures and peoples.

While at the same time sending Christian missionaries to force people to either convert are die.

All in the name of the Lord.

People do tragic things in the name of religion. 9/11 for example.
Islamic jihads (holy wars), mandated by the Koran, killed millions over 12 centuries. In early years, Muslim armies spread the faith rapidly: east to India and west to Morocco. Then splintering sects branded other Muslims as infidels and declared jihads against them. The Kharijis battled Sunni rulers. The Azariqis decreed death to all “sinners” and their families. In 1804 a Sudanese holy man, Usman dan Fodio, waged a bloody jihad that broke the religious sway of the Sultan of Gobir. In the 1850s another Sudanese mystic, ‘Umar al-Hajj, led a barbaric jihad to convert pagan African tribes.
Sunni tries to paint all Muslims as peace-loving open/Western-minded people and all Jews as evil-doers who exploit the Holocaust. I am a Christian and I think that kind of ridiculous one-sided thinking is patently insane. It just makes Sunni look like a Bigot who is deeply ignorant of history.

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