America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Hmmmhmmm this reminds me a bit of some that claim our American bibles (yes even KJV) and the Qu'ran are nothing alike.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.
Psssst! The Constitution doesn't say that women have the right to be chattel. You fail. Continuously.
The Constitution and Sharia Law would be very compatible.

Basically, the Constitution is an abstract that gives the basic framework for our nation.

And Sharia Law would inact the "Rights" that the Constitution guarantees for all Americans.
Psssst! The Constitution doesn't say that women have the right to be chattel.

Neither does sharia law :cool:
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Muslim women are far from being treated as second-class citizens.

Unlike women in the western nations Muslim women are treated with dignity and respect .


Having to cover from head to toe is being treated with dignity and respect?

Being beaten in public for minor transgressions is ?

Not being allowed in public alone without permission from your "owner" is?

Having to have 4 male witnesses to rape is?

Let's start with those four things, see if you're brave enough to address them this time.

If it were to be acceptable here many of 'us' American women would NOT be so fashionable in appearance and are only so to please and placid the social issues our preferred dress tends to be... however paleo-conservative in appearance it may be in another, possibly more modern woman's mind.

As for being beaten in public... what? Do you prefer being beaten in private with no one to witness the punishment? Or worse yet that things go completely unpunished? Men are also punished....

Witnesses to a rape... necessarily a good thing, or rather, a better thing than no witnesses.

As for not being out in public without permission from one's owner... hahaha how has that come to be so acceptable here? Ohhh, through the expense of our women's reputation... we've either had to become a bit 'butch' or 'sluts' bucking authority... I'd wager not being in public without a companion/chaperon, but not because I'm incapable of being alone for the most part, rather because I find it a far more wise choice to not be too alone. Yes, even in my own home town.

Got any more issues/questions?

To be honest you really have no fucking clue what you are talking about, I'm not trying to insult you but you have to be joking with your posts. Have you ever been to a Muslim country? do you know what the stakes are for women under Shariah law or are you just unhappy here in the US and you are willing to consider living under a radical system like Shariah law?
I thought this country had a separation between church and state, or is that changing?

I do not advocate changing the separation between church/mosque and state.

But all of our laws are based on the historical Judao-Christian ethos.

As more Muslims become part of the American fabric and culture.

Laws will have to be changef or modified to reflect the new Judeo-Christian-Islamic population of America.
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I thought this country had a separation between church and state, or is that changing?

I do not advocate changing the separation between mosque and state.

But all of our laws are based on the historical Judao-Christian ethos.

As more Muslims become part of the American fabric and ttadition.

Laws will have to be changef or modified to reflect the new Judeo-Christian-Islamic culture of America.

What specifically do you want changed?
Banking laws. Inheritants laws. Child support and custody laws. Criminal laws and punishments. Divorce division of property laws, etc.

There is quite a long list.

But again, It will be up to the American public to vote on many of these changes.

And some would require a constitutional amendment.

Isn't that what democracy is all about? :cool:
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Banking laws. Inheritants laws. Child support and custody laws. Criminal laws and punishments. Divorce division of property laws, etc.

There is quite a long list.

But again, It will be up to the American public to vote on many of these changes.

And some would require a constitutional amendment.

Isn't that what democracy is all about? :cool:

We're a Republic, just so you know.

And you are welcome to leave this country if our laws do not suit you. But you won't do that, because you know - like we do - that Sharia sucks.

Ain't gonna happen here, Sonny.
Muslim women are far from being treated as second-class citizens.

Unlike women in the western nations Muslim women are treated with dignity and respect .


Having to cover from head to toe is being treated with dignity and respect?

Being beaten in public for minor transgressions is ?

Not being allowed in public alone without permission from your "owner" is?

Having to have 4 male witnesses to rape is?

Let's start with those four things, see if you're brave enough to address them this time.

If it were to be acceptable here many of 'us' American women would NOT be so fashionable in appearance and are only so to please and placid the social issues our preferred dress tends to be... however paleo-conservative in appearance it may be in another, possibly more modern woman's mind.

As for being beaten in public... what? Do you prefer being beaten in private with no one to witness the punishment? Or worse yet that things go completely unpunished? Men are also punished....

Witnesses to a rape... necessarily a good thing, or rather, a better thing than no witnesses.

As for not being out in public without permission from one's owner... hahaha how has that come to be so acceptable here? Ohhh, through the expense of our women's reputation... we've either had to become a bit 'butch' or 'sluts' bucking authority... I'd wager not being in public without a companion/chaperon, but not because I'm incapable of being alone for the most part, rather because I find it a far more wise choice to not be too alone. Yes, even in my own home town.

Got any more issues/questions?

You want men to dictate what you wear, whether you are allowed out of your house, with a male escort, or whether you are allowed to drive a car, I suggest you move to one. Don't drag that shit here. American women will not tolerate Sharia here so you'll have to move there. Got that? Good.
Banking laws. Inheritants laws. Child support and custody laws. Criminal laws and punishments. Divorce division of property laws, etc.

There is quite a long list.

But again, It will be up to the American public to vote on many of these changes.

And some would require a constitutional amendment.

Isn't that what democracy is all about? :cool:

We're a Republic, just so you know.

And you are welcome to leave this country if our laws do not suit you. But you won't do that, because you know - like we do - that Sharia sucks.

Ain't gonna happen here, Sonny.
I am sure that if you had been born 100 years ago California girl

You would be telling blacks to go back to Africa.

Having to cover from head to toe is being treated with dignity and respect?

Being beaten in public for minor transgressions is ?

Not being allowed in public alone without permission from your "owner" is?

Having to have 4 male witnesses to rape is?

Let's start with those four things, see if you're brave enough to address them this time.

If it were to be acceptable here many of 'us' American women would NOT be so fashionable in appearance and are only so to please and placid the social issues our preferred dress tends to be... however paleo-conservative in appearance it may be in another, possibly more modern woman's mind.

As for being beaten in public... what? Do you prefer being beaten in private with no one to witness the punishment? Or worse yet that things go completely unpunished? Men are also punished....

Witnesses to a rape... necessarily a good thing, or rather, a better thing than no witnesses.

As for not being out in public without permission from one's owner... hahaha how has that come to be so acceptable here? Ohhh, through the expense of our women's reputation... we've either had to become a bit 'butch' or 'sluts' bucking authority... I'd wager not being in public without a companion/chaperon, but not because I'm incapable of being alone for the most part, rather because I find it a far more wise choice to not be too alone. Yes, even in my own home town.

Got any more issues/questions?

You want men to dictate what you wear, whether you are allowed out of your house, with a male escort, or whether you are allowed to drive a car, I suggest you move to one. Don't drag that shit here. American women will not tolerate Sharia here so you'll have to move there. Got that? Good.

You know CG I wish we had some kind exchange program where people could go live in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia for 2 weeks just to see what its like, I guarantee you 1Melissa wouldn't last a day without crying to come back Stateside.
Why is it that every time something is brought up about Muslims or Islam in America.

People point to what they do in other countries.

Islam in America will be different and unique from other Muslimo countries.

We don't judge Christianity by what they do in other Christian nations.

Half of Africa and basically all of South America Is Christian.

Where most of the people live in abject poverty in crappy hellholes run by dictators.
Why is it that every time something is brought up about Muslims or Islam in America.

People point to what they do in other countries.

Islam in America will be different and unique from other Muslimo countries.

We don't judge Christianity by what they do in other Christian nations.

Half of Africa and basically all of South America Is Christian.

Where most of the people live in abject poverty in crappy hellholes run by dictators.

Well I bring up other countries as an example, I really think 1Melissa has no clue what she is talking about in regard to Shariah or Islamic law.
America is basically compliant with the ideals of sharia law.

The next step is to codify those laws into our judicial system.

Sunni, it just may be you could be correct. I don't know when or how it will happen, but it is written; and it will happen:

Zech 14
2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

Somehow, someway, ALL nations will go againts Jerusalem to battle. That means either the USA is nuked off the planet, or we have possibly gone over to Sharia law as you have said. So yeah, it could be a possibility. Another possibily is that if there is a "pretrib" rapture, then the believers in Christ will be gone, and unbelievers, which include Muslims will be left here on earth. It wouldn't be hard for the final Anti-Christ to take up his temporary throne then, when the church body of Christ is gone.

Over all, it will not matter though...because at the end of the day there is only One Lord and Savior, and every knee will bow to Him - our Lord Jesus Christ.

We see above that the LORD Himself will go against those nations that go against Jerusalem. Try as they might, any Muslims who want to go against her will fail in the end. Jesus Christ is the King of kings, He alone is the Lord.

Though you have freedom now to worship as you please in the world system, no matter what Islam may do in the name of their false religion, at the end of the day, "It is finished", as Jesus Christ said on the Cross. Praise Jesus Christ - He has already won!

Sunni, you have freedom to worship as you please. But I'm going to tell you, you are on the wrong side.

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