America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

No Nahla, I do not hate you at all.

You are entitled to your opinion.

But that does not make your opinion correct.

I was a Christian for many years.

And know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies and to forgive them.

When are you going to do that Nahla ?

when all muslims stop kidnapping, and killing and stop forcing them to convert, then I would consider that.. maybe. I don't harm anyone, or go buring mosques, and blowing up towers and threatening people like you guys do.. Whoever talk to me, I am EXTREMELY nice and like to help whoever ask, even without asking. I don't like someone who tries to impose something on me. Like the other day, my car broke down and had to take the train to work, in the station, that guy came up to me asking for directions, his accent sound a bit arabic, so I asked his name and where is he from, he said his name is mahmoud and from Morocoo, then we started speaking arabic. I learned that he just moved here a couple months ago, and he was going for a job interview, I was thinking to give him my card, and that I or my husband might be able to help him with a job or something if his interview didn't work. I was going to do that before I get off. then he asked me, if I am a muslim, I told him, no.. then he started preaching and telling me how great Islam is, and maybe I should consider converting. I got off in a different station avoiding slapping him, or making a scene. I can not believe the courage of coming up to a stranger and saying something like that.. just don't..
No Nahla, I do not hate you at all.

You are entitled to your opinion.

But that does not make your opinion correct.

I was a Christian for many years.

And know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies and to forgive them.

When are you going to do that Nahla ?

when all muslims stop kidnapping, and killing and stop forcing them to convert, then I would consider that.. maybe..

Jesus didn't say to consider forgiving people.

He commanded you as a Christian to forgive people. :cool:
Fear is a powerful weapon. It is one reason why I do not trust people who use it to scare their fellow citizens into a particular political ideology.

There are a billion Muslims in the world. If other 6 billion human beings on the planet want to stop radical Islamic terrorists, they need the help of the peaceful majority of those Muslims instead of threatening them with words of hate and retribution.

The murdering SOB's posing who label themselves as Islamic Jihadists are no more Muslim than Christians who supported the Spanish Inquisition or burning witches are truly following in the footsteps of Christ.
No Nahla, I do not hate you at all.

You are entitled to your opinion.

But that does not make your opinion correct.

I was a Christian for many years.

And know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies and to forgive them.

When are you going to do that Nahla ?

when all muslims stop kidnapping, and killing and stop forcing them to convert, then I would consider that.. maybe..

Jesus didn't say to consider forgiving people.

He commanded you as a Christian to forgive people. :cool:

This is true, this is what God tell us. but what your god tells you (if it was a REAL god):
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah

is this the religion of peace that you believe in? you just choose what you want to answer to, otherwise you just ignore what you like, Right? (I am not asking)
so, I get it now.. that's why they are on spree of killing us, bomb and burn down our churches, and kidnap our 15, and 16 years old girls and rape them to convert, is that what you telling me?
I have not done any of that.

And do not know anyone who has.

But you want to blame all muslims for the actions of a few. :doubt:

Excuse me???!!!!!! are you really that stupid, or just dumb? ACTIONS of a FEW? you don't see the news? you don't see how Chrsitians are suffering ina ALL the arab worlds, not just Egypt? I am just tired of you ignorance.. PLEASE, do NOT reply to nay of my comments, or posts any more.. You are REALLY a sick man

Why would that insect that eats pig dropping care about facts? He does not let the truth get in the way of a system that make him "think" he has power over others. He is like those that do not want to face the threat from islamic terrorists: just a small part is really terrorists.
They will not discuss that small "part" is tens of millions of people that want to have power over other people. He claims to have joined with his eyes wide open, maybe to star gazing and looked into the sun and is now blind. He is aware. It is part of the "faith" to deceive those that are non-believers.
You are a very sad and pathetic person.

Too bad you are so full of hate that it has poisoned your mind.

Christianity is supposed to be all about forgiveness.

But apparently you do not believe that part of the Bible. :doubt:

and you are full of it, psyco, and need a crazy hospital to be treated. I thought your religion is the Peace one, what happened?

One more thing, I understand the reasons for that hatred you got for me, because I KNOW IT ALL, about your islam shit. So, you can't stand it that I've been telling everybody about it, don't ya? like I care... LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. after all, you're the one who's going to heaven for the 72 virgins (and have sex all you want), instead of a heaven that Transcends with the human spiritual, it goes down to human nature, and become more touch, feely stuff. This is what all Islam is about. so, what you worry about? you going to heaven, don't you, dick?
You forgot to mention the little boys that would be there beside the 72 virgins with skin soooo soft. He can't wait to get some.
No Nahla, I do not hate you at all.

You are entitled to your opinion.

But that does not make your opinion correct.

I was a Christian for many years.

And know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies and to forgive them.

When are you going to do that Nahla ?

when all muslims stop kidnapping, and killing and stop forcing them to convert, then I would consider that.. maybe. I don't harm anyone, or go buring mosques, and blowing up towers and threatening people like you guys do.. Whoever talk to me, I am EXTREMELY nice and like to help whoever ask, even without asking. I don't like someone who tries to impose something on me. Like the other day, my car broke down and had to take the train to work, in the station, that guy came up to me asking for directions, his accent sound a bit arabic, so I asked his name and where is he from, he said his name is mahmoud and from Morocoo, then we started speaking arabic. I learned that he just moved here a couple months ago, and he was going for a job interview, I was thinking to give him my card, and that I or my husband might be able to help him with a job or something if his interview didn't work. I was going to do that before I get off. then he asked me, if I am a muslim, I told him, no.. then he started preaching and telling me how great Islam is, and maybe I should consider converting. I got off in a different station avoiding slapping him, or making a scene. I can not believe the courage of coming up to a stranger and saying something like that.. just don't..

Now the insect that eats pig droppings wants to control you using two religions. He knows all the passages to manipulate people, while ignoring passages that say bowing to the east is wrong. LOL
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Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?
No Nahla, I do not hate you at all.

You are entitled to your opinion.

But that does not make your opinion correct.

I was a Christian for many years.

And know that Jesus said to pray for your enemies and to forgive them.

When are you going to do that Nahla ?

when all muslims stop kidnapping, and killing and stop forcing them to convert, then I would consider that.. maybe..

Jesus didn't say to consider forgiving people.

He commanded you as a Christian to forgive people. :cool:
What aren't you doing that Allah commands you to do?
Sorry bout that,

Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?

1. Actually, we are to reprimand you, for being an apostate, then bring you to the elders, to confirm you are apostate, then the elders banish you to hell, if proven you are indeed an apostate.
2. Thats all we need to do with some one like, YOU.
3. For once you know Jesus, and turn your back on him, there is no further sacrifice that can cover your sins, you fall into the category of Judas.

Sorry bout that,

1. Sunni, how did you ever get yourself in such a mess? Tried to out smart Jesus I bet?
2. I'm looking for Priests and Elders, you know clergy.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Sunni, how did you ever get yourself in such a mess? Tried to out smart Jesus I bet?
2. I'm looking for Priests and Elders, you know clergy.


Extremists tend to operate on a global level. That is they exchange and spread their ideas and narrative through Global networks. I notice that 46% of American Christians and 70% of American Evangelical Christians identify themselves first as Christian and only second as American. It would appear their first allegiance is to Christianity and in a Global world which we have now they can of course reach out and link up with shared ideas and narratives with other Christians.

It has already been brought into this thread hatred of Muslims because of a situation in another country, Egypt. I have heard other right wing Christian's say they hate Muslims because they burn churches in Africa, Asia and the ME.

Now not being a Christian or a Muslim, I would think that a better way of dealing with this would be to look at each country and see what is happening on the ground. I don't know too much about it but I do know enough to know in some African states Christians are at least as bad including the death sentence for homosexuality and I do know that in present day Pakistan it is not just Christians who are having a hard time, many Muslims are too who do not fall into the harsh fundamentalist Islam which is gaining ground.

Not being religious my orientation would be to look at the situation on the ground, to see the different issues involved.

Would it be correct to say that anti-muslim extremism is at base Right wing Christian anger against what they perceive Muslims to be doing to Christians in other countries and that that hatred rather than trying to constructively solve the problem where it is, is being brought back against Muslims in both the US and Europe. I am realising that most of the anti-islam extremists I come in contact with appear to be right wing Christians and possibly this is more the base of the issue than simply left/right orientation.
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Sorry bout that,

Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?

1. Actually, we are to reprimand you, for being an apostate, then bring you to the elders, to confirm you are apostate, then the elders banish you to hell, if proven you are indeed an apostate.
2. Thats all we need to do with some one like, YOU.
3. For once you know Jesus, and turn your back on him, there is no further sacrifice that can cover your sins, you fall into the category of Judas.
What Christian cult do you belong to ?

Because the Bible says there is only one sin that a person can commit and not be forgiven.

And that is, " Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit".

So' apostacy or any other sin can and will be forgiven if the person asks.

Also, the Bible says only God can condemn people to hell.

Your so called elders do not have the Biblical authority to send anyone to hell.
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Alexa, this thread is a good example of hatred towards Islam and Muslims.

I posted this thread about Muslims in America.

Yet every other post is about what Muslims do in other countries.

I have no say or control as to what people do in other countries.

Because each country has its own problems among various groups Over such things as land and natural resources. And what religion you are determines which side you take on the various issues.

There are 7 million Muslims in the United States who are overwhelmingly patriotic and peaceful.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are attacked by politicians and the media on a daily basis. Generally over things that we have no control.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Sunni, how did you ever get yourself in such a mess? Tried to out smart Jesus I bet?
2. I'm looking for Priests and Elders, you know clergy.


Extremists tend to operate on a global level. That is they exchange and spread their ideas and narrative through Global networks. I notice that 46% of American Christians and 70% of American Evangelical Christians identify themselves first as Christian and only second as American. It would appear their first allegiance is to Christianity and in a Global world which we have now they can of course reach out and link up with shared ideas and narratives with other Christians.

It has already been brought into this thread hatred of Muslims because of a situation in another country, Egypt. I have heard other right wing Christian's say they hate Muslims because they burn churches in Africa, Asia and the ME.

Now not being a Christian or a Muslim, I would think that a better way of dealing with this would be to look at each country and see what is happening on the ground. I don't know too much about it but I do know enough to know in some African states Christians are at least as bad including the death sentence for homosexuality and I do know that in present day Pakistan it is not just Christians who are having a hard time, many Muslims are too who do not fall into the harsh fundamentalist Islam which is gaining ground.

Not being religious my orientation would be to look at the situation on the ground, to see the different issues involved.

Would it be correct to say that anti-muslim extremism is at base Right wing Christian anger against what they perceive Muslims to be doing to Christians in other countries and that that hatred rather than trying to constructively solve the problem where it is, is being brought back against Muslims in both the US and Europe. I am realising that most of the anti-islam extremists I come in contact with appear to be right wing Christians and possibly this is more the base of the issue than simply left/right orientation.

1. This poster sounds like an easy convert to Islam.
2. Just threaten his life, with a beheading, and wham, instant, Muslim.
3. You have no clue as to what is going on, in my opinion.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?

1. Actually, we are to reprimand you, for being an apostate, then bring you to the elders, to confirm you are apostate, then the elders banish you to hell, if proven you are indeed an apostate.
2. Thats all we need to do with some one like, YOU.
3. For once you know Jesus, and turn your back on him, there is no further sacrifice that can cover your sins, you fall into the category of Judas.
What Christian cult do you belong to ?

Because the Bible says there is only one sin that a person can commit and not be forgiven.

And that is, " Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit".

1. I am not in a cult, YOU are.
2. Betrayal is a bitch, you wear the mark of Judas, which is the path you've chosen, and as I said, all we need is some Elders to banish you to Satan, which is in fact where you are now, with Satan; even before you get officially banished, the Elders just make it official.
3. As I said before, once you spit on the gifts of Jesus, theres no other remedy.
4. You are burnt.

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According to the Bible only God determines who goes to Heaven and he goes to Hell.

Your so called Elders have no Biblical authority to assign anyone to Heaven or Hell.

It's just more nonsense from whatever Christian cult you are a member. :doubt:

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