America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

I wonder sunni man, are you a real muslim, or you just claiming that? Because it seems like you have no idea who are these people, or the books I have mentioned in my post. ( which is being studied in Al azhar the very well-known islamic school in Egypt and all over the islamic world, or any islamic school around the islamic world).
Thank you for your input.

No matter how closely a woman tries to follow the religion.

Women are emotional creatures and subject to getting off track.

That's where the guidance of a strong Muslim husband will help help them.

Also because of the emotional nature of women

It takes two women witnesses to equal the testimony of one man in court.

This makes common sense both biologically and logically.
Damn, Muslim men sure are a fragile, insecure bunch, aren't they?

Man, you guys are a bunch of pussies. You have to threaten your women with violence or they'll pack up and leave.
So Sunni , do you agree with the guy in AZ who ran over his daughter and killed her because she was to westernized. He was from Iraq . He did not like how she dressed or anything. Just wonder if you codon this behavior Iraqi woman, 20, dies; police in Arizona say father ran her over - CNN

Why in the world do you think that I would condone murder?? :eusa_hand:
My thoughts were your against anything about a woman, They have to ask your permission to go to your mosque and if they do they will taken out forcibly
So if your daughter dressed like a slut ( your worlds) what would you do. disown her or do like this father did by running her over because she has become more western. I wonder if the same punishment if it was a son of yours. I am not asking to be condescending I just want to know what you would in this situation
Ramadan Mubarak

It was a long busy day today.

Two American men and one American woman came to the mosque at different times and converted to Islam.

Then later two college girls who were sisters come in and inquired about Islam.

This summer we seem to be averaging about one new American convert per day. :eusa_angel:
Ramadan Mubarak

It was a long busy day today.

Two American men and one American woman came to the mosque at different times and converted to Islam.

Then later two college girls who were sisters come in and inquired about Islam.

This summer we seem to be averaging about one new American convert per day. :eusa_angel:

Drugs in the water???
Many people today are looking for answers to what life is about.

They have houses, cars, TV's, cell phones, etc.

Yet in the end, those are all just "things" and do not comfort the soul

Human beings are hardwired to seek God.

And Islam provides the "straight path"for those who seek God.

While providing answers as to why we are here and what we should be doing with our lives. :eusa_angel:
Sunni man, I would like to start a debate between you and me, about Islam, it needs knowlegable, and a lot of research, it won't prove anything new to me, but if any of what I say, you can prove is wrong, I will become a muslim too. what do you think?

It is not up to me to try and convert you to Islam.

That is between you and Allah

Surah 14:4 ..........."Then Allah sendeth whom He will astray, and guideth whom He will".......
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As head of the household I do not have to ask permission from anyone.

A Muslim woman is under the care and guardianship of her husband.

So it is my responsibility to monitor her activities.

And help guide her as to the correct behavior she should exhibit according to the religion

In other words, it is not simply a matter of respect as you seemed to be saying earlier. It is a matter of power and position. You are the man, you are the head of the household, so you must know the correct things to do and must be in control. Gotcha.
Sorry bout that,

Many people today are looking for answers to what life is about.

They have houses, cars, TV's, cell phones, etc.

Yet in the end, those are all just "things" and do not comfort the soul

Human beings are hardwired to seek God.

And Islam provides the "straight path"for those who seek God.

While providing answers as to why we are here and what we should be doing with our lives. :eusa_angel:

1. So his god, teaches its okay to rape little girls and marry them too, to also strap on explosives and murder innocent people, kill family members for wearing certain clothing, or not wearing a certain clothing, how to beat your wife correctly, and so on and so on.......
2. Gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, begging to have that need filled eh folks???
3. *Straight Path* is just one button push away folks.....

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Sorry bout that,

I see the USMB resident troll has arrived. :cuckoo:

1. Its just the truth, plain and simple, and *no-one* can refute it, not even you.
2. *This Day*, some dirty Muslim man, is hovering over a little girl and raping her, and justifying it because they had some marriage contract, in other words, *that pusay was paid for*.
3. And its perfectly legal for him to follow his gods teachings, and do it.
4. Today *This Day*, some Muslim is strapping on explosives, and is about to walk out the door, thinking he's doing work for his god, whether he's killing another sect of Islam or infidels, Christians, whoever he can target.
5. *This Day*, women are being killed for not wearing the Islamic clothing.
6. And *This Day* women are being beaten by their religious taught beating techniques.
7. All *FACTS*.

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This thread is about Muslims and Islam and America.

To the best of my knowledge.

None of the things you allege are taking place in the United States.

If they were they would definitely be headline in the news.
As head of the household I do not have to ask permission from anyone.

A Muslim woman is under the care and guardianship of her husband.

So it is my responsibility to monitor her activities.

And help guide her as to the correct behavior she should exhibit according to the religion

In other words, it is not simply a matter of respect as you seemed to be saying earlier. It is a matter of power and position. You are the man, you are the head of the household, so you must know the correct things to do and must be in control. Gotcha.

Most normal women seek out a marriage partner who is dominant.

They want a strong, virile, and usually taller man, in which do have children with.

This is hardwired into the females psyche and DNA.

Islam recognizes this fact of basic human nature .

Thus our marriages are aligned with it and not against it as in Western marriages
In Al Qurtobi, Volume 15, page 172. "Woman is like sheep, cow and camel, because all are ridden"

So, Is this why women would consider getting in Islam? What kind of reason would that make?.
How should I know the answer to that?

You are a woman so you tell me. :cool:

I tell you what? does this sound like any kind of respect to you? tell that to any woman want to be muslims and see what she's gonna do to you, if you trust your Islam, and an honest person that you think you are.

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