America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

in (Muatta al Imam Malek) Al Imam malek land, or homeland. Volume 2, page 736. Zayed ebn Aslam said, that Mohammed said (whoever change his religion break his neck).
I see where so called Free Thinker is posting.

I am sure he is blasting Islam.

Thankfully I have him on ignore.

And can't read his nonsense.
"There is No business, like Shoah business"!!!

Will someone who Sunni is not afraid of ask him if it is a noble dictate from Muhammad to make fun of the "Shoah" (The Hebrew word for the Holocaust).

Please ask him if he feels like a proud Muslim because he Jokes about the Holocaust in his post signature.

BTW...He stopped listening to me because he hates all Christians who do NOT hate Jews.
from Al Tabari Explaination (Tafseer Al tabari) volume 6, page 283. بعث الله عصابة مع ابى بكر فقاتل على ما قاتل عليه نبى الله حتى سبى و قتل و حرق النيران اناسا ارتدوا عن الاسلام
Meaning: God sent a gang with Abu Bakr and then fight as what the Prophet of Allah did until he captivated, killed and burnt with fire, people who renounced Islam.

Do you see any kind of PEACE in that?

The actions of the Christian crusders when they got Jerusalem were anything but peaceful... What's your point?

AGAIN.. Your quran, is inciting war against humanity. this is what your quran said, and what your prophet said, and what your Interpreters (mofasreen) are all saying. Is this point clear enough?
Sorry bout that,

1. Sunni, how did you ever get yourself in such a mess? Tried to out smart Jesus I bet?
2. I'm looking for Priests and Elders, you know clergy.


Extremists tend to operate on a global level. That is they exchange and spread their ideas and narrative through Global networks. I notice that 46% of American Christians and 70% of American Evangelical Christians identify themselves first as Christian and only second as American. It would appear their first allegiance is to Christianity and in a Global world which we have now they can of course reach out and link up with shared ideas and narratives with other Christians.

It has already been brought into this thread hatred of Muslims because of a situation in another country, Egypt. I have heard other right wing Christian's say they hate Muslims because they burn churches in Africa, Asia and the ME.

Now not being a Christian or a Muslim, I would think that a better way of dealing with this would be to look at each country and see what is happening on the ground. I don't know too much about it but I do know enough to know in some African states Christians are at least as bad including the death sentence for homosexuality and I do know that in present day Pakistan it is not just Christians who are having a hard time, many Muslims are too who do not fall into the harsh fundamentalist Islam which is gaining ground.

Not being religious my orientation would be to look at the situation on the ground, to see the different issues involved.

Would it be correct to say that anti-muslim extremism is at base Right wing Christian anger against what they perceive Muslims to be doing to Christians in other countries and that that hatred rather than trying to constructively solve the problem where it is, is being brought back against Muslims in both the US and Europe. I am realising that most of the anti-islam extremists I come in contact with appear to be right wing Christians and possibly this is more the base of the issue than simply left/right orientation.

Don't hear about the Christians stoning women in public (or in private)
Don't hear about the Christians patroling the streets looking for women that are alone to beat or rape
Don't hear about Christians beheading people
Don't hear about Christians disembowling women
Don't hear about Christians passing laws to make it "illegal" for women to ride in the passenger compartments of vehicles
Don't hear about Christians writing poetry to little boys that they molest
Don't hear about Christians celebrating their children have been killed by some terrorist group (and some manipulator told them that meant they would be held above all)
Don't hear about Christians gang raping news reporters in the street
Don't hear about Christians raping little girls until they "convert" to judism
Don't hear about Christians kidnapping officials children or murdering family members to influence gov't
Don't hear about Christians flying airplanes into buildings to murder people
Don't hear about Christians murdering people that are trying to help them
Don't hear about Christians making it illegal to carry a quran, punishible by death
Don't hear about Christians murdering people that have converted from judism
Don't hear about Christians joining the US military, and then murdering "fellow" soldiers
Don't hear about Christians going into India and blowing up hotels
Don't hear about Christians going into Indonesia and blowing up nightclubs
Don't hear about Christians murdering Christians in Africa
Don't hear about Christians planning to enslave the entire world
Don't hear about Christians forcing people to starve because they are a different religion
Don't hear about Christians murdering orthodox Christians because they believe differently
Don't hear about Christians disrupting traffic because they are "pretending" to pray
Don't hear about Christians lying about their "peaceful" intentions
Don't hear about Christians lying about the book of faith
Don't hear about Christians supporting terrorists groups
Don't hear about Christians destroying historical artifacts of other cultures (historical)
Don't hear about Christians declaring that their faith is perfect (if only the people practicing it were)
Don't hear about Christians raping homosexuals
Don't hear about Christians murdering homosexuals
Don't hear about Christians claiming to do criminal acts in the name of the Lord
Don't hear about Christians having someone at a trial in a "cage"


Please provide links to prove otherwise.
in (Muatta al Imam Malek) Al Imam malek land, or homeland. Volume 2, page 736. Zayed ebn Aslam said, that Mohammed said (whoever change his religion break his neck).

I'm sure he meant they should break their necks in a loving and peaceful way.
Alexa, this thread is a good example of hatred towards Islam and Muslims.

I posted this thread about Muslims in America.

Yet every other post is about what Muslims do in other countries.

I have no say or control as to what people do in other countries.

Because each country has its own problems among various groups Over such things as land and natural resources. And what religion you are determines which side you take on the various issues.

There are 7 million Muslims in the United States who are overwhelmingly patriotic and peaceful.

Unfortunately, American Muslims are attacked by politicians and the media on a daily basis. Generally over things that we have no control.

If the muslims in this country are soooooo different, why won't they renounce Shariah practices? Deceiver.
According to the Bible only God determines who goes to Heaven and he goes to Hell.

Your so called Elders have no Biblical authority to assign anyone to Heaven or Hell.

It's just more nonsense from whatever Christian cult you are a member. :doubt:

It is in the gospels about someone that knows the Lord and turns from Him will be punished more harshly than some one that knows Him not and sins, harshly. We have no power over your afterlife, we can only tell you that the Lord spoke against this, and what He has said, has come to pass.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I already told you, *Betrayals a Bitch*.
2. It is written.
Exactly where is it "written" ??

Surely you can provide the board with a Biblical verse to back up your assertion. T:doubt:

1. Sure I could, it would take me all of, *two minutes*.
2. But at the same time, it would take you all of *two minutes*.
3. And its important to me, you find it yourself.


That larvae that eats pig droppings has told us he knows the Bible, he must have skipped over some parts.
Thank you for focusing on the positive aspects of Islam.

And not resorting to slinging mud. :doubt:

You DID NOT ANSWER my questions? it will be postive if you say or justify this, but you don't. I believe you don't have an answer!!! Tell me one thing, jesus did that was against or did not seem it is coming from God? on the other hand, how many violent phrases, and verses that tells a good muslim how to fight and start war? is this our message on earth? Is this what God send us here for? tell me!!

He supports it, that is why he will not renounce Shariah.
Sunni...I wonder if the Quran says "There is No business, like Shoah business!!" Is hatred of Jews a Noble Muslim act?? It sure seems to be.
Lets face facts... Christianity is simply more advanced than Islam.
We do not hold on to pathetic ancient bigotry and slander.
We don't stone people and restrict Women's rights.
And we don't deny the Holocaust or other World tragedies simply because we are hateful.
Muslims need to grow up and get inline with the Modern World of Freedom and forgiveness,

He told me I was on ignore too. Maybe another will post it for him to see. That seems to be how he deals with reality: put it on ignore.
Not equal are those believers who sit and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit. Unto all Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit by a special reward,-" 4:95

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" 8:12

"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." 9:5

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Say more?

But, but, but, there are pretty, deceptive verses too! Muslims do not want you to focus on what they actually believe. They want you to focus on the deceptions they are telling you (just like the lefties).
Sunni...I wonder if the Quran says "There is No business, like Shoah business!!" Is hatred of Jews a Noble Muslim act?? It sure seems to be.
Lets face facts... Christianity is simply more advanced than Islam.
We do not hold on to pathetic ancient bigotry and slander.
We don't stone people and restrict Women's rights.
And we don't deny the Holocaust or other World tragedies simply because we are hateful.
Muslims need to grow up and get inline with the Modern World of Freedom and forgiveness,

He told me I was on ignore too. Maybe another will post it for him to see. That seems to be how he deals with reality: put it on ignore.

Quoted just in case I'm not on ignore.
Congratulations Nahla, you can dissect certain quotes of the Quran to prove a point.

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors."

"Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness,- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

you see, I could do the same with the Christian and Jewish holy texts, but that's just a waste of time because honestly it's a weak way to try and prove a point.

Oh, please, please, prove your point that way. I do so enjoy when people like you try to show the Bible as full of hate, only to be easily proved WRONG.
Thank you for more of your positive input about Islam.

btw Do you realize that those verses had to do with a war that took place over a 1,000 years ago and has no application for today ?

After chrsitianity came and spread peace, and forgiveness.

So I take it that you never heard of the Spanish Inquisition?

Or the African's brought by Christian's to America on the slave ships?

And let's not forget the genocide of millions of Native Americans who were massacred in the name of Christianity?

Plus, the hundreds of years of religious wars between Christians in Europe?

Where is it written that people were screaming: I do this in the name of the Lord when they were taking slave (sold by muslims), or killing Native Americans (not all of who were innocent)?
from Al Tabari Explaination (Tafseer Al tabari) volume 6, page 283. بعث الله عصابة مع ابى بكر فقاتل على ما قاتل عليه نبى الله حتى سبى و قتل و حرق النيران اناسا ارتدوا عن الاسلام
Meaning: God sent a gang with Abu Bakr and then fight as what the Prophet of Allah did until he captivated, killed and burnt with fire, people who renounced Islam.

Do you see any kind of PEACE in that?

The actions of the Christian crusders when they got Jerusalem were anything but peaceful... What's your point?

Yo, 1D 10T, why did the crusaders go to Jerusalem? Think about that!
"People of the Book" refer's to Jews and Christians as believers in the holy books, respectively, the Torah and the Bible.

They are treated by Muslims with full respect for three reasons:

First, they are believers in same God (Allah in Arabic) as Muslims.

Second, Muslims are commanded in Quran to be kind with Christians and Jews.

Third, Muslims believe in Torah and the Bible as holy books revealed by God to Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them).
"People of the Book" refer's to Jews and Christians as believers in the holy books, respectively, the Torah and the Bible.

They are treated by Muslims with full respect for three reasons:

First, they are believers in same God (Allah in Arabic) as Muslims.

Second, Muslims are commanded in Quran to be kind with Christians and Jews.

Third, Muslims believe in Torah and the Bible as holy books revealed by God to Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them).


Where do muslims allow Bibles to come into their countries, legally?
Why are muslims using "noise ordinances" to silence church bells in this country?
“Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein, and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burdens“ ———The Holy Quran, Chapter 4, Verse 85.
In Abasi era, they killed all who did NOT believe in the revelation or inspiration (وحي) of the Quran, or Mohammed who they were called (Zanadeqa) or Libertine, or non-believers. and from those people in this era abu ela'alaa el Ma'ari, abd allh ebn el Moqafa'a, ebn abi ela'awja'a, Bashar ebn Bord( the famous Poet), Saleh ebn adb elqdoos, abu essa mohammed el haroon el waraq ( the exile him to Al ahwaz where he died in mystery circumstances)
"People of the Book" refer's to Jews and Christians as believers in the holy books, respectively, the Torah and the Bible.

They are treated by Muslims with full respect for three reasons:

First, they are believers in same God (Allah in Arabic) as Muslims.

Second, Muslims are commanded in Quran to be kind with Christians and Jews.

Third, Muslims believe in Torah and the Bible as holy books revealed by God to Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them).

So, AGAIN, by whom did he mean these?
Not equal are those believers who sit and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit. Unto all Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit by a special reward,-" 4:95

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" 8:12

"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." 9:5

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."


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