America is already a "Sharia Compliant State"

Make things easy and convenient and don’t make them harsh and difficult. Give cheer and glad tidings and do not create hatred. ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Riyadh us-Saleheen, Volume 1:637.
Christians are to spread the gospel to the unsaved and lost people of the world.

As Jesus commanded them to do with love.

Yet there are Christians here who all they do is spout hatred towards the Muslim people.

Instead of sharing the gospel with them as Jesus commanded.

Do they not believe what Jesus in the Bible told them ?

If you know how PEACFUL is christianity why did you convert? you want more violent religion? you want Islam God tells you to KILL? and feel no guilt about it?
I think it was the idea of a completely submissive wife that made him convert.

Because, you know, if you treat a woman like a human being, she might tell you to fuck off when you tell her to do stuff.
This one is especially nice: :eusa_angel:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Do you know who will go first on the Day of Resurrection to the shade of God…Those who when given what is right accept it, when asked for something given fteely and who judge in favor of others as they do for themselves.” ———Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 1042.
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There sooooooooooooooo many famous ARABIC names, wrote books about distortion of the Quran, from asatteer awalya, ancient legandes (example not a model, 1000 night and night), some of them are, Irania Ali el dashni who were jailed for 23 and was killed in mysterious circumctances, Salman Roshdi who's Khomini killed him because of his book Ayat shaytanya (satan versus), In Egypt, Taha Hussien (the mircale blind education minister in 1926, who expressed some doubts in his book (Alsh'er el Jahli) pre-Islamic poems- about some versus in the Quran, he was fired from all decent positions. In Sudan Mahmoud Mohammed taha, they accused him with athisim, they burned all his books, and was executed hanging in 1985, Hussein Marwa in Lebanon, Farag Fouda shot him out of his house. Any explainations for all these poor people who died in the name of your Allah?
Islam is such a beautiful religion. Check out this one: :cool:

“Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.“ ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 93C.
Sorry bout that,

Islam is such a beautiful religion. Check out this one: :cool:

“Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.“ ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 93C.

1. Oh God, this man thinks that words in a book are a religion.
2. Oh look at the beautiful religion, because the words are so pretty.
3. Just really?
4. REALLY????

Islam is such a beautiful religion. Check out this one: :cool:

“Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.“ ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 93C.
Obviously taken out of context. You're relying on websites with an agenda who have an interest in distorting the message.

Isn't that pretty much what you tell anyone who posts violent verses?
Islam is such a beautiful religion. Check out this one: :cool:

“Anyone who has property that exceed his needs, let him support someone whose property does not (meet his or her needs), and anyone whose food exceeds his needs, let him share it with someone who does not have food.“ ———Prophet Muhammad (s) in Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 93C.

Jesus said that too, you can not choose something nice, and soooooooooooo many are not, this means your religion is good. You don't see beyond words.. even the violent word of actions what does these means to you? to burn, and kill inocent souls, JUST because they change their mind, or tried to use it to understand Islam.. How HARSH, and inhumane is that? if you say this words ARE from God, so how all the violence, and killing come from the SAME god? Does this sound RIGHT?

By the way, if you wanna see your religion right, LOOK at the WHOLE thing, not just FEW good verses among A WHOLE lot of violent
Islam is a religion given to all mankind.

It's logic cannot be refuted.

And it's beauty is unsurpassed.

Man's wisdom is nothing compared to the wisdom in the Quran. :cool:
I woas working in a grocery store at 14 and working in a butcher shop at 15.
Don't think I needed any baby sitting.
Sorry bout that,

Islam is a religion given to all mankind.

It's logic cannot be refuted.

And it's beauty is unsurpassed.

Man's wisdom is nothing compared to the wisdom in the Quran. :cool:

1. No thanks.
2. I would rather be boiled in oil.
3. I have and will refute islam, and its easy as pie.
4. You know they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, to me islam looks like a big fat pig with three heads, and a three headed load of piglets.
5. Sorry man, I forgot more wisdom thats ever come from islams book.

There are several self admitted Christian people posting on this thread.

According to Jesus they are to present the gospel In love to the un-saved peiple of the world including Muslims.

Yet all they do on this thread is spew hate and venom.

Where are the real Christians ? :doubt:
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If the American economic institutions and banks were set up using sharia law as guidelines.

We would not be in the financial mess that the United States finds itself currently in. :doubt:
The Quran contains the solution to all of America's social and economic problems.

Eventually, the American people and the US government will recognize this fact.

And will incorporate Islam into every area of their lives.

The end result being a more just and equitable society and nation for everyone. :cool:
Sunni says...

The Quran contains the solution to all of America's social and economic problems.

Eventually, the American people and the US government will recognize this fact.

And will incorporate Islam into every area of their lives.

The end result being a more just and equitable society and nation for everyone.

You mean an equitable society for everyone just like in...
Saudi Arabia???

Islamic societies are the worst on the Planet!!! Thats why hordes of Muslims are desperately trying to migrate to the USA.
"It's logic cannot be refuted" YOUR book and ALL your Heiritage books PROVE that Quran is NOT god's word, even themselves considered as Redah or Apostasy. and STILL you don't see that?

How a peaceful religion like christianity comes before the violence so-called religion of Islam? does it make any sense? I proved to you that your mohammed inspiration, was NOT true, and he is a BIG lie (and still more to come) and you have NO comment on any of it, but the very few little peaceful verses you mentioned, so? You were told to believe without asking, or using you brians, so why BIG, famous authors when they used it and questioned the Quran, they were killed? Is that the peaceful religion you claim?
Why don't you sunni man try to read your Quran, as a BOOK, just regular book, and see and think how it sound, and how was it? and what message does it deliver to you toward other muslims, non-muslims, converted from Islam? as a whole, not JUST few versus? CAN you do that?

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