America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Sorry bout that,

According to the Bible only God determines who goes to Heaven and he goes to Hell.

Your so called Elders have no Biblical authority to assign anyone to Heaven or Hell.

It's just more nonsense from whatever Christian cult you are a member. :doubt:

1. Oh yeah? REALLY?
2. You don't know *The Scriptures*, as well as you thought, huge mistake.:(
3. The Elders can in fact, *Deliver *YOU* to Satan*.:evil:
4. But*The Elders* having you delivered to Satan just makes it official, you are indeed already delivered.:evil:

Sorry bout that,

2. Betrayal is a bitch, you wear the mark of Judas,
What is the "mark of Judas" ??

Because there is no mention of such a thing in the Bible.

Basically, just more of your pseudo Christian nonsense. :cuckoo:

1. I already told you, *Betrayals a Bitch*.
2. It is written.
Exactly where is it "written" ??

Surely you can provide the board with a Biblical verse to back up your assertion. T:doubt:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

What is the "mark of Judas" ??

Because there is no mention of such a thing in the Bible.

Basically, just more of your pseudo Christian nonsense. :cuckoo:

1. I already told you, *Betrayals a Bitch*.
2. It is written.
Exactly where is it "written" ??

Surely you can provide the board with a Biblical verse to back up your assertion. T:doubt:

1. Sure I could, it would take me all of, *two minutes*.
2. But at the same time, it would take you all of *two minutes*.
3. And its important to me, you find it yourself.

It is extremely hard to find something that is not there.

Maybe you could humor the board and post it for everyone to see.

After all the "Great Commission" is to spread the gospel.

So by enlightening us to the scripture you would be following what Jesus said to do. :cool:
Sorry bout that,

It is extremely hard to find something that is not there.

Maybe you could humor the board and post it for everyone to see.

After all the "Great Commission" is to spread the gospel.

So by enlightening us to the scripture you would be following what Jesus said to do. :cool:

1. You had better pray real hard that it is not there.
2. And when you find out I am right, perhaps when you find it, or some one here finds it for you, then know I showed you mercy for awhile till the time when the truth and you finally meet.
3. Count these moments as a gift, the unknowingness of not knowing, could be considered a few drops of water on your burning hot tongue.

Still waiting.....................

It's pathetic that a Muslim has to teach Cristians about their own Bible.

I have ran across this type of pseudo Christian many times.

They claim that certain things are in the scripture but when asked to prove it are unable to do so. :cuckoo:
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Still waiting.....................

It's pathetic that a Muslim has to teach Cristians about their own Bible.

I have ran across this type of pseudo Christian many times.

They claim that certain things are in the scripture but when asked to prove it are unable to do so. :cuckoo:

CurJames a Christian? But he only turns the other cheek to fart!
You are a very sad and pathetic person.

Too bad you are so full of hate that it has poisoned your mind.

Christianity is supposed to be all about forgiveness.

But apparently you do not believe that part of the Bible. :doubt:

and you are full of it, psyco, and need a crazy hospital to be treated. I thought your religion is the Peace one, what happened?

One more thing, I understand the reasons for that hatred you got for me, because I KNOW IT ALL, about your islam shit. So, you can't stand it that I've been telling everybody about it, don't ya? like I care... LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. after all, you're the one who's going to heaven for the 72 virgins (and have sex all you want), instead of a heaven that Transcends with the human spiritual, it goes down to human nature, and become more touch, feely stuff. This is what all Islam is about. so, what you worry about? you going to heaven, don't you, dick?
You forgot to mention the little boys that would be there beside the 72 virgins with skin soooo soft. He can't wait to get some.

Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?

If you know how PEACFUL is christianity why did you convert? you want more violent religion? you want Islam God tells you to KILL? and feel no guilt about it?
Still waiting.....................

It's pathetic that a Muslim has to teach Cristians about their own Bible.

I have ran across this type of pseudo Christian many times.

They claim that certain things are in the scripture but when asked to prove it are unable to do so. :cuckoo:

but what we actually get from your book about violence , you have no comment on it, do you?
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Nahla, the Bible is full of violence and killing.

So why can't we share the positive things about both of our religions?

Which is what I would like to do.


I am Catholic CHRISTIAN, I believe what JESUS tell me. if you mean the Old testament, YES, it was all violent. Because people then were like cave men. Besides, it is called OLD testement, it was inhumane, that why Jesus came and give himself to clear the old sin.. I guess you know that already as a FORMER christian. what make you convert to all the violence, and horrible history of Islam everywhere what did you see make you convert? women are covered perhaps? There are women all around the world, they might not be covering their heads, but very decent in their looks. ( if you are a patriote as you claim, you would think for one second about what Islam did to your people in 9/11), you would read and use you head, does this sound like the word of God? Does this man (mohammed) act like God's messanger? how he would allow himself as a prophet to marry a little girl of 6 years old? Didn't that sound psychatic to you? and if it was true, how it is a crime to do that now? why they would not validate this and take his actions and behaviour as a role model? why 90% of muslims around the world kill in the name of allah? is that what God really want? Have you think of any of this?
Thank you for focusing on the positive aspects of Islam.

And not resorting to slinging mud. :doubt:

You DID NOT ANSWER my questions? it will be postive if you say or justify this, but you don't. I believe you don't have an answer!!! Tell me one thing, jesus did that was against or did not seem it is coming from God? on the other hand, how many violent phrases, and verses that tells a good muslim how to fight and start war? is this our message on earth? Is this what God send us here for? tell me!!

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