America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Thank you for the well thought out post Marie888

Most people do not realize that the Quran also addresses the battle of Armageddon.

And that the Muslim people will be fighting alongside Jesus against the antichrist.
The next time somebody brings up Christianity in America.

I will direct them to visit the predominately Christian nation of Rwanda as an example.

You can do that if you want but the thing is neither Rwanda or the US enforce Christian laws on their population, the countries in the Middle East follow Islamic law and if you don't follow it you face jail time or worse.
Thank you for the well thought out post Marie888

Most people do not realize that the Quran also addresses the battle of Armageddon.

And that the Muslim people will be fighting alongside Jesus against the antichrist.

It is sad to say, it really is, but you could not be more wrong. Islam does not recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He came in the flesh, and rose again. And that HE alone is our Lord and Savior. He is the Alpha, Omega. Islam does not recogize Christ's deity. That is the whole point of the Gospel -the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Do you think the Lord our God will share His Glory with Muhammad or any other false teacher? No way, ever, Praise His Name! He Alone is God. Muhammed has nothing to do with the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ was not JUST a prophet. And I'm guessing you know the verses in the Bible? I'm guessing you've gone back and forth with others in regard to Who Jesus is? And I'm guessing you have a very hard time understanding the Trinity and deny that also? Not sure, but just a guess?.

You and I could go back and forth all day long on that, so we'll have to agree to disagree.

The Bible clearly identifies who has the spirit of the anti-christ. Here it is:

1 John 2
22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
23Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.

It is written. Praise our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

I was a Christian for many years.

Preached at churches, held Bible studies and taught Sunday school.

So yes, I understand the false doctrine of the Trinity very well.
I was a Christian for many years.

Preached at churches, held Bible studies and taught Sunday school.

So yes, I understand the false doctrine of the Trinity very well.

That we will disagree about also. Because we are right back at those verses again, but just reading up a little farther up in verses 18-21 (please see below)...

The Bible is also clear that those who "went out" were never of us. People can claim to say they were a "Christian" all they want, but that doesn't make it so. Jesus said many would come falsely in His Name. These verses are clearly saying, if they are truly a Christian(this would mean they are born agian of His Spirit), they do NOT leave. Once we know the truth of Jesus Christ, we cannot 'unknow' it. I't impossible. We may see backsliders, or people fall into sin, but once we know the truth, we know.

You may possibly argue that with me also, but I know the Word of God is true - again it is written:

1 John 2
18Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

One thing I'd encourage you in always, is that is not too late to come to Jesus Christ our Lord. He is knocking at the door, always. God is so merciful, so full of Grace.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

That was a cultural murder and had nothing to do with Islam.

Heck there is a woman murdered in America basically every hour of every day of the year.

But let's point fingers at everybody else.

What was the religion of those that killed her? What was her religion?
Can't speak about Africa.

But ME women are safer and more protected there than here in America.

You are being outright deceitful.

The Canvas Prison Ppt Presentation

Please watch that and explain how these women are "safer".

that dumb shit is on record in this thread as saying that in his opinion if a man rapes a woman when 3 other men aren't looking, she should be killed for adultery if she complains.
Please provide a post where I said that ??

Or ust admit that you are making up more lies as usual. :cuckoo:
That was a cultural murder and had nothing to do with Islam.

Heck there is a woman murdered in America basically every hour of every day of the year.

But let's point fingers at everybody else.

What was the religion of those that killed her? What was her religion?

Why bother? That dishonest piece of shit would have us believe that there is ANY difference in Islamic culture and Islam the religion, and there is not.
You are being outright deceitful.

The Canvas Prison Ppt Presentation

Please watch that and explain how these women are "safer".

that dumb shit is on record in this thread as saying that in his opinion if a man rapes a woman when 3 other men aren't looking, she should be killed for adultery if she complains.
Please provide a post where I said that ??

Or ust admit that you are making up more lies as usual. :cuckoo:

It's there for anyone who cares to read the thread to see. I'm not the first person who has pointed it out. Or do you REALLY deny saying that you think that requiring women to have 4 male witnesses to rape before claiming rape is a good thing?

You are a member of religion that relegates women to the role of furniture, to be used, abused, and destroyed on a whim. You defend this by pretending that it is culture and not religion, hoping that the rubes on this site won't realize that Islam is both a culture and a religion. I am here to point out what a disgusting piece of crap you and your Allah are.
Banking laws. Inheritants laws. Child support and custody laws. Criminal laws and punishments. Divorce division of property laws, etc.

There is quite a long list.

But again, It will be up to the American public to vote on many of these changes.

And some would require a constitutional amendment.

Isn't that what democracy is all about? :cool:

If you want Sharia, move to a 7th Century shithole. But don't pout and whine and screech that the rest of us should set our calendars back 1400 years.
That was a cultural murder and had nothing to do with Islam.

Heck there is a woman murdered in America basically every hour of every day of the year.

But let's point fingers at everybody else.

What was the religion of those that killed her? What was her religion?

Why bother? That dishonest piece of shit would have us believe that there is ANY difference in Islamic culture and Islam the religion, and there is not.

Why are you wasting your time posting The Brain ?

Shouldn't you be trying to hack the board again and take it down? :evil:
Banking laws. Inheritants laws. Child support and custody laws. Criminal laws and punishments. Divorce division of property laws, etc.

There is quite a long list.

But again, It will be up to the American public to vote on many of these changes.

And some would require a constitutional amendment.

Isn't that what democracy is all about? :cool:

If you want Sharia, move to a 7th Century shithole. But don't pout and whine and screech that the rest of us should set our calendars back 1400 years.

For real. I have no interest in dictating what my wife may wear or seeing her be beaten because her wrist became exposed in public.
I believe that happened a long time ago.

I wanted it to be about America and sharia law.

But as usual it devolves into things that happen in other countries.

As for me I am only concerned about America.

Muslims, Communists, Socialists, Liberals, all: want to take a country built by Christians (over 90% still believe in the Lord), and their system and change it into their particular belief system. When asked for evidence their way works we get "trust me" (Do you know how to say F U in LA? .... Trust me)
That is why other countries are being brought into the discussion. You are telling us you want to "change" the most productive country offering freedom and liberty to more of its citizens than any country in the history of the world. When evidence is cited that your way has never worked and has created the some of the most oppressive countries in history, you say "trust me".

You will not have honest discussions. You will not answer hard questions on islam. You distort the facts of islam and disregard the consistant and constant human rights violations at the hands of islamic leaders. Please tell us, by what authority do you speak? Do you have some influence over all of islam that will change the way of jihad and the absolute hatred of other religions? What you want will destroy this country and leave it open to brutal takeover. You can not site anywhere Sharia is practiced (as primary law) where people live in freedom. You say it is not pure. What does that tell you if 'muslims' won't even put pure Sharia into practice???????
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.

The Constitution codifies the doctrine of the rule of law. Sharia rejects the rule of law.

The Constitution is a legal entity, Sharia religious.

They couldn’t be more dissimilar.

I do not advocate changing the separation between church/mosque and state.

But all of our laws are based on the historical Judao-Christian ethos.

As more Muslims become part of the American fabric and culture.

Laws will have to be changef or modified to reflect the new Judeo-Christian-Islamic population of America.

I am not advocating imposing sharia law on anyone.

Did you notice in my post where I use the word "vote" ?

Any change to the Costitution by amendments or laws go thru the courts or voted on by the people.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

But you have the right to be ignorant and display that ignorance in this venue, in the context of free expression.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.

The Constitution codifies the doctrine of the rule of law. Sharia rejects the rule of law.

The Constitution is a legal entity, Sharia religious.

They couldn’t be more dissimilar.

I do not advocate changing the separation between church/mosque and state.

But all of our laws are based on the historical Judao-Christian ethos.

As more Muslims become part of the American fabric and culture.

Laws will have to be changef or modified to reflect the new Judeo-Christian-Islamic population of America.

I am not advocating imposing sharia law on anyone.

Did you notice in my post where I use the word "vote" ?

Any change to the Costitution by amendments or laws go thru the courts or voted on by the people.

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

But you have the right to be ignorant and display that ignorance in this venue, in the context of free expression.

That right there is a "right" that Sunni Moron uses to maximum effect.
That was a cultural murder and had nothing to do with Islam.

Heck there is a woman murdered in America basically every hour of every day of the year.

But let's point fingers at everybody else.

Didn't you do that in the beginning of this thread, Sunni? According to you, most western women dress like sluts and whores.

Went to the mall today.

I saw many young teenage girls.

Some that look like they were even 10 years old.

Many were dressed up like hookers and were wearing all kinds of make up.

Sadly some where even with their parents.

I don't see how any parent lets their daughter dressed like a streetwalker at such a young age

I was in a mall a couple of weeks ago. I could not tell you what people were wearing. It is none of my business. I don't want them telling me how to dress, so I will not tell them how to dress when they feel they are in a "safe" environment. If it has to do with safety and protective gear ... I will say something ... put on the right gear or leave.

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